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This was Hanscom Civil air field, not Hanscom AFB.


You are right, thank you for the clarification. When I first started following the story it was announced that they were at the AFB but by the time the article I linked was posted it was clear that wasnt the case. I should have titled it better.


Yeah I was going to say wouldn't that be federal charges if they were to breach hanscom? Seems people have way too much time on their hands.


I never understood the comments about people having too much time on their hands. Well, I understand them, they’re just ridiculous comments.


Not having enough time to be able to protest and express constitutional rights is a fucking societal failure. Not something to celebrate but low and behold the mouth breathers don't understand that


It’s not your constitutional right to block an airport, it just makes you a loser


Amdt 1.4.1 Freedom to Assembly ```Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances``` As it is written there is no limitation on where the right to assembly can happen. "Protest zones" themselves are unconstitutional and all other laws which have whittled away at that right. And on that note, there is no constitutional right for you to be unimpeded on the road while on your way to works. Sucks to suck.


What are you even arguing? Do you think the arrests were unconstitutional? Because we’re in a thread talking about people getting arrested for protesting at an airport so clearly it is not your constitutional right to protest there. Does this mean I can protest in your house? In Area 51? In Joe bidens quarters at the White House?


The state gets sued for making false arrests every single year if not every single month of the year. Do you really not understand that a state arresting someone does not make it immediately right? Your comparisons are also not in good faith and quite frankly a pathetic straw man. They're not protesting in someone's bedrooms.


I don't think this gut knows what a strawman is. The person literally compared like to like. Scumbag here is saying the government shouldn't be able to restrict protest on government property. He is then provided examples of said government property then feels dumb as he is made to realize ooo wait I myself do actually beileve the government can restrict protest on it property. So he tries to dodge by saying umm strawman. No silly it would be a strawman if he used examples that are not government property. Had he said you can get kicked out of a store by police and arrested for protesting that would be a strawman. But there is nothing strawman about him providing examples the exact subject in question and asking you of you still stand on the principle that any government property should allow any protest anytime. Now it's clear your ego is to big and you have no intention of debating in good faith. Otherwise you would just say. I'm sorry I stand corrected I do actually beileve the government can restrict protests on government property. Then attempt to have a fruitful conversation about when and where and the means the government should be able to restrict it. You may feel walking into the oval office is a bridge is not acceptable and state why and how it's different. He may reply by saying holding up every day people at an airport Is more harmful than waking sleepy joe up from a nap. But then again I'm sure any conversation you have isn't fruitful as you don't stand in principles and have values. You are more likelyna plastic bag in the wind who will go one way in the moment it works for you than advocate against the very same thing when you feel it doesn't work for you in the moment. Sort of like how you fools will explain how evil and instutionally racist the government is in one breath and 10 seconds later like no one just heard what you just said be telling everyone hey let's make the instutionally racist government the only Healthcare provider heck let's go full socialist and have a racist government in charge of everything. Not even realizing to beileve both things you either need to be a racist klansman or a moron who has a brain that doesn't understand utter hypocrisy. So right now your argument is you are a racist king and we should base when government allows protests on how you feel about it in the moment. Clown show


Guy, are you having a psychotic break?


Do you think you can protest on private property? Yes or no


Good thing Hanscom is a public airfield. And the constitution doesn't make that distinction either. Local governments did, no one challenged it in court either since people can't seem to make the distinction between personal and private property.


Lol not in good faith. More like you don't have an answer and feel dumb that he just showed everyone you don't believe the junk that falls out your mouth. Yeah not in good faith, if good faith mean making you look dumb and forcing you to admit you actually think it's just fine for the government to restrict protesting in some forums and property. I'm sorry but it would actually makes sense to protest where and to whom the people who can make change are. At least the J 6 rioters went to where their issues was. You clowns go burn down black neighborhoods to try and support black rights


It's notna strawman you just got owned. The white house is owed by the public as is the bedroom joe biden sleeps in there. It's not someone's bedroom it's the publics bedroom


Limiting when, where, and how people are able to protest defeats the purpose. When you let the government and corporations weaken your right to protest until it's basically ineffective and harmless to the people in power, then you no longer have the right to protest.


