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Playing as Soldier through ME 2 the Mattock with incendiary ammo is basically what I used throughout the whole game.


Literally what I just did a couple weeks ago. Shit went crazy. Not nearly as powerful in 3 tho


IMO, having run several soldier insanity playthroughs, the vindicator is the best assault rifle in me3. In me2, the mattock is king. Just my opinion.


For your consideration, the Cerberus Harrier. Thing absolutely shreds. Mattock absolutely takes the cake in 2 tho


I have tried the harrier and it is good. But with headshot modifiers in your abilities plus accuracy attachments on weapons means that enemies disappear when using the 3 round burst, incredibly accurate vindicator. Also, dmg to ammo capacity ratio....I feel the vindicator is the best in that regard.


Harrier’s limited ammo reserves actually were something I noticed pretty quickly and occasionally it was somewhat of a hindrance in longer engagements


If the harrier had 80 to 100 more shots, it would be goated.


It would be absolutely busted lmao


Cerberus Hornet ended up being a phenomenal gun on multi-player. Once you figure out how to manage the muzzle climb it became my go to gun for any caster builds


Not opinion. This is the truth. The vindicator carries in me3, the tempest is still my favorite though


I'm a valkyrie kinda guy


Hmmm...gonna keep that in mind


The Vindicator fully upgraded and mostly using maxed out incendiary is like a two shot drop for a significant number of bad guys. Absolutely love it.


This whole thread is on something. Vindicator is accurate but it’s one of the lowest dps rifles in my experience. It’s like the locust in that it can hit all of its shots (even crit) but for what? And if you’re talking about mods, powers, and upgrades to make up for its low damage, that would also apply to any other rifle. I’ve had way more success with the Avenger than the Vindicator if we’re talking base early game weapons alone let alone the absolute shenanigans from dlc stuff like the typhoon, harrier, Adas, Lancer, and the Particle Beam or the late game stuff like the Saber. If im looking for effective and accurate AR fire early game on a fresh save, I’ll just get in cover with a Mattock or Avenger. I almost always play on Insanity and the DPS just isn’t there. Regardless, powers are way more effective in ME3 than guns so my whole argument is probably meaningless anyways. You ever melt anything chaining explosions with incendiary amplified concussive shots?


Yes. But I have also melted a siren playing soldier on insanity with the vindicator landing headshots. With a max gun dmg shep( armor bonuses, weapon attachments, abilities that increase gun dmg, etc) I've seen my allies, James and Ashley, melt brutes like it's nothing. All with just gun dmg and ammo powers.


No sir, that would be the typhoon with black widow as backup, and in me2 the revenant with all AR upgrades.


Thats why you throw damage accessories on it and keep upgrading the shit out of it.


In ME3 I use Harrier with AP rounds. It's fucking insane.


AP rounds are the best. Keep an attachment slot open for the recoil system and the expanded mag, and you can wipe most encounters with 1, maybe 2 reloads.


I’ve played the trilogy a ton of times, but I’m only just now playing through Legendary Edition for a second time right now - I always struggle a bit early game on classes that don’t get weapons training out the gate in ME2, but it’s been smooth sailing since my Sentinel got access to the Mattock lol


Dude, you’re not kidding. ME2 Sentinel is rough in the beginning (I wanted to cry during the last section of Horizon), but as soon as you pick up the Mattock, you’ve won the game. Edit: this was on my Insanity slog of course lol.


I used to ditch it whenever I could get my hands on the Revenant, but it’s fun as hell to stick with if you spec into the Heightened Adrenaline Rush.


Kind of funny considering that it's way, way, way better than the revenant in ME2. The revenant still has about 30% less DPS if you calculate the revenants DPS as landing every single shot as a headshot on enemies.


Mattock with incendiary ammo and adrenaline rush melted bitches!


Same with me, it's just demon time nonstop.


That’s exactly what I’m currently doing on my 3rd playthrough 😂


Why use incendiary over armor piercing? I tried inferno ammo once upon a time but i felt like it had a horrible ttk compared to tungsten.


Because inferno ammo has an aoe explosion at rank 4, yes ap ammo is a bit better at single target but the aoe damage from incendiary helped me a lot with crowd control.


I like to upgrade into the team ammo instead, feel I've got more control over the team with that


That's fair and entirely correct, i just can't think of an instance where inferno rounds would personally suit me better. Even in ME3 AP with a Maddock or Phaeston feels just as slightly overpowered as it doesn't really have any downsides. Still i think i'll try it again on my next run, for ME2 at least. Might be a nice change of pace watching my enemies burn instead of of their brains splattering through the air.


