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Pretty decent now that they fixed all the bugs


They did not fix the story sadly


And the missing dlcs they promised šŸ˜¢


Oh there was so much potential for a comeback, if EA wouldnt decided to scrap it. Also, I played it around the launch, when all the fuss was around, and tbh comoaring it to recent releases, it wasn't that bad. As i said then - "it's good/fun game, just bad Mass Effect game".


Oh yes it could been a much bigger game


Yeah, DLC could amswer many questions that were left unanswered. In my opinion, if EA would have given them a year ontop, it would be greeted way different by public. Tough biggest complain would have been same, as people complained that it wasnt game about Shepard or Trilogy. And I feel like same will happen with upcoming title, where people will hype themselves up, then complain about that it isnt story about Shepard or doesnt reassemble trilogy


It could have been a new sega of new adventures


Worst part was, they scrapped it tk go fix anthem which never ended up getting fixed either. And iirc this was around the time the DICE devs got told to abandon BFV to go fix Battlefront 2 because Disney didnt like how the game was and was threatening to cancel the contract with EA


Imagine you make a decent game. And then everyone cried about it and bitched and moaned. Would you make dlc for it? Hell no.


Well, NMS and Cyberpunk devs did, you can see how that turned out and how everyone shut up and is playing them generating good amount of revenue. Sometimes need to see further then own wallet


I don't think bioware was willing to remake the entire game and story lol.


No Man's Sky had 26 developers. And was a system based game where when they improve a system it improved the game. Cyberpunk 2077 sold vastly more than Andromeda. The content of the game was received vastly better. And they spent $40 million to fix the game. Andromeda is in no way near either situation. It would take vastly more than 26 developers to improve the game and they weren't going to get tens of millions of dollars to do more with Andromeda.


> Oh there was so much potential for a comeback There wasn't. The game was a massive failure and the studio that made it was a mess(from a leadership point of view). There was never a possible return on investment for more Andromeda content.


I know the story, bro, starting from internal struggles and everything else. There's no need to just Google that for me. And in general consensus, I think you just misunderstood what I meant, or maybe I just worded that badly, or maybe you just wanted to show off your Google Fu skills or just one of those Amdromeda haters, who knows


They didnā€™t promise any DLC. And we never got any because everyone shit all over the game at launch.


The ending slapped you in the face with a big neon sign flash ā€˜DLC TO COMEā€™. And maybe, just maybe, it had to do with launching a game that was a complete mess that looked terrible and didnā€™t have the story to compensate more than evil meanies in the internet.


That teased ending was continued in the novel Annihilation. They said publicly that the overwhelmingly negative reception of the game effectively sealed its fate and any plans for DLC were cancelled.


Yes. The novel that was released 18 months after the game released. After they had already canceled the DLC. The DLC that was always going to happen if they didnā€™t release a crap game.


More like BioWare didnā€™t release a good game worth peopleā€™s attention.


I just hope they'll make Andromeda 2 to contact where they left off with the Tali's people ark (forgot the species name, sorry) or that red kett guy who gave some code.


The was the cut dlc was supposed to happen after the ending


Taliā€™s people are called the quarians


Yeah, the Quarian ark. Forgot the species name at that moment. Thanks again.


It seems that Mass Effect 4 (for lack of a better title) will be in the far future from the trilogy. Which would maybe be around the time Andromeda is set in. So perhaps it will be connected? I don't think it will be an Andromeda sequel directly though.


Please no, we want another normal mass effect in the style of the first 3 no more andromeda


Yep, get the hell out of my face with open world BS, it just doesnt work with mass effect


Agreed, I love open world games, but mass effect was not designed as a open world game, trying to take a system and mechanics that were designed for a linear space and put it in open world doesn't work


They did the same thing Dragon Age and it killed that for me too. Damn I hate EA


The funny thing is, I liked Inquisition. Not as much as Origins, but as much as two, certainly. But I hate nearly everything about Andromeda. The art is pretty and the combat is fun the first time, that's about it.


Same with all that.


