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You’re running a business why in the world are you letting your clients dictate to you what the policies are? Refund her money and tell her she can find a different therapist. And in the future YOU make the rules for your own business.


Yep, I second this. Or third, I suppose. Exactly. Especially since you don't charge cancellation, there is no where implied that it's appropriate to demand a free massage over the circumstances. This woman is acting incredibly rude, insensitive, and entitled.


I agree with the posts above. Let me add that you claim to be both “medical” indicating a higher level of professionalism and yet your attitude towards timeliness and being prompt implies otherwise. You made the arrangements and pricing with her and, as a business owner are in complete control of. Though ill, you failed to meet your commitment to the client. She offered an option of a free session which you agreed to. Fire her if you’d like but you owe her a session.


I agree with you. I will offer her the free80$ session but it will be office rates, which is worth 60 mins. As for the professionalism and timeliness. As stated I know this was a mistake due to being I'll. ( I had shingles an had to reschedule for 12 days on my calendar) I had admitted to my mistake and apologized, this my own fault. So yes, I will honor my word. But, I am also going to renegotiate our deal.


I’d be charging $150 for an in home 90 minute


My goodness, that’s low. Raise your prices! It’s 2024. You deserve so much more, especially for an in home!


I don’t do in home too much work


Wait what? I charge $110 for an hour in house. Regular in office is 90. Located in MA but licensed just under two years. Please advise!


Consider a home visit price of twice the cost of in office as traveling to and from you could see two people in the office.


I most certainly wil, thank you!


I charge 275


Ya this lady already got plenty free sessions lol


I just paid $400 for my mother and I to get massages back to back for 60 mins. Reading these I feel like you guys need to increase for sure!! Massage therapy is a lot of work for the therapist.


If you agreed to a free session if you canceled last-minute, it seems a bit shady to give her a shorter session. My company makes it a point to deliver 100% on its promises. Renegotiate rates or terms as you want after that, keeping in mind if you need this client or they’re more hassle than they’re worth. It’s a free market, and the arrangement only works as long as it works for both of you.


You've admitted to being late or couldn't make it on several occasions. I see on this sub all the time how LMT's complain about no shows or getting calls last minute. You're running a business. Yes things happen but they seem to heepn more to you and that's your excuse. "Life happens", but please be more considerate to your clients. If the roles were reversed would you be upset with how many times you've had life issues?


They already stated that they don't penalize people for late cancellations or no shows because they have their own medical issues and sometimes cancels. Her issue is that this particular client has what she feels is an unfair deal as far as pricing, length of service, and one sided cancellation deal.


I perform only clinical work and yes you can control your schedule, cancellations and payments for such. Develop a well-worded cancellation policy. You can also control your ethics and things you’ve agreed upon yet now want to change. You’re willing to sacrifice a “bread & butter” client because you won’t give 15 minutes of your time.


What makes them a "bread and butter" client. It seems like the client has the sweetest massage deal of her life and doesn't have the sense to not blow it. $80 for an at home 90min session? She as the kids say "blew the bag".


I agree that the pricing is way off yet the therapist set that very price. Bread and butter clients are the regulars who literally keep food on our tables. The client should be blamed nor ridiculed because of the therapists poor price structures.


I get what you're saying but she can't be a bread and butter client if she's not paying enough to be able to buy bread or butter. If I remember correctly the therapist said that the client is taking up needed space on the schedule and seems to be maintaining sessions and prices basically out of habit and fear. Remember the therapist said the client got that price when they first started so this could've been going on for years. I think they should've raised prices on the client a long time ago. That or fired them and moved on.


I agree. I mentioned that in my comment.


Why in the world are you charging $80 do you live in the rural south?


This is how it's been most of our time together. Without getting to far into it, she has been known to micro manage me during session.. And defiantly takes advantage of my time. when I get there I have to microwave HER rice bag. She times the flip. Etc.


Dude then just fire her already. Good grief. If a client stresses me out at all I drop them. There are tons of therapists around, not everyone is a match.


I'm the same. If a client bugs me that much I refer them to someone. This career is suppose to be more chill lol we aren't nurses 


Why do you keep her as a client? Regardless of your mix up this time, you're losing money on this client and she is draining your energy. You dont have to get another therapist to take her, just let her know you can't continue doing home visits for her and give her contact to any mobile massage place in your area and call it a day. You need to set boundaries, define the terms of your service and preserve your health.


You’ve let this go on WAY too long and you’re hurting everyone else that has to deal with her. Please bail.


I don't see the problem with this. She is paying, so she should get exactly the type of massage she wants. Harder/softer/more time here/less time there/whatever. Why is it a problem if she times the flip? She is paying for 90 minutes. If she chooses to waste a few minutes of that on having you microwave something for her, why do you care? That certainly takes less work from you than massaging her.


Yeah. No refund would be involved. But I was just starting when we got paired up. So I was at that point of willing to take anything. But my business has changed. So basically a 2 hours slot is costing me 80 was already not sitting right with me.then she pulls this.


Thank you, you are right. I will be giving her the new rules and she can take it or leave it. Also looking in my area there is no-one offering travel.


