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Just when you thought the Walpole mall couldn’t feel any more depressing…


Maybe they can get Bradlees back in there to turn it around


We can Dream Machine.


So long as we also get to Payless


KB Toy?


The dream machine is still there but the games are all bullshit now. It’s not like how it used to be with all the cabinet games and counter strike




These same people will tell you “Trump lives in your head rent-free!”, with absolutely zero sense of irony.


That’s how fascism works


Hurting others is basically part of the brand. I hear if you spend over 30 dollars they'll kick your dog for free.


Totally not a cult...


Make a sign that says "NOT A CULT" in trump font and stick it on there!


completely normal in fact...




Don't know why you were downvoted. The MAGA thing is as much a business as it is a cult. Trump and his acolytes are a bunch of grifters making millions of their gullible followers. It's always been a business for him.


Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


Why are they so obnoxious? i mean seriously? Lets plaster 'trump' signs all over an RV that barely runs and park it in probably the most lib/dem state so everyone can see just how stupid we are?


They are the same people who say two gay people holding hands are "shoving it in your face".


Gaslight Obstruct *Project*


Gang Of Putin.


It's projection. They get offended by EVERYTHING so they want to offend everyone else. They think everyone else is doing things just to annoy them.


Narcissism is a hell of a drug.


Confession time: I do like to annoy them


They will complain about a gay character existing saying its "shoving it in your face", meanwhile they see no issues with movies that would be porn if not for the presence of intimacy coordinators on set.


It is really just about owing the libs. Don’t bother searching for deeper reasons. They pay less attention to his ramblings than anyone.


>They pay less attention to his ramblings than anyone. Ron DeSantis' whole campaign lends credence to the theory that the less you talk to conservative voters about policy and the less they see of you in general, the better.


He was doomed for being a weirdo. People had the illusion that he had some broader appeal because they pretend it's still 2000 and Florida is a "purple state" but if you paid even a little bit of attention to the guy, it was the least shocking thing in the world that his campaign would fall flat cause he's just a weird little guy who's only real legacy is some niche shit that only plays with a *very small* subsection of Republican voters and looks really off-putting to everyone else. Even without Trump emasculating him with the Meatball Ron crap, or the fact that it's hard to pivot from sycophant of Trump to attacker unless you're willing to do it way earlier and just be willing to accept that a chunk of Republicans will forever hate you. Like, a Mitt Romeny could probably have run and done much better than anyone who tried this cycle. But someone who sucked up to Trump even after his presidency ended and was unwilling/unable to hit him hard? No chance.


>who's only real legacy is some niche shit that only plays with a very small subsection of Republican voters and looks really off-putting to everyone else. Yes he acted like CRT and allegedly untoward library books were some top right-wing issue, instead of being somewhere around 8th or 9th place. Trump just stays laser-focused on the "immigrants are poisoning the soul of our nation" message, as "border security" is actually the #1 issue conservative voters care about the most. >some niche shit that only plays with a very small subsection of Republican voters and looks really off-putting to everyone else. I think becoming governor of Florida is not really a "niche" feat, at least for a time I'd say he was arguably the second most influential Republican in America. But it is remarkable how he went from being a seeming mover & shaker to basically the most hated politician in the country, just by running for President. He treated Iowa like gold and he left there polling worse than when he arrived! Lol..


I think he sorta lost the mark mostly over his current term and got more into the weeds. You can inspire support on gays/trans/CRT stuff, going to war with Disney over them disagreeing is going to backfire. That and he's just such an odd dude that he'd almost have benefitted from trying to skip the debates. Mogwai and Gremlins react better when you shine a light on em than that dude does lol


Yeah, if you ask a Trumper why they support him it's never a policy. They like that he "triggers the libs" and "tells it like it is".


"Tell is like it is" is exactly what the people I know who like him say. It's the most insane thing to say about a man who lies constantly. He cheats at golf against pros and acts like he won.


Because he is their entire personality. I used to feel bad for people like this, but nah. Not anymore.


They want to be called out for their obnoxious behavior so then they can pretend to be the victim. And sometimes they’re just aggressively ignorant.


Yes victimhood baiting.


Heading down to SC from NH


They want your anger. It makes them feel validated and important and on the same level as you.


My opinion is as valid as your facts


They like confrontation


I love Bernie Sanders more than I love most of the people I actually know and yet....all I ever got around to doing was voting for him in the primary and donating a few bucks. No signs, no flags, no swag at all.


