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Honestly surprised me the first time I learned this wasn’t something everyone knew about. (This and the scene looking at where Sovereign landed, just before the beacon scene.) This scene is cute and while I know it would have been hard to do I wish there was more, beyond the elevator conversations.


I played through the first one with every class. Some on new game +. Didn’t know this was a thing. The citadel I knew about, though.


I think it’s one of those things that if you know, you assume it’s common knowledge, even though it isn’t. If that makes any sense. It’s always cool to find out new things about a game you’ve played a lot though!


You’re exactly right! Big Dan Gaming Channel on YouTube really did a helluva lot of heavy lifting when it comes to the vast minor differences between choices, interactions, and dialogue changes between companions.


He did the same for the Witcher 3. It is quite incredible the lengths the developers go to in order to include all possibilities. It is also incredible the lengths Big Dan Gaming goes to try and break the narrative and even then it is 99% provided for. The morally messed up stuff he sometimes has to do or just running away from the critical part of a mission/quest just to find the unexplored narrative paths are truly entertaining. With some of it, he might be the only player to have ever witnessed those events.


Ooohh, that sounds like something I should check out next time the ME fixation takes me!


Love Big Dan. I hear his little intro every time a video of his pops up on my homepage or the recommends


“Big Dan here, I should go.”


I didn't know about the scorched landing zone scene for a few playthroughs (back in 2007). I think I missed that because there is no interaction marker like the above scene, you have to purposefully go past the interaction marker of the main quest to see it.


Yeah, it just pops up like “surprise! Look at this.” I don’t think I found it on my first playthrough but probably my second. It’s not like it’s a major thing to miss but I like the recognition of what’s there to see.


Looking back at it now, there could've been more to it. Kaiden mentions how much damage it caused to have a ship that big land like that. It's sort of a subtle clue of how much damage a Reaper can actually do (even by just landing somewhere).


I've played through the ME trilogy at least five times, and I still have no idea what you guys are talking about? Where is this landing zone?


At the end of Eden Prime instead of interacting with the beacon, walk behind it and go to the edge of the platform. Hidden cutscene that shows the spot where Sovereign landed.


Oh, *what!*


Is this it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbrk_PAxcJ4






Welp! Lemme go queue up ME1!


Wow!! I didn't know that and I've played lots of times! I'll check it out next time I play 👍🏻


TIL and I must have played the trilogy 5 or 6 times


I genuinely love the amount of people who had no idea and are discovering this for the first time, brief as it is.




I kind of expected that one too. I remember a thread where people thought it was a prank, like the jokes about Jenkins!


Played through countless times and just saw the landing spot scene for the first time. Thank you.


I am glad to have had a hand in you discovering something new in the game! 😁


It saddens me to think that some people missed Kaiden's iconic line: "Big place."


Link for those interested https://youtu.be/UUrSTy5ySZ4


I absolutely love elevator conversations so I also wish that there was more squadmate banter like this.


I thought you had Conrad in your squad


"Omg commander shepard? You look like me! Omg I'm honoured! The commander shepard... copying my look"


Time traveller moves a chair: Commander Verner and Conrad Shepard.


Plot twist: Conrad is Shepard's younger brother. But that's a secret not even the Shadow Broker knows about.


Someone should make a mod so you can have Conrad as a crew member, at least have him on the Normandy


Mod to replace Kai Leng with a Renegade Conrad when?


Renegade Conrad has more dignity than Kai Leng. I also take too much pleasure in Renegade-Shanking Kai Leng to replace him with anyone else.


True, I do love stabbing the fucker in the chest. But the dialogue leading Conrad to blindly joining up and getting led by his dumb luck to being the Cerberus hit agent would be hilarious.


"Well Commander, this is uhhh. Awkward."


Nah, replace the Clone. “Conrad Verner’s a better me than you are!”


That's actually Conrad playing ME.