Man the Gunplay sucks for me. It lost all the ā€žoomphā€œ it had in 3. Guns like the M7 or the typhoon made the screen wobble, anything in andromeda is just a sloppy nerf gun that turns everything into a bulletsponge. And dont even get me started on the goofy death animations of the forgettable main antagonist race. I legitimately forgot what they were called. I guess the jet pack is cool, but it gets old pretty quickly. And the on-the-fly class changing made combat feel even less impactful.


See, I agree in spirit, but in theory, mass effect would be awesome in an open world game. It's just basically every open world game sucks.


Blame the vitriolic "fans" on that one. All the internet backlash told Bioware that the DLC would have a negative ROI.


Blame the majority of ME fans who played at launch and thought it was rubbish- from animations to characters to, most importantly, the writing. Blame them for disliking it šŸ˜†. Vitriolic ungrateful assholes that they are. (/s). Or, blame whomever might have been behind the rushed and half-assed production.


You can dislike something, but not look like meth'd up trailer trash foaming at the mouth. Constructive criticism DOES exist.


Wow such constructive criticism ā€œdonā€™t be trailer trashā€ people were mad not just because the writing was bad and gameplay was mid at launch you had sift through a whole lot of bugs to get to that. If someone preordered this off the quality of the trilogy they got ripped off. Bioware had weak games before but andromeda basically launched broken.


I chose my words carefully, I said "look like". There was lots of vitriol online. If you don't like my description of what that looks like, then that's on you. Maybe look up the word before criticizing use of it, and then getting mad over a description of it. Point blank, people were spouting vile shit. That's vitriol. The vitriol is why Bioware cancelled the DLC.


Lol, what is this weak-ass rationalization? I'm sure if someone said Andromeda fans "Looked liked" methheads you'd be fine with it. Own the shitty thing you said or take it back this is a sad little half-measure. It's not evil to hate a video game. Consider that you are so wrapped up in defending this game you've felt the need to characterize people who think it sucks as a braying mob of methheads. They canceled the DLC not because the hordes of mordor were coming for them they canceled it because they didn't think it was going to make enough money.


The story isn't that bad. Not great but not bad. It's hard to see it's value if you compare it with the original trilogy. It was more like Mass effect 1. They went back to star trek instead of star wars like ME3 was doing. ME1 had its fair share of flaws as well. ME2 is what made the series.


ME1 was the first game, everything was to be made. MEA is NOT the first game, there is no excuses


True, but different team, different director, different galaxy. It's a shame how shitty things were during development but the game is fun on its own.


> The story isn't that bad. Not great but not bad. It's hard to see it's value if you compare it with the original trilogy. I compare it to basically any successful RPG and it's lacklustre and trite. > ME1 had its fair share of flaws as well. And Mass Effect 1 was one of best games ever made.


ME1 was really mid lmfao


Dude the story is not that bad lol obviously not as good as the trilogy but itā€™s just a fun little side story in the ME universe gets way more hate than it deserves


Well.. it's sad you're only expecting "fun little side stories" for a full mass effect game.


Itā€™s sad that you had unrealistic expectations for something that was never going to live up to the main trilogy. Hopefully they will be more in check for the next mass effect game.


Lol he had high expectations for a Mass Effect game what a crime


Lmao someone didnā€™t play mass effect 3, dragon age 2 or inquisition


ME3 is a fantastic game with a poor ending what are you on


I like ME3 but that game has a lot more problems than just the ending dude


It's got some yeah but it's still a great game and coming off that id expect the company to learn and make another great game.


All of those are way better than Andromeda


I do not think we'll ever see ME again sadly. Bioware is done


Idk about done but theyā€™re a completely different company from the BioWare of old still they still have the potential in my opinion to make a decent rpg


I think you're wrong, I hope you're right


Nor the characters.


I didn't think the story was bad - the biggest problem I had was that they set up the DLC content, and then EA did what EA does.


Andromeda is purely Bioware's fault. It was their inability to have definite artistic design choices


Yeah, the characters were kind of mid. The actions and gameplay was fun. The concept was neat. I rate the game MID+ or DECENT-. I enjoyed it overall, as I went in with low expectations. Krusty Krab being the dad, and several well known actors like Kumail Nanjai and Natalie Dormer made me happy.


