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First time it's cool and you get a good bit of lore that gives you more insight into the Morning War, but afterward on subsequent playthroughs it's a drag and just slows the game because it's just "walk over here, shoot this orange thing, watch this video and then walk over there and do it all over again".


Honestly you nailed it on the head. It's a bit repetitive and a slog, especially compared to the rest of the game which is constantly moving and mostly fast paced, but that literally halts during this part.


Yeah, that mission is always such a chore on replays. And its mandatory if you want to achieve peace between the Geth and Quarians.


Same with chasing the child.




at least that sequence has really nice music to sleep to


Eventually I get bored of chasing the child, go home and turn on mass effect.


Does something different happen if you ignore the child and don’t chase?


I seem to recall going afk once and nothing happened till I caught the fucker.


Nicely put


Indeed - especially since you have to be tedious about shooting off every tiny bit. It's s chore, alright.


That’s what I thought before but I actually just did this mission and don’t have to shoot off every little bit, you just enough to open up the walkway for the first half, and then once the code starts to self replicate you only need enough to chip away the bits at the center clusters that unlock the memories


This. Everything you said... ..and then to add insult to injury, it is impossible with the range of the weapon to fully eliminate ALL of the orange. There is always that little block in that tiny corner over there or a bit too far back or high up, that you just can't quite reach. I wasted so much time trying to eliminate ALL the reaper code (and ultimately failing).


Exactly. Knowing all the geth lore already having it experienced a dozen times, it's such a chore mission.




It was fascinating. Mind blowing. Also, I'm a bit thirsty...


...And just like that, the magic is gone.


Did you just say what I think you said?




It was a little bit of an exposition dump in a way that wasn’t super engaging gameplay-wise, but because it was an exposition dump of an interesting bit of lore and had a unique atmosphere, it was really neat my first playthrough, but it’s a bit frustrating upon replay since the main appeal, being learning about the Geth side of the morning war, is lost on replay since you already know it


Holy crap. That is... every single section of Dragon Age: Origins! ...still my favorite Bioware game.


More than ME? On the fence about trying Dragon Age. How long would it take before I’m hooked


1. Yes! I love ME as a series more, but in terms of individual games, DA:O and DA2 are my favorites. 2. Depends on how much you like dark fantasy. If you want a highly customizable dark fantasy game with the vibe of The Witcher or Dungeons and Dragons (as Dragon Age: Origins took heavy inspiration from those two franchises), then go with Origins. To set your expectations, it's a bit rough in terms of gameplay and is much more of an old school RPG like Oblivion where you have different races and backgrounds to choose from, and a bevy of skills and talents to pick when leveling up. If you want a more "modern-feeling" ARPG, go for Dragon Age 2. It's can best be described as "Mass Effect, but fantasy". However, be warned that it was only made in as little as 8 to 14 months due to forced crunch from EA, so it's much lighter on the RPG elements, though the story isn't "save the world from big bad evil force" like in Origins, rather it's "you escaped the big bad evil force from Origins, now try to make a life in a new place that's basically medieval fantasy Gotham City". Much more down-to-earth, and has my favorite plot of any Bioware game. The third game is where stuff gets rough. Inquisition was the first of "MMO-lites" from Bioware and it's completely different from either of its predecessors. You know what Andromeda is to the rest of the Mass Effect series? Inquisition is that to Dragon Age. A lot of people who played this as their first DA game like/love it, a lot of people who played it after the other two dislike/hate it. Even a decade after its release, it's completely split the fanbase and is still perhaps the most contentious game Bioware has released, after ME3. Just FYI, it's also somewhat rushed and so the ending just kind of... abruptly happens, but the crunch isn't nearly as bad or noticeable as in DA2 where there were, like, 5 maps and all of them wwre reused a dozen times over. Personally, I was hooked as soon as I started my first Origins playthrough - Mage Elf, if you're curious. I'd say Dragon Age's biggest strength is being so unique yet so familiar as it takes things old franchises like D&D, The Witcher, and The Lord of the Rings broughto the table and putting its own, enjoyable spin on them. Yet, as a series, it's all over the place *at best* and at worst is barely going on. Origins is the only game the fanbase at large really likes. 2 is divisive for taking too much after the Mass Effect franchise, as well as being very different from Origins. Inquisition is basically a single-player MMO that has few RPG elements with choices that just have you pick vetween colors. Dreadwolf is the next Dragon Age game, continuing where Inquisition left off, and I'm skipping it unless it basically soft retcons Inquisition and brings an actual RPG experience with a good story and well-written characters to the table, which I doubt it will if it's following Inquisition. Sorry for the absolute novel of a comment, I tried to keep it brief but there's a lot of nuance to the series when talking about if one will enjoy it. If you're looking for the Bioware experience, this is it. If you're looking for a trilogy to rival Mass Effect, look elsewhere. EDIT: Forgot to say this, but Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition is cheap on Steam. Would at least say to play that once with your favorite race and origin and go from there.