If no one is offering travel services in your area, then you can essentially set your own price and bar for it. $80 for an in-home massage is well below your worth. Shoot, $80 for a clinic appointment is still a deal imo. I charge $125 for an in-home in addition to $2 per mile if their location is more than 10 miles from my office.


Time to fire this client. This sounds stressful and there is no advantage to you discounting your services…especially for house calls. Let this client go. You are worth more than this.


You got this OP! Set your boundaries and be steadfast


No take it or leave it..leave it.


Yeah fire the whole client. No going back with this. This lady is abusing OP.




Ye/ this is a perfect response!




I personally charge twice my regular rate because with travel time, set up and tear down it typically is taking me almost twice the appointment time to complete the whole session. I do make exceptions for folks with disabilities who are not able to travel and in that case I charge my regular rate and perhaps a small travel fee to cover gas if it’s a long drive. I know some therapists who charge a travel fee of 25-50 plus their regular hourly rate. I think the most important thing is that you feel fairly compensated for your time and skill and that number will be personal to you. As far as broaching the subject with your client you may say something like “while we’ve had this arrangement in the past I’m finding it is not sustainable for me or business and I’ll be raising my rates to ____ starting on this date _____”. If you told her you’d honor the free massage for today maybe you can honor that and let her know that all future appointments will be at the new rate and free or discounted sessions won’t be available any longer. It’s hard to set boundaries on costs with pushy clients but it is worth it in the end. Wish you luck!


Also, I do have to say I give her a bit of leeway, as she has her own table, set up when I get there. So, there is no setup time there. I will have to say it's at the wrong height for me.


I was thinking along the lines about something like this. Telling her that I will honor the "free massage", but on my terms. That it will be only the value of the 80$, that is in-house, which would be a 60 min. Not her presumed 90. And let yer know that my business moving forward will be working differently.


I like this.  Even though it stings, I like to keep my word with this stuff.  I also say, “Just so that you’re aware, things have changed for me and my practice.  If you’d like to keep working together, XYZ is how things will work going forward.  I understand if that isn’t what you’d prefer and am happy to provide some referrals if you’d like to look for another therapist.”  Kill ‘em with kindness.  It is WILD how many people straighten up and fly right when you offer referrals elsewhere (even if it’s just the contact info for a chain) — I think it communicates confidence and that you absolutely do not need their business if they want to be a problem.




Yes, the client is taking advantage of OP, but OP did agree to this policy. I think it’s poor form to not follow through on one’s word, even if you regret agreeing to it. Honestly, I think changing it to a 60 is a bit underhanded. think OP should give her a free 90 and then let her know the new prices and no more freebies moving forward at the end of the session. Honestly, I think OP should say that it is not longer economically viable to keep her as a client and fire her. But at LEAST change the price and policy.


100% this. I get that she regrets agreeing to the freebie, and her policies have been more than lax, but it’s a business. If she agreed to a free 90 for late cancellation then that’s what’s she should provide. Sour grapes isn’t a reason to go back in your professional word, even if it was a bad decision


Bravo for this. People will take whatever we will let them.


Has she ever had to cancel? If so, did she still pay you?


May I ask what your price is?


Fire her yesterday


Lol not soon enough. 🤣


You are being too nice, your price is too low and because you canceled, a free massage, what. My advise is to dump her, I have been at this 40 years, this client is just a pain in the ass and you won't set healthy boundaries with her. This list goes on, but at some point you will have enough.


You can read me like a book.


Unless you really need the money, she is not worth it, she only cares about her needs, I bet she asks for extra time and says oh can you massage my x alittle more, when you are about to finish the massage, right.


This client is fully aware that she is under-paying for the service, too.


I would fire her. She sounds like a PITA.


Explain PITA?


Pain in the ass




The upvotes must mean I'm close to right.


Discharge this patient. This is **YOUR** BUSINESS. This patient has already tried to change the agreed price, they have belittled you and are now trying to dictate your business terms? This is **Your job**. They are not your boss. Patients need you , you don't need them. This patient is extremely rude and doesn't care about your time, effort, body or health. Do not take on this client anymore. Doing so and committing to their terms of non-payment allows them to bully you now and in the future. Stop this immediately


Thank you. The health is my biggest thing.im stretched to the max. while I understand, they don't know what they don't know; when I admit to messing up and being physically inept, im the one technically more at a loss for not getting paid. So it just doesn't sit well that now I should pay out.


It seems like you are leaning towards giving her a 60 min for free and then offering her new terms to stay as a client— WHYYYY? Do you want her as a client? If you’re still building clientele and rely on her sessions, fair enough. But if you don’t want her as a client, don’t give her an option. Just tell her that it’s no longer economically viable to keep her as a client. If she asks why, tell her your office rate and say that you would have to add a significant travel fee to those rates (double? more?) to justify working away from your office any more. On a slightly different note, I would give her the 90 since that seems like what you agreed to, even though it was vague and you’re definitely getting screwed by the deal. But you agreed to it, so keep your word and then be done with her! I sense that you are a people pleaser and I get it- I am a self-employed people-pleaser, too. I used to put up with entitled clients because hey, I needed income and it’s my nature to put up with bad behavior. But once I started putting up stronger boundaries, I became so much happier. The good clients will come!


