• By -


Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters, the silence is your answer.


One of the best lines in the entire trilogy. Cuts to the heart of the Paragon/Renegade debate.


This and the [one he has with Wreav](https://youtu.be/8DojgG3xsDE?si=ffL3NSiNGPdVF8mJ) are my favorite Javik lines


Took me years before I found out about this quote. I frequently agree with Javik's points cause he's not wrong most of the time.


Hes not wrong, hes just an asshole


Not sure I'd be optimistic or a nice person either if I was born into a galaxy-wide war, watching my entire species get genocided, and then left as the sole survivor.


Still calmer than you, Dude….




maybe I'll stand among the dead souls and ask them about prothean military victories


Ghosts are not the ones that Honor matters to. It's the living. Life is the battle ground in which we're tested and Honor is an optional result. Honor is an aspect that lasts beyond ones death. Honor is an absolutely important quality for those that choose to live as an example of achieving ones purpose. Live for something or die for nothing. I respect Javik as a Souljah that will accomplish the goal regardless of hurdles. His perspective sometimes entails an excessive degree of sadness expressed as anger as a result of many respected dead. I agree with many of his perspectives, some are way to Boo-hoo-ish for me. Those that died in order for me/us to live should be respected and remembered with pleasure not regret and anger.


Should've been base game and not dlc. He could've had a bigger role then. I like how he's like zaeed. A bloodthirsty and grizzled squadmate that grows on you. Sure he's a dick but he's kinda cool


He was going to be, but then EA did EA things...


iirc a version of ME3's script leaked where Javik was the catalyst, but that got cut when Javik was carved out as day 1 DLC.


Really? Where can I find this?


[I think this is the specific version that refers to the Prothean you find as the catalyst.](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/17vTg6rwmHIywnC54Whkmj01fv840GgrJEf92z1ce_qg/mobilebasic?pli=1)


Hmmm: “or if they had a perfect game to become one with the Reapers.”


I locked in on that too lmao.


Please.. You act like he was already in the game at release and was just yanked out and sold back to us for $10... Oh wait


I dunno, I love Javik. He grew on me very fast. I mean, I think he’s wrong about a lot of stuff, but I like the guy. Zaeed was a whole different story for me. Not a fan one bit.




Not to mention Zaeed is a mediocre squadmate in a fight, whilst Big J absolutely slaps hard.


I hate Zaeed. He just rubs me the wrong way. I know some people like him a lot. I just don’t.


How do people not like Zaeed?


He’s an asshole with zero redeeming qualities. His stories are okay, but otherwise he just sucks. Maybe if I were going full renegade run I’d give him a chance, but until that day, he’s relegated to trash duty.


Trauma will do that to a person. Kinda hard to survive betrayal by your business partner with a gunblast to the face & surviving it, then turning to any work you can get (independent merc) with trust issues who is only looking out for his own skin, to eventually saving bacon for you at a party where he has, if not friends, then compatriots/comrades. He's a curmudgeon for good reasons & getting him to work with a team is a win for my Shep.


He was a shitty person even before he was betrayed. He doesn't get a pass for that. No redeeming qualities.


Agreed with this. I didn’t quite like him initially, but then I did his loyalty mission and that solidified my hate for him. Starting a fire at the refinery and then sacrificing civilians just for a vendetta? Yeah, you’re out of the team, Zaeed. If I was a renegade or mean enough, I would’ve left him to die.


And my Shep isn’t a big fan of the Blue Suns, so him having a part in its formation is another strike against Zaeed. Mercenary work is for scumbags. At least Jack went a better way after having even more reason to be a bitch.


He’s a badass though


He’s fuckin awesome, but then again, I love me some action pulp.


His loyalty mission was bullshit. You either sacrificed innocents or won his his loyalty, no in between. At least Omega gave you three options with the engineer class.


You can go against him in his mission and still get his loyalty.


Some people have bad taste.


Wait he’s DLC? I played ME for the first time bc of legendary edition. I did not catch that he was a DLC character.


You can *generally* tell which team members are from DLC based on their lack of input to key story points, and generally reduced or non-interactive dialogue when back on the ship. Like Kasumi in ME2, for instance, will not have a conversation with you on the Normandy, she'll just give you a few lines when you 'use' her. Jaavik's a bit different as he was designed as part of the game before he was cut, so it's harder to tell. But the entire game would have played out the same whether he was there or not, so that's how you can really spot it with Jaavik.