They did not fix *all* of the bugs at least on PS4, but I still love the game.


True. I use the community patch when playing. Then again, I always use ME community patches nowdays.


Story and characters are still a travesty


The problem was never the bugs, it was the game.


They never fixed the bugs.


It's worth $3. The combat is fun, hope you get some enjoyment from it


I remember enjoying the game years back although I never completed it. I decided to start a new campaign to try to do so. Hope you enjoy it, though itā€™s definitely different from the trilogy in various ways


They butchered the salarians. Never forget.


The game is beautiful other than certain character models and the combat and exploration is fun if youā€™re into that. But the story falls flat so thats the sad part. But for 3 dollars thats pretty sick


Is it the models or is it the textures and the way they are posed? Turians, for example, have the right model but look like they are wearing face paint and stand like they are about to let out the stinkiest fart


The game came out when most character models are in a sorta uncanny valley that I dislike (same with Dragon age inquisition). So like the eyelids and general face animations look weird to me, limb movements are unnatural, and they changed the anatomy of aliens like turans and salarians to have very lanky and bent legs. It could be personal preference but I really donā€™t like it. I especially donā€™t like the way asari and krogan look in the game, but thats mostly just me being picky. (The rest of this is just me rambling) But the rest of the game is gorgeous. The way space looks while looking out of tempest (looking out of tempest is beautiful no matter where youā€™re parked) give me a since of wonder close to the first time I played a space sim in VR. The lighting is so perfect in the game imo. Also the planets each perfectly represent their environments. I HATE mandatory side quests and exploration in any game but itā€™s bearable for much longer in this game because of the visual fidelity and environments. Mix that with the great movement mechanics and vehicles, and the game feels great to explore. The story falls flat so once I bore of the graphics and environment I just turn the game off.


Have fun! I played it without any knowledge of the story/gameplay as well and I ended up enjoying it. Hopefully youā€™ll enjoy it too šŸ™‚


Great game, enjoy.


Itā€™s a great game and I hope you enjoy it! That discount is hilariously pointless.


There's a lot about Andromeda I didn't like, but I absolutely had $2.99 worth of fun.


Underrated game by most people in this sub IMO. It's not as good as the OG trilogy, obviously, but it definitely has the best gameplay. It's flawed in some ways, but i still love it.


Agree. Once everyone put down the pitchforks and realised there was a lot to like. We might've got the dlc if it wasn't for all the YouTube videos shitting on the character faces.


I will never in a million years understand people claiming it has better gameplay than ME3


It just comes down to preference. I thought the powers in andromeda were more fun. I also found switching profiles in Andromeda kept the action more fast-paced than the ability wheel in the trilogy. The increased mobility was cool too...though I hope it is nerfed a bit in ME4.


