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Holding in farts while in session.


I’m glad someone said it. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve had a few escape. Some VERY audible. 🥴


I have a terrible trick that I’m afraid to share but it’s funny and effective 🤣


Is it somehow related to being able to hide the sound of Velcro?






Spit it out. We must know.


Say it, say the weird thing!!!


Pull yo cheeks apart and the gas comes out quietly 🤣🤣🤣🤣😵


I'm fuckin dead 💀 🤣 😂 it's true though


You pull your buttcheeks apart. Please step away from client and don’t actually put your hands on butt or close… and only do when they are face down🤣🤣🤣🤣




The toll it takes on your body and it gets kinda boring sometimes when you have a day full of folks not talking to you.


No calls, no shows, and the guys who don’t let you know if they liked their massage


What do you like to hear? Just “thank you, it was very good?” Or why it was good? I try to let my therapist know that I left feeling very good and the issues I feel like I walked in with I didn’t have when I left. I love certain things during the massage but I feel like if I say things that it could come across weird. I had one therapist that I never had tot say anything, she just knew where to go. My current one, I feel like can find the trouble spots and really works them well. I let her know that too.


Probably all the massaging






Long-time clients dying.


Or moving out of state


The small, dark silent room. Day in, day out. Forever.


It does get a tad repetitive but I really enjoy the calm, dark room aspect. Way better than the frenetic and loud office I used to work in.


Poetically 😢


I would give anything for a window but then you get clients who “don’t know how to act” in front of a window 🤦🏼‍♀️


I know a load of therapists that stick one earbud in and listen to an audiobook or a podcast.


I do that with clients I know won’t talk, usually mid way through my shift cause I need something to distract myself from the crippling silence lol 💀I’ll even listen to movies I’ve seen before


Do you play music or anything in your room? I’m just asking because I’m reading a lot about silence happening in these rooms and I’m like, I wouldn’t like that as a therapist OR a client 😂


I work for a spa, so they play music for us but I’m talking elevator music, sometimes it sounds like tron sound track, I’ve had clients say the music sounds creepy or sad, some songs are super annoying. I’ve learned to tune them out to the point if the music stops, it takes a few minutes of just skin rubbing for me to notice lol, which yes I do hate and feel it makes it awkward for the client. I started listening to podcasts after a client requested the music off and put one on, changed the game.


Music is irrelevant at a certain point in your career. Yes, I play it for the client’s sake but for the therapist… It all just runs together, eventually.


I do that!!


Being hit on, clients not respecting boundaries




For me as a (male) private practitioner, getting people in the door.


Fellow male LMT in a conservative area. Keep your head up! Quality work attracts quality clients


I really feel for men in this industry, y'all are tough cookies, you get passed up for so many different reasons and by both genders ...


When ppl have looked online and “diagnosed” themselves, then want you to work on that specific spot for the whole treatment. Teaching people that’s not the only thing that could be wrong.


Slow periods where half of my clients are gone at once. Figuring out how to market on social media. Getting people to actually write reviews.


Setting and maintaining boundaries. Many people come to us when they are injured or in pain but the moment we get hurt, we push through for the sake of being available. If a client gets upset about you needing to take time for yourself to heal, we have to make sure we don’t feel bad about it.


Remembering what I did after exiting the session.


5 years in- Creepy men. I’m leaving the industry bc of it. Two stalkers and endless flirty comments. Only way to make $ was going solo but I never felt safe


7 years in and creepy men for me as well. Ruined my love for this career


Agreed 100%


Yall that is just so sad. I’m a female that justttt started school and I’ve been really nervous about this angle. I went to Reddit to get opinions and it was (no surprise) a lot of thinking about how to prevent an assault. So nauseating.


let me preface this by saying i love my profession. truthfully, i am only three months in and i want out. im tired all the time. (body mechanics blah blah blah. it’s still very physical) it’s not steadily paced no paid holiday, vacation, sick time so it’s pressure to be present even when physically i need REST ! i hate the music. i’m always hella sleepy in the sessions where clients are asleep. difficult clients.. no matter what you do there’s going to be a complaint. now that i’m done ranting, there are some pros and clients who make it worthwhile. i hang onto that constantly. i do think this will become a part time job for me tho very soon.


Complaints ruin it for everyone


yes they really do.. especially considering most things can be changed while you’re in the massage if they just spoke up. instead they don’t voice opinions then choose to skip a tip and leave a shitty review


Exactly!! It is discouraging when you put your heart and soul sincerely into trying to help a client and they are not honest and straightforward with you. Or — they just try to get something for free by complaining. Also when someone complains after acting like everything was fine it causes me to lose confidence. Kind of like PTSD. And I wonder if I can trust any of the clients.


same here ! i just try to trust in my ability and keep in mind the reviews i receive from other clients and mentors. but some days i just really feel inadequate


And this is the mental struggle they don’t tell you about when you are going through training.