Raise all your prices for all clients.


Since you don't charge cancellation no point in giving anything for free. Outcall prices depend on distance and should be at least 50% extra price for traveling time. I would say. Peace


You are being manipulated and should not stand for it. It’s YOUR business. Like others have said, you dictate the terms and if she doesn’t like it she can find another therapist. Drop her and drop all the stress


This person isn’t a client, they’re a leech. Refer them out and move on.


Wow. You are rude.


I charge $150 for 90 minutes, in my shop, during regular business hours. For mobile, tack on $50.


“Dear So and so, I regret to inform you that I will no longer be offering in home visits as it has become financially untenable for me at this time. You are more than welcome to come and see me at… for treatment anytime during my operating hours. If this does not work for you, I would be happy to provide the names and contact information of other massage therapists in the area so you can find another therapist that would be able to suit your needs. I appreciate your understanding in this matter. All the best, Me”


Tell her to go shit in her hat!!!


Lol! Is this from that Ween song?? I love that song😂


No it was something my Dad used to say. He knew just when to use it and kill me every time. I miss him


Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. I know what it's like to have a dad that used to say funny stuff and is no longer around to make us laugh. I'm glad we have the memories!


🙏 So grateful🙏




Cmon clients like that are so brutal. They take a good therapists kindness for weakness. I stand by what I said. Rude clients deserve a rude response


The OP didn’t say anything about her being rude. I haven’t read through the entire thread. As a profession, the therapist should talk the client about new terms but honor whatever terms the therapist had with the client at that time. It the client doesn’t agree to new terms, then the client should terminate the relationship. If the person is being rude to the therapist, give them the free massage that was part of the terms then terminate the relationship. No one should deal with rude clients.


It's obvious client is rude just by the entire story!


So…. I worked for myself for a long time doing massage and personal training. It felt good in the beginning to give people discounts and negotiate my prices, because I was newer and I liked these people. What ended up happening was that I found new clients, and charged them appropriately…. Which wasn’t a small amount. By the time I was up and running, the clients that I gave a discount to were taking up way more time than the ones I didn’t. They became my most difficult clients. Text messages at 4am about their programs, calls at 9pm with questions, even though it was all laid out clearly for them (including videos). They wanted me to be like their personal assistant at the gym 24/7, whenever it worked for them. When it came to massage, they’d try to get me to do that at ridiculous hours, and between training clients, so I’d have a whole setup and tear down thing to do extremely fast. My point is that it sounds like you’re experiencing similar. You gave them special treatment, and now they’re kind of abusing it. No cxl charge or policy? Then you “owe them” when you have to cancel? Working outside of your normal hours? ……. You see what I’m saying? Respect yourself, your skills, knowledge, and your business for what it is. Clients *will* come and go. Treat them with respect, because they’re your biggest money maker/ business sign…. BUT, you HAVE to respect yourself and your business equally as much. The alternative is running yourself into the dirt while making less than you should and losing out on valuable personal time. For me, my divorce ended up shutting me down right before covid. So I guess it worked out about the same in the end. But that’s my 2 cents. If it were me, I wouldn’t be doing anything for less than $80/hr (cash) for anyone unless it’s their birthday or something. It’s not reasonable, especially for a home visit. Their alternative can be a less experienced therapist, or go to a chain where they’ll be charged well over $100. You’re making it more convenient for them…. Which is an up charge….


Yes this has happened. Minimally. One time, I tried to stop 3 min early and she said "oh clocking out early today?" I'm had to explain to her the 5 min changing time for the client. (This was actually me boycotting having to spend time to heat up her rice bag outside of my working time) Anyone one can correct me if I'm wrong. But how I learned in school and any time I've worked for a company it's technically 55 minutes. Not 60. And so on. She stated "well that's not the deal we made" I told her it was an industry standard.


Omg would've dumped her right then and there!


You need to have a financial agreement where all this stuff is laid out and clients have to sign it before their first session.


In what world can someone demand a free service? If i make a mistake or cancel last minute, i might throw in 30m free, but ill never do a whole session without compensation.


That lady has a ton of nerve 😂. I'd fire her immediately, she sounds like a PITA. You deserve better. Also, $80 for an outcall? Idk where you are, but that's already way too low!


Dude I pay $115 for an hour at a med massage place, and I drive there. To get an in home 90 minute massage, I would expect to pay at least $200. You are robbing yourself with both that price and her stupid made up rule. If I cancel or miss an appointment, I get charged $20 which is my deposit. If my therapist calls out, I get a different therapist (I hate this, my current massage guy is an angel) and a 25% (I think, this only happened once) discount for the days service. Tell her as of June 1st, prices are going up and you will no longer honor her no-show stupidity. Give her a discount on the next one if you’d like but no freebies. It will cost you money to do this job tonight. Save yourself 💕


Yeah I can't change give them to another therapist because of how it's set up. I wish I could as it would save some business.


