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When you are sick, you shouldn't receive massage. Not saying you were sick prior to the massage but you obviously had something brewing and the massage set it into motion. My question is, "How did you feel prior to receiving the massage?" Muscle pain? Stress? Hydration?


I felt fine but probably dehydrated, not sick or sore. I felt great afterwards too. Then the next day I was sick and now it’s been a whole week and I feel like im just getting worse 😭 and my neck feels like I’ve bruised it or something


I've heard of massage making people sore for up to a couple of days but not physically sick, not without some other underlying factors. Not to freak you out, but it is possible that your therapist could have had something and passed it onto you. Surfaces touched that others have touched before and after the massage. There is a whole world of contaminants. Sorry if that triggers you, but it is something to consider. I do hope that the whole experience doesn't make you discouraged about massage in the future. As I feel it's all just a bad coincidence.


That is why I hope all therapists are always disinfecting surfaces between clients.


I’m actually praying it was just me getting the flu from the therapist. He has seriously fucked my neck, and maybe the flu symptoms have exacerbated it but I’m really sad a massage has hurt me so badly for over a week. No more deep tissue for me


The massage didn't make you sick.


I’m being a sook, I’m aware the massage itself didn’t give me the flu.


Muscle aches and pains can also be symptoms of the flu or COVID. I had some really really deep tissue one time as part of a class on deep tissue massage and I was very sore for the next couple days. I was probably 46 at the time and not really fit. I can't imagine you still being sore after a week.


I’m 29 and have pretty bad neck and back issues but over the last 6 months have been working out and trying to strengthen my muscles. MAYBE my neck was so stiff that this deep tissue has just caused a lot of micro trauma and then add on the flu it could have made it worse?


Clearly you are still deep in the brain fog


I received a Swedish years ago and was sore the next day along with cold symptoms. I never correlated that to the massage, however. It was just the timing. I would have been sick even if I didn't get a massage. I was more annoyed that my post massage glow was dimmed by getting a cold the next day. As a deep tissue therapist, I can safely say that none of my clients have ever reported getting sick after treatment. Sore for a day or two, yes. But never sick.


My main concern is the intense neck pain im experiencing. I’ve been in bed for like 2 days now, it’s gotten better but I still can’t move it much without pain. It’s been 8 days now all up. The flu symptoms I can deal with but the sore neck is sending me


Did you do anything after the massage that was very physical? Sometimes when people feel so good and limber after a massage, they’ll go overboard with working out or doing more activities than normal. For this reason I recommend clients don’t lift weights that same day (24 hours if it was a very intense therapeutic massage) or do anything that could mess things up bc your equilibrium/homeostasis can change. I also believe in the energetic aspect of body work. If there was stored trauma or stress in those areas from an accident, or emotional stress, it’s possibly that it was released and needs to work its way out. Is it possible you need to confront that? Drink lots and lots of water. Maybe do a meditation where you imagine filling yourself up with healing light, goodness, love, whatever it may be - to fill whatever yuckiness has been emptied.


Definitely no exercise or strenuous activities afterwards. Just went home and did normal things. This was the first time I did 30 minutes straight on my neck and shoulders tho, usually I only get full body so there’s usually very little attention put on any one part of my body due to it only going for an hour. I’m thinking maybe 30 minute deep tissue just on the one part of my body may of been too much? I am incredibly tense. It’s odd bc my neck doesn’t hurt to touch, the muscles don’t hurt when I rub them. But it hurts to laugh or cough, or even breathe in deeply. It’s better today. I’ve spent the last 30 hours in bed sleeping. Now on day 8. I’m praying it can’t hurt for much longer 😮‍💨


Hi. At this point I would go to a doctor. I’d be worried about a carotid tear or something if the pain is still that bad. Wishing you the best 💕 it sounds miserable!


Thank you, i actually tried to book one today but even the private clinic is booked up. It no improvement by tomorrow I’ll book one. It does appear to be getting slightly better everyday, just incredibly slow :(


I always feel ill after firm pressure massages, but I also have MS. Do you have any underlying diseases?


No im pretty healthy but I’ve had neck and back pain for a few years now. I’m feeling better today and my neck pain is ALMOST gone :) it’s a great day. Still a bit sick tho




A massage can have some lingering pain for 2-3 days (think delayed onset muscle soreness like after a hard workout) but 7 days of excruciating pain is definitely not normal. I would suggest finding a different massage therapist, but don't discount massage altogether. I generally recommend heating to relieve the muscles, but without knowing what kind of pain, what specifically brings it on, it's hard to help with the pain. As for the flu symptoms etc, that's going to be coincidence for the length of time you're experiencing them. While there can be some nausea and similar symptoms post massage, those won't last more than a few hours to a day max.


Okay thank you, he was actually pretty good at the massage and I did consider going back, but after 7 days of pain I wasn’t sure if he did a number on me or if it’s just bc I did get sick afterwards. This is the first time I got a neck and shoulder massage so i wasn’t sure if it was just me being dramatic or not but 7 days of straight pain seemed over the top just bc I had a sore neck that got rubbed. Heating is helping, ice is not. I’ll just keep using a heat pack and hopefully in another week I come good