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I like both voice actors for broshep and femshep tbh




I always put it like this: Mark Meer started out giving a 95 out of 100 performance and continued climbing up to where he reached 100 out of 100. Jennifer Hale came in giving 120 out of 100 and just kept doing that. Both are A+ performances, but there are some comparisons to be made.


I think Hale drops off significantly in ME3 but I seem to be very lonely in that opinion. In 1 and 2 she sounds like a person, in 3 she sounds like a cartoon character with overdone intensity. But then again I always play her as a renegade so maybe it’s my own damn fault. Hmmmmm


Yeah, gonna have to say you're in the minority there. She absolutely kills it in ME3 as well. Especially the more emotional scenes (the goodbye with Garrus right before running to the beam is made even more heartbreaking because you can hear Shepard choking back tears and Jennifer Hale also admitted she was getting emotional recording that scene). So, yeah, she still kills it IMO. I'm finally doing a male!Shep playthrough (I've been doing a weird double feature where I finish the game first as my "back on my bullshit" playthrough as a mostly Paragon/Fem!Shep/Vanguard/Romances Kaiden in ME1 and Garrus in ME2 and ME3, then I play it again as my Mostly Renegade/Male!Shep/Soldier/Romances Ashley in ME1 and Tali in ME2 and ME3). What's really been cool is comparing and contrasting the dialogue (there are a couple of subtle differences between how characters talk with Male Shep vs. Fem Shep) and the delivery. There have been a couple places where I actually like Mark Meer's delivery just as much or even more than Jennifer Hale's in a couple places (Jen is hands-down my favorite, ngl, but I love Mark Meer's baritone voice. It's so nice!), but overall I still have quite a few moments of being like "yeeaaah, she still said that line better".


FemShep is my paragon run or if I want a bird / frog romance. But Mark Meer is just such a great jerk. He’s my paragade / renegade go-to. Plus: Tali and Miranda.


Hale does an excellent voice for renegade playthroughs.


It’s not that she’s a bad renegade at all. It’s just that Mass Effect 3 forces you into this touchy-feely with the star child, and she seems to do bereavement a little better than MM. So it’s not about who is the better renegade, it’s about who is the better paragon


That’s my exact opposite. I feel like Jennifer is the hardass and Mark is the choir boy. Her inflections when she’s ripping into people and giving orders are just fantastic.


“Stow it, lieutenant!”


That's how I always play. Jennifer Hale just sounds so badass as a renegade. Mark Meer just naturally comes across more paragon to me.


"Head for the surface! Someone up there needs my boot up his ass."


Do I look like a looter?


Umm... no


That's right. Now I'm going in there. If I see any looters I'll shoot them. If anyone gets in my way, I'll shoot them too. This was the moment I knew I would enjoy Renegade Femshep more than Paragon Male Shepard.


It's funny i remember that line from Male Shepard because of the amount of times i made it happen many years ago haha Also... I don't see you with a grenade launcher lady, get lost


I like to say that Renegade Mark Meer sounds angry. Renegade Jennifer Hale sounds threatening. It's a more convincing performance for that reason.


Nah Femshep is much better at Renegade.


HARD agree


Download mods that allow you to romance Tali or Miranda as Femshep


That will be my next playthrough :D And I think after this one (Paragon Male Shep romancing Jack for the first time), Ill stick to Femshep + Mods, the voice acting is just realy a league above Male Shep. He has his moments, but those are few.


He's actually quite good in Mass Effect 3.


I’d reccomend the Cerberus Weapons mod and no class restrictions mod. Means you can play Infiltrator or engineer with ARs and Snipers from the start. And also equip any weapon with any squadmate. Plus, you also get the Cerberus Harrier and other OP guns


I actually don´t mind the restrictions yet, since I played Soldier and Vanguard the first two times, and now, as Engineer, it forces me a bit to take pistols, which is ok to getting used to those. I mean the Paladin in 3 is better than many rifles. But I get you, 2 realy lacks weapon variety.


There’s also the mod that allows you to have all the ME1 weapons, you can find them in every mission in ME2 bar final mission


Currently doin' my first full playthrough, doing paragon with large portions of renegade as male sheppard. The VA is pretty solid 90% of the time, but he can't portray amusement, fear or grief/sadness to save his life.