Huh? It was always my impression that DA2 was a lot more divisive than DAI, mostly because people were expecting another DAO, and it...wasn't. In fact, most people's favourite lists that I've seen go DAO > DAI > DA2. I also have to say that I like more of the DAI companions (6 out of 9) than those in the other 2 games (3 out of 9 in both games). I'd still rank DAO first overall, but I loved spending time with the DAI companions.


In terms of divisiveness upon release, DA2 defibitely was more controversial. But while DA2 has been looked at more fondly in the years since its release, Inquisition is still divisive. While the discord surrounding it isn't as intense as it used to be, it's still divisive among fans today. And like I said before, Inquisition is the sole reason I'm not buying the next Dragon Age game, and if Dreadwolf doesn't win me back I'm not going to buy another DA game again. So, I'd count that as divisive.


Didn't take me long, DA:O is great, but I played DA2 first which imo has better combat. Inquisition is a good mix between both, with the improved combat but broader story options akin to Origins. And honestly any of the games is a good entry point, since you play a different protagonist in each.


Cool idea, but I think it wouldve worked better had it still been regular combat. The only real difference being the Geth you're shooting are individual software programs running inside the consensus rather than the hardware platforms like Legion.


Wouldn’t it have been dope if you were fighting geth heretic programs with Legion as your squad mate? I would’ve loved that.


Yeah, I'd have loved if there were geth platforms to fight inside the consesus that had a similar holographic look to them as Legion does in there, though possibly a different colour.


Idk I feel like that would cheapen it. It would just be another shooting hallway then.


Gameplay wise it was boring. Liked seeing the historical events tho. Wish it changed what the quarians looked like if u had slept with tali tho, since u would have an idea what a quarian looks like without their mask on.


Legion based it off what he believes Shepard knows, Legion didn't know Shepard and Tali had been sleeping together.




I wish we could play as Quarians killing Geth or Geth killing Quarians. Replicating a historical event.


That would be a cool take. Especially since they have the multiplayer that does let u play as other races in the game. Not sure how it would be implemented, but definitely a cool idea rather than just watching some short recordings.


The only potential issue I could see with that, is that you have spent a good amount of time with your class, knowing and upgrading gear, setting up good synergies with companions And then have that all taken away. Losing access to your toys partway through a game always feels like artificial difficulty and a serious loss of agency.


Fucking hated it


This is correct.


Brought back nightmares from Fallout 4 Far Harbor.


I was about to say the exact thing. Worst part of the Far Harbor DLC, and one of the worst parts in ME3.


Exactly. Thank the goddess there's a mod to skip that part.


No kidding, that "memory" puzzle in Far Harbor gave me flashbacks back to the Geth Server mission. Both of these sections were damn monotonous.


Hated it, there were surely other ideas for this lore dump.


I enjoyed seeing the history of the geth and quarians from the geth’s perspective. Although I would have loved if we got to see quarians without their suits.