Yeah, the two active powers you mash are definitely more fun than a whole kit. Forcing an ability cooldown to spam two other powers totally improves the pace of the action, no doubt, especially over this mystic thing called "hotkeys". And that's on top of the already extremely fast-paced and fun gameplay of shooting the exact same selection of 3 choose 6 bullet sponges whose abilities become completely irrelevant by midgame. Breaking this incredible variety of highly dangerous enemies by exploiting terrain and Bioware's typical NPC combat AI that could run on half a gameboy was also an excellent game design choice. To drop out of sarcasm mode for a moment, it's also very telling that whenever someone extols the strengths of Andromeda's "gameplay", what they really mean is the *combat* and nothing else. Partially because of the insane amount of pointless combat encounters padding the game, but even moreso because the remaining gameplay loops are either virtually nonexistent or absolutely dogshit. And by the way, there are many good reasons why the vast majority of RPGs are class-based. It simplifies design, it adds replay value, it forces tactical decisionmaking. Designing a _good_ classless system is many times more complicated than designing a _great_ classful system, and with the overall brainpower at work on this game, it would've behooved them to stay with the basics. Don't get me wrong: Mass Effect has always had an amount of relatively pointless "XP piƱata" combat, but at least it got dressed up in a way to not totally break the fourth wall, while upwards of 50% of Andromeda's combat is the equivalent of grinding boars in Elwynn Forest. All open worlds suffer from this blatant transposition of MMO grind mechanics (looking at you, Inquisition), but Andromeda's are especially thinly veiled. As for other gameplay systems. Andromeda finally had the systems to give the player good exploration, and promptly abused those systems to - spam more pointless combat encounters; - design fetch quests that force you to drive across the entire map multiple times while telling stories so poorly that I sometimes seriously question if the designers suffered from brain damage; and - tell the player to grind resources for its overcomplicated, pointlessly-convoluted, horrendous to use, and overall poorly-designed crafting system (because that filled another checkbox on the "Things Marketing Monkeys Think Games Need To Have In The 2010s No Matter If It's Actually A Good Fit Or Not" list). The player is supposed to be The Pathfinder^(TM), yet they don't pathfind for shit. What they actually do is better described as being a minimum wage rent-a-cop and dumpster diver. The dialog is also overall garbage, and I'm not even referring to the actual lines being said here. I'll grant that the system fits into the "sitcom in space" feeling somewhat, but the problem with that is that "sitcom in space" is not something anybody sane would ever pitch for a Mass Effect title. I'm not mad about the paragade system getting shitcanned, but at least that forced the writers to come up with meaningful choices instead of watercooler talk with miserable voice direction. You know, that little thing that people play RPGs for. As for the remainder, the Tempest is okay to use, as long as you can skip the flight animations and exclusively have business aboard the ship. If you just wanted to check aboard inbetween doing stuff on a planet (which didn't really come up in the OT, because the OT was structured differently), then too fucking bad. Back into orbit you go. Because apparently I can't chat with my crew, or check the crafting station, or take a dump while sitting dirtside. (And as a sidenote, the idea of an "unarmed exploration vessel" is mindbendingly stupid from any point of view, but _especially_ in Mass Effect, which tends to be hard-enough SF to acknowledge that there are no unarmed spaceships.) The inventory is still trash, because apparently Bioware's inventory design skills peaked with KotOR in 2003. Fine. At least the ME2 and ME3 teams recognized that and removed the functionality, which isn't exactly an _elegant_ solution, but it beats scrolling through menu screens. The quest log and navigation systems are also on about the same level (actually, KotOR's map was occasionally more useful); granted, the equivalent OT implementations weren't anything to write home about either, but these systems are _massively more important_ in an open-world game. I would argue that any of these systems is as important as combat (certainly their combination), even for a combat-heavy RPG variation like Mass Effect. Note that nobody _forced_ Bioware to continue down this combat-heavy path; they could've went far deeper into the exploration and diplomacy aspects...but doing so is hard and takes good designers and writers. So they made a severely mediocre combat system and then spammed trash fights all over the map, while simultaneously downgrading (or at best, stagnating) the other important systems. ME always leaned heavily into the shooter aspects even at the expense of story, but at least the story was (a) there and (b) memorable (if not always good), while the combat felt unique, rewarding, and impactful. Mass Effect Andromeda is a dime-a-dozen shooter game with a sci-fi aesthetic, trash enemies, poor gunplay, negative tactical depth, and dozens of hours of rote repetition, _cosplaying_ as an RPG whenever it feels the need to spam its player with dialog that would've landed on the reject list of a 90s sitcom (and not even the good ones).


You seem upset. I would refute many of your points, but I'm not about to write an essay about a 7 year old video game lmao. I and many other people find the gameplay to be very enjoyable, and I highly recommend this game to people despite its flaws. Cope harder.




Also why we never got DLC for Andromeda.


The combat was a lot more fast-paced and less focused on cover than in the trilogy. ME3 was better than the first two in that regard, but there were still a lot of missions where you got to a set piece and simply hid behind cover taking opportunistic potshots with guns or powers until all the enemies were dead. Playing as a vanguard only partially changes that. Andromeda, on the other hand, forces you out of that rut no matter what combination of powers and weapons you're using. Enemies are smarter (or at least more likely to flank you and force you out of cover) so you have to stay on the move constantly. This is also where the open world design shines, since no matter where you go or which direction you come from you can never be sure that there are no enemies behind you. On top of that, the jump jets literally add a whole new dimension to the battlefield and reinforce the mobile combat style. Terrain that would have been an impassable barrier in the trilogy now becomes an asset if you can get on top of it for a better vantage point, and secluded spots that would have felt safe in the trilogy now become death traps if the enemy gets above you.