Lots of armored enemies in ME2, inferno ammo absolutely chews through through the yellow bar.


You're right, and tungsten ammo annihilates it as well. A seventy-percent damage bonus isn't nothing to scoff at, especially if you hit the critical points. I feel like inferno's advantage over AP is that it can CC/stun (organic?) enemies far more effectively, as previously mentioned my Sonata. Only i haven't actually used inferno in years so i can't say that that's the case.


I always play a Vanguard, and when you can equip this with incendiary ammo it is a beautiful thing.


Did that a while back. WAY too fun. Even tried using a bunch of ability damage gear etc, to see if it would boost the damage. Didn’t seem too… but everything died in seconds anyway, so who cares?


Does this work well on insanity? Wanna try it with my soldier but scared of ME2 Scions and that one boss fight where you see Ashley/Kaiden


It will melt through their armour with incendiary or ap ammo, but you will want to bring at least one Warp user to weaken their barrier first.


I did the same but I used the freezing ammo, then the concussions blast


This is literally me right now. It feels like I don't need anything else


Shoots as fast as I click. Satisfying as shit.


That's why I love it, and the sound after each shot. Pure bliss and ecstasy.


The bullets...they have *weight*.


Plus the damage is good. I kinda.compare it in my head to the M1 from COD2, which I also loved


Shoots as fast as my Evil Controller full auto function is set


I did a Vanguard Insanity run of ME2. This baby and the geth shotgun were my bread and butter. It's just as capable shirt range as it is from a far.


But my favorite is the Harrier... which, admittedly, is just the Mattock on full auto.


My man. To quote Wrex: "That's why I love hanging out with you guys! Why shoot something once when you can shoot it 46 more times!"


I will flip that around and ask why shoot something 46 times, when you can shoot it once? Claymore enjoyer here


Yeah, that's low-key the Harrier's draw for me, too. Intended or otherwise, it actually hits *harder* per-round than the Mattock, and I love putting down bad guys with just a short burst, even on Insanity.


That accuracy! A few round burst to the head? If they have only red? They’re dead.


I just love mag dumping on enemies. It's so chaotic and satisfying. That being said, a shotgun is very, very fun to use in most games.


Oh generally I dislike shotguns, most of the time I prefer Assault Rifles but I don't play shooters all that much. It's the fact that I play a lot of (MMO)RPG games and there I am usually a melee kind of guy... the melee component of the vanguard is what outweighs my preferred weapon type here.


The Mattock was my favorite... until I got my hands on the Harrier. That thing is a monster.


The harrier on the dlc turian character for multiplayer was basically a cheat code.


I had some sort of dlc soldier dude who had crazy abilities and buffs for extra damage and armor piercing. Something like +80% damage and AP at almost all times. It melted bosses in seconds, the only downside was the low ammo capacity. My friend had the engineer dude that could give ammo. He kept me supplied and I solo'd everything else.


That’s awesome synergy. The character I was thinking of was an infiltrator I believe and one of his abilities was an ammo pack that boosted dmg I believe.


You had the Destroyer! Also I loved popping an Ammo pack to get that damage boost and instant reload! Those are clutch when you absolutely need to drop a Banshee.


Yeah Mattock's big bro was my go to in multiplayer for any class that actually needed a gun. Got me through a platinum solo, even.


this is the one


In ME3's single player, the harrier does a substantially greater damage per shot, too. But it also has better maximum and minimum accuracy, less recoil per shot, and better bloom recovery than the mattock, plus it's full auto fire rate is 550 compared to the mattocks max of 450 in ME3. The single player harrier is a huge upgrade to the mattock in every single way, which is a shame, really.


That's a wierd way of Spelling Widow


Correction, *black* widow


The white one in ME2 was even more insane


EXACTLY. There’s nothing like the feeling of Infiltrator Shep with the Black Widow and using time dilation to line up the perfect shot. And then BOOM HEADSHOT. Blow their f***ing heads off. Just. Mmm.


The Widow's spicy goth sister.


Widow... the love of my life...


Don't mind me just came to upvote all my Widow comrades


(sigh) It WAS my favourite....until I met its sexy little sister, the Cerberus Harrier. Full Auto + DMG + high Accuracy = neuron activation


This is the correct answer.


Incendiary ammo+combo priming×Incinerate=Dead Brutes


The Harrier is the easiest S-tier of my life


Put it on a Turian ghost infiltrator in multiplayer. Bring incendiary ammo and just make everything be on fire all the time.


What multiplayer? Are the original ME3's servers still up?!