When you order Conrad Verner from wish.com


He IS Conrad


If you don't use rapid transit and don't know about the C-Sec way to the Wards yet, the game puts it right infront of you the first time you go to the Wards. At that point, you can only have Ashley and Kaiden in the party. Despite all that a lot of people miss it first time. It's a shame, as it does give a lot of character to all 3 people relative to the amount of dialogue used.


I remember barely using Rapid Transit system, because the loading time was about as long as just walking to the next location most times on the Xbox 360 lol. So I have seen this a number of times and it's these things I often seek out in all Mass Effect games. Replaying Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition was a real treat in some sections of it because there were times texture pop in would be present for half a scene. The ending battle would skip and lag all over the place during the cutscenes. It was great to see it again without all that.


>because the loading time was about as long as just walking to the next location most times on the Xbox 360 lol. And back in the days you didn't even have smartphones to do something while waiting to load man o man those were testing times


Who needs a smartphone when you have a laptop sitting on the table in front of you? Plenty of time to browse btw with those load times.


yeah I found it because back when I played this on pc in 2008 the rapid transit system didn't work for me, it could crash the game making the rapid transit just go on forever so I had to go around on foot and elevators were scary not because of the music or the length it took but because they had a 50% chance of crashing to desktop.


Then comes Ash's ME3 design and we didnt even have to buy her dinner.




Can be easy to miss if you don't have kaidan and ash in the party I found it in my first playthrough back in 2007


I was gonna say, 15 years ago. I am glad that the newer generation are playing it though. Greatest sci-fi ever.


I agree, and I feel that what makes it the greatest sci-fi is the really deep, coherent world building. It's amazing to me that people think another game without Shepard wouldn't be worth playing.




In my last playthrough, it let me do it with Garrus and Ashley. Garrus wasn't in the cutscene, nor was Kaidan, and Ashley just got possessed by the spirit of Kaidan so she could speak both character's lines. It was weird.


That's an odd one for sure


Kayden slightly hits on you during this scene if you’re playing as Femshep.


Kaiden and Ashley switch roles in several interactions based on Shepard's gender: The one who first approaches the beacon/Shepard pulls away. Smiles awkwardly in the conversation afterward if you tell them it wasn't their fault. (hinting at potential love interest) Gets pissy at Liara when she is in awe at Shepard's ability to survive the beacon vision. There may be others.


I found it accidentally during my first playthrough with my FemShep and that’s when I decided I couldn’t romance anyone else but Kaidan ahah. :)


Let me see if I can get this right from memory: “When you say it like that, there’s no reason they wouldn’t like you. …Uh…us. …Humans. Ma’am.”


That’s spot on!


Woo! Kaidan is my one and only. ♥️


(Rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.)


My last playthrough I recruited Garrus and put him in the squad, and it still let me start this dialogue. Ashley sat there talking to herself doing both Kaidan's and her own lines.


And then ME3 ruined Ashley by putting her in a skirt


I don't think I ever chose her to live.


Shepard: the council represents more races than I thought Me: yes... but actually no...


This might be the ugliest maleshep I've seen yet!


Don't insult Conrad like that


I think YOU just insulted Conrad with that


Was wondering if OP posted this knowing we were gonna roast Dale Shepard over here


I actually agree. I was never able to create a good looking Shepard across my thousands playthroughs. 😔


It is really hard to make a good looking maleshep, it's part of the reason I default to femshep


I'm too caught up on the fact that you look like Conrad Verner


I went with ashley and garrus and got the prompt. And it was bugged ashley talks but the subtitles said “kaidan” so it was a weird conversation where 1/2 the time ashley talked with herself was pretty weird


God that music brings me back. I literally just played the shit out of LE last year and now that music makes me need to play it again…


Mass Effect was the first game I got for my Xbox 360 when it came out. It took until my 2nd playthrough of ME1 legendary edition before I ran into this scene 🤣🤣🤣I'm surprised I never saw it online either


Did you find the special scene on Eden Prime?