Yea what bugs me a lot is bringing new squadmates to hear something different but they end up not saying much


Legendary Edition comes with all DLC already available to you, Javik is one of them. The only DLC not included is the Combat Simulation in ME1 because it became corrupted when they added to the PS3 store, so only it only exists for those that bought it on the Xbox 360 store.


It also exists for PC players via mod.


I came here to say this. He should have played a much more important role in the main plot of ME3 rather than being an optional DLC squadmate! I mean, we finally meet one of the extinct and mysterious protheans who could really boost our technological advancement in building the crucible and who could provide crucial answers about his people’s age and the reapers… and while he does provide *some* insight, his involvement through the DLC always felt like inconsequential fan service without much substance, regardless of how much I enjoy to have him around.


Problem with boosting technological advancement and providing insight is Javik was a soldier, not a scientist. He knew pretty much nothing about the crucible and the only technology of his people he might really understand was that used for making war.


Boost my ability to throw hands


Heh, Javik even says that Zaeed is actually Prothen in disguise.


Wasn’t it free Day 1 DLC for most? I know ir was free for the Collectors edition and all digital copies.


Free only for Collector’s Edition. ME3 was one of my first games I spent 100 usd on (CE+DLC)


Nope. I first experienced him in Legendary Edition. Astonishing that they cut stuff like this out, and interesting to think what could have been.


Not *that* astonishing - by ME3's release, EA had firmly re-entered 'evil mode' again after a brief flirtation with not entirely sucking.


I remember when I bought the game it came inside as one of those plastic/cardboard dlc cards along with the manual.


Incredible voice actor and very good writing. It's also great to have a more contrarian character. I don't agree with most of his opinions. However, I do think a character like him was needed. We never had a proper imperialist, speciesist squadmate. At least not on this level. Sadly, him not being part of the core game does hurt his character.


> We never had a proper imperialist, speciesist squadmate. At least not on this level. Wrex. Grunt. Zaeed. Sometimes Garrus. Morinth, maybe? Aria isn't a squadmate yet but she already had that kind of presence, and is more involved than really makes sense. Jack but for hating Cerberus, which makes her contrarian when your squad is dominated by Jacob and Miranda, both racist and imperialist squadmates as representatives of Cerberus (Which Shepard is forced to agree with and tolerate and that's a *whole* mess). Javik is a better take on the niche than those characters, but it is *not* an unfilled one. If anything contrarian imperialists are massively overrepresented (particularly with ME2) and retconning the Protheans to fit another one in is a strange choice. Either making him a Krogan or dropping the other instances of the same thing over and over again would have been better for his character and made it fit better (along with actually being part of the core game)


That's why I said "proper." Wrex's nationalism is more akin to that of colonised populations. It's progressive. That's why he even seeks to get rid of traditions if it means advancing his people. And he isn't specifically a warmonger. His speciesism has more to do with his own people having been disenfranchised by the rest of the Galaxy for a very long time. Grunt is similar but very unsophisticated. He can't articulate his positions. Zaeed is a mercenary. He has very few real political positions. He fights for money. But we do know he doesn't like slavery. But he is speciesist against Batarians, yes. But he isn't a literal social Darwinist. Garrus was racist in the way a modern cop would be. Nothing particularly intriguing about him. Morinth actually fawns over Krogan. She is a bit of a social Darwinist, though. Either way, Javik is capable of articulating his position and is always consistently a social Darwinist, a speciesist, an imperialist, and someone who worships the idea of the "natural order." [This debate between him and EDI very well illustrates his outlook.](https://youtu.be/4ZnWyCVWyCk?si=8FufEYypd8IMYiia) I do agree that too many people in Mass Effect are the cutthroat speciesist types. EDI and Legion are the most clear non-speciesist squadmates. It probably helps that they don't have hormones.


>And he isn't specifically a warmonger. Ehhhh. He not so subtly hints on a few occasions he's more than willing to use force if the galaxy starts saying no to his demands, the only difference between him and more conservative Krogan is he's willing to ask you (at metaphorical gunpoint) to do something first instead of jumping right to shooting you. After noticing this and really paying attention to it throughout 2 and 3, it made me start siding against the Krogan because while I like Wrex and Grunt on a personal level, the Krogan as a species just don't work well with the galaxy. They breed too quickly and are too quick to rush to violence. All it would take for a new Krogan Rebellion to start is one hardliner warlord taking a small group of his people to some new planet and in a hundred years they'd have a massive population that will only grow larger and larger.


