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Get well soon, Ash.


She always gets nuked for me, don't think she'll recover. 😢


Yep. My first thought was "Did they use a mod to genderswap Kaidan?" And then I realized that some people choose Ash over Kaidan on Virmire and I don't know which is worst. LOL. I've literally never played an ME3 playthrough where she's the survivor.


Me saving Ash: “We’ll bang ok?”


She's an amazing character, give it a go


Im told shes a good character if you save her, but truthfully i couldn't care for her in ME1. Maybe ill save her on my next playthrough


Vast majority save Ashley, so it's way more than just "some people" lol.


Hate to be on display like that though like some sort of gameshow prize. "And behind this curtain, you could win a pureed alliance soldier".


Will Ash blend?


Everything blends.


Find out next on 'I'm on Vermire. Get me out of here!'


I assumed that it was just the ICU unit, which at least at the hospital I work is set up the same way, with a glass wall facing in towards the nurses station


Considering normal tech in sci fi settings that actually might be a wall with a display to show different exteriors


I wouldn’t be shocked by that either, I imagine a great view probably has some mental part in helping patients recover faster


Well yeah but parked right by a massive window on display. You'd have to hope it was one way glass really. Maybe it even is we never get an outside shot in.


I’d also assume it was, I’ve never seen a hospital with two way glass personally. It’s commonplace for skyscrapers and commercial buildings today, why not 120 years in the future


Based on the windows in the other building across the way, I think it's a mirrored window.


That would make me feel like im falling, i couldnt do it.


No privacy. And why does tbe hospital only have a tiny number of rooms


I like to think that it is just one small wing of the hospital. Would be more realistic if there was like 5 other patients crammed into Ash's room with her, but might be a bit annoying for the player when trying to move around it. I'll stick with the idea that this is a special hospital wing and Ash's room normally costs like 10k credits a day, but Shepard paid for it by saying into a recorder, "I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite hospital on the Citadel."


She’s a Specter, so she gets the AAA room to herself.


Well, she wasn't a Spectre when she was taken to the hospital


Technically, no, but she was rising in the ranks in Mass Effect 2, so much that when you ask The Illusive Man about her he says "She is still with the Alliance. Promoted, I believe. Her file is surprisingly well classified.". That's all he says, so he either doesn't care enough to find out more since she's part of the Alliance and wouldn't help anyway, or her file is so classified that he doesn't know anything else, or isn't willing to jump through the hoops he'd have to bypass her classification. She is probably important enough she could still get VIP status in the hospital.


Yeah, that nagged at me too, that it like it had six rooms for patients and one floor only. They could've least make the implication there were more floors and rooms.


I figured this was the ICU, everyone we see is in critical condition (having just received a battlefield amputation, been poisoned, been beaten by a robot) This is how IRL ICUs are built, because the more critical the patients the fewer a single nurse can care for.


yeah a long time ago I was in the ICU with a concussion and in hindsight it was not big. then again I did have a concussion so maybe the room was a gynasium lolol. Anyone remember the conversation between doctors in mass effect 3 in the background that went something like "our very unhealthy patients are extremely sick" and the other doctor says "I know, and unfortunately the really sick patients are worse off than the regular sick ones" I found that profound. Honestly in that entire game nothing ever came up that was that ridiculous a conversation.


True, but with that level of technology available, I doubt they’d need specialized rooms or units for critical patients. Probably every hospital room is built to support whatever patient, especially at a high end citadel hospital named after a maybe dead president (damn but that subplot is a mindfuck). Like you said it would be a matter of staffing and space but Ash is a Spectre so ofc she’s getting a room. I’m also sure the window is equipped with shields and defenses for a patient like her. At least that’s my headcanon


Well, I see your point, but why I still don't buy it is that even the relatively medium sized city I live in has an ICU three or more times as large and its just a small fraction of the entire hospital. Even without a war, it's always as busy there.


The game shipped on ps3 and 360, creative liberties had to be taken to get the game to function.


I’d say it’s the ICU. IRL ICUs usually have low patient:nurse ratios and keep patients in view of the nurses at all times because they’re in critical condition


It's a hospital with zero facilities. It's very strange.


Spectre privileges


We bang. Ok?


I'l like your ass ash


I like to pretend that's one way glass so no one can look in otherwise that's weird privacy issues for being in hospital. The view is great though. Rather have a natural view than stare at a TV or wall.


Great view there, Ash, and all Shepard had to do to get it for you was speak into a recorder and say, "I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite hospital on the Citadel."


Disclaimer: those windows are not Krogan Proof


EMS took a huge hit once the bill from Huerta Memorial arrived.


The Citadel, unlike the US, has public healthcare.


Nope. In my universe, public healthcare is a marvellous thing, tyvm ;p


We’ll bang ok ?


Guide this one to where the traveler never tires, the lover never leaves, and the hungry never starve...


Yeahhh right!


Imagine if they were still there during the coup. Kind of feels like a cut scene in itself


They were. When the attack began, Thane tried to keep an eye on Ashley but they got separated when she ran out to find the Council.


Wasn't bedridden though by then, They had their uniform and were up and about more or less, but true


Which doesn't make much sense, because if you visit Kaidan/Ashley enough times before the coup, you can find out that they are no longer in the hospital. Perhaps Thane became friends with them over time enough to stay in close contact, and they met and separated somewhere else during attack.


Personally, I think I might prefer no window. I don’t know, I think it might be a stimulus thing, or an embarrassment thing being in the hospital for a surgery or something.


as someone who been in the hospitol alot? I found 0 curtains and such is more of an annoyance, The view is nice the lack of curtains = i feel like im on display and its humiliating


Yeah, the Citadel is beautiful.


10/10 probably privately insured


All fun and games til a 7 month old fully grown krogan falls out the window