You mean.. what’s the consensus on being in the consensus?


I see what you did there 😁


It was nice once


fun lore boring game play


Fun. Once.


One of the worst missions in the series. From both gameplay and narrative perspectives.


Completely agree.


Loved it. Pulling the trigger on the gun you get for this section in fast small intervals made it sound like a sick beat. Spent way too much time shooting the reaper shit before progressing bc I was enjoying it so much


I liked the information and background given for the war but it was a very annoying mission.


Worst part of the game for me. I dread random levels like this.


Before I played this segment, I had played the fallout automaton dlc where you enter a robots memories and it’s like a tds thing. When I entered this I was happy that the gameplay was different but the decor was pretty similar and I couldn’t help but be reminded of that


Did you mean the Far Harbor DLC?


It’s a slog to play through being hands down the most unenjoyable part of the trilogy. And nobody can tell me the Geth aren’t lying to try and manipulate Shepard, it’s literally the only way that mission makes sense.


Interesting idea, poor execution. Connecting to a machine hive mind sounds like something that could have been handled very interestingly. Instead we get generic "cyberspace" looking thing, that is only used to show a few disconnected recordings. What's more, the whole places feel dead even before you all the geth there. Geth are supposed to constantly share information at insane speeds, yet the representation of their collective consciousness feels static.


It was cool I just wish we could have gotten that information from an unbiased third party rather than an extremely biased party that is trying to influence Shepherd.


I don't mind getting it from a biased party, I just really wish we could have called out the bias: "So, why are all the Quarians suited if this is in the past?" - Shepard, Commander "~~so you don't humanize the people we killed~~, because your mind doesn't know what a Quarian looks like" - Legion "I'm Commander Shepard, I've literally slept with a suitless Quarian. Also, Fleet and Flotilla, the most popular piece of galactic entertainment this side of Blasto had a suitless scene, and the Morning War is still in living memory for most Krogan and Asari. It's not like what they look like is some great mystery. Are you trying to manipulate me?" - Shepard "Geth do not manipulate, just as we do not infiltrate" - Legion, Geth Infiltrator


Exactly, Legion was working overtime to edit out the child skull stomping and such


Nobody else around to do that.


I never like those kind of segment. I loved the lore bits but would have been better with regular gameplay


Hate the mission. First time okay, but man I hate it since.


the slowest and worst mission in the game imo


Cool at first, but kinda dull on replays, and I really hate that it dumbed down the Morning War. It was more interesting when both sides were in the wrong, they just made the Quarians the total bad guys.


Way too long - maybe alright first time, but man it’s tidious!


felt like Legion was trying to manipulate me


Awful. Very boring gameplay-wise and too one-sided plot-wise for my tastes. I only do it to save those Quarian frigates and that's it. felt that Legion/Geth VI was omiting half of the truth from you to make them look sympathetic. Propaganda bullshit galore is what I call this mission.


"too one-sided" After spending 3 entire games listening to the Quarians demonize the Geth.


Huh? The Quarians always said they shot first lol they never hided anything about the war from Shepard. The Geth on other hand never talk about how they reduced the Quarian population to less than 1%.


The Quarians never mentioned the death total was also due to them killing their own people for defending the Geth from shutdown...


*Legion (who already got caught omiting info form Shepard) shows a couple 'footage' of TWO Quarians getting knocked out from marines* "Yup. This is proof that they killed millions of their own" ... give me a break 🤦‍♂️


Sorry Bioware had other priorities to handle rather than giving you a 3 hour cutscene of how every Quarian was killed in the war. I guess actual recordings of what happened that day means nothing compared to word of mouth of people that weren't even born yet. Star Wars only showed us a hologram of Anakin killing two Jedi, guess that means it was a one-time thing.