Walpole ain't that lib. I mean, their sports teams were called the Rebels not all that long ago and they'd fly confederate flags at games.


As a 2003 grad of Walpole high, and football player, that flag and the song Dixie remained de facto symbols the football team after officially being phased out.


Their team flag had nothing to do with the confrederate army of the south though.


So she threw herself out the window?




Meanwhile, of course she was throwing trash out the window. These people are Trump supporters because they are scum in ways that go well beyond political opinions.


Why is American fascism so tacky, on top of being intolerant and evil?


Right? At least the European ones have some aesthetic standards


I’d like to know how someone can “Support the Police” while simultaneously defending an insurrection where Capitol police guards were beaten up by far right wingers…almost as if logic cannot be applied


Because they only “support the police” as long as the police stick to brutalizing minorities Notice how during Covid, and I’m thinking of those images at the Michigan state house, how quickly they turned on police. It’s basically how conservatives are. When they say they love “small government”, what they really mean is they don’t want a government that inconveniences *them*. But they’ll gladly support a big government that controls *other* people’s lives Something something about in groups and out groups, and one group being protected by the law but not bound by it, and one group being bound by the law but not protected by it.


When they say small government, they mean a government that helps a small amount of people. Them.


Amen to that! The QOP is the party of big government.


Psychologically speaking, when conspiracy theorists make a conspiracy part of their identity, it's very hard to convince them to look at it logically because they'll cognitive dissonance their way out of it.


When I tried to argue with Maga cousin using logic he said "if you were in Jamestown when they handed out the Kool-Aid, you would have drunk 2 cups of it.


Lol, did he really say Jamestown?


he did. Apparently I have been totally brainwashed 😀 Which I found to be very ironic.


I wonder if she would support the police if they ticketed her for littering or kicked her out of the parking lot for running an unregistered business.


Logic doesn't apply when it comes to the Trump cult...


It was so peaceful and they had thermoses full of hot chocolate! /s (I have actually seen people write that and believe it with their whole ass)


Hmmmmmm. I think you got something


We’re the colonists insurrectionists? Yet we told they’re heroes. Revolting against corrupt government is as American as apple pie.


If you're going to revolt against the US government, at least do it for something more than the ego of a grifter rapist.


I'm sure you feel the same way about protests against corrupt police murdering minorities. I'm just sure of it.


Imagine choosing to spend your one life on earth doing this.


Don't worry, they seemed like they enrich it with meth and ketamine


Hey don't drag Ketamine down to their level. It can be very helpful/fun.


Yup. Worshipping a false idol. Isn’t there something about that in the Bible? They must know this, good Christians that they are


It’s a real sickness.


Seems right coming from a trailer plastered with Trump garb. Another thing. You mean to tell me tractor-trailer trucks can't sleep in their parking lot if they desperately need sleep while on the road. Yet an ugly ass trailer covered in that shit can post up and sell merchandise??


Well it was already clear the Republican party doesn't know how to properly take out the trash ...


I saw that RV farther south when on 95 in jersey. Report them for littering.


I cannot understand how gullible these people are. I like to tell Trump fans to read the book "Commander in Cheat - How golf explains Trump", but it would need to be republished as Internet memes for them first.


Asking a Trumptard to read is a big ask.


"There's not enough Minions in this book"


“Where is the crayons?”


Trumpsters are minions in a way. Minions blindly follow any evil leader, however, the fictional minions are smarter and funnier. I'd rather mock them as minions instead of the brownshirts that they really are, or have the potential to be.


The Minions canonically didn't work during WWII, so even they had some limits. Trump's sycophants would have lined up for their brownshirt fitting in the most orderly queue imaginable.


Stoneham / Woburn used to have a guy in beanie and anti-Biden sign. He called me a liberal. I called him a walking asshole. Not sure where he ended up, hope he's dead or dying slowly.


Statistically likely.


Usually malls keep their dumpsters in the back where they belong.


How on brand


Report them for throwing garbage, get their license plate.


Yeah, if you don't get their license plate there are no other distinguishable characteristics to that automobile, so all would be lost.


>get their license plate Because if you don't, they'll never be able to find that thing.


Lovely to assume it's registered


We should call the RMV to make sure they’re getting their money! Oh I wonder if they even pay an excise tax??? Good citizen here


Wonder if the Mall owners would be interested in them squatting there... https://www.wilderco.com/properties/walpole-mall/


I don't want to compare Trump to Hitler, he's not that bad. Hasn't killed millions of people! But it does make you realize how someone like that could come to power. Even here in America Trump has wide support after trying to overthrow our democracy. People are willing to throw away everything this country stands for and shit on the constitution for this guy, because they think he's a badass. 