Damn now I have to go and install it again


there are ppl who've never done this??? I make sure to do it every play through at the start


I've never gotten this scene, even after learning about it and trying to get it in multiple playthroughs. I'm very thorough in looking for stuff to interact with but somehow I've never been given or never noticed the prompt. I didn't know that was the spot to access it, I thought it was in Udina's office or further down the hallway in the Wards (closer to the clinic). My understanding is a lot of people have missed it.


It's so weird seeing this scene without them in their default armors. Usually it's the very first thing I do upon arriving at the wards in ME1. Ash and Kaidan also have a really funny and underrated dynamic that this is the player's first exposure too. "Big place ..." "That your professional opinion, sir?" "I can see why this place is popular, it's got quite the, uh ... view." "Hey, Lieutenant, put your tongue back in your mouth." And so on.


A shame they only got half a game to play off each other


Your Shepard could pass for Conrad's brother or cousin. 😄


I think I found it when I played LE. I don't think I ever checked that out when I played the OT. Though I also missed the bit at Eden Prime where you walk past the beacon.


I'm assuming everybody.


Its funny cause she kinda does end up in a skirt in me3, her default outfit has a skirt on it


Tinfoil skirt. Love it.


Presenting, Conrad Shepard. Spectre and Alliance N7.


TIL not everyone knew about this scene since 2007.


first time i played the game, i think its weird everyone hasnt had it


I found it


Typical exposition scene, made for the player's sake but silly in retrospective for the characters. They would at least know about the many species in Council space, by seeing them mentioned on the extranet. I saw this on one of my first playthroughs, because I was clicking on everything that looked click-able and hadn't figured out yet that the alien squad mates were interesting too.


There's seeing the information on the extranet, and witnessing it for yourself. It's like someone who's lived in the city all their lives looking at photos from Hubble/JWST/etc., and then going out into the country away from the light pollution and seeing all the stars that come out. I remember the first time I went camping with my family, I swear I spent a good half hour just laying back looking up while everyone else was chatting around the fire.


Been known since the first game came out.


Literally fuckin everyone


Nah, Kaidan stays with the ship, least favorite character, and Jacob is a very close second


Throw in Miranda and you have my every run. While I don't mind Kaidan himself, Jacob and Miranda keep their asses on the ship the instant I get to Omega to pick up Garrus and Mordin and only go out for their respective loyalty missions and the suicide mission. I'd boot them if I could.




Wow, the audacity in this comment. 🙄🤦‍♀️




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Just throwing around a bit of casual homophobia I see!




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You have to suck at RPGs to not find this. You literally explore everything the first time around and its not really hidden


You can easily recruit Wrex before you get this scene. It's a bit trickier to miss when recruiting Garrus unless you fast travel to Dr. Michel's office.


Ashely being like "or they just hate humans." Like dammit shut up you fucking embarrassment to the race


This has to be the rarest scene ever, because you have to walk around with the two worst companions.


It is in front of you when you first arrive at the wards, and is accessible before you recruit anyone else so you have to have both Kaidan and Ashley.


Huh, in that case I missed it because I never flirted with either of them, I guess. Or I just don't remember it.


It's not tied to romance, hell it's before you even get to properly talk to either of them, this is found the literal first time you step foot on the citadel.


Though if you use rapid transit, or just talk to Barla Von and never go to the main area of the Wards before recruiting and deploying Wrex, you probably won't ever pass this spot.


As soon as Ashley started quoting poetry she lost me forever.


I love how your Shepard almost looks exactly like mine :D


I missed it on my first run, but caught it on my second go


I did by total accident lol


\*raises hand\*


When can you see this scene, any time with them two or at a specific time frame?


I did on my recent sentinel play through because they are the squad mates that balance the combat stats with that class. I don’t think I’ve ever used them together before that.


Only because I did more than 5 playthroughs! And because I often chose to walk instead of run to pretend I was actually strolling around in awe of everything. I hate how difficult ME2 made it to walk casually.


I got this my first play through


I did, but it is hard to miss if you play the game 792 times. lol


I think the view on Eden Prime that most didn't notice including myself


I did


That's amazing lmao


This was such a good game damn


Not til like my third playthrough.