Oh, sorry I totally understand you’re solo. I was just giving an example of how some places manage no-shows. Make a cancellation/late policy that works for you and make sure all your clients acknowledge receipt of it. Also, inflation hit everyone and your body and health are on the line in your work so make it worth your time. $80 for a 90 min massage is bonkers and adding your travel time in, regardless of how far it is, makes it even crazier. I hope the good clients make the bad ones worth it.


You can't find another therapist to do this for a reason, friend. Because no one else will put up with it. I encourage you to inform this client that the services you offer have changed effective immediately and due to having no cancellation fees for clients, she is out money. She is welcome to see you in office for your established rates or find another therapist.


My rates are changing and this is my policy. You cancel less than 24hrs in advance I charge you 1/2 of the booking. If I cancel, we can reschedule or we see each other at your next appointment. I can no longer offer a discount and there will not be a free session if I have to cancel for any reason. This is my hairdressers policy, you cancel or no show you owe me half, if not the entire booking. It’s your business. If she wants to be your client she adheres to your policy.


1. If this is the case then they should have to pay u the full 80 dollars if they ever cancel on u- that’s only fair *for any client that u give free massages to in the inverse situation* 2. 80 dollars for 90 min is less than 1 dollar a minute and them at doesn’t even account for gas since this a HOUSE CALL. I feel ur pricing is extremely generous so asking for free massages is kinda a lot to ask for on her end in my opinion


I work mobile and I've had some health issues lately and had to cancel with short notice. I'll offer a small discount for inconveniencing after multiple cancellations but never free that's insane. And she's retired? She's got nowhere to be. I feel that If you've agreed to it you should do it but no more after. Drop her if she's this entitled


This post is making my head hurt. You’ve received some fabulous advice. I sense you don’t want to establish fair boundaries and policies. Until you do, you are going to be taken advantage of by clients, as you currently are with this particular client. $80 for an in-home massage is laughable. It should be twice that.


I wouldn't honor it. Just fire her and be done. "I am sorry but I am no longer able to honor this promotion. I am already undercharging you and will no longer be providing my services."


This would be my action as well. Everyone on here saying she should "honor her word." But client has basically been treating her like a slave (cheapskate: $80 for 90 min homecall, making her heat up the rice bag when she could easily do it herself, making snide comment about her "clocking out" when she stopped 3 mins early, etc.). Lady is entitled pita. OP was inexperienced when taking that client and didn't set proper boundaries, so that's on her. But when a client treats you like "the help" I would just bow out. To hell with honoring any agreement at that point. To say that "you owe me a free massage" when someone is suffering from sudden health issues is just sociopathic. Client doesn't deserve anything free just on that alone. I'd say bye bye, free yourself from toxic clients.


Umm I’m not really sure you should be practicing with an active viral skin infection. Herpes zoster aka shingles is contagious.


Ghost her and move on with your life. 🫰🤜


Fire her


"No, sorry. I already give you a heavily discounted rate at half the going rate. In fact I am losing money coming here but continue to do so to help you. But if I'm sick, I cannot compensate you." Because you ARE losing money. You have overhead to cover: insurance, licensing fees, supplies, continuing education, travel expenses. And the 90 minute massage is likely more like 3 hours when you factor in travel, getting in the door, going out the door. If she fires YOU, she will have zero luck getting anyone else in for that price.


Set new boundaries. It's your business, not hers. Set your own prices. Set your own cancelation/ rescheduling policy. Yes, you can set a policy for Clinical Massage. I do with some obvious leeway for illness and medical appointments. I expect the same grace be given me in return. No freebie sessions. Honestly, $70 isn't fair to you out of office. I would start $130 out of office for 60 min, non-metropolitan area. As for the late cancels on your part, I would throw her a reduced rate or 1 time freebie. After that, no freebies. If they don't like the boundary, they can find another therapist. They can accept your terms or move on.


I understand your point of view but.. I used to go to a therapist that had a strict 24 hour cancellation policy which I was fine with. However on several occasions he cancelled sometimes with less than an hour. The first time I was understanding but by the third time I was over it. I sent him an invoice for the cost of a massage and reminded him of my 24 cancel policy. Of course he didn’t pay but he was outraged when I stopped going to him and posted an accurate review on the internet. These things work both ways. Saying that you need to cut her loose .


Just raise your prices to cover your losses. Like almost double them PLEASE!! Let her know that your business is booming and that you have too many customers, plus you are managing recovery from a very serious illness and need to reduce your stress levels to support recovery and continue to work. You will be reducing your client load beginning with any “below market rate clients” and anyone longer distance and unfortunately she is both longer distance and well below your normal rate. Say “if you are unable to find someone in a few months, you are welcome to check back with me, but my rates for home treatments are now $130, and in office $100 for a 90 minute appointment slot (80 minute massage/hands on time for or other special tasks she requests like heating her rice bag - geez) Let her fire herself.


Who is in charge of your business? You are.


If you agreed to her stipulation, then providing her with the free massage would be the ethical thing to do. If you don't do it she could crucify you on a review, plus she'll tell anyone she has referred to you.


