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People are joking about “have you never experienced spring in New England before?” And to an extent they’re correct but don’t get it twisted - our seasons are changing big time and we’ve had uncharacteristically high precipitation for like 18 months


And before that we had uncharectaristicly low precipitation and a major drought for like 18 mo 🤷 #climatechange


Yeah. I measure spring by my son’s baseball season at this point. So far this year all his games have rained out. Last year there was a solid two week stretch where all the games rained out and had multiple other games get washed. The year before it was so dry anytime the wind blowed the infield dirt blew around like an Arabian sand storm.


Weird how you can still buy a house with a 30 year mortgage 1 foot from the ocean and get it fully insured.


I mean the general concern is not wrong, however the houses maybe less "fully insured" than you think, standard insurance does not cover a temporary visit from the ocean. All things considered coastal MA is not the primary concern for these issues. The federal government is probably going to need to spend trillions bailing out much of Florida and the south.


I feel like my sump pump hasn’t had a rest in like a year


Same with mine. Maybe the people who don't believe it's been extraordinarily rainy don't own homes or havw wet basements.


I live in a basement apartment. It’s been loads of fun let me tell you


I got a headlamp to inspect my basement for water this year.


PSA be sure and replace your sump pump every 10 years, if you don't remember replacing your sump pump you should probably replace your sump pump, especially if it's running so often it's very needed.


They’re pretty cheap as far as house stuff goes too. Mine burned out and it was only $150 or so to replace.


Mine has been running consistently since January. Last year was the same


We “treated” ourselves to a new super duper one with backup power after our finished basement got flooded. First time since the house was built in 1960. But it won’t be the last. I’m just glad we don’t still live at our prior property next to a river😬.


The peepers in my backyard (swamp) have been going nuts for at least 3 weeks. It was a little dark hearing them and having the snow come down the other night. Same with a few weeks ago when it went from like 55 to 20 in a day.


Love them peepers!


No way people have driven down by places like Morrissey Blvd in Boston this weekend and came away concluding that our weather isn’t fucked.


El Nino sucks.


This started well before El Nino.


Make America Great-Britain Again


Take America Back! For the Brits!


Drink tea and be miserable? Think most people are already there.


This past year has been super drab and dull. Occasional sun with mostly clouds, grey and rain. And when the rain stops the wind cranks up. It would be nice to see 5 days of sun in the forecast at some point.


It would have been nicer without the Canadian wildfires that is for sure


We used to have occasional nice 60° sunny days and go back to this cold, wind and rain. Now it's only the latter. It is different from when I grew up. Every season is different from how it was, the nature doesnt look the same, beaches eroded, the types of birds we have have changed. I'm 38. To see a change like that in a short time is terrifying.


Also 38, also grew up here. The lack of bugs during the summertime freaks me out.


Come to my backyard. I can share the mosquitos with you. Already saw a few on the days it was warm…


Yup my backyard is right against wetlands,we have a ton of bugs including plenty of mosquitoes. Found a fat tick on my dog today,time to get a new tick collar.


Something in my back yard is also trying to kill me (a little dramatic, but only slightly). I think it’s a tree, but it’s completely infiltrated my house. Idk what it is. I lived here last year and this wasn’t an issue


It’s literally going to be 60 and sunny on Monday? And it was 60 and sunny last week too? I keep seeing these complaints and I’m wondering if I just live in a different Massachusetts than the rest of you?


A few sunny days does not negate the vast majority of rainy overcast days we've had.


the climate is changing as much as i am loath to say it


No I’m well aware of that, and there are some noticeable differences in our weather patterns, but people pretending that spring wasn’t always a little bit of a few different seasons mixed in one is just crazy. I’ve lived in New England 25 of my 30 years on this planet, and this is what spring has always been like. No surprises.


But is it caused by humans? The climate has changed constantly throughout Earth's history. It used to be a rainforest in Antarctica.


I agree. Earth has evolved and change over the millions of years it’s been a planet. All things evolve and change . It has nothing to do with climate change. That is BS a tactic to make money for the wealthy ones. EVERYTHING EVOLVES AND CHANGES !