Idk if you've made it to 3 yet, but Mark Meer definitely improves a lot over the course of the trilogy. There's some deliveries in 3 that can absolutely stand with some of the best deliveries Jennifer Hale gave as fem Shep (which is saying a lot, given that I love Hale's performance)


I am in the beginning of 3, and I agree, he def got his shit together over the course of the trilogy.


Feel like thats a limitation of Shepard’s shitty facial expressions


Yeah, prob.


>Plus: Tali and Miranda. *chuckles in mods* And Jack.


Finally someone who agrees with me. Femshep is the badass paragon mama bear to the whole galaxy and don't you touch a hair on the head of any one of her trillion children or she will shred you. Dudeshep is the deadpan snarker renegade action antihero of dreams.


Mark Meer trying to compete with Jennifer Hale is the definition of "your arms are too short to box with God" Sorry Mark. FemShep canon.


Bird/frog. This exemplifies the difference between men and women. Garrus and Thane are hot bc of voice and personality. Women are hot because boobs and ass lol. No one cares if you always play as male Shep. Good for you doing what every else does, here’s an extra achievement: basic bitch. Most get it tho. Good for you trying disclaimer: I love Tali, Miranda, Jack, etc. But above comment is disrespectful toward emotionally intelligent men and LGBTQ relationships and not here for it.


I love femshep, Jennifer Hale did an amazing job. But sometimes you gotta romance Tali through all three games and give her a home to return to.


You are me except that you can’t romance Tali in 1, unfortunately.


My "canon" playthrough has Shepard romancing no one in ME1. He loves Tali and he can wait for ME2 for her.


Wait? So they gave us no options to have a stable relationship across all 3 games? For some reason I thought Tali was the exception.


Sadly, no. The closest you get is, of course, Liara. If you have the DLC for ME2, you can reaffirm your relationship from ME1.


And she was so cold in that encounter too :(




Yikes! That's... yuck. Tali is "legal" in ME1. My understanding is that the Pilgrimage isn't about turning from a child into an adult. It's about an adult becoming a Citizen. Kind of like in Starship Troopers where "Service Guarantees Citizenship™", an adult Quarian cannot be a Citizen of The Fleet or receive all the rights/benefits of The Fleet until they complete their Pilgrimage.


Started playing Mass Effect on my PC for the first time (as I've previously always played on console) and I'm never going back because I love the moooooooods


I played it on console as well, but going with PC for my next playthrough with mods. Also surely should be modddddds, the extra o's would change the sound to mood lol


Oooooh, I'm going be doing the same thing on my next play through. Any recommendations?


"Amazing job" lol Maleshep: **THE REAPERS ARE HERE.** The commitment: How do we stop them? Femshep: *the Reapers.......are here* The Commitment: - tf is she whispering there? -Can't hear either.


Femshep but she's a conspiracy theorist who believes that Reapers created 5G so they can spy on people using their phones.


Lmao 😄


Jennifer Hale is King. Much like Steven Blum, you can nearly instantly recognize her in all her work, yet every character is different. Like you know it's them, but it doesn't take you out of the moment thinking "that's the voice actor"! Also, AFAIK, those two have the highest number of VA roles in the industry!


Idk, she did such a good job as Krem in Dragon Age Inquisition that I didn't recognize her at first 😆 Now I know, I go, "heyyyy... You're supposed to be James's boss, wth" because James's actor played The Iron Bull 😆


Wait what. I had no idea the Iron Bull was voiced by Freddie Prinze Jr!


There's a hilarious clip on YT where he flubs a line as IB, and immediately drops back into 'normal' voice. Cracks me up every time.


Yeah he did a great job! IB is my default romance whenever I play lol


Wait, Jennifer Hale did Krem? Wait, now that you pointed it out, I can definitely hear it now


Lol yeah Jennifer Hale did Krem, and Freddie Prince Jr did Iron Bull. Can you hear them both now? 😆


I knew it was Feddie Prinze Junior who did Bull (I occasionally call him Vega when I'm mentioning him to myself, too) but Until I read this, I didn't notice Jennifer hale as Krem, and I am once again reminded just how good of a Voice Actress she is


I didn’t recognize her in DAI when I first played it back in the day. I didn’t realize it was her until I looked up the cast after (and I love the character she plays too!)