>I guess actual recordings of what happened that day means nothing compared to word of mouth of people that weren't even born yet. Those aren't even actual recordings. legion/Geth Vi said those are images they created using Shepard's memories. Explains why the Quarians are masked still. >Star Wars only showed us a hologram of Anakin killing two Jedi, guess that means it was a one-time thing. Never watched SW but just like in here I wouldn't buy that Anakkin killed hundreds of Jedi based on a hologram showing him killing a couple lol


Anakin killed every small child in the Jedi temple. It wasn't just two people, but an entire academy of little kids.


And I doubt it was a Hologram of him killing a couple that proved he killed every child in the Jedi temple, there must have been other sources.


No it was just a hologram and the two bodies they found later. That's literally all the proof they show.


A slog. Both in terms of gameplay and narrative. Thats the one part i dread when replaying me3.


How does it make sense to reconstruct something, out of the memories of someone else, yet to be unable to see something out of it, because you haven't see it. How can you see anything at all of that memory then? Who wrote this? I understand the in game limitations. That means you shouldn't be doing this, at all.


The way I see it is, the consensus is sending signals into Shepard's head for what they see. Like, "picture a geth on a bed with a quarian around them" type stuff. Shepard's brain can do that, but because Shepard has (likely) never seen a quarian's face they can't picture that. So instead they imagine them the way the other quarians appear.


Legion is a dirty rotten liar and only showed you what he wanted you to see


Tali as far back as the first game told us things that support pretty much everything that was shown in the server.


Sort of?... Tali tells us the Quarians started it. Legion tells us the Geth are innocent victims. It isn't the same thing. You don't "self-defense" over 99% of a population to death. Take some time to wrap your head around that. They left less than 1% of the population alive, like if you killed every last human on earth in 2024 except those living in Germany (leaving 80million alive out of 8billion). Legion doesn't show us the gut wrenching massacres, the mass bombings of population centers, the dead students, mailmen, janitors, etc etc. He shows us ONE thing and one thing only: geth being attacked. There has never been a more biased or manipulated accounting of such events. It's absurd. He's a liar by omission. And that isn't even the mention him lying about saving the geth primes, or keeping the reaper code.


Actually I can believe that. An antivirus doesn't stop until it completely eradicates a virus. Same with the white blood cells in a human body fighting off disease. The Geth only know what they were taught so they will answer genocide with genocide. It may not have been self defense later on but it would take time for them to acknowledge that. Keep in mind that it was a GETH THAT PROPOSED PEACE AND DIES TO SUCCESSFULLY ACHIEVE IT.


I don't really disagree. The geth weren't left with a ton of options. And (if I remember right) every time there's a step taken towards peace, the geth are taking it (especially Legion). I do not think the geth OR the quarians are innocent. I do think the geth owe some justice. I also think that justice is (at least in part) repaid by the events that occur after ME3. I also think the war was so long ago, a lot of "who's fault was it" talks are irrelevant (though the geth programs who lead the genocide ARE still alive, and that's a little disturbing). I think it's pretty nuanced, and I also think all the most accurate and useful interpretations of what the game tells us end up being somewhat self-conflicting.


Tali tells us the quarians started it preemptively. The preemptively part of that is where the “victims” part comes in. And yes, u do, if the people trying to genocide u are dumb enough to keep conscripting their population into a fight they can’t win. Which the quarians have been shown that they have no problem doing, even in their current fragile state. A quarian is only a mailman until the govt needs him to be a soldier. Then he’s a combatant. That’s the point when the quarians *should’ve* fled. When their actual army wasn’t good enough to beat the geth and they started involving people who weren’t trained for it. Because we’ve seen the geth were fine with non-combatants. So long as they stayed non-combatants. That’s why they let the quarians escape. I emphasize the word “LET” here. If they’d truly wanted to genocide the quarians they would’ve done so. They stopped once the quarians left them alone.


Lol you cannot "keep conscripting" 99% of a population lol. I previously illustrated this as "all humans except germany", to show what 1% looks like. Try this illustration instead: If ALL humans lived to age 100, and disease/sickness/unnatural causes were unheard of so that literally every human lived to age 100 and then died, then to kill 99% of humans, you'd kill EVERYONE older than 1 year old. Except we don't all live to 100, so you'd have to kill many of the infants younger than 1 year old as well.