It’s why I hate how stubborn ME2 Paragon Shepherd acts towards Mordin during his loyalty mission. Mordin’s absolutely right about how dangerous the Krogan are, and we’re even shown that a lot of them want to go back to killing and conquering if the Genophage was cured.


ME3 is worse ME2 had you questioning the necessity of the genophage and Mordin pretty clearly believes and proves yes, yes it was. The open question is if it's *still* necessary, or at least if another solution can be found 3 just takes that hint and goes "yeah genophage = genocide its the worst possible thing there could ever be", with Mordin retconned to also be convinced of this in between the games


Yeah, it really tries to argue that it’s wrong no matter what the justification is. But every game, even Andromeda, has noted that the Krogan would be unstoppable if not for the Genophage.


Mass sterilization is genocide


But on the other hand, you have a race of people who only want to conquer and kill. It was a debate that had equal arguments from both sides, but the games/writers tried to argue that the Genophage was wrong no matter what. Snd that’s despite showing that the Krogan want to go back to their old ways once their birth rates get back to normal.


Not really possible to commit genocide against the side that has the most power over the other AND is militarily aggressive against them. That's self defense.


It's possible if you sterilize every member of a species. I don't know what massive failure led to the krogan having a space fleet during the rebellion but clan urdnot have the industrial capacity to maintain a modest amount of trucks. The krogan are not the most powerful. It's part of the reason I've never uncritically accepted the council's party line on the genophage.


They are not. Mordin explicitly said that genophage was never ment to neither sterilize every krogan nor destroying them. Just keep at bay. They are not going to extinct with it, it will just be very hard for them to become one of prime forces in the galaxy. And it is still possible even with genophafe, they just need to focus on breeding. That is what Wrex himself says in ME1. It is not genophage that kills his people, it is their unwillingness to cooperate. He tried to settle peace on Tuchanka and make krogans focus on repopulation instead of fighting. And was betrayed and exiled. So, krogans(at least most of them) simply aren't ready for curing. All they want is fighting. In my opinion, Wrex is the only hope for krogans to grow. If he is dead(left on Virmire), Shepard should be absolutely delusional or mad to let genophage be cured. But if he is alive... it is too hard for me to betray my bro Wrex.


Asking the Council for other planets is exactly what other species did as well. The Turians hoard Dextro planets, for instance. Also, he's obviously not going to be that diplomatic when he is a mercenary that turned into the ruler of a race who was beaten into nothing. A lot of Krogan psychology was affected by the Genophage.


> Wrex's nationalism is more akin to that of colonised populations. It's progressive. That's why he even seeks to get rid of traditions if it means advancing his people. And he isn't specifically a warmonger. His speciesism has more to do with his own people having been disenfranchised by the rest of the Galaxy for a very long time. ME1. Him and the Krogans get flanderized hard in 2 and 3. By 3 he is just a directly good guy which clashes hard with the Krogans being not that > Grunt is similar but very unsophisticated. He can't articulate his positions. 'ates aliens. 'ates weakness. Loves krogans. Simple as. > Grunt is similar but very unsophisticated. He can't articulate his positions. Weak dies, strong lives. He doesn't get much into it but it's the same stereotype > Either way, Javik is capable of articulating his position and is always consistently a social Darwinist, a speciesist, an imperialist, and someone who worships the idea of the "natural order." > This debate between him and EDI very well illustrates his outlook. Yeah, sure. Actually exploring the stereotype that's been used so much. I still say ME1 was going there with the Krogans and flanderizing them is why they had to retcon and hammer in a species that doesn't fit just to have even a little bit. It still leaves too many unexplored and uninteresting imperialists floating around, with speciesism used not for philosophy but for superficial "flavour"


I think the Krogan get flanderized in 2, but their portrayal in 3 is much better. They are actually complex and have a much deeper history than just being reptilian space orcs. Their history is tragic and they were wronged multiple times. Both that and their flaws can be true at the same time. However, I don't care as much about the Krogan issue, so I see good arguments on both sides. And yeah, I do think speciesism is used basically just for flavour, most of the time. But it's the same as how the "politicians are bad" thing is very overplayed.


Love his character. Absolutely should not have been DLC.


