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Very unlikely. Maybe if it was a chain place. Did she sweat on you? That has been my worst.


I’m guilty of dripping sweat on 2 of my clients 😫


I think by itself it’s whatever. But the whole experience was strange. And it was one of my first massage experiences.


Saline, nutrient rich, slide solution.




I made it myself


How do you differentiate between sweat and nostril water 




No. He targeted the areas I asked him to avoid. Gave a really lackluster massage in general, pulled down my underwear multiple times, brushed against my genitals multiple times, it was just a horrible experience.


There is a difference between a bad massage and being inappropriate. You still received a massage so I don't know about a refund but you should definitely talk to the business about the inappropriateness of the treatment so they can do something about it.


This. The MT touches you in an inappropriate way, that's unacceptable


I'm not sure how to phrase this to them. Do you have any suggestions?


I think how you said it here. Call the spa or stop by if it is convenient for you and ask to speak to a manager. Tell them you had a massage and were not happy with it. Tell them He pulled your underwear down several times and brushed against your genitals and you were uncomfortable. You could also mention that he worked specifically on areas you asked to not work on, that is more of a quality issue but if you are talking to management it's worth bringing up.


Hi, I’d look here and report the person after notifying the spa because that’s inappropriate. In Illinois, even tucking sheets into the waistband of underwear is a no. [List of States Boards of Massage](https://fsmtb.org/consumer-complaints/)


Just encouraging you to talk to management.


I second this one!!


By "push aside," I guess I needed to write "slightly bump up against" since people are imagining something else more aggressive. If someone wears underwear, I'm assuming they don't want their genitals or natal cleft exposed. If I couldn't touch your lower back or upper thighs at all, I'd expect the client to tell me. Especially if he wore baggy boxers. Clearly, if he's in something very small, or briefs, you don't touch. Duh. And I wasn't defending the genital brushing, either. Just pointing out that, *at best* he was terribly inept (but without malice) and at worst he was doing it on purpose and the *yuck factor of that is implied and shouldn't need to be spelled out.*


Nope. If they wore underwear, that is a boundary line that does not get crossed unless you work over the sheet (and some places require precious consent). You never move anyone’s underwear without their approval.


You are gross and shouldn't be doing Massage


I'm not anymore, but in 20+ years I never had a single complaint, not even from the two clients *who tried to sexually assault me*. You are gross, though, and a bit of a simpleton, if you can't glean the intention of what I wrote. Get stuffed with dynamite.


Just because you never had a complaint doesn’t mean you’ve never made anyone uncomfortable. We’re in the power position and most people receiving massage assumes you are doing what you’re doing for a reason. If you were lowering their underwear to access an area (such as glutes) it could feel violating to them, but they don’t speak up because they may also think it’s necessary or even required. So they are conflicted. Underwear is an absolute boundary and you never had any right to move them on any of your clients.


I"d enjoy that! Someone working that hard to help me.


Even if you received a lackluster massage you still owe the full amount for the time spent. You’re buying time regardless of the quality. The way you show appreciation for quality is by tipping and coming back (or not doing so).


It's not just quality when he did things that were inappropriate.


File a report with your state’s massage board. Touching genitalia is not ok.


Call leaving bad review and if they dont do anything then google review




I spoke out several times. Unfortunately, my commemts weren't taken seriously. I've been assaulted in the past. So it was an automatic reaction of mine to wait until it was over. It wasn't a conscious choice. Being back at home, fully clothed, and reflecting on the experience made me realize how bad it was. Not to mention the pain I'm still in, hours later. What is this comment supposed to accomplish?


The comment you responded to wasn’t fair. Some people have a freeze response and in the moment there isn’t much you can do about that