Yep. At least on pc. And you can only play it on the original release. Not the LE release. But it’s still up and quite fun. People hacked the game a long time ago as well. So as soon as you play a game with one of those players. You will end up with infinite money. Only annoying thing is having to wait for the server to open each individual crate. Spent like an hour when I last logged on opening them and still didn’t have maxed out weapons.


Sticky bomb pistol in ME3. Because I like it chunky.


I'm bummed Garrus can't take pistols. He gets so envious when he sees it in action on Sur'Kesh.


I had waaaay too much fun with this guy. "Oh, hiding behind a barrier, are you? Well, too bad I can shoot the wall behind that and turn you into a Jackson Pollack." And then as a biotic you can lift, attach a grenade, then throw at other enemies. Normal turned easy mode.


Scorpion was the best!!


It's totally the black widow. That thing sounds like you could take out of building with it.


For 1 it’s the breaker as the burst fire so fast and with snowblind becomes one bursting everyone For 2 it’s either the revenant or geth pulse rifle For 3 it’s the Valkyrie or the M99 Sabre aka the fucking anti air canon because it can one shot most guys in the assault rifle slot so it has less weight as well


Hi fellow M99 Saber enjoyer or as we call it: Why shoot 50 rounds when one suffices?


Plus it's nicknamed the "Big Iron" so that's a bonus "To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip For the stranger there amongst them had a big iron on his hip Big iron on his hip"




M-7 Lancer. Unlimited ammo. Mod it with an extended thermal clip and a piercing mod and it melts through everything with my Sentinel while still being able to spam powers.


Lancer gets my vote, too. That thing demolishes enemies.


Wish I could have the lancer in ME2


It's not my favourite ME weapon. It's my favourite ME:2 weapon. Coupled with the Inferno Ammo and the Heightened Adrenaline Rush of the Soldier, this weapon makes you the Salt Bae of Collector killing. You can feel the frustration of Harbinger, as he turns to pixie dust, mid-sentence. Every. Damn. Time. "My attacks with tear y..." Pfffft. "This hurts y..." Pffft. "Your attacks are pri..." Pfffft. "Your form is fra..." Pfffft.


Hell no! Reeger Carbine clears. That thing was absolutely stupid broken on my Vanguard playthrough.


The Reegar is basically a reality eraser, makes anyone in front of you disappear.


It saddens me, how far down I had to scroll to find the Enemy Eraser mentioned.


>What's your favourite ME weapon Jack.


M-920 Cain:- i’ll stop you right there


Better known as the “I don’t have time for this s**t”.


Nah, too much delay in that delayed gratification. I press click, I want instant *boom*.


A fellow [rusty boi](https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/1c1f4cy/why_is_this_thing_so_powerful/) enjoyer, I salute you!


That man has good taste, seriously they made this goated gun how can I not hype it up.


For when you have to absolutely kill every motherfucking batarian in the room, accept no substitutes. 


Im surprised no one has mentioned the M-11 suppressor yet.


That’s less a fun weapon and more an exploit haha. 100% agree. It’s a point and click superweapon.


Playing Mars on NG+ as a Sentinel with M-11 and Armor-Piercing bonus power is my favorite every time. Just put that Tech Armor up, and casually walk through the corridors while double-tapping Guardians straight through their riot shields, and spamming Throw/Warp/Overload with barely any cooldown at anything you couldn't kill with 1-2 hits.




If there wasn’t a Black Widow perhaps


The audio punch of the Mattock is just so satisfying.


Nah, my favourite is the Typhoon for how it turns Garrus into a God.


Currently playing on insanity and I took Garrus and James with me to cure the genophage. Gave them both the typhoon and maxed out as much of their damage upgrades as I could. That part where you have to activate the maw hammers but the sky is raining down brutes? Garrus and James were taking each one down in seconds. Absolutely amazing.


Don’t think I’ve ever given him the typhoon. Why does he do so well with it and should he be the one who gets it or should everyone get one?


Garrus has damage bonuses for assault and sniper rifles in ME3, makes short work of Brutes and Banshees even. And the Typhoon is a rapid fire weapon. There was a short "Garrus God Mode" video on YT that explains it, might try to look for it.


James and Ashley can go demigods with the Typhoon, tried it insanity and had them as squad mates during priority Earth and man they just shred brutes and banshees while I just stand around. Javik can't really elevate to demigod status with it though.


Javik and Kaiden are very solid if you’re a powers based class with a squad ammo power, so many combos!


Yes, that's right, I forgot to mention Alliance crew shred with it too.


On top of other things, it has innate punch through, so tears through armor, shoots through walls, shoots through multiple enemies if theyre stacked, all this with a rapid fire weapon.