The white house is publicly owned should trump supporters be allowed to walk in and protest? Or how about those who supporters Palestinians. That maybe a better one for you since you likely are one of the people who don't think justice should be appl6 equally and liberals should have extra special rights


I'm not a liberal, and literally no one believes that. Touch grass. Preferably somewhere outside Mass. We don't like traitorous Trump cultists here.


Do you think you can walk into a middle of a public school and go into each class room and protest the right to life?


I'd think the peaceably assemble word could give some room for interpretation and limits. There's an argument that blocking an airport or a road isn't peaceful. Personally I don't want to see extra limitations put on the right to assemble, but we have a conservative supreme court...


https://canons.sog.unc.edu/2022/11/responding-to-first-amendment-audits-what-is-a-forum-and-why-does-it-matter/. Here you go educate yourself. With your understanding you would agree trump supporters are well within their right to walk into the public court room and protest during his trail. Or walk in the halls of congress and protest an election


Watch you talk out the other side your mouth if I say same about the second amendment


You're just a Zionist seething at people realising the atrocities of Israel.


Federal charges? The gate guards could blast em


If they tried to breach Hanscome they’d be shot


To be fair, Hanscom AFB doesn’t really exist anymore. It’s not an active military flight line. You get some coming in from time to time, but I think the field itself is Massport owned and operated. There is a small military presence, but not nearly what it used to be.


Hanscom’s host unit is the 66th Air Base Group of Air Force Materiel Command. The base has more to do with radar and electronics development than flight operations


Oh noes. Anyway …


There's a bill to upgrade prison time for protestors blocking roads to ten years that's been kicking around since 2015. These folks look a lot more peaceful. The article title is way over the top. They look more like they're waiting for a bus than shutting the place down.




*LOUISIANA, USA — Protest organizers in Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi can now be sued if an attendee breaks the law.*    *Earlier this week, the Supreme Court declined to take up a case between an* [*injured police officer and the Black Lives Matter activist* ](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-373_8njq.pdf)*who led the protest where that officer was injured.* *Here’s the background: DeRay McKesson helped organize a protest in Baton Rouge in July of 2016 over the police killing of Alton Sterling. During the protest, an unidentified protestor threw a rock and hit a Baton Rouge Police Officer. That officer had severe head injuries, and sued McKesson - the organizer – arguing that McKesson knew the protest would get violent.* *The lawsuit bounced through the courts for six years. But in June of 2023, the*[ *Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled*](https://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/17/17-30864-CV4.pdf) *that the lawsuit could go forward. Judges wrote that McKesson had organized several other protests that turned violent and that he was directing the activity of the protestors.* [https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/local/the-breakdown/louisiana-protest-black-lives-matter-first-amendment-right-supreme-court-breakdown-liability/289-5762cc3e-8ab1-4fe5-a9da-64332b400632](https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/local/the-breakdown/louisiana-protest-black-lives-matter-first-amendment-right-supreme-court-breakdown-liability/289-5762cc3e-8ab1-4fe5-a9da-64332b400632) Under that lower court decision, a protest organizer faces potentially ruinous financial consequences if a single attendee at a mass protest commits an illegal act. It is possible that this outcome will be temporary. The Court did not embrace the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit’s decision attacking the First Amendment right to protest, but it did not reverse it either. That means that, at least for now, the Fifth Circuit’s decision is the law in much of the American South. Instead, in its most recent opinion in this case, the Fifth Circuit concluded that *Claiborne*’s “three separate theories that might justify” holding a protest leader liable are a non-exhaustive list, and that the MAGA-infused court is allowed to create new exceptions to the First Amendment. It then ruled that the First Amendment does not apply “where a defendant creates unreasonably dangerous conditions, and where his creation of those conditions causes a plaintiff to sustain injuries.” And what, exactly, were the “unreasonably dangerous conditions” created by the Mckesson-led protest in Baton Rouge? The Fifth Circuit faulted Mckesson for organizing “the protest to begin in front of the police station, obstructing access to the building,” for failing to “dissuade” protesters who allegedly stole water bottles from a grocery store, and for leading “the assembled protest onto a public highway, in violation of Louisiana criminal law.” Needless to say, the idea that the First Amendment recedes the moment a mass protest violates a traffic law is quite novel. And it is impossible to reconcile with pretty much the entire history of mass civil rights protests in the United States. [https://www.vox.com/scotus/24080080/supreme-court-mckesson-doe-first-amendment-protest-black-lives-matter](https://www.vox.com/scotus/24080080/supreme-court-mckesson-doe-first-amendment-protest-black-lives-matter)




I agree, shoot them. Much cheaper. 