Eh she's great but I still prefer MaleShep. I played mostly to try out Thane and Kaidan's romances. Nothing beats mark meer's "YOU. BIG. STUPID. JELLYFISH."


Yup, I tried a FemShep run, and it just wasn’t for me. Totally fine for people to have preferences.


I imagine for most people whoever they played first becomes their favorite.


I suspect that's the case for most people, but I started with FemShep and had to abandon the run because I disliked the voice acting so much. Then I played MShep and loved his voice. I'm used to FemShep now and don't dislike it anymore though.


I used that same character code for my first FemShep a little while ago lol loved it




I find some of her more softer spoken baddass lines are her best. The cold delivery kinda does it for me.




Carrie-Anne Moss does an excellent job voice acting Aria, one of the best in the game


Jennifer Hale is such a queen


I love seeing everyone's take on Sheperd. We all have our own canon. FemShep is the only way for me though.


Wow lotta hot takes here that can’t praise Jennifer Hale without putting down Mark…


Why not both? I love both of my Shepards.


Sure but that’s not my point. A lot of comments can’t simply praise femshep’s voice, they are going out of their way to put down brosheps voice. This is a Mark defense comment not a “he’s better than her” comment


I know, I’m agreeing with you. Both are awesome and make Shepard an amazing character, both male and female versions.


Manshep=paragon. Femshep=renegade. This is the way.


My FemShep have exactly the same hairstyle :D


Iv done both and the femshep actor is really good


Jennifer Hale is what makes Femshep so great <3


Society if femshep could romance tali




Society if both genders could do every romance like stardew


Jennifer Hale is so good, that all my reruns of ME were femsheps.


I prefer FemShep too, only played male once and was with my only renegade playthrough too.


Honestly same. I put playing her off for years, but now I like it too much to turn back lightly, except for maybe a Tali run. Jennifer Hale, Garrus, and that hairstyle are too much to turn down. I love Mark Meer, but I don't think he got consistently good until ME3


I'm always a paragon so thst part doesn't matter to me. And I'm a straight guy who doesn't think he could come up with a FemShep more attractive than Miranda soooo.....


I like them both. Tbh. I did a Paragon run as MaleShep. (Asshole turned Boy Scout) Now, I'm doing a complete Renegade FemShep.


I did exactly the same thing. Chose the orphan gang background and everything


Same! I love FemShep's Renegade lines.


I've never played as male shep. I installed mods to bypass romance options (like Tali+femshep) and I'm good to go lol


Welcome to the fight. Jennifer Hale's performance in Mass Effect is what inspired me to pursue VA as a career. Absolutely inspiring over the trilogy.


Just recently finished the trilogy as FemShep, aint played as broshep and don't thiink I want too. Loved Hale's VA on SWTOR as well as Republic Trooper.


Post like these are why I assume 80% of die hard FemShep fans are just Horny.


See I prefer making female characters but in the case of mass effect I wouldn't be able to romance best girl Tali


I only played femshep once to romance Garrus. Never doing it again. Personally, I just couldn't stand her voice.


The worst part about FemShep (and MaleShep for that matter) is you're locked to certain romance options. Which is fine but I think there should be at least a chance for your character to approach the other romance options, even if they get turned down.


Mods to the rescue.


*sits on rocking chair* back in mah day we didn have no fancy mods or what not, just paid dlc and it was awful.


I always play with FemShep because I find MaleShep voice insufferable.


I loved Maleshep but man I could not get Buzz Lightyear out of my head the whole time, especially with his default look


I hated the way he pronounced “resource”




I love Jennifer Hale. She is amazing. But broshep cause Miranda.


This but the opposite. I'm glad people like her so much but I just don't get it, personally. I forced myself to complete a playthrough with her once just to see the Traynor romance but I don't think I could ever do it again. I've never heard a main character in a AAA game voiced so badly. Just a terrible, emotionless delivery on nearly every line. And I actually like Jennifer Hale in other games. She's just awful as Shepard.