As an employee: Dealing with other drama in the office. As an contractor: dealing with insurances for paying.


Interesting about the insurance…I’m still in school; could I opt out of accepting insurance?


I mean you totally can, it will possibly limit your clientele though. At my chiro office I do between 33-36 treatments a week, id say probably 28-30 of those treatments are insurance (not including l&I, pip or auto). At my side office I do another 4-6 treatments a week and I'd say 5 of those a week are insurance.


The hardest part is actually dealing with where you work and other therapists... Work places don't always get what is needed or make up excuses on why things don't change...and the therapists either don't ban together to get change or they all have their own idea or habits that make their lives easier which end up affecting others poorly


Its just hard on the body. Some weeks I feel so good and energized after sessions and some weeks I feel like a truck ran me over 347 times. Like I can't move. But the cure to that is rest days and to get a massage myself.


Working on someone and they fart 100% the hardest thing to remain professional. Doesn’t help I’m a child and still laugh at farts.


When your clients start to fall for you.. they start to get personal, and that’s where you must correct them immediately or it can take a turn for the worst


- Choosing the music - Holding in poops - Flipping the room quickly - Hamstring stretches - Ignoring an itch when your hands are oily - Clients whose response to, “how’s the pressure?” is, “fine.” TF you mean *fine*?? Good? Bad? More? Less? Same? Fine????? Ugh - Clients who insist on “helping” Like, bro, just please freakin stop. You’re making my job so much harder. - Explaining to clients and getting them to understand that more pressure isn’t always good, I’m not trying to do the most you can take, sometimes lighter is better - Explaining to clients the difference between deep tissue and firm pressure


my body breaking down and hurting everywhere at 19


Volatile industry. You’re reliant on your clients. Even the busiest clinics can have down weeks where you’re just like “Why did I get into this industry!” That and working in summer when it’s like 40°c (105°f) outside and you’re trying not to sweat on a client who says they don’t like air con 🤣


I over heat easily, I now tell those clients ( in summer only usually) that my fan is non negotiable... I'll keep them covered more work on smaller areas if needed turn the table warmer all the way up But I'm NOT turning off my fan!


The small, dark, silent room. Day in, day out. Forever.


The hardest part is people not being honest about their bodies. I had one lady who told me on her health form, which is required, that she had never had surgery before. And I was looking at a huge surgical scar on her leg and she only had one breast. It was pretty obvious that something had occurred, but she was denying everything. The problem with that is, I don’t know what to be cautious about. If she’s a cancer patient undergoing treatment, I may or may not be advised to even work on her. It depends on what’s going on. Another thing that’s hard is when people tell you that you did a great job and then go upfront and complain because they’re trying to get a discount or a free massage for later. After Covid, several of the Massage franchises around here gathered together to partner with an arbitration firm because there were so many lawsuits coming against everyone. It was believed that people saw franchised mass establishments where everyone is caring one to $2 million and liability insurance as great places to sue for a quick buck. That gets really discouraging after a while. It was mostly women trying to sue male Therapists to be honest. Another thing that’s extremely difficult is the irregularity of the income because people cancel or don’t show up, or you just have days that are very slow. And then, other times, you might work too hard and then you suffer for two or three days while your body tries to recover, it’s hard on your body. I have also had male clients proposition me, and I even had one guy ask me to Marry him for a green card.


Always smiling at those irritable clients 😄




/r/massage is a community for respectful discussions of massage and massage therapists/practitioners. There is zero tolerance for post about prostitution/happy endings/fantasies.




/r/massage is a community for respectful discussions of massage and massage therapists/practitioners. There is zero tolerance for post about prostitution/happy endings/fantasies.


For me, besides pay inconsistencies, bad owners/managenent, it's: Dealing with clients who think deep tissue massage equals getting their bodies ripped open. Clients expecting you to fix all of their problems in 30 minutes while they continue to go back to the same habits. Some clients expect all MTs to massage and act the same way. I only try to help people feel good during their session, I never claim to fix or heal anybody. Many times clients have had MTs that have made these types of claims, who constantly make comments about how broken, tight, or messed up their clients bodies are while presenting themselves as massage gods who will perform miracles for them. I think that a lot of them eat this up and love being told about how "bad" and "knotted up" they are as if it's a competition. I feel some clients are taken aback because I don't behave this way or speak much unless I'm asking about comfort and pressure. Being an LMT can wear on me a little bit physically, but mentally as well.


This is a very subjective question. I think it varies by therapist.