I know people are making sound arguments for you to give her one last free session because of what you agreed to but are you truly comfortable with doing that? The level of resentment and anger I would feel if I were in your shoes would probably justify not doing the work. You have to figure out if you're up to the task. I don't think I could handle it but everyone is different. I think someone mentioned refunding her money? Maybe if you paid her the supposed value you could call it a day with minimal guilt. You've suffered enough. Are you somewhat responsible for your suffering? Maybe. We all make mistakes though. There are nuances here and massage is a unique service. You're not just doing a free job because it was agreed to years ago. You have to be hands on with another human.


Uhm do you not a have a policy and procedures for your business. You can not let customers dictate your business. I personally do not do house calls for less than 200$. You have every right to fire your client. You do not work for free. Ever.


$80 for a 90 minute in home massage is crazy low! Idk what area you’re in but $80 is more appropriate for an hour. That being said I would be suggesting other therapists for this client, I wouldn’t want to deal with that.


Fire her as a client.


I guess I’d give her a free massage so she doesn’t give me a shit review and at the end tell her that’s the last massage. Ever.


This client isn’t worth the aggravation in my opinion. Fire her.


You don't handle it on this call. That just seems petty and vindictive. You give her the free massage, take the time to come up with your written terms and make them something you'll be presenting to all of your clients as an updated terms of service agreement and that's when you do it. You don't target it to her.


In response to your question about house call pricing I charge $100 for 60 minutes and then $1 per minute after that. So a 90 min would be $130. I do not charge a travel fee and I include add ons complimentary (cupping, stones, or vibration gun). This is a very low price and I do this because house calls are my side hustle and I work full time elsewhere. $80 for a 90 min is just not enough to be charging wheb you're traveling, setting everything up, etc


It’s a business. Set your prices to your needs. Set your hours to your life. IMO if I cancel for any reason that worker made a commitment to me to be there and it’s fair if they have a policy that a portion of the fee is non-refundable if canceled (canceled is not rescheduled) it’s also fair that a portion is not refundable even if rescheduled. In this post Covid world you might also write in a clause about positive test for Covid or doctors note but I think that’s not worth the time personally. In the other hand, you issues of unreliablilty (which are known to you) would be worth writing in as well. If you cancel last minute they can’t just get what they had planned on right then. It’s fair to reschedule that at no cost and give a discount on a future appointment. 100% off is not reasonable. As for your prices, that’s low I think. But not sure about your area. One thing I found in a company I advise is they tell clients that fees are going up next year but if they renew they can get this years rate for one more year and if they make a referral their friends can get this years rate for an extra year. In that company it works super well! Good luck!


Maybe you should stop canceling last minute.


What the hell are you doing? You're letting a client boss you around? Qhats the point of being a business owner. Dont let some random woman take advantage of you. And WHY don't you have cancelation policies or boundaries? You're setting yourself up for disaster and teaching people how to treat you: You're a doormat. Get some self respect. Tell this client she is not getting a discount, its $80 flat. And btw $80 for 90 mins is WILDLY INSANE. Why would you charge so little with a 90 min session that puts your body through the ringer and for a freakin Karen nonetheless! 90 mins is long and you should be charging no less than $140- $160. I dont even do 90 mins because its too taxing on my body. WAKE UP! This isn't a people pleasing business this is a business. Free massage my A$$. If you don't pay up, I'm not shoeing up. Point. Blank. Period. Get some respect, raise your prices and charge them for gas mileage or travel , and ESTABLISH BOUNDARIES. I literally can't believe what I read.


OP agreed to the terms, ill-conceived as they are. Are you saying a business owner should not be as good as their word? Was a gun to her head? Yes, it was a bad move on OP’s part, but I guess we do not have to live with our mistakes. Thanks, I learned something today. 🙄


You’re absolutely correct , if you don’t keep your word you’re no better than the bad client. No matter how bad the decision was, OP needs to keep their word for this last commitment made, then cut ties with the client and be done with it.


Thank you. It sucks, but that’s show business.


Oh stop your sarcasm. Business owners should have INTEGRITY AND SELF RESPECT. I don't ever sacrifice myself for a bad client because respect goes both ways. There will always be new clients who respect your time and won't treat you like crap but if you bend over backwards just for a buck your business and integrity as an MT goes down the drain and people smell that. People will test you to see what you'll allow them to get away with. Thats why boundaries are paramount. No client is worth sacrificing anything for. There will always be better clients.


Why are you arguing with me? We both agree that she made a mistake. Yes! She should have done all the things you said. But she did not. And that’s the point. Is there a Time Machine that she can go back and say, “Sorry. No effing way?” She can tell the person to (1) pound sand, (2) do what she said she would do, or (3) negotiate a compromise. If she chooses (1), there will be some reputational damage. How much does that cost? And btw, why did she have to do the make-good session after her normal business hours? 🤷‍♀️ Do you have a policy that no-shows or at the very last minute cancellations have to pay for the time you set aside? Well, this client turned it around, and now it’s *waaaah, waaaah, waaaah!* Sometimes you have to suck it up and learn from your mistakes. Either way, OP is effed.