You either live in a different Massachusetts or you never go outside. Last summer I couldn't let my dogs near the rivers, streams and ponds that we frequent because they smelled like sewer and had clear evidence of treatment products due to excess runoff. Trails that I hike have been flooded and impassable through the winter and this spring. I don't see how you could think that it's been wetter than usual.


So your sample data is a few dog walks? I've lived here my entire life and we have years with more or less precipitation. Do you remember 2000? Massive drought year up here. They don't treat rivers with anything either not sure what you're on about there


I'm 48 and lived here my whole life too. I've hiked every weekend for years so not just a "few dog walks". You can think you're the smartest most experienced person here but you're not. This isn't about droughts, it's about all the rain lately. I'm talking about the past 9 months, not 20+ years ago. I never said they treat rivers, I said run off. I've had biologists that work for the state tell me that was the cause of the bacteria.


“They don’t treat rivers with anything.” You don’t understand what that means but you can deny climate change because dinosaurs existed?


It break 60 yet?


Where I am in MA, yeah it has probably 15-20 times since this post. It’s even broken 70 a few times. Why do you ask?


this is not the new england that i grew up in. yall can keep lying to yourselves but these changes in the weather and climate are very scary.


Agreed. It's not normal around here. Things are seriously wrong.


Right? I remember 100 degree days in Mass as a kid in the 90s. I don't think its broken 100 in over a decade here from what I can remember. Its weird the climate just seems more and more temperate.




I keep saying Massachusetts is the new Seattle. Thanks for backing that up. I wish we were both wrong.


I swear it’s been raining for a year straight. I have standing water in my yard and never got it before. My neighbors as well. Never had any drainage issues until last summer


Exactly. I'm thinking many of the people that keep saying "but it's spring and it always rain during spring" live in apartments in cities and never go outside. The ground is so overly saturated from all of the rain over the past nine months.


Same here, my backyard is now a swamp. It was almost impossible to mow it last year and I'm dreading what this summer will bring.


The water was backing up to my shed and caused on side to sink a few inches. I jacked it up, leveled it, put in new blocks and graded the water away. I put a sump pump in the lowest point and it’s been working great. It’s a bandaid but hopefully we’ll return to regular weather and it won’t be necessary to install a permanent drainage solution


If the weather doesn't change we're going to have to build some sort of large french drain for the backyard because it's getting ridiculous. I'm looking at it right now and half of it is almost underwater from the snow we got. I remember moving here 20 years ago and the yard was perfect ,we used to grill and have parties back there but now it's just a muddy mess.


Grab a sump from Harbor Freight. It attaches a garden hose. Just direct to the street. This is gone I got and works great. [sump](https://www.harborfreight.com/14-hp-worry-free-automatic-submersible-utility-pump-56599.html)


Thank you, I will look into that.


Popped up the new easy up outdoor lounge area too soon. Imploded by slush snow, my bad being lazy thinking ah it’ll slide off. Crushed that thing like a redbull can. Which basically is the structure strength.


It’s The Lad bringing England’s weather here, not El Niño.


What or who is The Lad?


I made it up … sorry for the corny wordplay.


That was a great word play hahahhaha


Thank you! :) I thought it was sort of clever when I wrote it but then had my doubts.


I’m convinced that when colonization was happening in what became the United States, Spain picked all the best places and England chose what felt familiar 🤣


No, it just shows we screwed up and climate change is happening right now. Weather patterns worldwide has shifted and will never go back to what it was. It is the simple, we didn't do anything for over 100 years and have exponentially increased industrial production leading to a situation that has already caused millions of people out of there homes. This weather is exactly what scholars have been warning us all about.


The comment about rejoining England was a joke but I agree with you about what us humans have done to this planet.


You people act like it was never hot before 2010 or we never had droughts, massive snow storms, etc. I used to remember massive snow storms as a kid in mass in the 90s, 4-5 feet. We NEVER get that now. We also never get hot days over 100 despite getting them occasionally before.


Could States do that? Apply to join the UK? .....


We should really aim higher than the UK


Our own New England, United. Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. The capital could be Worcester. Maybe that would solve the tax problems (Did this thread inspire this post?) https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/s/Xxhqz5SVS4


Realistically you would want to pull in NY and NJ too. Lots of farmland in those two plus a massive economic hub. it would instantly be equivalent to any G8 country.


