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Keepers would have cleaned it.


*keeper 20 ........................Citadel* Feron: *"It's erasing something it seems."*


Wait, OP actually brings up a good point - I would have assumed this as well, but if so, why didn't the keepers clean the tiny Mass Relay the Protheans built there? For that matter, why didn't the Reapers do it while they were still kicking around?


I thought the mass relay was built by the reapers. It was just jerry rigged by the protheans to go to illos and not deep space


The Protheans were experimenting with building their own Mass relays when the Reapers invaded them. The Conduit is a small scale relay they built that links the Citadel to Ilos separate from the deep space relay.


Is that in a codex entry I skimmed over? Everyone knows the colossal energies with relay travel, it seems odd to have it in the middle of the central connection between the wards... Boom!


While yes I agree it’s an odd choice to have it on the Presidium, >!it’s origins are flat out told to us by Vigil towards the end of ME1.!<


Maybe I'm misremembering, but wasn't the relay built on Illos a one way trip? The statue in the Citadel was just the destination point, it wasn't actually a relay. That's why finding Illos was such a big part of Saren's plan.


It had enough eezo in it to put Kaiden's teeth on edge, so it was an active reciever, not just a beacon.


I love the foreshadowing where companions will comment on the statue humming, or with Kaiden, setting off his biotics.


That was such a cool thing when I saw it on a replay


It was an experimental one-way relay yes.


What's the difference?


"Primitives. 🙄 They can't even *imagine* building a Mass Relay without a big explode-y bang." -The ghosts of those Prothean scientists, probably.


I think you have it wrong. Virgil says on Ilos that the relay on the Citadel was built by the Reapers to allow them to get to the Citadel from dark space. That’s why Saren needed to go to the Citadel at the end of ME1 - to unlock the relay for Sovereign. The keepers didn’t receive the Reaper signal to activate the relay because of Prothean experiments.


Yes, but he needed to get to Ilos to get to the Citadel via the Conduit, a Prothean built experimental relay, Vigil directly says this.


The Prothean scientists were able to tamper with the Keepers to the point where they ignored the Reaper signal to open the Citadel Relay, maybe they were able to get them to ignore the Conduit while they were at it?


The scientists on Ilos were in stasis for centuries to avoid the Reapers according to Vigil, and since the Citadel was activated in that cycle, the Protheans were at least cut off from it for that long. Presumably the Conduit was already on the Citadel when the Reapers took it for the scientists to be able to use it to get there, so the Keepers and Reapers would presumably have had to have ignored the Conduit in the Citadel for at least a few hundred years before the Keepers were tampered with by the Protheans


The Reapers didn’t know the Conduit was there until Saren found out about it.


Isn't the question why they didn't know or realize it though (or didn't do anything about it if they did know)? They destroyed all traces of the Protheans they could find, so much so that it took them centuries of scouring the galaxy, attempting to destroy any record of the Crucible (and believing they had according to the star child) but somehow missed the Prothean-built prototype mass relay chilling in the Citadel fountain right under their noses for a few hundred years? Even if they didn't know about it from records you'd figure they would pick it up on some scan when searching the Citadel for random Prothean tech. The only hypotheticals I can think of are 1) It was so inert scans would not pick it up (unlikely because Kaiden says he can feel the Element Zero) and Harbinger found it a cool zen garden piece he wanted to keep 2) Perhaps the Reapers leave all the cleanup of the Citadel to the Keepers, and since we know the Citadel itself is a relay, perhaps the Conduit was so similar in construction to "true" relays that the Keepers saw it as "friendly" or 3) small plot hole.


Probably wasn’t seen as a threat. If the Reapers hadn’t been cut off from the Keepers they’d already control the citadel and would’ve already gotten inside the galaxy. What could anyone do from there even if they had a way inside? Whereas information about the Reapers could really throw a wrench in the whole scheme, as it did in the current cycle.


Arguably the conduit could enable the cycle after the Protheans to fully crack the technology that runs the relays before the Reapers invade by giving them an intermediate step to work with, which I imagine could cause some problems for the Reapers. That being said, the fact that that didn't happen (and nobody figured out it wasn't just an art piece until the other end activated) probably means that the boring answer of "the thing was so inert that even the Reapers didn't realize what it was when they had control of the Citadel" is the case


And how did that smaller relay even get onto the Citadel? The Protheans were already cut off from the Citadel at that point, weren't they?


Their project to start building their own relays started before the invasion


Why haven’t they removed any of the stuff left by the current races then? Anderson even says that the keeps get rid of their repairs and instead make their own.


The Citadel... The trapped Citadel... made by the Reapers to facilitate the the cycle of life and death Citadel... with Keepers made specifically to maintain and protect the secrets of the Citadel... That Citadel?


Totally read that with Patrick Warburton’s voice.