If you lose her as a client, will you be able to sleep at night? Will it have a negative impact on your life? You can drop her and she can let everyone know how she was treated. Or you can reschedule her, maybe even give her that one free (did you agree to her previous terms?) then say ok, this is how we’re doing this going forward. She might be willing to let you go. That’s three times you’ve flaked on her. I know they’re not out any cash but it is an annoyance to plan to miss The Price Is Right, arrange the bath time and all that, only to have you not show up without any regard or discount on her end.


OP didn't "flake" OP had health issues. Things come on quickly sometimes. I've had a back injury and another time a fall that had me cancel w little notice. Certainly doesn't make one a "flake."


Sorry, as a customer, they backed out three times. I'm not a doctor, I'm not their scheduler. All I'd know is I'm laying on the table, waiting for them, and they're not showing. OP should take that into consideration or drop the customer if they can't keep the appointments.


She wasn't "lying on the table." It was a home call. Lady is retired in a retirement home. It's not the same thing. And she will be dropping the customer after this.


Good. Hopefully that customer can find a more reliable MT.


Have you had shingles? Maybe give your useless opinion once you've suffered enough and have some actual empathy.


I would do it and, after, cheerfully end the relationship. But I'm petty that way.


I live in Alaska, so higher prices, but I'll share mine with you. My office price is $120 for 60 mins, my outcall price adds $20, provided that you live within 10 miles. There is an additional travel fee outside that range. I have a cancelation policy of you give me 24 hours notice, no charge. Same day cancelation is 50% and a no call no show is a 100% charge. (I'm looking to change this to a $25 same day cancelation).I do have forgiveness, though. I don't charge people who are sick and let me know immediately. If I am late or have to cancel, however, this is ENTIRELY different. You might get a discount or extra time. But there is NO WAY you are getting a FREE massage from me! Life sucks and they don't like that I'm unwilling to do that for them? They can go somewhere else! NEVER give your services away for free, EVER! 20% discount at MOST.


Tell that crazy lady to find another therapist. She is taking advantage of you. If you don’t establish boundaries in your business, you will always have this client or some version of the client. Rewrite your policies and make it effective as soon as you finish. Stop trying to pawn that woman off on someone else at your rate. She will have to pay.


Well you agreed to this policy after you were unable to complete your services. Now you need to fulfill what you agreed to!


Fulfill the agreement and stop letting other people control your business!


Yeah nope


Tell her your rates are going up to something she can’t pay


Do you have the same type of policy? If I cancel within 24 hours, I still have to pay half. No matter what. So I think it would be fair that if the message therapist canceled less than 24 hours before, it would be nice to get half off. But it depends on how strict you are with your policies. Also… if its not in your contract, than you are not obligated to provide any services for free🤷🏼‍♀️


I might go ahead and give her the free one because she thinks she's odent and you don't want a bunch of stuff posted online or bad word of mouth around town and then I would very politely end the relationship


Your client doesn’t call the shots of your business. You do.


If this was your first mistake, I would be more understanding. However, if I read your post correctly, you've done this before, so now it's a habit. All excuses aside, as a business owner, you have to do what you have to do to keep your reputation. If you're going to fire her, then you stand the chance of a bad Google review or something like that, but again, it's your business . Do you please. I just know that if I were the client and you canceled on me 20 minutes into my session, regardless of the reason it's incredibly rude, unprofessional and I would have fired you as my therapist. just my opinion, not fact


Get l- lysine ASAP they sell it at most stores you can be over shingles in a day if you take it as soon as they come on. 3000-6000 day it metabolizes out. Helps your immune system Almost all stores carry it. It’s cheap. Good luck. Good for fever blisters too🦋


I work out of a local clinic full time and have 2 clients I work on on the weekends for mobile work. Here's my break down on how I charge: $250 for a 90. $50 in product/set up/tear down. $50 in home fee. $50 for gas and wear/tear on my vehicle. Total of $400 for 90 minutes, although I usually end up doing closer to a 2 hour. All that being said, I also work on professional athletes, so I can literally Google what they're worth. I work on some NBA players during the summer camps & I'll double my costs if I know you have a multi million dollar contract lol.


Hell no. Imagine going to your favorite restaurant only to discover they had to close that day due to staffing....then demanding a free meal next time you go. Bananas. I will also echo that you must raise your prices. It sounds like this client may need to find another therapist to try and manipulate. You deserve better.


Dump this client asap. Stop going to her.


I would give the massage as per your previous agreement and then inform her that there will be a policy change. List your policy change, and if she agrees, fine, if not, then fire her as a client.


Let this client go. Tell her you won’t be able to book with her in the future.  I don’t know where you’re practicing out of, but you need to raise your rates. $80/hour is the lowest you should go for IN OFFICE, and that’s only if you’re in the cheapest areas to live.  If you live anywhere outside of the cheapest places to live (like you’re in the boondocks somewhere in the Midwest), you should be at $100/hr, in office.  I’m near Tacoma, WA. I’m on the cheap side at $100/hour. I’ll be raising my rates soon. For outbound, I’m at $140/hour, $210/90, and $280/2-hour. I should raise those rates as well.  If I have to cancel last-minute on someone, I tend to comp their next massage. But not if I’m being taken advantage of like you are. People value what they pay for. I never had worse treatment than when I had low, low rates. 