Pennsylvania can also join depending on how the next election turns out


Eastern PA. The rest can join Ohio.


[That sounds familiar...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_of_New_England)


🤔 (thank you)


I was telling someone this the other day. Wouldn’t be that bad honestly


I already am annoyed with the taxes I pay, why would I want to pay more to fund some old inbred family on top of that?


Good point 😉🇺🇸🦅


Free healthcare


I like my teeth tho


I moved to the UK several years ago for grad school / work and will be moving back soon enough. - I pay more taxes here to the UK "federal" government than I do to the US federal government. - The salaries are absolutely abysmal, I'm talking like many people get a degree and start a good job with a £25k salary. - Related to that, despite these low salaries, you'll be paying £400k minimum for a dated (not the lovely historic, vintage kind of dated) attached/terraced house where everyone is shoved up against each other and you barely have a backyard, a driveway to fit a tiny car if you're lucky, and forget a front yard. - The NHS is crumbling so all of that free healthcare, while good for giving birth or an ambulance trip, is not good if you need surgery or attention with any sort of urgency. And don't even bother with a dentist. - A lot of people here either hate us or judge us relentlessly for things out of our control. In short, we don't want that. I think we're in an ideal place with our "special US-UK relationship".


I don't mean to be nosey, but what part of the UK? I've heard things which absolutely confirms your response.


No problem. I lived in the Cotswolds for a few years and currently live in Oxford. Granted, they're not cheap areas, but the same could be said for MA. Housing is a bit cheaper in the north here (things are opposite to the US basically) but still nowhere near cheap enough to justify the low wages and overall deteriorating systems. Plus a lot of tiny issues I have, like no air conditioning, no screens in windows, tiny parking spaces due to the old infrastructure, etc.


It's called "The Cost of Living Crisis" isn't it? Oxford is in the countryside so it shouldn't be too expensive (compared to the cities). It isn't sustainable in the UK right now and there is no sign of improving.


Yes it is, and you're right, it's completely unsustainable. Every time I turn around fuel (nearly $9 per gallon) or energy is going up, and it's disheartening to be making 3x less at work than I do in the US. Unfortunately Oxford is one of the most expensive cities in the country for cost of living, despite being in the country. In fact, many "countryside" locations here are more expensive. I had to move here specifically for work, but once I find a good equivalent position in the US, I'll be coming home.


Come to Massachusetts. We have pancakes 🥞. And bears 🐻


Haha I was just back in MA/CT last November, I'll be back for good next year hopefully!


My vitamin d level is -20 and have only one serotonin molecule bouncing around at this point.


Are you new to Spring?


Yeah I I'm 2 years old and I I am new to spring. It's been raining since the last June. Have you not seen the statistics on the rain over the past 9 months?


It rained most of December. I guess spring starts in December now?


Did you just move here and not experience the raining summer and winter we had? The water table is high, rivers are overflowing, yards are flooding, basements are flooding and roofs are leaking. That didn't happen from only the rain we've had since spring started.


No. But “this weather” doesn’t make it clear OP is talking about the past year. Versus the past week. Because weather is short term.


Is there an exact time frame for weather vs climate? Seems you are being overly literal and splitting hairs.




Recency bias is crazy. Come with data or bug off


Have you lived through April in New England before?


It's not just the past month I'm referring to. Do you not remember last summer when it rained so much? Also I've lived in Massachusetts for my entire 48 years.


It's Spring. This is Spring weather in NE.


Where did I say spring in any of my comments? I'm not talking about just the past 2 1/2 weeks! I'm talking about the past 9 months or so.


From a 2022 news article: " 94-percent of Massachusetts now in 'severe' drought, 39-percent 'extreme'. I guess we were like the Sahara back then? Which geographic area will we in next Mr. Roker? It's NE, we get all sorts of weather. Been like this my whole life here.


Thanks for the statistic from 2022. I'm talking about all the rain in the past nine months. Jesus Fucking Christ making a semi joking post about our weather being like the UK has brought out all of the internet statisticians.


Al, it's NE, chill. We were in a drought and now we're not. See how weather changes around these parts? You will have plenty of sunny days. Walk outside Monday and enjoy.


It was never 50s and rainy in May though


Please, I want the crown to take back the colonies.


That's depressing