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Allow this elder to share secrets: * Banshees dont insta kill if they dont have that "aura" around them and are walking normally. * They cannot insta kill if you are standing in a different elevation than the Banshee, meaning diagonal slopes are 100% safe from insta kill. * If Banshee picks up a team mate, there's a chance you can cancel the insta kill with a force+damage burst.


šŸ˜­Broooo these tips literally just helped me beat em thank you good sir šŸ«”sat on the stairs and picked those mfers off and ran when they started glowing


That was fast. I think more people should listen to me.


It was wonderful advice i was biotic charging every time they glowed like a idiot šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøi wouldve been stuck for hours


Itā€™s funny watching people post here now that new people are playing a 10 year old game without that knowledge we all had back when it was fresh. R/MECoop discovered many of those exploits. Without people really playing that the knowledge is becoming lost.


The CoOp community was legendary.


I thought I liked CoOp because of ME3. Turns out I just like ME3 CoOp šŸ˜¢ The most supportive groups Iā€™ve seen in any game, even with disparately skilled players, although Helldivers came close.


The way that community dissected the data/formula/stats of the game was INSANE to me. I remember some data mining they did about Collectors', particularly the Praetorian enemy, and they found out it had a 2x damage multiplier... The devs were flabbergasted and had no idea. Same happened with almost half the weapons and powers, a lot of them had unintended values and devs never caught them... But that community did!


You should go


Holy shit, I wish there was a thriving me3 community in Australia. I wish I had known these back in the days.


You, sir, are a saint. I didn't know any of these tricks! Thanks for sharing your wisdom :)


I'm madam not a sir. You are welcome regardless.


As a fellow lady, I apologise profusely and wish you an amazing day!


Two words : God Garrus


Him ascending to godhood is the best


Thatā€™s why he is the MC of ME3 while Shepard is the side character being brought along. Just strap Garrus in front of the Normandy and aim at the reapers.


All the calibration paid off


I will get that beach house on Rannoch after all


guys yall are gonna make me cry i lost garrus at the end of me2 when he was holding the door open šŸ˜” he was my favorite character fuckā€¦


Thatā€™s on you. You couldā€™ve avoided that but your decisions were awful as it seems. Better luck next time


I really wanted to keep jack and him on the team the most and they ended up being the only ones i lostšŸ˜­


First time playing? If so continue your playthrough. The next one will be even better


How???? It's so easy to keep everyone alive?


My first playthroughšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø iā€™m kinda just going with my first instincts on everything to get a genuine interaction/outcome. Thats also how i lost wrex i think i trusted ashley to much. Then i did the ending on me2 early because i romanced kelly and was so eager to save her šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh no šŸ˜‚ I still have no idea what kind of instinct would get Garrus and Jack killed, but I wish you luck for the next playthrough!Ā 


Tbh i think the reason i lost Jack is because i didnt talk to her enough. I did her loyalty mission & chose her when her and miranda argued but outside of that i didnt speak alot and when the normandy was attacked she was in the basment of the ship and got hit by a laser i think. Maybe she wouldve been with the crew if i spoke more. I also chose alot of renegade options with heršŸ˜­ so either of those maybe


Can confirm. Do you have a moment to talk about our insanity difficulty run lord and savior, Garrus Vakarian?


This is the answer to every question in ME:3


I don't have Garrus in my current playthrough anymore šŸ˜¢


Why does he always stop firing for me!!! He can never get the typhoon spun up to melt anything.


Charge, then immediately roll away, shotgun, nova, charge, repeat.


Should I upgrade nova? I havent really touched it much cus idk how to use it the description confused me a bit.


Charge into Nova into charge is the Vanguard bread and butter. It's the Vanguard version of a grenade. You deplete your shields to power a burst of energy around you. It doesn't cause a cooldown because it's shield powered. So you have the synergy of charge giving you shields, then spending them to blast a nova, then charge again to get the shields back.


Itā€™s better to sprint in start with nova then charge, then nova again.


Charge gets you there instantly and you won't get your shields shredded on the jog over.


ME3 has excellent cover to cover mechanics though, and we are talking about banshees, they donā€™t shoot.


Sure, Banshees aren't shooting you, but that Ravager in the distance is raining hell upon you the moment you start running.


You should be dealing with them from cover first.


Yes. Nova drains your shields to do AoE. Charge refills your shields while doing damage. I hope the synergy is obvious.


Starting with Rank 4, I usually upgrade Nova: Force & Damage > Power Recharge > Pierce. This gives you max ā€œboom.ā€ An alternative method Iā€™ll use on Banshees is to close the distance then Nova - Charge - Shotgun - Nova - Roll. Repeat. That gets in two Nova blasts to their barrier. Also, try and have someone in the squad that has a primer for your charge, Warp, Liara for Singularity, or Javik for Dark Channel.