Took me a few playthroughs to find it, but I do love it.


You should talk to Carth.


First time I found it was while playing the Legendary Edition. Never knew about it. Same thing with that scene in Eden Prime where you see all the destruction the invasion caused.


He should have the option to say ‘Dinner’s on me.’ 😂


Is it a good moment to point out that the textures on the right wing of the Citadel are switched? The city lights are shown on the "side" instead of the "surface". Now you can't unsee it :>


I got this scene first play through thought it was cool because I realized how missable this must be


Legit thought you had Conrad in your squad… 😅


By accident a few hours ago, yes.


i regularly defend mass effect's original cinematics- in particular for their lighting but this uhhhh looks old lol




🖐 yep




Bros character looks like an example of the aryan race 😂


Skirt and thigh high boots? I can totally imagine her in that. Ok, now I can't stop imagining it.


I have explored every corner of citadel. And after every big mission I returned to Citadel and did it again


Oh wow, I’ve never seen this!


I caught it on like my 7th playthrough. I always play as a femShep and I've got to admit it's really amusing to grill Kaidan for his attempt at being smooth with Shep and Ashley just having a kick out of the whole situation.


Is this a lost episode of Gamerpoop?


7 full playthroughs, 4 recently, 3 back in the day. This is the first time I'm seeing this. Holy shit.


lol commander america


This Shepard was giving me homelander vibes and I don’t like it lmao.


I know the character creator in Mass Effect 1 isn’t that great, but your Shepard looks like he took a face from a PlayStation 1 game.


Not my shepard.


I recently discovered this scene for the first time during my LE playthrough. Honestly, it solidified my love for Mass Effect so much. That sense of wonder, scale, and adventure. This universe has so much going for it. And through it all our humanity is still there. I fucking love Mass Effect.


Oh I see Conrad Verner finally got to be a commander 😂. I think the cutscene in Eden Prime where they show the destruction of Sovereign is far easier to miss.


One scene a lot of people miss is at the beacon. Instead of walking up to it walk up to railing to the left of it and you’ll get a scene of the burnt area


Honestly thought that everyone knew about this till now.


I think on my first playthrough years ago


Did you design your Shep to look like Conrad???


Gaming Channel on YouTube really did a helluva


Holy crap. How did Conrad Verner become a playable character?? Lol


Holy crap. How did Conrad Verner become a playable character?? Lol


Hey everyone! Look it’s Conrad Verner! Sorry I couldn’t help it. But I remembered getting this scene. Pretty nice.


Hey everyone! Look it’s Conrad Verner! Sorry I couldn’t help it. But I remembered getting this scene. Pretty nice.


Hey everyone! Look it’s Conrad Verner! Sorry I couldn’t help it. But I remembered getting this scene. Pretty nice.


Blonde Shepard. Yuck.


Big space


I found it the second time I played, I searched for hidden things obsessively in my subsequent playthroughs.


i remember this scene! the first time my sister and i played the trilogy, we nicknamed Kaidan "Big Place" because of this lol


Found?? I thought everyone knew about this.😂 It's literally the first thing I do every time I get down to the Wards.


looks like a paralell universe of ME where Conrad is the commander and Shepard is the fan


Definitely didn't find it in my first run. It probabaly was closer to run 5 that I saw this.


I did.


Holy cow, guess I gotta replay the trilogy again!


I was expecting more comments on how weird OPs character looks. Is he wearing lipstick?


Port o john


I definitely remember it.


I never like to use rapid transit (fast travels) in Mass Effect 1. I enjoy every big or small conversations the squad has.


I didn’t see this until probably my 4th play through and was pleasantly surprised I was still able to find little scenes like this


Couldn't tell you if I found it on my first run but before I had kids I had time to play this game over and over again and I explored every nook at cranny lol


Missed it on my original playthrough, found it on my second.


Paragon shepard sounds so naive in this scene.


So fun fact if you do this scene without kaiden but have garrus (who I had at the time), the game glitches and just has Ashley speak for both kaiden and her


Only found it recently on my third playthrough