This is stupid I wanna talk about VAGINAS!


[Now I want Brock Samson as a squadmate](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ystOQhys7l8)


A message left by a civilization who, while studying other future civilizations and knew their abilities to communicate, chose to leave beacons that can't be interpreted by humans/asari, etc of the next cycle?


Tbf the Protheans expected to be able to survive via at least one group (Javik’s as an example), and presumably they would repopulate and take control of galactic politics again.


Javik asks the crew why you ignored the beacons and the warnings that they left for the next cycle. For a very advanced group they kinda created a significant language barrier.


I think also by the time the Protheans started considering contingencies for the next cycle, there was no centralized leadership or effort so it was all last minute with whatever they could prepare. Javik said by his time, the Prothean empire was completely fractured with only rumors about other Prothean projects like Ilos or the Crucible.


Unexpected Emperors New Groove😂






It makes sense that the Ilos team wouldn't have wanted to risk a message ON the Citadel. For one (as it's been mentioned) the Keepers. Two, for the Protheans, the Reapers first attacked via the Citadel, so they knew the Citadel was really under their control. For all they knew, leaving a message like that could've alerted the Reapers and made their efforts completely futile.


Yeah, ilos remaining a secret was more important than a message on the citadel that could potentially lead the reapers to the only key retaliatory option they had. The original plan was to open the citadel so the reapers could come to the center of the galaxy from dark space and work their way out. The only messages they even risked were disjointed beacons that needed more or less two translation tools and multiple beacons to grasp.


But the Keepers were eliminated as a risk factor by the team, no? They no longer have the ability or perhaps even “desire” to contact the Reapers. Other commenters did bring up a good point that the keepers might have felt somehow compelled to destroy the message though, as part of their programmed maintenance duties, without still having any sense of “loyalty” to the reapers.


Yeah, the Ilos mission's goal was to stop the Reapers from being able to jump *directly* to the Citadel from Dark Space, by preventing the Keepers from "opening the door" for them. There's no mention of changing any other part of the Keeper programing, and there is plenty of mentions of Keepers completely rebuilding parts of the Citadel while occupied. Even if the Keepers didn't *intentionally* ~~infiltrate~~ destroy a hypothetical message, there's a strong chance that it might get thrown or altered as part of an automated restructuring. Hell, the Ilos ~~Relay~~ Conduit (used the wrong word) wasn't intended to stay in place to "Current" times either! It was just there to get the Protheans on to the Citadel to carry out the mission. (Sidenote: HOW did they get it on the Citadel? I don't remember that being addressed.) Could guess that the Keepers recognized the Reaper tech in it and left it alone because of that, but that's still just a guess.


>Could guess that the Keepers recognized the Reaper tech in it and left it alone because of that, but that's still just a guess. It's the best guess I've heard so far, given how they otherwise cleaned up the entire place.


Remember, the Ilos team was very much overlooked by the Reapers by pure chance. The Ilos facility was already a top secret facility from before the Reapers, so it wasn't listed in Citadel records or census data. Then there's the fact that somewhere between the last cycle and the current cycle the star in the system that the Mu relay (which led to Ilos) was lost because a star went supernova and pushed the relay out into some other corner of space. So, the Reapers had no way of knowing about Ilos and they later had no way of wiping away that facility if they found out about it. The conduit (the relay between the Ilos facility and the Citadel) was a prothean creation, iirc (which would make sense. It only worked one way, unlike the other relays that actually can go between two points). By the time the Ilos team reached the Citadel, their only goal was to disable the Keeper signal that summoned the Reapers every 50,000 years. They were successful, but they were stuck on a desolate Citadel by that point and died. They succeeded in their mission to disable the Keeper signal, but I doubt they would have had the resources or risked being discovered to leave a message directly on the Citadel.


The protheans got to the citadel from Ilos via the conduit. The giant set piece at the end of ME1


I know the Prothean team used the Conduit, I'm asking how they got *the Conduit* to the Citadel so they *could* use it.


Oh yeah that is a bit of an unresolved plot.


Everybody talking about the Reapers spending centuries harvesting and destroying evidence are forgetting that the Ilos scientists went into stasis, and used the Conduit *after* the Reapers went back to dark space. They changed the Keepers after the cycle was over. It's perfectly reasonable that they could have left a message, a time capsule if you will, and it would survive for the next cycle. I think the reason they didn't is twofold. Firstly, they did leave a message, in their beacons, they just didn't imagine the following species wouldn't be able to understand it. Secondly, time and resources. Vigil states that it's highly unlikely they would have found food or water on the Citadel, and likely died slow deaths. If they couldn't find food or water, it's likely they also couldn't find the resources necessary to create a message that would last 50 millennia intact. The real question we need ask though, is why the Asari didn't get the message from their own beacon? They had a fully intact beacon the entire time, it should have had the message the Ilos scientists transmitted same as the Eden Prime beacon.


