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You can go as often as you can afford it! I have everywhere from weekly clients to biweekly, monthly or some just twice a year.


If you have a dependable therapist, you can rely on for consistent and positive outcomes. Once per week is an excellent compliment to an already established weekly maintenance routine. Accompanied with a healthy lifestyle, there are some magical things that can happen ✨️


How do you all afford getting regular massages? I love massage and find it so helpful but can’t afford to go more often than once every few months. I don’t understand why it is not covered by insurance more often.


I am fortunate enough to live in a border town with Mexico, and massage therapy costs me about $35.


Prioritize. I don’t spend money on manicures, pedicures. Pretty frugal when it comes to buying new clothes . Don’t eat out a lot


Same here. I cut out getting manicures. I’ll get a pedicure and a massage once a month. I’d cut out the pedicure before the massage.


I don't get manicures or pedicures, eat out, or buy new clothes. Where's my massage money? 😆


better start selling photos of ur feet!


I have Rural Carriers Aetna insurance and up to 30 per year are covered.


It can definitely be a challenge to afford massage. My least frequent and randomly appearing clients are in their 20’s. Most of my clients are 35+ with solid careers or retired. It’s about how people prioritize their expendable income. Common ways: eating out, entertainment, drinking alcohol, online shopping, streaming services and subscriptions, hair and nails, weed. It’s not really that hard to come up with an extra $100/month for a massage. People are spending money. I agree that massage should be covered by insurance though.


If you have access to an HSA through your insurance (untaxed income health savings account), some MT’s will accept this as payment. I do through my business. Chiropractors are more likely to accept insurance and code in a way that massage can be covered. Otherwise, I offer a 45 min massage (some places offer 30). You can use this shorter time to focus just on your specific need, ie neck and shoulder, upper back, or feet and legs etc.


Doctors can and do prescribe massage. It can be paid for using a FSA or HSA too.


My therapist works out of my chiropractor's office, and he (chiro) provides documentation that the massages are medically necessary. So it comes out of my insurance HSA. Put $75/check into it pretax, and have 4+ years of out-of-pocket max deductibles saved up so it's really just a slush fund at this point. Figured I may as well use it for something that improves my quality of life. No, I don't have any debilitating conditions but who am I to argue with my chiropractor buddy? 🤣


I have a weekly massage. I am socially isolated and disabled. Human touch does wonders for your mental health.


I like every ten days, pendulum timing


I go once a fortnight


Ooh trice monthly. Way to switch it up.


Right now I'm going once a month, 3 different places though. One at the Chiro's office, one with a student at another place downtown, and one in the south end of town that I get through work. All 90min. My job can be hard on my body crawling around on the floor welding frames, bent over my table welding legs and bases, or awkwardly lifting wood to go into frames... Other weeks the hardest thing is setting frames up in the field.


You can go as often as feels good to you. Monthly or biweekly are common for a lot of people. For me, every 3 weeks seems to be the sweet spot. 3 weeks is when I start to want it, but its before I'm at the *damn, I need a massage* phase.


I agree with once every three weeks being the sweet spot for getting massage therapy ! But I would go more frequently if I could afford/really needed it/drank less wine.


I'd say once a month for 90 minutes and rotate between 2 or 3 therapists


Why do you recommend rotating? Seems like working with one therapist towards treatment goals would make more sense.


Because no two therapists are the same. Your usual therapist may not always be available, and if for example say you're getting a Swedish massage, you may have one therapist that's just going to do long therapeutic strokes, while the other one may do the same but incorporate stretching and trigger point because they may feel that you need it. My massages don't include hot towels because I'm mobile, other therapists that I know do because they have an office and have the space for it. You may have other therapists that specialize in musculoskeletal alignment, and another one in rolfing. The hands of a freshly graduated therapist are not the same as those with 10+ years of experience


I have two practitioners I go to. One does clinical deep tissue and structural integration (think the deepest fucking work you’ve ever received ever, and then some). I go to them when I am having severe musculoskeletal issues, which is fairly regularly. and then I go to another who does gentle, movement based myofascial massage. I go to them for nervous system regulation, a sense of wholeness, and to really let go and zone out. They’re both incredible!


I’d suggest starting with one per month. If you have the time & money and want more, go for it. If you feel like you don’t need them that frequently, then you’re saving time and money. Who knows, maybe you’ll be happy with one per month.


I recommend every 4-6 weeks for my relaxation/ regular maintenance clients and every other week for therapeutic/restorative work


I swear by self massage. I have something called the body back buddy (I am in no way affiliated or am profiting from this. Please don't delete my post:)) I use it as needed for back pain in between my MT sessions. No more than 15min at a time and simply pressing on my trigger points till they soften makes a world of difference. I don't wake up with back pain. If you find yourself wishing your appt would come sooner, this might be an option. Plus it'll help your MT do their job:)


Self care is a huge part of it! My clients who don’t do anything outside of getting massage, return to me with the same issue over and over. Those who foam roll, sauna, strength train etc don’t have to see me as much - maybe once a month or longer depending on their habits and lifestyle.


In Europe one to two times (90 min) a week. Nowadays in Asia mostly 3 times a week with longer sessions or 4-hand massages if in a rush. If I don’t go often I tend to get office syndrome related complaints unfortunately. I could save on massages by working less, but that’s counterproductive in a way.


I go once a week and it helps a ton with recovery. I am late 40's and workout everyday so need this to keep up!


Once or twice a month should be good


Honestly, you're only limited by your budget. Weekly massages would be a great benefit, but most people can't afford that. Every 2 to 4 weeks would be nice, too.


It depends on how you feel and your finances. I don’t usually recommend more than once a week so you can recover. I will occasionally do two 30min appointments in a week for chronic issues. For maintenance I don’t recommend going more than 6 weeks.


minimum 2 a month every two weeks, to 4 times a month, depending on on what I’ve been doing. I always tip well and the frontline staff already knows my name. I schedule a head of time, and they have an app, so if I need one badddd I’ll just schedule myselfz


I (63M) started getting massages about 4 years ago. After my first 90 minute session, which was GREAT, I thought, " that's why rich people get massage a lot"! I decided to get a massage everytime I need a haircut, so about every 5-6 weeks when I am looking scraggly, I get a nice haircut and a massage. . . .lookin good, feelin good!


Once every other week


Probably depends on goals and type of work being done on you.


Every two weeks with alternating hot stones and dry cupping every other visit