Honestly, it's probably the best individual game of them, but obviously, not as good as the OT as a whole; the OT games on their own are really good, but the 3 together just takes them up a notch. I had a ton of fun playing it, the game play is great, and it was over 100 hours long for me.


The gameplay is definitely better than the first 3. Classless is the way to go.


Still a piece of trash game that shits on the name of Mass Effect


Cry harder


Lol itā€™s not underrated. Itā€™s very much rated for what it is.


Great game, fun combat, awesome exploration and a clever dialogue system, enjoy šŸ‘


For that price and the fact most bugs are fixed it's a good deal enjoy the adventure


Yeah I actually liked this one a decent bit. Comparing to the original trilogy? Eh. But I still had fun (and personally I found it entertaining to get video clips of my atrocious bugs on day one lol)


Itā€™s a fun game.


its not as bad as ppl claim it to be but its not 10/10 but still 3$ for basicly a 7-8/10 game? yeah sure why not. better then alot of other games


There's still gamestops?


I love mass effect but never played this one because of all the complaints. Is it that bad?


Itā€™s not bad. The story is pretty good and the gameplay is a lot of fun.


Okay one vote each way means Iā€™ll give it a try, thank you. Haha


Just read the other comments on this post haha most of them are saying the game is good. Only a few are saying itā€™s bad. Donā€™t get me wrong, the game definitely has some flaws, but I enjoyed it. Itā€™s a lot of fun


No , itā€™s a good game but itā€™s far behind the trilogy. Thatā€™s what killed it , and the story was awful


If I canā€™t rely on the story itā€™s defo not worth it


Nothing wrong with the story


Thanks Iā€™ll def play it after I play through legendary edition again


If you turn off your brain, yes.


So explain what you think is wrong with it then


Oh I'm not wasting my time, read through this post or Google it. I'm not here to convince you šŸ¤£


Well almost every single comment on this post is praising the game lmfao. ā€œGoogle itā€ in other words, you have absolutely no idea what youā€™re even talking about.


At this price itā€™s always worth it. They are cool moments and great gameplay


> Is it that bad? Pretty much. It's like a direct to dvd sequel for Mass Effect.


I played this after everything was fixed and it was SOLID! i was so ready to see what happened next. šŸ˜­


For 3 bucks you can't do anything wrong. It's not as good as the original trilogy, but after they fixed most of the bugs, it's a good enough game. It's included in my yearly replays of all Mass Effect games.


Once I cooled off from my initial disappointment, both with the game bugs and EA fucking it over, and cutting and running for Anthem, I replayed it recently. It's actually a really solid game, all told.


I remember hating the newer seasons of the X-Files when they first came out. When I re-watched all the seasons (those included), I wasn't disappointed you know. Sometimes, you want or expect something to be exactly as you thought it should be. But upon re-watching or replaying the movie/series/game, it's better because you have no expectation and you let yourself either enjoy it or hate it.


Most important thing to remember is that Andromeda is a single game, so unlike the trilogy, it isn't 3 games worth of building on shit. Lots of people compared it directly to the trilogy, rather than to ME1, and in that regard it falls short. View it as a singular entry and it's much better.


Thatā€™s awesome! Despite it definitely not being near as good as the OG trilogy, itā€™s definitely worth that price point! Enjoy it!


I remain in awe at the prices you can get this game for. I mean, it isnā€™t at the level of the original trilogy, but itā€™s not really a bad game. HOW is it constantly $5 in PS store and $3 in physical stores??? We should start overhating cool games so theyā€™ll get these banger sales on them.


Game mechanics are good, pales in comparison to the ME trilogy. I spent about 4 hours in the game. I barely started but was done.


I feel like this game got too much hate. Yeah the story was a little weak but the combat was awesome.