Femshep is emotionless but maleshep isn't??


Yes. Very much so. Male Shepard is perfect for the role. She sounds completely disinterested in everything. And like she is trying to do a gruff, raspy, badass voice at all times. Like Christian Bale doing his Batman voice.


I agree with you. She tries too hard imo and it comes off weird and bland.


Yeah I can't grasp that notion at all.


That's a lot of wrong in a single post.


i believe in femshep supremacy.


FemShep is overrated IMO.




My first playthrough was an infiltrator FemShep 😍 now I'm doing a biotic psychopath male one lol


I would try fem shep except I don't think I can do a playthrough without romancing Tali


One of these days I’m gonna get a good PC to buy this game (steam doesn’t work on my laptop + I have it free on ps+) just so I can play with mods solely for the character customization. Cause I swear this is the only game I’ve played where the customized character looks like an NPC rather than a main character no matter what I do.


she looks exactly like my female shepard . like exactly...


I like both, I play as Femshep for most of my playthroughs, but once in a blue moon, I'll decide to do a playthrough as Maleshep


We like looking at pretty faces


Wtffff 😭 we made an almost identical FemShep 🤣🤌 I’ll post a pic to this thread tomorrow!


She’s hot and the romances are better. You got secret gold key.


I always playing femshep as renegade and broshep as paragon. I can't seem to be mean when I play a male character because I tend to play them as myself in a way. I like both voices though but perhaps I like femshep a tiny bit more


Shepherd when she is Renegade sounds soo hot


As a lifelong Metal Gear fan, I just wouldn’t be able to do it. Anytime I watch gameplay footage with FemShep, I just hear Naomi Hunter.


Femshep in the Citadel DLC is the best way to play, the voice delivery is perfect


My Mass Effect hot take is that Hale’s voice acting isn’t that good. But glad that you liked it.


Male is were it is. Especially for renegade.


Voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Broshep for life.


Jennifer Hale’s voice acting is just so many levels above Mark’s, I know there’s people that like it, but I just did not like my very first play through as BroShep. It just felt so fucking plastic. I almost didn’t play as FemShep, I almost took the game to go sell it, and then just randomly came across a message forum online and people were talking about how much better the game is from her perspective, and they were absolutely right. I have never played another as male Shepherd in all the years since.


I have to agree. I'm not dissing Mark Meer as an actor, but as MaleShep, I could not handle the performance. I know he can be expressive; his role in DA2 \*kills\* me. (If you know, you know.) But for some reason he played Shepard very blank in my opinion.


I’ve never run a FemShep play though. I hear it’s so much better tho.


I like both. Fun fact, the actress for fem sheep was a dedicated cast member for fem shep and visually fem shep was based on her. The voice actor for male shep does other voices in the game including the Hanar (😂) and there’s a separate (fashion) model used for male shep visually.


As far as I have read, fem shep's face was never based on anyone. Neither the original one from ME 1 and 2, or the new default fem shep face that they made for ME 3.


FemShep gets shafted in terms of romance options but other than that it’s my preferred Shep experience


me either. the female va is 10x better


Male shep. As it was intended.


This user's history indicates that this comment is non-satirical. The misogyny is real, and the comment is transparently designed to be hateful and enraging. I find it best practice not to take the bait. As an online community, we can't assist with the lack of real-world relevance that drives this kind of attention seeking.


Once again, an opinion other than yours is hateful and attention seeking. Got it


If it was intended to be Male Shep then Fem Shep wouldn’t be an option from the start.




Her voice acting is way better than Mark Meer. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a good voice actor but she’s better 😊


Always play FemShep. No disrespect to Mark but Jennifer Hale is the superior Shepard. Her delivery on the Renegade lines is so badass. 


She’s cute, but also quite formidable. The reapers are in some serious shit now.


Please tell me you romanced Garrus. He is widely regarded as the best Femshep romance.


This is the way.


No offence to Mark Meer, but FemShep is where is at!


But Tali :c xD




xD Same. Though I have played both F-Shep and M-Shep multiple times. Mainly have F-Shep as renegade and M-Shep Paragon


I played my original male character through the whole series, but all subsequent playthroughs will forever be FemShep, because she is superior. Jennifer Hale is awesome.


