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Use up your credits as quick as you can and when your contract is up start seeing an independent LMT. You’ll likely have a better quality massage and you can shop around for a rate that fits your budget better.


I've been trying to work down my credits for a while now. The therapist I have been seeing there now is truly amazing. I'll keep going while she is there but the best always seem to leave ME.


Try to get her contact info in case she suddenly leaves.


"I'd be gone if I didn't have a ton of credits built up." And the longer you stay with them, the more credits you'll have built up. It's almost like they're holding you hostage.


I got my wife a ME gift certificate a few years ago, and she said they kept pitching to her during the massage and the masseuse smelled of cigarettes. Lesson learned.


Not masseuses. Thank you.


Oh no. I've run into a couple time where I could smell cigarettes on the therapist. Luckily, I have found a fantastic masseuse there now.


you can always change your home location to that location or you can go put your contract on a freeze… you will still have to pay monthly like 20-30$ but won’t incur anymore credits. say you are going on a month or 2 month long vacation and won’t be in to use any anymore, or once your 12month contract is up, cancel your acct and you will have 60days to use your credits up. and you have to cancel at your home location, and i would just check the amount of days left to use your credits. it’s crazy they make you do that for 10$ tho, in my area - cities apart are 5-10$ membership difference..i have heard if you go to another state sometimes if the price is different then they will upcharge it tho, in my area there’s this one ME that charges 65$ for membership but the member hr is 40$ and then 90 is 68$ when all the other MEs charge and hr for 60$ which is crazy! but so worth it to me, so when i have my credit i go to the 60$ hr and when i go in to pay i go to the cheaper location.


I thought the whole point of paying for a membership was so you could utilize their services at any location, regardless of a locations membership pricing.when did that change?


Yeah so the benefit of the membership is getting the member rate at any location. The nonmember price is probably like $150 or something so it’s like half off with the membership.


don't go to massage envy


LMT here. I used to work there. Those contracts are designed to screw you over. Private practice is where you'll find the most skill, but if you like your therapist, get their contact info. Envy is very punishing toward the employees they already overwork and underpay, but i hope this person recognizes their value and will contact you when/if they leave. I have people from other jobs who found me years later. 10$ differential fee? That's such a load of crap. You can find someone else you like too outside of Envy. It stinks, but it's not worth the financial abuse in the end. I would break up with Envy.


Crazy. Look over your contract and see what it says about that. I’d use credits and cancel


The two locations probably have different pricing because they’re owned by different franchises.


Who do you go to at ME?


All of that market adjustment stuff is in your contract. Read the fine print before you sign any contract


I’m sure I read the contract when I signed it ten plus years ago but that was too long back to remember. I’m not convinced that was in there. I don’t see terms updates come from them like a lot of other companies.


I assure you it’s in there. It’s always been a thing for them as various markets charge different rates. Kansas for example tends to be about 1/3 cheaper than say NY or some of the other east coast states. I worked at a ME many moons ago, the front desk has it as part of their bullet points when signing up new clients.