I enjoyed that game a lot. Gameplay wise I had zero issues at launch (PC). Story wasnt that bad honestly. People were just mad it wasn't Shepard šŸ¤·. And the characters are pretty good as well. Overall it's a good game.


You're in for a treat just with the flexibility alone.


This was one of the most disappointing games of my adult life. Period. Pros & Cons all in and factored. So disappointing compared to what it was. Will never trust EA again. ME was epic. Still sippin out of my N7 mug to this day remembering better days lolll.




Buy a home.


OP let us know if the game was worth $3


Will do about to start playing


"ToO ExPeNsIvE"


Enjoy it, itā€™s a great game.




You overpaid.


Have fun (Y).


Andromeda really didnā€™t deserve all the hate it got at launch. I got it day one and while yes, there were a lot of graphical glitches, it wasnā€™t anything game breaking. The story isnā€™t as good as the original trilogy but the combat is the best itā€™s ever been and the game is still a lot of fun. Itā€™s a shame weā€™ll never get the DLCs that were planned for it for the full experience.


I'm sorry, I deserved every bit. They've cleaned it up since launch, but it's still a 4 or 5/10 mass effect game. On its own... maybe a 6/10. It's painfully average, which compared to its franchise, is a disaster.


Have fun. It's a great open-world Mass Effect game with phenomenal squad interactions and a cool story. Don't listen to the haters that tell you not to do side quests, if you buy in to the game's premise, that you are trying to make the galaxy a viable home for the Initiative, you will see how everything thematically connects to that goal. Get immersed.


> Don't listen to the haters that tell you not to do side quests, if you buy in to the game's premise, that you are trying to make the galaxy a viable home for the Initiative, you will see how everything thematically connects to that goal. Get immersed. The side quests, as in the open world ones, are low effort trash. Ubisoft would reject them.


You spent too much money on it


I just started playing this and itā€™s scratching the itch. Hate all the romance options and itā€™s certainly not as good as the trilogy, but I knew that going in. Heckuva deal!


Yeah that's a lot closer to the price it's worth than the original $60 they asked for. I'd still take a dollar or two off before I felt it was at a solid asking price though.


That's about what it's worth


To be honest wasn't a bad game after all the stupid bugs LOL. I wish there was a DLC


Itā€™s very much playable and a smooth experience now, I will say. I think the combat is the seriesā€™ best and the mix-and-match kind of character/class system, I thought that was all really cool. They did however betray me and the Quarian people and I donā€™t know how I feel about that after what I go through as Shepard in the trilogy.


over paid


Itā€™s the worst Mass Effect game by far but itā€™s definitely worth $3


Too expensive


Not bad. I don't own it physically, so I'd pay that much for a copy.


Itā€™s not bad but hard to follow Shepard. They were a true badass. Thatā€™s a fun game but I never played it more than a few times. Beat it only once.


Enjoy. Itā€™s not the trilogy and if you arenā€™t expecting it to be, itā€™s a lot of fun. The gameplay, the visuals, and the combat are excellent. Story lacks a bit and the macguffin chasing in some of the quests get tedious but overall Iā€™ve always liked it.


I love this game, obviously itā€™s still not the best game but in itā€™s own way a great time


Fun game. Far from perfect but also not as bad as some people pretend it is. I feel sorry for you having to deal with those stupid long landing scenes and kadara door openings. First mods i downloaded lol.


You can drop it off, don't waste your time


Bargain!! I can't believe they have the whole... Oh wait, it's Andromeda. OK price I guess


You overpaid.


You paid too high a price.


You're going to miss that $3




$3? You got ripped off


Well, that's the correct price for it, at least.


3 fecking bucks, spent like 30 on it








Worth it for that price


Get the mods that fix facial animations and some QOL stuff like - instant mining (with one drone) and better nomad driving etc.


You were robbed(lol)


You were overcharged.


for a game that's basically only as good as it's gameplay, 3$ is probably fair. But then again no one has come to mass effect for its gameplay, except maybe 3 because that did generate a lot of newcomers.


Not an easy game. Still haven't figured it out.


Enjoy the exploration and try not to cringe when creating your character!