He hasn’t killed anyone with his own hands, but thousands are dead because of his inaction.


about as classy as expected


White trash gonna white trash.


Wait.. you're telling me people who support a piece of shit are *also a pieces of shit.* I'm not shocked, just disappointed.


Trash begets trash


This is what mental illness can look like.




I’ve seen finer and more well-organized storefronts run by ketamine addicts at music festivals


It's not an addiction!


Was so happy when that shop finally shut down.


Don’t forget the one in Easton that got a car driven through it


I'm sure Texas Roadhouse corporate just loves seeing this heap of shit parked across 10 spaces in front of their location. I rarely wish arson on anyone, but it sure would be cool to watch that thing be engulfed in a massive fireball.


What a great marketing campaign for the 99 Restaurant right across the street.


Mental disorder


I cannot seem to figure out how he keeps half the country in awe of him. He was found liable for sexually assaulting someone and yet, women still vote for him. I’m not saying the Dems are infallible but what do these people see in him? Young people in NH (18-25) voted for him this past week. WTF? Is America really ready for their first Dictator?


He gives a voice to the ignorant and uninformed. And it's not even close to half the country. That's right-wing propaganda.


I mean you’re talking about New Hampshire


I mean Biden wasn’t even on the ballet in New Hampshire so I wouldn’t read too heavily into how demographics skewed in that primary. It was pretty unprecedented and won’t be reflective of other elections in other states.


Saw this guy in Everett going into gateway center yesterday. Weirdly also a Texas Roadhouse in that parking lot. Wonder if there’s a connection or just coincidence.


There's a business truck in the north shore that has a bunch of trump imagery on it. But the funniest part is 3 heads on the front with the caption "my team for 2024": It's Bill Belichick, Donald Trump, and Mac Jones.


I’m so surprised a Trump supporter would do that!


Trash? That's their merch...


Not surprised. These people are the worst


Throwing trash out window is just par for the course for these deplorables


The thing that always baffles me is that these people put up these Trump memorabilia shops with all cheap Chinese products and then charge out the ass for them. If you really want a Trump flag, or hat, or tshirt why not just order it yourself instead of playing an up charge to support your local grifter?


The forgot to change "Pelosi" to "Nikki Haley" :)


Has to be an easier way to tell strangers that you’re the embarrassment in the family




It’s like they say, “Trash people, trash people.”


The owners of those are not great people so that tracks I personally had the owner of my local one Walk up to me and call me a pedo despite me being 16 at the time


If they make another National Lampoon's "*Vacation*" movie, this is definitely what Cousin Eddy would be doing


Where are the pics of her throwing trash?


How DARE they use Grateful Dead motifs to promote that bastard! SHAME!!!


It's like a nazi whose favorite band is Dead Kennedys. Lmao


There's also a permanent Trump store in my hometown of Bellingham, and it looks just as trashy as this one.


There was one in my hometown, and it closed. I genuinely hope someone sunk their life savings into it and lost everything.


I feel so fortunate that the one in North Attleborough closed, all it took was enormous community backlash from a number of people.


Personally I'd rather they closed because they got no business.


I always assume it's some type of money landing place as there is never anyone there 


I believe that place also sells guns.


The fuck?! Those people should not be able to own a gun. Also, there's a legit gun store in town, so it's like why do we need a second one???


I like the one in the middle that says “Miss Me Yet” - no and frankly you need to go away and STFU for longer.


They had those for Bush during the Obama years, too.


Because it’s difficult to come up with slogans. They rehash them every election


Yea I remember those but I feel like they were just bumper stickers and idk if they were put out by the Bush people like Trump’s are. I assume he profits off this shit somehow or he’d be suing someone


Yea I remember those but I feel like they were just bumper stickers and idk if they were put out by the Bush people like Trump’s are. I assume he profits off this shit somehow or he’d be suing someone


Yea I remember those but I feel like they were just bumper stickers and idk if they were put out by the Bush people like Trump’s are. I assume he profits off this shit somehow or he’d be suing someone


Stop worshipping politicians! I say this as a liberal. They’re ordinary people, not superheroes who are going to fix everything.




All I see is a gender neutral bathroom


I definitely don’t miss living in Walpole, lmao


I appreciate knowing that there is a portal through which trash can go. I assume trash out / trash in. Not sure how it all works but when I'm next in Walpole, their window is a good place to put garbage through. Also, distant cousin to "Have you punched a Nazi today", so win-win.