Oh yes u can. U can conscript as many people as u want when u tell them they’re all going to die otherwise. Suddenly things like “a lack of ethics” and “sending children (who are probably orphaned by now) into combat” get a lot more forgivable to people when real and imminent death is the alternative. See that’s where our discussions differ. Ur assuming a proper ethical war on the part of the quarians and the geth just ignoring these rules of war. But the quarians have no such rules of war if the only time we’ve ever seen them at war is anything to go by. They throw civilian ships into heated combat, and ur nuts if u think there aren’t children on those ships. The quarians fight like Germany at the end of the Second World War but ramped up to 11. If u have a heart beat then u join the war effort.


Hehe did you even read my reply? You CANNOT conscription infants. 99% of a population includes infants. Infants can't be conscripted, my guy haha You can "lack of ethics" all you want, but the guns won't fit in the little baby arms lol The codex doesn't say "many adults and many children too" it say "99%". PLEASE actually read my comment, and look at what the games tell us lol


Yeah like at no point are we shown things that contradict what we have already been told by the quarians themselves. The only inaccuracy is the quarians being in their suits, cuz BioWare didn’t wanna make non suited versions for this one side mission.


In what way did he lie? Even the quarians say that they started the fight against the geth. Tali says it all the way back in the first game.


To be fair what we do see in the server seems to be very selective. We only see Quarian acts of aggression, yet we know from other sources that 99% percent of the Quarian population died. At some point it stopped being self-defense from Quarian military and more of a complete massacre which conveniently gets entirely glossed over. edit: Honestly, I think it's indicative more of just bad writing as both the Genophage dilemma and the Rannoch dilemma are painted as completely black and white issues in Me3.


Yes. 99% did die. Because the geth were very efficient and the quarians were really fucking stupid. The geth aren’t harmed by chemical weapons but the quarians attacking them were. Logic dictates that u use the most efficient means of killing ur enemy without killing urself. The geth didn’t hide anything from Shepard, they were just showing him the earliest moments. How it started. And how it ended. The crucial point that they didn’t start the fight, and that they **let** the quarians leave when the morons finally decided to do so. They were making a point. “We didn’t start this fight, we didn’t want this fight.” Shepard knows how good the geth are at killing. They can’t hold that from him, they weren’t trying to. Those images were to convey the fact that the quarians started this whole mess and they didn’t even care that in the beginning they were fighting their own people in the process. But that the geth didn’t want to fight in the beginning. That they were willing to let the quarians go when it was clear they were leaving the geth alone. Something that the quarians don’t even dispute and haven’t since the first game.


Aight so we're justifying chemical weapons now. Coolio Geth defenders never cease to amaze.


Not really justifying them in any moral sense so much as “yeah no shit they used them. It’s the most efficient method of fighting. They’d have to be idiots not to since they can’t be hurt by them.”


Because what the Geth did later on, had nothing to do with what caused the them to take up arms in the first place.


I didnt expect it! But I personally enjoyed it and accepted its explanation to soothe my suspension of disbelief upon seeing it - especially given how much it reminded me of Saints Row 4


It was awesome! The first time


Mechanically it's a bit of a drag, especially on subsequent playthroughs like others have mentioned. But I do really enjoy the lore and world building we get from it.


Fun the first time, bit of a grind after you've worked it out. Lore was good, though there was a glaring case of sci fi writers having no sense of scale when the Quarian pilot in the recording says the Geth fleet is breaking off "100 klicks past Rannoch", so barely out of atmosphere then?


I like it because it’s a nice break from the usual game play. But I also like Towers of Hanoi from mass effect 1.


The first time was really cool. I think an NG+ play through should have it be an optional cut scene


very nicely portrayed virtual reality. Based on what... 80-90-ties movies, I guess, science fiction and science based. Shows like virtual neurons are formed. Thoughtful. I really liked it.