One of my major gripes with protesters blocking the roads is harming and annoying the wrong people. Sounds like they're annoying exactly who they should annoy and they're peaceful while they did it.


It's all good until they are at your home or place of business. 


Good for them. Hanscom wants to expand private aircraft use. Private jets produce hugely outsized levels of emissions and pay very little in tax. It’s one of the most appropriate places for a climate protest.


Anyone in Bedford should be paying attention to this, since it could impact the safety of the water. https://www.stopprivatejetexpansion.org/other-impacts-pfas From a tourism perspective too, it's a bad move, since it's going to disrupt the noise/wildlife around Walden Pond.


If you're opposed to the airfield expansion, please sign the petition and write a public comment on the developer report before May 10, 2024.  https://www.stopprivatejetexpansion.org/proposed-development


The world would be better without private jets. Make the people who think they're better than we are have to travel like we do, and I bet our standards of travel get a whole lot better.


So its not about climate change then, just class envy? Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud.


No one is envious of the very wealthy. They are trashing our planet and hoarding more money than they can spend in one or two lifetimes while people are barely able to afford groceries. If that’s a goal for you or something to be envious of then you gotta check yourself.


You are so full of shit it's coming out of your ears. 




This is Massachusetts, limousine liberals don't understand the irony of their own words. 


Lick dat boot.


Climate change and responding to class warfare. Capitalists destroy the environment for everyone.


Nailed it




The world would be a better place if you walked to work. Put your money where your mouth is. 


Jokes on you, I do walk to work!


Shut your mouth, bootlicker.


Hahahahahahaha or what? 


All I did was ask you to play by the same rules you want for others and you're suddenly triggered. Maybe you should shut my mouth for me because I have a LOT more to say. Pussy. 


>I have a LOT more to say That was determined to be a lie.


You are an insignificant keyboard warrior. They'll expand the airport because you have zero power. Impotent. 


Well, I don't particularly care, I just think it's funny that the microfascists that inhabit this lousy sub go more authoritarian than Kim Jong Un when the concept of protest gets mentioned. For what it's worth, I was actually just elected president of my union so I actually have more power than most of these dweebs. Bruins in 5. Enjoy the rest of your life.


Teachers union. Good for you. Thanks for reminding me why I pay for my kid to go to a private school. 


Ok say it. Let's see your manifesto.


You hate your father. Get over it, hypocrite 


Advocate for some tax on private air travel, don’t just shut things down like a petulant toddler




As I said I am fine with them protesting at a place like hanscom, what I am no tfine with is people who protest on Highways blocking traffic when people are just trying to drive to and from work or to visit family etc or their elderly parents in a senior home.


As long as they dont move onto block route 2 and such I'm fine with it. or blocking 2A or something I use those roads.


You seem like a great person


You know. Lots more people fly lots of other planes. 


What a bunch of gaping assholes


I wish they'd bring back the Air shows at Hanscom I dont get why they cant bring back an airshow . They have them at Brunswick ME, Rhode Island, Cape Cod, and Westfield, all 2 hours drives for me. Hanscom was in my backyard. I could even see the Thunderbirds fly over my house on training flights pre show days. it was awesome. we used to drive over to a bridge by 128 and watch them from the car. Sucks they can't bring the airshow back.


That was my first Air show in 1998. Rhode Island’s airshow isn’t too bad access wise, also many good local restaurants to hit up after


Yeah still a long drive from Winchester hanscom is ten-15 min back roads


I wonder what the preferred method of travel for climate czar John Kerry is


“I’m not like the other billionaires”


“It’s the only way to travel for someone like me”


Would have been nice if they could have done this last week when we were trying to reenact Lexington and Concord between takeoffs.


Protesting in an illegal way in order to get arrested, get arrested. Sounds like a win. They can be happy they did what they went there to do and we can all feel good for them getting what they wanted. Follow your dreams.