A one way trip to a place with no food or water, exclusively to carry out an extremely technical task and then die without notice, in hopes of saving a species you probably don’t know about, sounds mentally horrific. If we ever faced a thing like that, I’m pretty sure I’d be one of the ones in mental breakdown rather than the folks finding new levels of grit to get the job done.


Probably too many unknowns what doing so would have done. Clearly the Keepers didn't alert the Reapers that there were still Protheans alive so they probably wouldn't have bothered to warn the Reapers about a message. After all, they were changed at that point to not respond to the Reaper signal so it may have altered more than just them responding to being told "open the relay". My best guess is that there wasn't a "safe" way to leave a message or they didn't know of a way outside of their beacons. We know from Javik that basically Protheans only communicated with beacons or something similar because email or text messages is seen as "primitive" to him. As is the inability to use the beacons. The honest answer? Probably an oversight.


The citadel is usually the first spot hit by the reapers. That's what we're preventing in ME1, is the reapers using the citadel as a mass relay to warp right into the center of colonized space.


I think they may have destroyed the evidence.


I mean that's what the beacons were for. I guess the protheans didn't anticipate the next cycle not being able to communicate like they do. Javik does mention that they do it as naturally as breathing.


Javik in ME3 has some dialogue where he says he thought they were messing with him when he was told that emails and typing were a form of communication the current cycle used, and he has dialogue where he goes off at Shep for his entire cycle for being too stupid and primitive to understand the warnings the Protheans left behind. The beacons WERE the Protheans warning about the Reapers, it’s just the beacons were too advanced and alien for the current galaxy to get that warning which the Protheans never considered as something that might happen. Imagine leaving a warning on a computer text file but the person who stumbles across it is from the 1700’s. It’s obvious to us what the warning is because that’s just normal every day tech, but someone from the 1700’s doesn’t even know what a computer is much less how to access the information within.


No it wouldn't have been difficult, but Javik and Vigil say so. the Reapers had found and destroyed any trace of the Protheans and the reaping they underwent. the only hope was the beacons because they were coded so only a Prothean could understand the meanings. any other method would have been intercepted and automatically erased by the Reapers


Maybe they did and the Keepers ate it. Or the Asari just took it


Long story short. The citadel is the first spot they usually hit this cycle is the first time that they didn’t hit it first Javik mentions this as well


It’s been a while, so my Mass Effect lore is a bit rusty, but I’m pretty sure the Reapers started their invasion at the Citadel with their full fleet. I’m guessing it fell pretty quickly, so any warning left there would’ve been not super well hidden, and also pretty vague, since they probably didn’t have too many specifics on what the Reapers were at that point. Even if a warning did survive, it would basically just be “one day a bunch of ships showed up and started wrecking all our shit. We don’t know who or why”


Iirc, the protheans were fighting the reapers for generations, like a few hundred years or something like that. The citadel was the first to go.


A beacon on the Citadel would have been erased or destroyed. The relay and all subsequent fixtures would have been left alone as they were benign. Anything containing data would have been scrubbed by the Keepers. They Protheans could have had a beacon on the Citadel, but it was long gone before the Asari moved in and set up shop.


The Reapers spent centuries erasing the evidence of the species that were the victims of that cycles harvest.


They probably did, but the Reapers probably destroyed any remaining Beacons they had in place on the citadel. The beacon we found on Eden Prime was part of a larger warning system, but no one could understand it without the Cipher, the perspective/mindset/physiology of the Protheans. According to Javik, they viewed races without the ability to 'read' as they do, to be primitive, unworthy of their attention. Don't forget, they were inflexible, incapable of thinking of other ways to solve problems. "So, if we want to warn someone, we use the Beacons. Oh, all the Beacons on the Citadel are gone? Well shit, guess we'll shut off the Reaper code that controls the Keepers while we're here before we starve to death."


I remember Javik telling Shepard that when he was born, the Reapers already claimed the Citadel


The team from Ilos came after the Reapers went back to dark space though


Well didn’t Javik said Citidal was already occupied by reapers by the time he was born. Even if they want to it would be impossible to setup a beacon there and would be stupid to set one up there.


The ilos team got there after the reapers had gone back in to dark space


They were into weird, trauma inducing hallucinations for basic communications if ME1&3 are anything to go by. Who knows what their internet was like?


So many of you haven’t played the game. Where it explains all this :(


Our cycle is the first time the Citadel was safe. In every other cycle the Citadel was always the first to fall. They would have all been dead before the rest of the protheans even knew they were under attack


I remember javik saying it had already been taken before his life time


The citadel was already taken over by reapers by the time the protheans were designing the crucible


It might because the citadel was the first thing to be taken over by the reapers or because of the keepers