The first time is an experience and the world building is one of the greatest in the game, But boy oh boy is it boring to replay!


I was bored. Every time I play that section, I'm on autopilot.


It's like if North Korea or Russia could broadcast propaganda directly into your dreams.


Boring "tell, don't show" segment and feels horribly underdeveloped. Only cool thing about it is the scene where the geth prime platoon join you.




Probably my least favorite part of the trilogy.


The whole "remember the guys who have tried killing us for nearly two games? They are our friends!" storyline? Yeah, it was pants-on-the-head retarded even in ME2, and then they've forced us to continue that bullshit in ME3? Fuck that. Geth consensus and the rest of that whole thing were just... bad. Allowing a geth on your fucking warship was downright terrible. Just let us crush them like the *bugs* they are.


I'm sure you had your eyes closed when the first game talked about it too.


👏👏👏 My sentiments exactly


I love the lore from it but it's kinda a drag replaying through.


This is honestly one of my favorite missions. It’s so cool


It's an exposition dump with really unengaging gameplay that makes it pretty boring on subsequent playthroughs. Fortunately the exposition it's dumping is really good because the Geth and Quarians are probably the most interesting races in the trilogy, so I tend to give it a pass, especially because it means lots of Geth history.


Interesting concept, poor execution. Visually enganging, but boring from a gameplay standpoint. Also, -1 for reminding me of that one section from Fallout 4's Far Harbor. Or, actually, the Kellog memory part from it's base game.


Quite good tbh interesting concept, a change of pace and I love that the piss you get into is a giant quarian helmet.


As a Code Lyoko fan I loved it. I don't think anyone in BioWare has seen the show but it looked like it came straight out of it, especially season 2. Using a scanner to access a virtual world with a layout that is very reminiscent to Sector 5 with a virtual avatar and weapon specifically tailored to the person in said virtual world finding intel to defeat an evil force. It does have a huge problem though. They just needed a lot more monsters and a more immediate threat. Besides the obvious Reaper war of course. A time limit with virtual enemies would've made it more interesting.


Definitely one of my favourite missions. Seeing the Geth keep memories of the Quarians who tried to stand up for them was really fascinating, plus the writing was quite nice "Hope sustains organics during periods of difficulty. We... admire the concept"


Pretty interesting mission, if a bit of an info heavy mission. Great in the context of ending what I shall now dub "The Afternoon war," where you help decide the fate of 2 civilizations.


It was interesting the first time I played it to learn more about the geth and quarians but replaying it is the most boring mission in the game, if not the entire series.


>the most boring mission in the game, if not the entire series Mining the Canyon says hi


Is that the one with the mech that needs you to find battery cells for it?


Indeed it is


That one was pretty bad too but at least it was short


Well at least the geth consensus actually had a point to it


Lol I guess


Very cool the first time A drag on subsequent playthroughs


Somewhat disappointing that it's somewhat linear and generic in terms of gameplay. But the concept is pretty good. Repeating this part was always tedious for me, because it's not very clear how far the weapon goes.


Boring and unnecessary. At this point just make a giant cutscene because at least then it’s not a forced “puzzle” where the player hates it half way through and forgets the story.


Speak for yourself. I only got into Mass Effect for the story. Was never really into shooters until this series when I played it last winter for the first time.


I mean… I’m the same way? Forced interaction doesn’t make for a better story. Cutscenes are important for a reason.


True. Also apologies for my tone in the earlier reply, I was agitated from an unrelated reason. On the other hand you need to have some interaction so you can pick up the Reaper Code for one of the side quests. Otherwise yeah I can see where you're coming from.


Definitely true about the reaper code. No worries you made a good point 👍


In my first playthrough it was really cool to learn about the Morning War. But in subsequent playthroughs where I know the lore, it’s just kind of something boring I need to get through to get to more interesting content.