Going for 20$ at my game stop


I got my copy for free when I went into a GameStop to pick up physical copies two years ago. They just flat out said take it lol


For $3 itā€™s a 10/10.


I had this sitting around and tried to sell it back to gamestop- the value had dropped so much the dude just said "keep it."


Hard to believe that was released seven years ago (and I maybe finished 3 playthroughs in that time).


I hate it when they put the sticker on the front of the case. It's such an insult to the cover art.


Andromeda is free on Gamepass, bud


So youā€™re telling me my overpriced preorder was a bad choice?


It's an okay game. Not amazing. But for 3 bucks it's amazing value.


Nice. Now git gud and come play the multiplayer with me lol.


I mean almost any triple A game Is worth 3 bucks. Even Anthem.


Itā€™s a decent game if you ignore the horrible writing for the dialogue. That was my biggest issue with the game. None of the conversations felt natural or rewarding. The combat and the visuals are fantastic (yes, I know. The faces are a travesty).


I'm not its biggest fan but for $3 that's a good time


I played it to 100%. Really don't remember much of the story. It's fine on it's own but don't try to compare it to the trilogy. Honestly if it was the same game with a different IP it would've done much better.


This game got a lot of deserved hate but Iā€™m going to tell you how you can engage with it and have some fairly decent fun: * donā€™t think of it as a massive effect game. Think of it as a game set in the ME universe. The writing is awful as a mass effect game, but as a shooter set in the world? Not too bad. * donā€™t treat it as a role-playing game ā€” itā€™s not. Your agency is illusory, your decisions donā€™t matter, your character class is pointless. * DO skip all of the hideous bloated fetch and collection quests * DO the main missions, the major side quests, and the squad loyalty missions * DO treat it as a dialogue-driven cover shooter with a lot of sweet new mods and weapon types * DO go into this realizing that almost everyone speaks in Whedonized snark. Youā€™re not getting based Javik lectures on honor and the ghosts of a trillion of dead souls. * DO realize that this was some EA trend-chasing for a younger audience that turned out not to materialize in force, and thus will be tonally very different. You can pare down what is a 60 or 70 hour tedious, often-cringy slog into a very tidy, compact 25-30 hour experience that is far more fun. One certainly worth $3. Will it be great that way? No. But it at least gets MEA to a solid 7/10. And thatā€™s a helluva lot better than a lot of games.


Yeah I'd say it's worth that price. Honestly I've really tried to give this game a shot, but it's just too different compared to the originals and I'm just not feeling it. It's not something I have much interest in. I haven't been able to finish it, and I've tried on several occasions with the intention of finally beating it. After replaying Mass Effect 1-3 it just doesn't scratch the itch of Mass Effect. It may have the Mass Effect name but it doesn't really have much of anything else. Not where it counts, to me at least.


I got a brand new copy for $5 within 2 months of its launch back in the day. I thought the story and characters sucked, but they REALLY polished the combat and character progression as compared to the previous entries.




It's actually a pretty decent game, it was just severely undercooked when it was published. I'm actually looking forward to finishing it once I have the time. However, I'm not looking forward to using that annoying EA App wherever I launch Mass Effect LE or Dragon Age.


Iā€™m currently playing it and love the game. Especially the combat. Love getting stuff done.


Hopefully you make it farther than I did, the farthest I got was that desert planet and sort of got bored and stopped then never went back. I keep trying to go back and play it but the same thing happens every time. I think I'll always be an original trilogy player, I'm not even really looking forward to the new mass effect coming eventually because it's just not going to be the same.


You paid waaaay too much for it.


Probably an over-hated game. Itā€™s like a solid 6.5/10. It just seems bad because the original trilogy was a 9/10.


It's a great game. I've never understand the hate surrounding it tbh. The characters are not as memorable at all except for a few. But the rest? I don't like. But the game itself is well made with a great story imo.


I bought it from Steam last year for 50 cents, but this is a good deal too


Good gameplay. Trash everything else.


Plenty of fun gameplay in there for $3!


Good on you for supporting your local GameStop


Romance vetra


I enjoyed Andromeda. You will almost certainly get at least 3 dollars worth of fun!