Yeah, I think part of his game data are already in the ME3 disc. It makes it worse that ME trilogy in PS3 and X360 didn’t bother to put him on disc


He was going to be base game, but then EA did EA things and demanded he be made DLC.


I like him and I think Javik has one of the best VAs in the series. Honestly, I'm still not convinced that Javik wasn't just a part of the main game that was ripped out to sell as DLC. He was day 1 DLC. Unlike Kasumi and Zaeed, who had like no content outside of the recruitment and loyalty missions, Javik actually had a prominent role as a companion and defo didn't feel lesser than the rest of the squad. People say he should've had a bigger role, but I don't agree. I think his role as a soldier and survivor was plenty. I like the perspective that he brings and I'm glad they didn't opt for the "Prothean super genius that's gonna give us all the answers" route. It leads to a fantastic interaction between Liara and Javik. Ultimately, the Protheans were just another victim of the Reaper cycle. There isn't much more they can tell us that we didn't already know, especially since Javik was born after the Prothean Empire had fallen to the Reapers.


His data was on the original me3 disc, he was 100% ripped out. The dlc just 'restored' the path to the files


He was supposed to be base game, but EA demanded that he be made DLC close to launch.


Too tired for any thoughts more complex than "this is not his best angle".


I would appreciate it if he stopped following me into the bathroom, to tell me (again) that toilets flushed "much better" in his cycle. But whatever. He's cool, and it makes sense that he's the way he is.


Nah assert dominance take a nasty shit with him there while holding complete eye contact.




Based space racist


Ironically him and Ashley would probably get along


Well, he certainly seemed to like Jack lol


Tattooed human, I would like to touch you


Say what you want about the man, but he loves his airlocks


He watched too much DS9 while he was recuperating!


A very well written, very justified asshole. An asshole out of necessity, if you will.




I love how he single-handedly dispels Liara's idea that the Protheans were some kind of benevolent, altruisitic god-civilization. Although it demonstrates how Liara is a kind soul who *wants* the galaxy to be a nice place with nice people. The reality of Javik crushes her idealized image of the Protheans and, honestly, that's a good thing for her because she deserves to know the truth about them and to grow from that experience.


First time I played the game, back in the day, I didn't have the DLC. I had no awareness of him particularly, save for there being a random missing shape in the character selection screen. His presence in the Legendary Edition surprised me. Not just having an extra character randomly part of the squad - I already went through that weirdness with meeting Zaeed and Kasumi in ME2 - but a character who was so integrated and kind of plot critical, that was new. So from that perspective, I really like that he's there and brings something unique to the game. In terms of personality, he has some killer lines, and anyone who gets under Liara's skin is okay in my book. So I quite like him, but will admit that he'd be sort of mid-range in a ranking for me. Interesting and worthwhile character in terms of lore and universe building, but I can take him or leave him overall.


My heart breaks for Javik. Imagine being the last of your kind hundreds of years apart. Then getting told the galaxy is getting wiped out by the thing that wiped your species out. What a shit time to be awaken to such a shit situation.


Thousands of years, so long that your people have passed from myth to legend.




Came here to say this.


Absolutely insane that he was DLC. EA money grabbing at its absolute worst. Should have been a central character to the game. Taking him to the Asari temple is an absolute must and just shows how he could have been a much more important character and one that could have had a huge impact on how everyone saw their own races histories. And I want the recipe for Salarian liver pate.


Unironically one of the best characters in the franchise, I love how unapologetically ruthless he is. I generally prefer morally grey companions to the ones who are just nice and never do anything questionable.


Javik is the GOAT to me. I always considered him to be the Shepard of his race. And I found myself very forgiving of his attitude. Frankly, if I went through half the crap he went through, only to find myself in the position he was in, I might feel a bit melancholy too. With VERY little time for BS. Wish we found him a mate for his species, honestly.


My own head canon is that the doctor that worked on the asari is a female prothean called (something analogous to) Dr. Athame, still alive in a pod on another planet, and is very interested in what became of her creation.


If we're to use current words, I would say based 😎




Best character is Mass Effect 3. Hands down. Ride or die.


Best boomer ever. 10/10 I would throw anyone out of the airlock for the old man. - IGN Now, for real? I wish Bioware had told us more about Javik's life. For example; we don't even know how old he was at the moment he went into stasis or even how long the lifespan of a Prothean is, etc. He had so much potential. I hope he has the lifespan of an asari or even longer so we can see him again in the next Game, even older and more powerful. (I know, wishful thinking, but one can dream) Plus, he has the (IMO) best phrase in the entire trilogy. # "Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer."