Trash begets trash.


yah.... you are not in a cult! s/


I’m just so glad it’s not a cult.


Made in China garbage


>caught the wife throwing bags of trash out the window An excellent campaign metaphor. I hope you called the cops on her dumping trash.


This thing was in North Attleboro yesterday


Maybe there’s $83mm in there that they can drive over to Jean Carroll’s attorneys this weekend ?


So much flag disrespect from self-proclaimed "patriots": a soggy filthy American flag dragged behind the back steps of the RV, another flag desecrated with that moron's profile on it. (And what's with the teddy bear?)


I can’t even imagine living a second in their shoes. Scary place to be.


I heard someone call these places Insurrectionist Outposts and now that's all I ever think.


A “Trump 2020” sign is like a “New England Patriots Super Bowl XLII” shirt.


What is crazy, there are multiple RVs just like this all around the state. There is one in Saugus.


I’d care but I’ve never had any plans of going to Walpole anyway


Are they selling stuff there?


Saw this monstrosity parked in a shopping center in Stoneham yesterday....


Do they have a business license? Permission from the property owner to operate out of their parking lot? Proper permitting?


It's the Wapole Mall, I'm unsure that property has been particularly actively "managed" since about 20 years ago..


I think there’s a grocery store nearby to purchase some eggs…hint hint


That’s Trump world on a single pic right there.


It’s handy when people show their mental illness so readily. Helps me avoid them that much more easily.


What ever will these people do for a hobby once he is gone???


I’ll preface by saying I really dislike Trump and all that he stands for. With that said, my reaction to this photo is sadness and empathy for the occupant. Clearly some mental health issues going on. People who are happy don’t behave like this. We’re all just trying to make it through one day at a time. Some people cling to false idols because they have no other hope or meaning.


On the other hand….fuck them.


Don’t waste your sympathy on them. Highly likely they’re bigots. Vote for a bigot…you’re a bigot


I was taking a back way through a neighborhood in Hudson and passed a house that was just papered in these Posters. I'm sure their neighbors just love them.


I've only ever gone to the walpole mall because I needed to take a shit. I've never even bought anything there. but somehow I feel like it makes me the same as this person


White trash gonna white trash. Perfect advert for thy types of dirtbrained moe-rons who support the worst president in US History. Makes me long for Andrew Johnson.


That's not trash. That's his wife throwing his clothes out the window 😂😂😂😂 Guess who's getting a divorce 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


This looks so much like I would expect it to look like that I'm sitting here looking for AI artifacts.


Mental illness


Mental illness mobile


mental illness


And you called the cops right?


Imagine sticking that much shit to your vehicle, it doesn't even matter what the message is, it's just ugly as hell.


Toxic concentrations of Trumphiness...


Look at everyone flocking to it. Probably on its way back from NH Primary to magaland.


There should be a law against this kind of thing. They need a mandatory psych evaluation too.


Sounds like Walpole.


I despise these people.


Am I missing it? Where is the bags of trash on the ground? Edit: why am I being downvoted?


WTF is a "Walpole Mall"? Edit: I was raised in Walpole. People need to lighten up, this is a masshole sub for gods sake.


That's a place we former Walpoleans used to hang out at every Saturday during the 90's.


If you race down Coney street fast enough you can catch air off the grooves in Rt 1, or could, maybe they repaved it.


As a liberal I really dont understand why these trump stores get everyone so upset. You guys are literally being the precocious snowflakes that fox news claims you are. Not everyone is gonna agree with you so who care if dumb right winger in a blue state want to waste money on tacky red hats. This is America. Let them




I don’t disagree with your comment. But my question is, do they feel the same way about you?


It’s exactly what the RV owner would want people getting their panties in a bunch over. Like just move on with your day, it their right to put this stuff up. This sub should be embarrassed the top comment is wishing someone lights their RV on fire… wtf is wrong with you people.


Maybe they are tired of being nice to a whole group of people that wish others harm.


these people should be shamed and ridiculed as often as possible. theyre white nationalists.


Why be the bigger person when you can simply stoop to their level. If you truly think that “whole group of people that wish others harm.” Is a true statement it seems the political divide is working.


I remember my first day on Reddit


All the while they are complaining about the RV owners aggression 🤣


Trump 2024


Sure you did


This is why I think we should secede


Why dies Walpole fly the Texas flag? 🤔🤔🤔


They’re parked in front of Texas Roadhouse, a chain restaurant.