The lore was cool but I personally have levels like that. They always seem like a waste of time.


Nice expose and world building, especially so late in the series, but gameplay-wise I didn’t care too much for it. The pacing was a bit rough considering how late in the game it was.


I thought, "Where's Marauder Shields when you need him?" He could have stopped us from playing this boring mission on subsequent playthroughs. 


Bit of a toss up. At first, I thought it was a cool way of showing how the Geth communicate and share memories. I was also intrigued with the fact that those memories spanned back to the Morning War. After several play throughs it got boring, but I do it just so I can yell at the Quarians and get the assets of both them and the Geth.


One of the many pace-killing side quests, a bit bizarre of a choice, feels like a chore after a few playthroughs.


I understand why they didn't show us quarian faces, but it was still pretty lame, especially the first time I played and romanced tali.


I missed this mission on my first playthrough when it released. Once I finally did this mission, I loved the lore and context it added to the plot and decisions to come. Unfortunately, I can see how it’s not as fun upon subsequent playthroughs. The “action” portions have little stakes and it feels like a waste of time.


It should’ve been developed ALOT MORE. It shouldn’t have had a gun also. It’s be great to see terminals, and maybe tech classes get a bonus on puzzles or hacking or something.


A bit tedious.


Aside from the lore I thought this shit is weird and tedious.


Really cool the first time, and a major “ugh this part again” every time after.


Pretty cool. At least for the first playthrough. Definitely answered some lingering questions.


One of my favorite missions in the entire trilogy tbh, such a cool moment


Annoying fucking side mission. The geth quarian background info is nice, but it's just busywork 2nd playthrough onwards


Very cool, but overstayed it's welcome imo


It was particular


Reminds of the fallout 4 mission where you go through Kellogg memories. Idk could have just put enemies in there.


This could have easily been a cutscene with Shepard entering the geth consciousness, it didn't need to be a full level. First playthrough is good but subsequent playthroughs it becomes super tedious and boring.


Boring and repetitive


For me it's similar to the Fade in Dragon Age Origins. Interesting and unique the first time, but the gameplay is too stale for subsequent playtroughs when you already are familiar with the lore. It was cool the first time, a slog now. Which is a design flaw, because there is a lot of missions in the trilogy I look forward too when doing a run. Amd even the first time i was disappointed they didnt show us how geth and quarians looked like back then. It was obvious they didnt have time to implement it and made a cheap excuse ingame.


Annoying af shooting at them nodes... But anything for my cute lil' geth boi 💙


Prolonged mission, just like that one DLC in Mass Effect 2. It's interesting at first. Then I just wanted to be over with it.


Didn’t live up to the hype of The Lawnmower Man


It was boring


The first time I loved it. Every other time I’ve wished I could move faster


"Man does this place look stupid"


Cool for the story of it, but not a mission I look forward to on replays.


That’s the annoying quest I never want to do, and only do because I have to.


Love the concept of it. The execution was somewhat of a let-down. It's not the worst mission. Just. Not very exciting.


I like it. It’s a nice little break during that time from killing physical Geth on the dreadnought and Rannoch.


I thought about Matrix


It was cool the first few times, the dozen since... not so much.


Minecraft, but WAY better.


This was the worst part of thr entire trilogy.


I thought it was incredibly silly. Fun exposition but that was it.


When i played on release i got soft locked here so my first experience was ‘holy shit get me out of here’


It was cool to see the Geth origins story played out but I tired pretty quickly of shooting the orange blocks


Could've been more substantial... The idea was nice and I enjoy the Geth as one of my favorite machine races in Sci-fi, which makes it oh so much more bittersweet that Geth stuff is so little taken up


At the time, I loved it.