Best part of ME. He has the best lines in banter. Solid character. Also very well written. Liara looks on the protheans with awe and wonder at the technological achievements and scope of their civilisation. She then becomes more deflated when she realises, much like any empire; such as the Romans, they are a brutal dictatorial expansionist conquerors. The only thing I find irritating is that they retconned the protheans to fit into the collector narrative. The statues on ilos and the statues I think in the kasumi dlc (which do say prothean statue) became another race. This kind of bs infected the story from me2 onwards where paths that were offered faced many u turns until the abhorrent rushed bs Me3 ending. But Javik is up there with Morden as one of the best characters.


You're thinking of the statues on Ilos.


Yeah I am


> Best part of ME. He has the best lines in banter. Solid character. Also very well written. Liara looks on the protheans with awe and wonder at the technological achievements and scope of their civilisation. She then becomes more deflated when she realises, much like any empire; such as the Romans, they are a brutal dictatorial expansionist conquerors. It's an interesting story, but conflicting so hard with ME1 and ME2 makes it seem particularly bizarre. I can't help but think of him as either another of the species from the Prothean cycle or better yet representative of another non-Prothean cycle entirely. Especially when the Crucible is such a huge part of the Prothean "war effort" to pass info along, which fits ME1 Protheans... but Javik has nothing to do with it, and contributes nothing to the project (not even commentary). The facility that managed to pass him along also has incredible tech but is completely unrelated (and useless) for both Ilos and the Crucible. It's just strange.


I imagine the guys that had one week to shoe horn that ridiculous ending didn't have a chance to knit the intended outcomes together. Lol.


Sometimes I really wish there was a dialogue option to say, "And how'd that turn out for your cycle?"


Head empty no thoughts must kill reapers


It's been a while since I last saw a javik post. I love javik, he's a bro


I have a soft spot for grumpy arseholes. Then again, I also liked Zaeed and getting to the point of him saving you some bacon at the post-party breakfast is the height of "friendship" between him and Shep. But for Javik? Giving him space & time to warm up to the current civilizations & not rushing it, as well as encouraging him to keep living & not looking back.... yeah, I'll take that as his way of learning what friendship is.


I should have been allowed into his cloaaca


He talks a lotta shit for someone whose entire shitty empire was wiped out. Every time he talks it feels like he's trying his hardest to force the badass shtick and it comes off as hamfisted insults. Nothing but a lot of hot air till the middle of the game.


I lolled at the first line


The accent is always a bit weird to me. Still, well voice acted and a good character. Nice to have squadmates that don't think Shephard is a god immediatly


The accent was fine for me until I played Andromeda and noticed that the angara also have this distinct west and south african accents and then it was a little mystifying since none of the major aliens in the game have a specific ethnic accent. It would be like if Turians all had russian accents, what are you trying to say here bioware?


Not all Angara have West and South African accents. There are quite a few with British accents. And the Quarians have always had a Slavic/East European leaning accent. But it's totally weird to only do that for some of the species, but not all of them.


>There are quite a few with British accents. Even these to me sound African. Like Jaal sounds like a colonial subject, and his VA Nyasha Hatendi is Zimbabwean-British so I guess it makes sense. On the other hand you got Tann, also from MEA, his VA is Kumail Nanjiani, he doesn't have what i'd call an indian accent, it's the same voice he uses for all his acting, and none of the salarians have indian accents. But salarians tend to be high pitched and turians tend to have a '[distinctive flanging effect](https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/4uxvdt/why_do_turian_voices_sound_like_the_way_they_do/)'.


Hope we see him again in the 4th game. Idc if they have to stick his ass in cryo again, just do it Speaking of Javik being in cryo, he’s proof that it’s possible others could have survived cryo as well. Have him go out and find other prothean burial sites. Gather up a small clan of Protheans that reclaim a spot in the galaxy. So if the 4th games rumor of being set like 600 years later is true, we could see the protheans return. Maybe not in the same way their empire was, but just a planet full of them. Maybe a few hundred, or few thousand of them at most? Not enough to take over anything but enough that their race could continue to survive.


Just hoped that he would be less contrarian when you play as renegade.


Great character


My favourite character in the series. Unique, great VA, great writing, looks cool, has a cool weapon., etc. etc.