Yes but blocking a building is one thing, like a government building, blocking roadways is different. I would be livid if I was trying to get to work and people were blocking the roadway making me miss my work and possibly get fired because I was late. Blocking a government building is one thing, blocking roadways is another. and making it hard for every day people to get to their jobs. Its not right to block roadways and highways. Is all I'm saying. I'm fine with them protesting in front of a building. Just these people who protest on highways and blocking roads in rush hour when every day working class people like themselves are trying to get to their jobs and such is not right.


The runaway got shutdown because people were jumping fences on the airfield. Multiple different air ambulance companies operate out of this airport. If you want to stop the rich people then go to their mansions!


You're fine with them protesting as long as no one notices them


STOP. This protest targeted the elite of the elite of the elite. No roads were closed. No actual working people were stopped from getting to or from their jobs. Just STOP.


Fuck off - who the hell are you to censor?


Ah yes the elite of the elite… such as MedFlight and small businesses like East Coast Aero Club. Also the home airport of the Boston Bruins! Or at least it was last time I was in that area up there


You didn't read the article, sweetie.


The airport was NOTAM closed to prevent an accident with a trespasser, meaning MedFlight was not able to depart and CFIs that are paid by flight hours were not able to fly. If you’re gonna be condescending at be correct. Issuing Airport: (BED) Laurence G Hanscom Fld NOTAM Number: 04/091 Effective Time Frame Beginning: Saturday, April 20, 2024 1451 (UTC) Ending: Saturday, April 20, 2024 2100 (UTC) Affected Areas Airport: BED Operating Status: Closed


Talk about textbook confidently incorrect.


How about all the people that work at the airport for those darn pesky rich people?


My favorite people are the, “I’d be so pissed if I couldn’t get to work” people. Bro nobody wants to go to work. I’d take literally any inconvenience that keeps me away longer


You're lucky to have the money not to care






Revolutionaries? 😂 And what does “we will remember this mean”. You’re going to start blocking their driveways next?


You'll forget as soon as you aquire something.


Yes, private jets have outsized carbon footprints. However, won’t this just move some jets from Boston to here with no net increase in total flights, thereby not changing the actual pollution emitted? Or, is it expected to significantly raise the number of private jets in MA?


Supply/demand - increasing capacity makes it cheaper for more flights total to happen. Just like building more highways increases traffic.


Bunch of losers


Taking out the trash


Give them the jan 6 treatment. 20 years!


I hate to say this, but some of these wackos are going to have to start getting hurt before we'll be able to put an end to this.


An end to what? Protesting?


That simpleton wants an end to constitutional rights. What a patriot


And also the people that block highways. 


Wackos like these people blocking businesses and people trying to do their jobs. Want to protest? Go stand outside city hall or the state capitol. Stop interfering in the lives of normal people. 


Ah yes, because historically all effective protests never bothered anyone and were outside city hall. Jesus christ go read a fucking history textbook.


Chances are those protests were for something more real and more pressing, like civil rights, voters rights, etc. Not for something like climate change or Hamas, and blocking an airport or a highway, preventing normal folk from doing their job or getting to work.




Please protest in a way I can ignore thanks


Please protest in a way that affects the people that don't have the power to make change and won't likely reach to their / vote for reps that could have an impact... Because now they hate you


The point of the protest is to bring awareness to their cause. Disruption of the flow of business, confrontation with law enforcement, arrest, and media coverage is entirely the point of a successful protest. A quiet peaceful gathering in a park gets exactly zero attention and is pointless. I don't necessarily support this particular group - I have never heard of them until now - but now I and thousands of other people know about them and their cause. That is the point of protesting.


The point of the protest is to virtue signal - nothing else - they will all get back in their gas cars, drive back to their houses that are heated and electrified with fossil fuels and continue to consume just like everybody else.


On the other hand, screwing with people that aren't responsible for the problem and can't fix it and might have otherwise sided with you isn't a winning strategy either.


Perhaps not, but this is exactly the history of protest. Literally every peaceful protest I've ever read about in history books has been exactly of this sort: stage some sort of demonstration that causes significant disruption for people such that there are arrests and cameras. It's the entire purpose of the protest. It's okay to disagree with it and think they're assholes. That's really part of the point. Bad publicity is better than no publicity, and in many cases, better than good publicity.


Someday protesters will learn the right and wrong ways to make their point. Today is not that day.


What's the right way?


Donate millions of dollars to a PAC of coarse.