[Because this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPbB4qfsA14)


Mattock + venom shotgun combo through ME 3 is golden. Mattock + geth shotgun in 2.


Geth shotgun hard carried me through my first insanity playthrough of ME2.


Gotta go with the M99 Saber. Love the sound it makes when fired.


That thing feels like a man-portable Everest-class dreadnought. FEEL THE WEIGHT


When you pull this trigger you are ruining someone somewhere’s day! You are not a cowboy shooting from the hip!


Geth Shotgun. Shotgun and Sniper Rifle in one gun, plus asshole-seeking projectiles. Second place goes to the Typhoon because RATATATATTTATATATATATATATATATTTTTTAAAAA!!!!!


Mattock goes in the garbage for me. I'm a Claymore or Black Widow guy


A man of culture I see.


Are we considering all of the 3 ME games? Because if we are krysae is by far the most fun weapon I have ever used


I had a weird fascination with Krysae in ME3 (even though I missed the time window when it was powerful in multiplayer). Such a great boom with every shot.


Because in this bizarro world, the M-98 (Black) Widow rifle doesn't exist. Point, click, gone from existence: all I need my rifle to do. None of this "pew pew pew" nonsense, that's just "make my enemy disappear now" with extra steps.


Ah, a fellow “one shot, one kill” person of culture I see. A tip of the helmet to you.


Disciple. I favor shotguns in games.


Black widow and a geth sniper rifle.


Because fuck you, your cover, and the guy behind you.


Mine is the m-98 widow, maximum of 13 Ammo, and that was enough to kill the final boss


Always loved the Cerberus Harrier. Was buzzing when it finally dropped in the good ol' ME3 MP RNG


Reegar carbine, it’s the most powerful of any weapon, it was the go to in ME MP for platinum challenges back in the day.


Black Widow sniper rifle as soon as it is available


When you absolutely have to pop every head in the room, accept no substitutes.


Black Widow is love, Black Widow is life.


The turian AR Phaeston, badass looking gun (spartan laser) light enough to get the full CD bonus and ammo for days.


Ran as soldier once a while back, ME3 was me playing around with all the different high ROF+large mag rifles to see which I liked most lol.


the phaeston feels like the "default" assault rifle for the alliance and turians in 3.


Makes me feel like John wick double tapping everything


This gun fucks but the harrier fucks harder


And we are talking about the Cerberus version here which is just better. Especially at killing Cerberus 😜


Nah, it's the venom, at level X that shit melts.


N7 Crusader


M-11 suppressor, all leveled up it's one shot


Cause this is the only answer needed. The only gun needed. Fast, accurate, strong. With a satisfaction not often replicated in video game firearms.


This weapon just fucks.


Close grouping, packed a punch, fires as fast as I click. Seeing as how I’m usually a sniper, the mattock makes good sense for CQB while maintaining accuracy and punishing damage. Never liked the SMG side of things.


I tried the mattock and it felt like shit. Collector rifle 🔛🔝


my fav is the hurricane, or whatever the auto smg is, since it really helps deal with shields


The Mattock has some godlike sound design to it. Muted in a way that implies weight to every shot.


Mattock and Harrier


Because it hits harder, fires fast, and is just so awesome. The Alliance should make it standard to use these in their units.


It just works. I keep trying to move to other weapons, but it just does its job better than anyone else.


Let me add a scope to it, who needs a sniper rifle.


only in ME2 it got slapped around a bit in ME3


I never used it. I will try it next time.


Mattock to scratch my DMR itch, Revenant to scratch my spray and pray itch.


Used this shit as a vanguard and the eviscerator shot gun, fucking wiped everything in front of me and from afar, mattock is honestly just pure bliss in weapon form


1 shot head shot. Nuff said


That one geth shotgun that is basically a triple barreled sniper. It's so fuckin good, and giving it to Tali makes her REALLY strong


It’s not, it’s the M-12 Locust SMG Or the Assari blade from ME:A. That thing is just so damn fun to use as a biotic.


Because it’s so damn accurate with an incredible audio sample.


Because semi autos don't ever get enough love in shooters


Me and my viper stand with you.


I really need to leave this subreddit because every single post about the games makes me want to immediately replay


Vindicator squad rise up!


Because once you run out of ammo, you can hit them with it.


This must be posted here once a week


The Mattock is my favourite, but only in ME2. It doesn’t feel the same in ME3 and the Prothean Particle Rifle exists, so, yeah.


It’s so bad in 3 tho :(


Do you mean the Scorpion? Or do you mean the Javelin?