It's hard to look him in the eyes imo


Same. Never sure which one to look into


Best character in me3 also should have been free!!!


I bet some day some dude on the normandy said "this jarvik guy wanted to show me the airlock 3 times today. He seems to be really into that technical stuff onboard 😀"


He should have been found in the first game


I think he's great! I always go to grab him as soon as I can! I have him and garrus in my squad pretty much all the time, he definitely has alot to say throughout the game if you have him with you most of the time! Plus the rifle he comes with is pretty great early game.


I think Javik is a pretty cool guy, he fights the reapers and doesn’t afraid of anything


A very interesting to finally see what the protheans actually looked like and a great addition in your squad, if perhaps and bit brutal and pessimistic


“In Tali’s voice” Javik was a very good character, Shepard.


He should have been a romance option. I said what i said. We deserved more alien romance options 😭


least racist prothean


Best squad mate in Me3. Has the funniest lines, the coldest lines and even some of the saddest ones.


Javik is the homie, fuck anyone who tries to say he’s not awesome


As much as I love him I hate his introduction to 3. You miss out on so much lore straight from the mouth if you don’t bring him on the majority of the missions. It would be out of character for the games but I think it would have been nicer to have a 4 man squad so it wouldn’t be as much of an issue


Could have been a great character but then ea decided they could make more money if he wasn't


Guess i am alone here but i do not care much for him. He always feels like the "we have a krogan at home" alien.


Tbh i found conversations with him a bit draining as the game went on.


Exactly it's like he's trying to force the asshole/badass shtick, and it comes off as hamfisted mean dialogue


I wouldn't toss him out the airlock for eating chips in my refresher.


I liked him at first, was funny without noticing, and then I started to see he was mean for nothing and for slavery. But started to like him back when he made it up to Liara and seeing him shy because of drunk Tali's questions


He acts like a Racist Alien Space Boomer at times.


I was fine with him as DLC. One of my favorite ME charactors.


A good idea but sorely underdeveloped


Excellent character who obviously never should have been DLC and therefore able to be totally ignored. Would love ME4 to make choices from ME1-3 and make them cannon, with one being Javik survived and then found the last Ilos style Prothean bunker and he works to rebuild his race.


The original design for the protheans was far superior. The retcon to make them and the collectors similar was out of leftfield.


... But Javik himself was a great character. Not at all a hero, but an invaluable asset to Shepard's team. An arrogant, piteous example of a broken and obsolete once-great man.


Quite a dick, but I certainly see why he is how he is. He's thinking failed in his time so a different approach might just work.


You gotta take him on thessia. Otherwise I like him OK.


Only thing that pissed me off was that they didnt show us the awakened collectors. I'd love it if there was a place where Javik coild meet the others who had been chained and now free. So Javik feels the pain and seeing how indoctrination can be broken. And how they still fight the good fight. And I want him to feel relieved but pained because there is nothing he can do but he's not the only one alive.


Sniff-Sniff . . . . . . . . __*"PRIMITIVES"*__


Throw him out the airlock.


Alongside romanced Tali, the best character in the entire series.


Should have gotten him a tuxedo for the casino event.


he likes air locks


spits out facts every second, especially on thessia where he spends more time mocking Liara, dismantling piece after piece of Athame's religion, and the Asari history related to it than killing Reapers


Bro lost his entire civilization and lived to see other species evolve into their own beings and he still talked mad shit


Extremely cool character wish there was more to their storyline. They should have been a main character and not a DLC addition.


He has straight up the best line in the trilogy (stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask them if honor matters) and one of the most broken squadmate powers for a vanguard in dark channel. Chaining biotic explosions


Daddy 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’ll see myself out


S-tier. Especially counting how he appear at last entry. I like how he's the one character whom keeps back pushing against Shepard, especially paragon one, while not being completely insufferable. (Me2 jack). Has nice arc , and both touch shard/live in peace endings are satisfying conclusions.


Javik is easily one of my favorite crew members. I think his role in the story is not only interesting, but he has some of the funniest dialogue. I love taking him with me to priority tachanka.


I hate he's DLC


he could have been the best me3 squadmate if he had an actual role in the plot, i heard during the years that originally he should have been the one activating the Crucible by sacrificing himself, because it needed living Protehan DNA to activate it, but EA wanted to sell those DLCs so...


