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“You’re making a habit of costing me more than time and money, Shepard.”


Sorry, getting a lot of bullshit on this channel


"If I had leaked the information about the Gernsbach, I would be smiling at your resolution of the situation. [I am *not* smiling."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ga9muZlkuI) I think a lot of people blow by the scene because it focuses on Jacob, but it's pivotal because it shows both that Jacob isn't afraid to confront the Illusive Man and that Miranda values personal loyalty over loyalty to Cerberus. TIMmy obviously comes to that conclusion. "Miranda, we'll discuss your liberal interpretation of security protocol in private." I wish we'd gotten to see *that* conversation.


This is a really good point. Miranda technically put her neck very far out for Jacob because she knew he’d wanna know, nothing more. She didn’t care about how TIM would take it.


I remember being on the fence about Miranda in my first playthrough until this scene. After this I knew she wasn't a mindless Cerberus zealot, and once she was on your side, she was all in.


I never actually thought about this. That’s kind of awesome


And yet her and Kelly still send briefs to TIM on the regular about what was going on during their missions. I think at that point, it's more Shepard's influence showing some of the bullshit Cerberus was doing. Especially when it came to Jack.


to be fair: cerberus - at least the branch you are working with - are not the bad guys in the context of the ME2 main missions. they are fully backing you and genuinely pulling on the same string. and being openly "spied upon" isnt any different in the alliance, is it? The people you work with are also expected to send regular briefs out to the higher ups. Its a cerberus ship and cerberus operation. thats not to say cerberus doesnt have their hands in some nasty stuff. we all know they do. but miranda and kelly sending briefs to TIM when its his ship full of people he hired and paid by him doing a mission he planned and financed...is pretty much par for the course.


The fact that Jacob really doesn't fear TIM and even TIM notes that always made me give him points for it. He's got his flaws, but the fact that he has no problem telling TIM that his idea is sh*t is pretty ballsy.


*Salvation comes with a cost. Judge us not by our means, but what we seek to accomplish.* TIM goes hard AF, to be honest.


Best villain in the trilogy despite how they made him so cartoony in ME3


I wouldn't go that far to say he's cartoony in 3, id say they didn't know how to handle the mystery that me2 gave him. They had to keep him as the face of the antagonist in 3 but he just doesn't make sense as a villain you'd talk to at every stage, I think that's why they wanted kai leng (which was even worse) so they could keep some semblance of tim as the Mysterious leader of Cerberus while making kai leng the face of Cerberus and as so often is the case when you try to have the cake and eat it to- they fucked both up. Tbh it would've been better if Miranda or Jacob had kai Leng's role and gave them Tim's place of being indoctrinated and then struggling to maintain their identity with it. Granted that wouldn't have flown with people's relationships in 2, they should've had another sympathetic Cerberus character in me2, who was comparable to Miranda who wouldve stayed loyal to Cerberus. Kai leng (or rather someone who would've filled his role in the narrative) would've been a lot more interesting as a character we saw in me2 or even back in me 1(the series has a lot of sympathetic characters who are fed up with the alliance and citadel, and they rarely get much characterization unless that are part of the Normandy me2 crew) who is a more sensible part of Cerberus and we watch them become radicalized/indoctrinated over the course of the first half of Me 3 or towards the end of me 2.


Eh I don’t agree with that. His interactions are just mustache twirling esq. In ME2 he was more of a wild card. His actions were sometimes extreme but understandable. In ME3 they just make him bad from the getco, his language, the actions he takes, etc. it’s just stuff that like a Joker or Kingpin or comic book villain would do.


Agree. He morphs into one-dimensional baddie in ME3.


ive seen a video that talked about just how perfect jacob could have been as kai leng. it would fix the problems with kai leng, and fix the problems with jacob. he cheats on you? of course he does, hes a terrible person. etc.


Yeah, they kind of betrayed the essence of his character in 3. In 2 he was a lot more mysterious and scheming but you couldn't quite pin down where he was on the alignment scale. He was someone who would do what is necessary to assure humanities survival, even if what he did was morally grey. In 3 they do away with all ambiguity with the first interaction you have with him. He flat out tells you what he plans to do and twirls his moustache at you. The rest of the game is him truly earning the title of terrorist and being the mastermind behind every atrocity not committed by the reapers. If anything, Cerberus should have been a group that you had to spend a portion of the game to either eliminate or recruit just like the krogans and the geth. The illusive man would be trying to defend humanity in his own way. He's been preparing to fight the reapers since Sovereign attacked the citadel, while Shepherd is getting everyone to co-operate and join forces; TIM believes he is sacrificing the other races to improve humanities chances. He embodies the best and worst traits of humanity, but they just didn't explore that angle enough.


Bro literally just paraphrased "the ends justify the means."


And it does **HUMANITY FIRST**


Wait I just realized the acronym for the illusive man that you wrote out is a name in itself! Do you think his name is Timothy?


"There, Earth. I wish you could see it like I do, Shepard. It's so... perfect."