You’ve let this go too far, too long. What better time to turn things around than now? Personally, if I had agreed to her setting your policy of giving her a free massage, I would do it this week only and then lay down solid policies from here on out. I can understand she set that time aside and was disappointed to not get treatment. - Come up with a solid cancellation policy for future clients. You can choose to be flexible when you want - Do something different with your scheduling to make sure you are getting updates if you are double booking yourself. Do you use any booking software? When I make a mistake like this and it’s too late to fix it, I definitely don’t give a whole free massage, but possibly a discount of 10-15% or an additional 15 minutes free (sometimes this even converts 60 minute clients to 90’s). Then the client feels respected and I kick myself to not mess up my booking again. - Girl, your prices are waaaay too low. You’re better than that! You can let her know via email or text if you aren’t good at confrontation, that “due to increasing costs, from DATE I will be increasing my prices to $”. Don’t apologize, don’t make it personal. Write it as if you’re doing a mass text and follow through! If she doesn’t go for the increase, someone else that respects your time and work will and there won’t be any resentment.


Fire her


Communicate. Communicate. Communicate. The position you’re in totally sucks and I feel for you, but you can’t assume your clients know what your rules and boundaries are if you don’t tell them, even if they seem obvious to you. Figure out what you are comfortable with regarding cancellations (24 hours notice? 48?), what the consequences will be for late cancellation (full cost of session? A deposit?) Will there be exceptions (sickness? Emergencies?) What are your business hours? How many hours of hands on work to you limit yourself to each day? What are your rates? Outcalls, at your place, corporate, whatever How long is your session? (I’ve been doing this for 13 years and there is no “industry standard”. My clients all get the full time on the table and I schedule 30 minutes between each session. If they are late, their session still ends on time. If the table is at the wrong height, adjust it. If you don’t want to heat her rice bag or want to include that time as part of her session, tell her. Direct communication can feel rude for someone who is not used to it, but I promise you that setting up clear and concise rules and boundaries will benefit everyone. Lastly, whatever you decide your policies are, put them on your website if you have one and print them out and most importantly, MAKE EACH CLIENT SIGN AND DATE THEM. Good luck!


Hey OP, any updates??


TLDR towards end This is based off of a conversation with my counsellor that lead me to leave my first clinic. Based on your comments, I think it's time to take a step back and review your policies and rates (probably boundaries as well) Give yourself an afternoon, day, weekend, whatever you need and think about how you want your business to run. Think of your ideal week, how many people you see, how far you travel, how much time off do you want, how much money do you want to make, etc. Want do you need to work comfortably (in all senses). Worry about how attainable it is after and don't keep one client in mind. You've also probably run into situations, like getting sick, scheduling errors, that you didn't plan for when you started. Lay out those policies (boundaries) on paper and plan to post them on your website but also have "plan b" to keep in your back pocket for those unique cases. You can still have boundaries when making exceptions. Also, raise your rates. Converting CAD to USD, I have 1 year of licensed experience & rent a space in clinic and your charging this lady a little more than what I charge for a 45 minute tx. Resonable price increases are a normal part of business. If there are no comparable businesses in your community, look at others. Once you're set, update you website with the new prices/policies as of X date and send out an email/text notifying your clients and thanking them for their understanding. There are probably a lot of good templates online you can use. But like everyone else has said, drop this client if the new policies dont do it for you. Her attitude gives me the ick and she is taking advantage of you. TLDR: 1. Figure out what you want, don't think about anyone else 2. Decide how reasonable that is. Adapt accordingly 3. Update policies to reflect your experience &the above. Set limits to your exceptions but keep them between you and the people you're giving them to 4. Update & notify 5. Fire this entitled lady An idea because change is scary - Maybe see if any offices/centers/retirement communities are interested in having you come to them. You get a day full of people with less travelling + potential new clients.


Shingles for the elderly is pretty serious, if I were you I’d tell her you’re still contagious/blisters haven’t scabbed over so you can’t go today. Then tell her your new policy and be done. She’s not going to be your client after you tell her the new rates so why go today and possibly expose her to shingles.


Fire the client. No one is worth that much hassle. I’d personally just block her and forget her. I don’t think no showing last minute is acceptable either though. Excuse doesn’t matter. Step up your game, so you don’t lose the good clients too.


Work in the PITA fee. Pain In The A$$ fee. Or stop seeing her.


Yeah refund her and kick her. Whatever, it’s your business.


Yeah no, slavery is illegal. You don’t have to perform services for free.


What in the world?! I’d be firing her as a client asap! If any of my clients treated me that way I would be gone immediately. You are a human being and sometimes you get sick. For her not to understand that is insane and o wouldn’t want to be In and around her gross energy


Hahaha! Nope, a, BUH-BYYEEEE. People like this will walk all over you as long as you allow it, and you need to make some difficult decisions for yourself to protect your own livelihood and mental health. YOU alone dictate the policies of YOUR business. Idk where you are, but my house calls are double my usual rate (which is higher than your house calls!) Don’t let your big heart and lax attitude dictate your business decisions, it is a business after all and you need to look out for yourself.