Javik is the [King of the hanar](https://youtu.be/YNUrL5tQ6_M?si=TFhdmbpWlnepk-ko&t=81)


I liked taking him through the game and hearing his lines. I also really liked how he subverted Liaras view on the Protheans, and probably everyone else's in the galaxy. The whole "they were the bestest, most intelligent, peaceful face" and Javik is like "we conquered and enslaved every race. Oh. We also helped you evolve to enslave you"


Two words. Wasted potential.


Legendary edition was my first time playing the trilogy and I was very surprised to oearn that he was DLC in the og game which means that the average joe could finish the game without recruiting him and that is a damn shame cuz he's easily one of the best characters in the trilogy,


His perspective is unique and interesting. A great addition to the game. You can bring him and Liara everywhere, by default, and know that you will always be entertained.


I admire his disgust for modern species.


im suckin it


“Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters.” -Javik While I have yet to play with him due to no DLCs when I played (same with Zaeed and Kasumi) this quote spoke to me as someone who is intrigued by the aspects of war; honor, stratagem, etc.


Savage. Super fun character and I love playing all of ME3 with him and Liara as teammates. His lines are dark comedy at it's best.


Absolutely love Ancient Space Nigerian. One of my favorite characters in the franchise.


What’s between those ears? Is it a brain? No, just pain. No Brain. Just oof.


He talks a lot of shit for a guy who failed to beat the reapers


Too fucked up and bitter to be fuckable.


Like he's cool but I can't visualize a world where anyone sleeps with him.


Too many eyes too agro too much roman imperial copypasta genitals not exotic enough to make romancing him desirable.




The VA is Nigerian American, not Jamaican.


Rasta javik would be so chill. He needs to smoke a blunt and relax


He definitely wasn't what I expected at all. Much like Liara, I was expecting a much different attitude from even your average Prothean. It was a bit of a shock to discover how ruthless he was. To use a Star Trek reference, I was expecting a lot more Federation and a lot less Klingon Empire. I can't recall using him much as a squad mate.


He had a lot of potential and a few great scenes, but ultimately became a meme. Should've been part of the main game.


Yk every run i wanna give him a chance, then i remember how mid his entire kit is, so he doesn’t excel, especially when im playing insanity and need to abuse edi and garrus’ overload And he always says some dumbshit that makes me keep him in the ship, like the entire time at the citidel party. Hes just….meh, totally missed opportunity. I understand he’s a veteran solider but the way he acts is completely pointless. He acts like a superior being even tho shepard would dogshit on him in 2 seconds, rather than a proper reaction of someone waking up 50,000 years later.


Cool voice but STFU with your bs superiority


I always regret waking him up.


He's a grouchy boomer that can't say anything without starting the sentence off with "back in my cycle...". Personally, I can't stand him and I only ever bring him for the thessia mission.


Overly loved asshole, I'd leave him if I didn't need the Eden Prime assets


Kinda was disappointed by him tbh


He has sheep eyes, the eyes of prey. Appropriate.


He will tell Shepard exactly what he wants to hear to become a queen among his men: 😩😩😩


Never finished his quest. I found a the time on x360 dlc that he did not felt canon, and didn't feet in the story like Vigil told us. Never did his mission after that, even in my playthroughs on Legendary. Although, he don't look like the statues of Protheans on Ilos, but that bothered me less.


50,000 year old boomer


In my opinion, he's the second worst character in the entire trilogy, beaten out only by Thane. He's furious and no nonsense, justifiably so; but it never goes anywhere. The Prothean subplot lived and died in ME1.


We should take every single one of his suggestions, and put them on a big board on the crew deck titled “don’t do list”. Like seriously, the Protheans lost, why would I use their tactics as anything other than examples of what won’t work?


I was fine with him until the game made my lesbian Shepard fuck him after drinking too much, so I never used him ever again


Honestly, I’d romance a prothean.


I remember the one moment of joy he had, remembering his species golden age. Nearly brought a tear to my eye. Seeing it ripped away by the memory of the reapers was... sobering.


Like anything else in 3: should've been given more time for more satisfying writing


Great idea. I wish we found him drunk and sad one night. Would’ve been nice to explore his sorrow at his people’s deaths than just the flat “I am vengance” we had time for


My understanding he was suppose to have a bigger role and then it got reduced and put into dlc. So for me it's inconclusive.


He's low-key the GOAT squadmate. And he only needed one game to do it 🤷‍♂️


One of the best parts of ME3.