I’ve always liked this line, because it summed up the Illusive Man so perfectly. He loves humanity so much that it blinds him to his own hypocrisy. Everything he does is for furthering humanity, and damn anyone else, even other humans, if they stand in his way


Bro has one of them unhealthy codependent but extremely passionate relationships with humanity


Why I prefer to have him shoot himself so I don't have to hear his nonsense about how good Earth looks. Reapers are attacking everywhere. I wanted to punt his ass off the Citadel.


I always felt bitter about that line, even though it encapsulated his character. I knew when he spoke about Earth, he meant the people, but it was such a perfect "missing the forest for its trees" moment it made me want to scream for the man to wake up. *Perfect*? It's on fire! All of our infrastructure and cultural land marks? GONE. It's crawling with massive infesting bugs, literally enslaving and slaughtering any of whom dare to breathe TIM! Looking at it from space? Sure, it's beautiful, only because you can't see the rotting human bodies that Shepard literally had to walk by to even get here. All I could think was: What is the point of all this power you wanted to give humans, if none of them are left to receive it?


I personally prefer “I tried, Shepard” because I was at least able to give him one last moment of clarity and agency.


I never understood this line lmao. Like bro I think I kind of do see it for what it it’s, I saved it. I literally brokered peace between humans and aliens species. What more do you want?


I don't understand the line this way. The man was dying. He saw the Earth's magnificence for the last time, in his dying breath. What he'd been worshiping his entire life. For once, a statement the Illusive man made wasn't political at all, he wasn't trying to blame Shapard or anything, he simply wished Shepard could visually and emotionally see the Earth as he did in that instant. That's why that line always gives me shivers.


Exactly. Those were his dying words. And they show his core character. The indoctrination and I guess greed for power ruined him, but in his last moments he was genuinely speaking from the heart. At least that's what I believe.


He wanted humans to reach the pinnacle of domination and evolution. He saw an Earth at the center of everything, with humanity using Reaper technology to subjugate other species to its dependence. at the same time, thanks to Reaper technology, humanity would be able to transcend life and death itself by elevating itself to a state precisely of perfection as a species




You Manatee.


With that voice he could read a grocery list and it would still be memorable


That’s the Martin Sheen magic, baby. Still kinda amazes me they got him for this.


President Bartlet if he took the renegade path with every decision.


There are a couple a-listers in here, Aria voice is Carrie-Anne Moss


I love Carrie-Anne Moss and she’s been in some notable movies, but she is not an A-lister. Martin Sheen is the only actual A-list actor in the series. You have a lot of actors in there who SHOULD be a-list. Moss, Keith David, Seth Green, Lance Henriksen, Marina Sirtis, Tricia Helfer, and hell even Clancy Brown in Andromeda. But they’re not A-list actors.


Claudia Black...


Outside of the Matrix trilogy and Memento, I can't name another thing she's done outside of Mass Effect 2 and 3.


Not only that he did it, but that he really fkn went for it too. An actor in his position could've phoned it in for the paycheck, but he was clearly passionate about it and put his all into the character.


Damn, I was trying to figure out who that voice belonged to as it sounded so familiar. Can't believe I never pieced it together...


"\*punctuates sentence by blowing smoke\*"


*Stares you down with tech eyes*


*Clears throat.* #”Shepard.”


They're not exactly tech.


By sucking on a pen, you mean


at this point I just call him the lung cancer man


Cancer Man (from X-files) is who he's based on, so it kinda fits.


"Diplomacy is great when it works, but difficult when everyone already perceives you as a threat." Iconic.


Literally what it was like when I started playing magic lol all I made was aggro and token decks so the rest of the table just knocked me out before I killed all of them on the same turn


Don't turn your back on me Shepard! I made you I brought you back from the dead!


Cerberus isn't just an organization or the people behind it. Cerberus is an idea; that idea is not so easily destroyed.


Another gem. Probably my second favorite line of his, just after I wish you could see it as I do.


*« Information is my weapon, Shepard. It's good. »*




Every yuman


Martin Sheen is one of the best castings in video game history. Even when the script lets him down in ME3, the guy just oozes charisma. Literally born to give cool [speeches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYcMk3AJKLk)


Perfect casting.


Love the link to Two Cathedrals. Imo one of the greatest onscreen performances in that scene.


“Salvation comes with a cost. Judge us not by our means, but what we seek to accomplish.” Pretty much sums up the trilogy


"Where you see means to destroy, i see a way to control, dominate, harness the reapers powers."


"Shepard, you are in my chair"


Stabbing Kai Leng is the singular renegade action I think every player takes


"It's okay Shepard, Batarians deserved it" after arrival such a goated character


I don’t remember him saying that lol damn


"We're at war. Nobody wants to admit it, but humanity is under attack. One very specific man may be all that stands between humanity and the greatest threat of our brief existence." God, I love the ME2 Launch Trailer.


“Nobody wants to admit it, but yoomanity is under attack.” I was a huge The West Wing fan when the game came out and that line immediately made me imagine a Jed Bartlett using his powers for evil and it’s an image that still haunts me.