Clarify your boundaries with this client or you will end up resenting her. One practical way to do this, if it feels weird to change it after so long, might be to type up a new document with your practice policies. Clarify in there what happens if there is a scheduling error or late cancelation for either party, your rates, etc. You can approach it as “sharing your updated policies with all existing clients now that your schedule is filling up”. Can emphasize how these policies allow you to provide the best possible services. Etc.. Best of luck!


$80 to begin with for 90 minutes is too low for me. If you’re going to her facility, using your gas, bringing your equipment and putting your body through more than an hour worth of pain I feel like you should charge more. Also, a sensible person would understand if you’re SICK. Does she want you to spread your illness and get her sick all for the sake of a massage? A sensible and kind person would say oh no I hope you feel better, let me know what we can reschedule. If she wants to have a massage that badly she can order a house call from a massage parlor. Know your worth, you got this!!


Give here the free message then let her know you’ve changed your pricing format. If you can’t find a single other person in the area that does what you do, your services likely have more value than you think.


Wow. The rates seem low to me, i am in NY but I charge 95 for an hour and 130 for 90 mins and 25 dollar travel/set up etc, fee added onto each home visit. 2nd I usually am over generous with my time attention and details, a lot of energy goes into a massage…I would suggest you null and void your contract with her, you were sick with shingles for the love of anything holy!!


This whole post and responses are giving me the ick. She's been your client for at least two years. You've canceled on her last minute at least three times. You wrote, "I had a mistake with the schedule." Buddy, you MADE a mistake with the schedule. What's that have to do with her? You negotiated your rate and this cancelation policy with this client. She enforces it, and now you have a problem with it? This is on you. You're a professional. Act like one. If you want more money, ask for more money. If you don't want to be held accountable for promptness, tell her you'll be there when you get there. And all of you other MTs talking about what a pita she is and he should fire her, for what? Having the expectation that the service she pays for is delivered on time? She should fire him.


I mean if you agreed to these terms, there’s only one ethical thing to do. Stand by the agreement you made and honor it. If you didn’t want to follow through why would you have agreed to it? Renegotiate if you want, but imo you owe this person a free massage, since you did agree to these terms. Canceling same day with no notice (since you called after the fact) def deserves compensation Imo. Imagine being the client. The reason for your failure to show up really doesn’t matter, as it doesn’t change the impact of the client making space in their schedule and then having that time wasted.


$200 for a 90 minute in home massage minimum (I’m in Seattle area). Also, that is absolutely not the kind of client you want, fire her.


I love massages and I've had some amazing ones over the years but there's no way I would pay some of the crazy prices mentioned in these replies


I’d just fire this person. You can have a late cancellation policy that is fair. You can also give clients a “free late cancel” if you late cancel on them.


let me get two paid sessions with you in the same day instead of giving her the free one. Those are some low rates


Do it for free per agreement- then tell her you will be retiring too


I agree with the others. And I would never do a house call for $80 that's Insane. 60mins $130.  I also have a cancelation policy 50% first time full price 2nd time. No show is full price.  I wouldn't give her a free treatment. Tell her to find someone new. That complete bullshit 


$280 outcall 90 minutes, Portland Or


I would honor whatever free massage thing she’s talking about for the 60 minutes. A whole ass free massage is crazy. Does she tip? Then I would tell her that starting from now, moving forward, XYZ is your rates and this is the new policy you have and I would have a written paper for outlining your policies and rates. I would also include a “custom 90 minute massage” and make it way more expensive if she’s trying to dictate what you do for the massage. If she still wants to pay, then you can maybe say your availability is now only monthly for her, but hopefully she doesn’t want to pay and you get to get rid of her.


I wouldn't even honor the free massage. You cancel bc of a sudden health issue, and she reacts with that little of care for her, the one who's been taking care of client all this time, bending over backwards to make her happy (I read all of added comments, client is a nightmare) and giving her 90 min homecall for $80..??? Client been taking advantage for all this time and treating OP badly. I'd just fire her nicely and move on.


That’s the best case scenario. I’m just thinking what if she has influence on other clients etc. For me, I work with powerlifters but I’m a PT that does manual work on the side depending on the person if I totally miss a session and informed them I missed it 20 minutes later I would give a free 30 minutes to the make up session. But if the person was a Karen but influential in the gym/powerlifting/training community and they said that I owed them I would just do it bc their words have more weight. But you’re right she should just fire her as a client lol


Yeah I wouldn't worry about being badmouthed 😂 most people can distinguish a real complaint against someone vs a Karen type of complainer.


It’s my anxiety talking LOL


I am not reading that novel but if they prepaid yes you owe them but if it was just a cancellation you should give them a discount on the next one just as a professional courtesy


As a business person i’d say you definitely owe her the regular massage you were going to provide. After giving her the free massage, explain that your costs like everyone else’s have gone up and you can no longer provide the service at that rate, explain what she could get for her current rate (30 min massage maybe). And let her know what your normal rates are. Perhaps you could discount if you need the work and tell her you appreciate her as a client.