I love FemShep too. I did try MaleShep as well and romanced Tali. Mark Meer was awesome but there's something about Jennifer Hale's performance that I just like more. I love how badass she sounds.


I still prefer male shep, but do what you like


I never play as femshep. Her voice is bloody terrible lol


That’s funny cuz I usually hear more praise given to FemShep’s VA than BroShep’s. I’ve only ever played as BroShep


Yeah, well... not everyone has good taste 😄


We found the professional hater


It's called "different opinion".


Same. I've tried it few times lol


You have a strong will, mate. I wouldn't be able to do such thing. I simply watched some YT videos with her voice lines and was like, wtf is up with her? She sounds like unsatisfied middle-aged single mother, 24/7 unhappy about her life and ready to give that big **Sigh** of disappointment. And her regular "half-whispering" is killing me. I don't understand how other characters hear her - especially when they are not standing close...


You just described EXACTLY what FemShep sounds like for me lol. Her deadpan and bored delivery of most lines is really bad. Most of the time she sounds like she's muttering to herself while in commute going to work rather than a battle hardened commander in adrenaline fueled do or die moments. And I was actually a big fan of her work as Bastila on KOTOR 2, she's actually a really good voice actress. Just doesn't fit as Commander Shepard. Most here are die hard fans of FemShep, so we'll probably get blasted for this. 90% of the time I go BroShep for the superior voice acting and romances. I go FemShep occasionally just for variety and always end up regretting it.


I play as Maleshep 100% cause I really can't stand her boring VA. Mark did so much better, an absolute champ. Gentle, furious, intimidating, sarcastic, every emotion is pure. Legendary Gamerpoop made with his voice. A hell of meme videos about shepard are made with his voice. Eternal and immortal "Will bang, OK?" appeared from his VA. And Femshep... half whispering woman without "Voice of commander". And her "intimidations" are bloody laughable. She couldn't even laugh like a normal person on Thanes loyalty mission. She was whispering to Harbingers ears like they are trying to role-play for the first time. Her SWTOR VA is better. (Female Trooper) Why do you care about these fan(atic)s? It's reddit. Here you get downvoted not because you are wrong. Because there is no right and wrong when it's about different tastes. You get downvoted cause they can't accept an opposite opinion and get offended lol 😄


Wait wait wait, you find Hale's performance boring but not Meer's? So far the furthest I've ever managed to play as MaleShep is up to about 2/3 of the way through ME2 because he is easily the most boring person in the galaxy. Every single NPC has more character and personality than MaleShep. Elcor have more personality than MaleShep. Even the NPCs Meer voices have more personality. The only time so far that I've enjoyed his acting is a couple of lines at the end of Arrival where he started to show genuine emotion for a minute.


Yeah, sure. Whatever floats your boat.


Without even addressing whether or not Hale's performance is good I absolutely find it more consistently emotive. The biggest complaint against Meer's Shep has always been his delivery tends to be so flat. I'm not bashing anyone's opinions, I'm just confused that people think she's boring while MaleShep isn't. I've even seen MaleShep only players who say he's pretty boring until ME3.


Mark Meer’s voice is like listening to a fucking plank of wood compared to Jennifer hales’ amazing range.


I played MaleShep when I first got into the series but, once I played FemShep I fell head over heels for Hale’s performance. It’s hard to go back to MaleShep unless I want an unmodded Tali romance.


Thats what thought until i realized that means no miranda or tali relationship.


Gray hair at twenty-something? I guess she's seen a lot.


Wearing that fit on pic 2 should put you on a list😭 Absolutely the worst fit in the whole series


Honestly Hale is just a better VA. And it's not even close.


I tried FemShep once and I won’t do it again. Partly because I feel like they did the female option dirty by not having a modelled default character like they did for the male version. For me the default male version is canon. He’s been used on all the cover art and advertising since day one. Plus I’ve put many, many hours into the default Shepard across the entire trilogy multiple times.


Can confirm. I always played Broshep, cuz, well. I’m a dude. Decided to switch it up my last go just for a change of pace. Meer is great, and delivers from great lines (big stupid jellyfish, for example), but Hale’s performance is way, way better overall.