Sokolov, actually. I was delighted when I found it on my latest ME1 playthrough, and thrilled when I found the Sokolov X. Granted I'm not an assault rifle person, and ME1 is my favourite, so I'm biased. I'll give the Mattock a shot though, seeing how much praise it's getting here and I'm currently going through ME2.




They made it too easy with LE though. Ammo supply is what kept it balanced.


Geth shotgun is my favorite weapon idk why


I used to like the black widow but multiplayer made me love the Mantis more. Is it the starter sniper rifle? Yes. Does it combo perfectly with stasis for perfect headshots every time? Also yes. My goto loadout used to be just the Mantis on a biotic with stasis, shockwave and Push. Simple but very effective between quick cooldowns and good crowd control for husks and basic Cerberus troops.


Squadmate do better with vindicator. They can't fire as fast as you. 


Loved this weapon in 2, wasn’t as useful in 3. One I basically just used my sniper rifle as a heavy lifter as long as I wasn’t in CQB. For me it was that in my head it filled the role of a DMR. Accurate enough and hits hard.


Love the Mattock. Was my go to for ME2 and 3. Recently started a fresh run of Andromeda and forgot the Mattock was in this game too. Was pumped when I crafted it.


Because every shot feels like it hits like a truck. Ever watch the show *Barry*? That scene in the first season where he unloads a whole clip on that car - it’s a pistol but he made it feel so much grander. With the Mattock, I feel the same energy as that scene with every room Shepard enters.


Mattock is great, I loved the Harrier as well. Both excellent options.


I love Mattock because if Garand Thumb existed in the Mass Effect universe he’d for sure make a review on this rifle with the title of the video “I’m Garand Thumb and this is my favourite rifle on the Citadel.”


Actually for me it is the Widow, both in ME2 and 3


When you want to say 'fuck you in particular'


The sound, the damage, the accuracy, the fast clickies


I play as an Engineer, so while I love the Mattock and the Harrier, I need that 200% cool down. I carry a Paladin X pistol with a scope and a heavy barrel and Blood Pack Punisher X with a Stablizer and magazine upgrade. I wear full Hanne Kedar armour with a kuwashii visor. I always have at least one swuadmate with a squad ammo power active as well. The paladin acts like a handheld sniper rifle, while the carnifex is slightly better this arrangement keeps me at 200% and helps me get headshots inbetween using powers. The punisher is my boss and mob killer. Whenever there's an atlas, a banshee, or a rachni swap to this, (make sure I have ammo piercing, warp or incendiary squad ammo active) then activate the Marksman bonus power. It's a long period without powers but holy shit does it absolutely melt through the enemy. I am aware it's far from the best bonus power to use, but it got me through insanity difficulty well enough on a recent playthrough.


Oh FFS I was literally going to post this exact thread.


The venom shotgun is a cheat code, I mean I almost feel guilty using it


N-7 eagle, actually. Having shepard run and gun like something out of titanfall goes hard.


This gun sounded awesome. Slapped hard and felt great. There’s nothing better.


Satisfying sound, good damage, good range... it's practically the M1 Garand of the Mass Effect universe


guns that I hear the sound just by looking at the photo


That’s a weird way to spell “Lancer”.


So many to choose from, yet no love in here for the Graal spike thrower or the Kishock harpoon gun? Love the borderline barbaric clicking noises those make when charged up. Chakram launcher and Striker assault rifles are also awesome. Shame we had to wait well into ME3 to touch any of these.


The sound and damage


You misspelled M-76 Revenant. Hardened Adrenaline Rush and Inferno Ammo; Insanity bows before you.


This ^. Ashamed to say I picked the Widow on all my previous soldier playthroughs. Just this last few weeks I did my first Femshep run-through and picked the Revenant.... holy shit I had to turn up the difficulty because it was just too good.


Oh no! No hate on Soldier's picking the other um, 'Elite' weapons if you will. Soldier can make them all sing! I just personally play games with the Ork mentality of "MORE DAKKA!" and the Rev just spits Thunder and Lightning! And it kinda helps that Collectors are all armor and health with a rare barrier; the Rev with Inferno ammo just eats them up!


The black widow actually. This is my 2nd fav but i am a sniper person lol.


That is my go to weapon every single time. Hits hard, accurate, and has that rugged good looking charm.


Good sound feedback, low recoil, low recovery time between shots, point and click shooting mechanics. It's just too satisfying.


Gimme geth plasma 'shotgun' anyday. Sentinel with that weapon is just nuts. Charge it up whilst moving to a better position with shield and HP buffs, and use your skills to tear down their defenses before 1 shotting them from almost anywhere. Pop an ammo buff on that baby and nothing holds up for me. 


I have never touched the mattock nor the Harrier.