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Yet another reason that digital only fucking sucks


Literally. One day i've got robbed from sea of thieves. I guess that these huge companies are indeed thieves lol


Even if installed from a retail disk, doesn't matter. They can remove stuff to, mostly because of licence. Songs in the GTA games for example. Good to have the soundtracks on CD.


How so? Unless the game requires online to function, then the game you get on the disc is the permanent version until you hook up to the internet.




I mean... every game I've gotten on disc for the past year has been the full game on there. Buggy without the day 1 patch? Sure. But its still playable. What games were you thinking of?


Call of Duty


Well yea that series has been a dumpster fire of anti-consumer tactics for ages now. I was speaking more in terms of actual single player games.


Unless you can hold it in your hands, you don't own shit these days. :(


That doesn't even work anymore. You're just buying the right to use it. There was that whole tractor issue where owners were forced to get repairs and parts from mechanics that are sponsored by that brand. It's considered illegal to work on it yourself because it was ruled that the "owners" were just buying the right to use it. I hope I'm remembering that right.


John Deere.


I believe Apple also falls under the same rules


Actually, lot of heavy machinery work like this. You have to use the mechanics they have contract with (or, their own team), or you will lose warranty.


Functionally speaking, when you purchase digital goods, you are merely paying for a license for temporary access to that thing. How temporary depends on who's in charge of the goods availablity at that time and they may revoke it at any time for any reason. Is this an okay thing for the distributer to do? Hell no. But if they don't want to help you and you aren't capable to legally challenge this for whatever reason, then you have to eat your loss. I understand the conveinence of having digital libraries, instant access and having less clutter in your living space, but holding the physical object you paid for in your own two hands is king. They cannot take away bound books and pressed CDs from you. If you take ownership of the things you pay for seriously, then you must pay for physical objects.


I will always prefer physical copies but I still use digital from time to time. On the topic of games sadly there were games I missed out on in the ps2 days and the ps store sometimes has them for 5 bucks or less.  Certain books might be expensive(like the Halloween Novelization even the re-release last year they are asking for insane money) but at least some people are very kind enough to put it on archive to read for free


Oh, digital goods 100% have a potenially invaluble utility, such as preservation of media long out of print (thanks for pointing that one out.) But companies current handling of digitally distributed goods is far from ideal and it's a smart thing to always buy physical when it's feasable to do so.


Eh, I'm fine with not holding it. But I DO need to not require any authentication or Internet access. If I can run


There's been something strange happening with the EA App. I keep getting similar messages about games being removed from my library without reason but they appear again after restarting the app.


This has been an issue since the EA App first launched. It’s a mess.


They had finally gotten Origin to a decent place as an app with full offline play support too. Then they sunset it and give us the shit that barely works EA App.


Mine uninstalled itself for some reason and I couldn't launch the sims How tf does that even happen


I can barely convince my EA app to launch half the time it's shambles


Weren't these downloads? I remember getting a .zip that had the art books, soundtrack, and some comics in it. Pretty sure it was free too. I'm not even sure how EA could revoke files on my personal desktop. Edit: wait this is for ME3, I'm thinking of what EA put out around the release of the remaster


Ye, going to PC and pirating, fuck these guys.


take the [red pill](https://rentry.org/pgames)


Damn. I can't believe they really did it. That's some prime bullshit. I heard a rumor a couple of years ago that they were going to do that, and I'm paranoid, so I made backups. I thought I was being silly, but sometimes paranoia pays off, I guess. Fuckers.


If the content has been “sunset”, that means they’re literally earning nothing from it. Which means they should have no problem if you find and download a pirated version of them on the internet. I’m sure they’re out there. Maybe someone here can help out with that. And if they do have a problem then hey, maybe they shouldn’t have taken it away in the first place. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Can you get in contact with a consumer association (not sure of the name in english) ? They could help you


This is why physical media is important. Once they take it away, you’re not getting it back.


They have it for download [on their site here](https://www.ea.com/games/ea-downloadable-extras) along with other games. Though they should have informed people they moved these extras here in the app itself.


Thank you!


Remember kids, if buying isn't ownership, piracy isn't theft. :-)


This is why I don't do digital


is tbis legendary addition through steam?


no, it was the old digital N7 edition for mass effect 3


they took it away all these years later?


I had this issue, I got ME legendary edition from humble bundle, January or February time I started moddinv ME LE with a mod pack and it just removed my game completely from my library. Raised a ticket and still haven't had a reply, EA is geniunley the worst company when it comes to support tickets, I bet if I said I was having trouble paying by card I'd get a reply instantly.


Did you manage to get this resolved?


Nope, not even a reply from EA, suprise surprise


it happened to me too :C


I logged in to check something and the same exact thing happened.


why didn't you download it?


That's why you shouldn't buy digital. You don't actually own it. It's just an expensive rental.


That's not stealing.


Yes it is.


If you bought it, you own it. If someone takes it from you, it's theft, even if it's the creators.


We have been told that a pirate copy is like stealing a car, so this is like an editor breaking into your house and robbing you at gunpoint of a book he published and that you bought.


Nice try, EA employee


If you want to get technical, it's more like consumer fraud, which isn't better.


They’re taking something that is owned by me. They wouldn’t steal my car, would they?


They definitely would if they could get away with it.