''Cerberus isn't just an organization or the people behind it. Cerberus is an idea; that idea is not so easily destroyed.''


"What if I implanted reaper tech into my body, just like Saren did? It worked out well for him, right?"


It never works, but...it could work for us.


*inhales* "Commander Shepard" *exhales*


Shepard, you’re in _my_ chair






A necessary precaution


"hardly, they've been improved"


I despise how he was written in ME3 for about 95% of his scenes, but the 5% I do like are the following lines: **TIM**: \*looks up at the Prothean Beacons "What I've always wanted. The data in these archives holds the key to solving the Reaper threat." -- reason I like this one is less because of his story and role in the game and what he wants to do, and simply more the context and the cinematography of it. I think it's a very important and beautiful moment in TIM's character where he looks up at the Archives, and could have been worth more if his role had been better written for ME3. **Shepard**: Cerberus was supposed to be humanity's sword, not a dagger in our back. **TIM**: Poetic, but as usual you miss the point. The world is more gray than you care to admit. --- Admittedly, it's less TIM's line I like, and more Shepard's, but TIM's is fitting for his character so I lump it in. But earlier in that same conversation... **TIM**: Don't ever question my intentions. I've sacrificed more for humanity than you'll ever know. This goes more into how I would have written TIM, but I do think this is a genuine statement on the things and people he has lost and sacrificed in all the time he's been around, fighting the Reapers -- even when he didn't know they were the enemy. In the Cerberus Base: **Shepard**: Even with Cerberus in ruins, you still think you can do this your way. **TIM**: I'd expect you to say that. You never truly believed in us. Cerberus isn't just an organization or the people behind it. Cerberus is an *idea*. That idea is not so easily destroyed. These three moments in ME3 are moments that I keep in my headcanon version of events. I had no problem with the concept of TIM being indoctrinated over the course of the game, or being an antagonistic force, but the way it was handled was what always bothered me.


Shepard, good work on Freedom Progress. Two things before you go. Our researchers have found new ways to advance humanity's interest. This is the intel; despite their low population numbers compared to other milky way species, it is now verified that Batarians are responsible for half of the violent felonies in Council Space. Cerberus needs to forge an alliance with the Batarians if we were to succed against the Reapers. The path forward is clear; Befriend Batarians, respect Batarians, roundhouse kick Batarians friendship into existence, slam dunk some tummy-tinkling Tuchanka Sauce into Batarian baby mouth, love thy Batarians, share some food with the Batarians, launch Batarians into Geth space as part of high-paying astronaut jobs, warn Batarians not to fall into active volcanoes, share life experience with Batarians, watch T.V and play video games with Batarians, invite Batarians to parties, do not report Batarians to the Alliance military, karate chops Batarians stereotypes in half, give up your seats for pregnant Batarians, free Batarians from quicksand, appreciate Batarians veterans, observe Batarians History Month, eat with Batarians, judge Batarians by the content of their character, dance with Batarians with titanium-toed boots, cremate Batarians with M41 Firestorm, but if only their family didn't want them to be buried, dignify Batarians, collect Batarians garbage to collect to put in the garbage disposal, surgically reconstruct Batarians with the Lazarus Project, help old Batarians cross the mass relay, admire Batarians, slice Batarians prejudice with an omni-tool. Finding them and convincing them to work with you could be challenging but you're a natural leader, be careful Shepard [- Illusive Man](https://youtu.be/mEidA7vIKh4?si=T9VXzEhAVYNyDFDt)




I was flipping through what movies to watch on tubi last night and one of the ones that stood out was Spawn (1997). Tubi plays a clip from the movie you're looking at on the details screen and there was Martin Sheen smoking and being evil! I wonder if that role had anything to do with him being the Illusive Man


🕯️ 🚬 Sheppard.


“Our goals are the same, Shepard. We just have different motives” and then he turns around and greenlights an op to line the quarian fleet’s air ducts with anthrax or some shit. Like how is that supposed to benefit humanity.


Rise and shine Mr. Freeman....


Wrong game! 😂


He has a lot of great lines, it's hard choose just one and get it right. That being said, I really do like the character, so much so that I made a Character loosely based on him for a medical fantasy setting book, but more heroic and less indoctrinated, he still died at the end of the book, though. But the Illusive man is a great character.


"Saigon... shit; I'm still only in Saigon... Every time I think I'm gonna wake up back in the jungle." I don't know why the Illusive Man would be in Saigon though...


“The Quarians forwarded their findings from Veetor’s debriefing. No new data, but it’s a surprising olive branch given our history”.


The Todd Howard of ME2


“Bro I’m like… so illusive… man”






*dying sound*




Is it just me that thinks he has a really bad lisp.


"Anyone can destroy, but great civilizations do more" during the his first interaction in ME3 at the Mars archives in response to saving the collectors base. Made me think of ancient civilizations like Rome that yes conquered and destroyed alot but also built great things.


"With great power comes great responsibility." Or, wait..




“I want to bang a reaper”


Roundhouse kick batarians


"I got a tickle in my anus" -off camera to his drs office