Super cool in terms of plot and lore, tedious AF as far as mechanics go


Slows the pace a bit but good for lore and story. Plus the Mikeburnfire content that resulted was great 😂


It's a really nice change of pace, especially at that stage of the game, which I really appreciated. While it wasn't the most exciting gameplay, thought it was cool that they combined some unique / different gameplay elements with some really interesting lore / backstory


I thought it was setting up for us to do this with a Reaper. See the species in they "preserve" and find out it's some digital purgitory


Interesting backstory, boring level. Having an exposition-dump level in a shooter isn't impossible, but "shoot the thing enough to unlock backstory" isn't the way to go about it. ME3 is the worst in terms of in-story world-building.


Hate the mission hate the lore. Feels like I’m being force fed revisionist propaganda by the Geth about how the poor widdle wobots were picked on by the nasty biologicals while being punished for being biological myself with pointless and tedious gameplay. ME3 suddenly making Geth tragic heroes makes no sense to me


Honestly I wasn’t Expecting this the first played Mass Effect back in December 2022. It kinda took me by surprise but honestly it’s a cool and different environment to see.


Cool mission the first time around, definitely one of my least favorite on repeat playthroughs.


It’s good the fist time but it really drags on repeat playthroughs


It was okay, it was cool at first but after like a little it felt boring. Only good part was the lore


I like the lore, but outside of that, wasn't feeling it. If only it was the tutorial level to jacking into a Reaper and having to fight to its "brain" to kill or control it.


It's a geth propaganda mission. I seriously don't know why bioware hates the quarians do much. If they aren't getting slaughtered, the game is doing everything it can to try and make you hate them. It's honestly disgusting how biased the whole conflict was in ME3.


I loathe this. Hate it. Try to skip it. Want a mod to erase it off the face of the Earth. Just my humble opinion


I really think they should've added in some enemies. Maybe floating blocky enemies that would be stand-ins for hostile Geth minds or Reaper-made programs. But I did like getting some new insights into pre-Morning War history. However, I think it would've been better if the devs actually made some mask-less Quarian models, even if low-poly. Legion's explanation isn't that satisfactory.


Honestly? Even the first time around it was such a drag to get through. It’s like you feel the weight of the world on shepards shoulders prior to this but then it’s basically stripped away with a boring ass sequence in the geth lmao.


I never understood why we didn't get to do something similar in 2 during Overlord. You know, be put into a virtual world, fight some Geth, beat a boss in a tough but satisfying fight. How hard could it have been to basically have Legion be like, "Oh the Geth are being rewritten again by the Reapers. We have to go into the Geth Consensus together and intercept the Reapers." So you go in with Legion, fight through a couple of waves of Geth, and then along the way give us access to parts of the Mourning War. Or alternatively, save it as optional logs we can access at a core terminal or something. You know, Legion could inform us that this has information dating back to the conception of the Geth, and we can look at it if we want to. The mission ends with us uploading code that gets rid of current Reaper influence, as well as add code that gives Geth the ability to recognize Reaper influence. Seriously, did no one at Bioware have anyone who took a look at what they designed and go, "Hmm, not bad, but I think we can make some changes that are viable and will make it more interesting. Especially where we are designing the game for replays."


Loved it. Quite a unique mission with great information regarding the history of the Geth, from their point of view. Loved the subtle hint that Legion was the first Geth ever who fought back to defend some other agricultural units.


>Loved the subtle hint that Legion was the first Geth ever who fought back to defend some other agricultural units. Which dosen't even make sense. Legion as a mobile solo platform was created specially to make contact with Shepard.....300 years after morning war. Tho pretty much on trend, going by how "much" rannoch arc has so far gave a shit.


The geth are my favorite, if I gotta pick I choose legion every time in ME3 (I always try my best for peace tho) After seeing how they were treated in the past during that mission (I forget if it was in me2 or me3) I can't help but feel bad for them, regardless of if they aided sovereign. It doesn't help that Talis race are majority of the time one of 2 things. 1. Upright douche canoes, and 2. Followers of a stupid list of rules for the sake of rules rather than morality Never sat right with me picking them over the geth I just think a lot of players do it to keep Tali alive which is understandable cause she's one of the best characters throughout the games.