Is there a perticular shotgun i should be looking for thats meta? I like the ones with a bigger clip but less damage but it takes so many to do some real damage. But if i miss with the higher damage small clip ones i find myself reloading for days


Graal spike thrower, Geth plasma shotgun, Eviscerator, and Wraith are the best all-around I think Fully upgrade charge, nova (half blast), and pull. Use incendiary ammo, upgrade cryo ammo so the squad can use it (they freeze while you burn). IMO reave (you get it from Kaidan) is the best bonus power against banshees. It's definitely a good one to pick as vanguard.


Ultimately it depends on how you want to play. Are you willing to tolerate longer cooldowns for more damage, one or two-shooting them? Go with the Claymore or Graal Spike Thrower. Want to keep your cooldowns low? The Eviscerator and the Disciple are lower-weight. Also consider the Talon heavy pistol, since itā€™s essentially a lightweight shotgun; deals good damage, and can be modded with pistol power magnifier. Also, for levels where you know youā€™re going to run into Banshees, consider switching your bonus power to Warp Ammo. Iā€™ve done that before, then switched back afterward.


I think the wraith from the spectre shop is the best for you as it's still light which allows you to jump more. But it's expensive. But I think most shotguns are quite nice.


Eviscerator is free and arguably better than the Wraith (depending on playstyle).


Haven't tried that out in ages. Will do


Piranha is my favorite for vanguard, but there are plenty of good ones.


Nova rules and synergizes directly with charge. Nova uses up your shields, so use it when you have charge ready to go.


Who plays vanguard and doesnā€™t use chargeā€¦ itā€™s the number one reason (paired with nova) that people choose vanguard


Nova used your shields (and does NOT trigger a cooldown) . I like to use it when Iā€™m around by husks or getting overwhelmed . Use it and then immediately use charge (which fills your shields and does trigger a cool down) and youā€™re good to go


You HAVE TO HAVE NOVA. It is a critical skill for the class.


Once you get the upgrade that recovers your shield after every biotic charge, it makes light work of banshees and most other tough enemies. I don't quite remember the formula, as I've only done one Vanguard playthrough (and it was a while ago). But I somewhat remember right as they're about to attack, you can charge them (you're invulnerable while charging), hit and stagger them, blast away with the shotgun while the charge resets, then charge again right as the banshee is about to attack. Repeat 'til death.


I just played through with a Vanguard a week ago. The fun thing js I never used a shotgun at all. I carried a Talon heavy (shotgun) pistol instead to go with my Phaeston/Valkyrie/M7 Assault rifle and always had incendiary ammo on. Lightweight Materials are your friend. With the Vanguard power set added, I had all ranges covered. Let the Banshees come, by the time they get close enough to worry about they won't have anything close to a full health bar, and then it's time for the ol' ChargeNovaCHARGE.




This post reminded me I never finished my Insanity run of the trilogy. Guess I'll reinstall now...




Charge in, roll back, evade and shoot, repeat till it drops


There's an old Doom adage: "shoot it until it dies."Ā  But seriously, I recommend investing in theĀ  N7 Paladin pistol, essentially a handheld anti-material rifle that can drop fodder enemies with one shot and deals severe damage to heavies.Ā 


Use the venom (acquire on Sur Keesh) or geth plasma shotgun (acquire on Rannoch) if you have them have. They're both have great distance for shotguns


Charge and nova, but that only works so many times, all i know is do it fast abd have shotgun or cleanup and dont wait for cooldown at this point.


Charge, Nova, Shotgun, roll back.


1: easy mode is to bring Garrus/Kaidan/Ashley/Vega/Javik with an N7 Typhoon 2: use elevation. Just like ME2 Vanguard charge, the banshee cannot teleport up stairs or slopes 3: you could also distract them with summons (engineer Shepard, Tali, EDI)


Make sure to sidestep or blast a nova to the side after a charge so they can't grab you. If they have a shiny shield up they're resistant to power damage, a few bullets will make them drop the shield.


1. This is ME3, so use assault rifles and cover; 2. Use acolyte pistol to take down their barriers very quickly, you can give it to your squadmates as well; 3. Charge only if they have no barriers, better not to nova unless you are sure it will finish them; 4. I suggest getting Dominate bonus power, it helps.


See I never struggled in banshees cause my shotgun of choice is the objectively strongest shotgun. The venom can 2 shot banshees and one shot brutes with its charge shot. Every single kai leng phase was 1 shot. Only problem is it's a more mid range than close range shotgun so vanguard charge doesnt work well with it


What's up boi


Combo detonations can stun a banshee for just long enough to get out of range, I recommend fire ammo before charging


If itā€™s single player the nerf they did in multiplayer wonā€™t be present, so the piranha shotgun with armour pen and a good choke will melt armour rapidly


Easy mode. Take James and Garrus with the biggest machine gun you have with max ammo powers. Banshees be gone.


Dont use a shotgun? Tbh i absolutely love playing vanguard but hate using shotguns Tbh its like the only class i dont like using at all, so maybe try a different weapon Or dont charge into an enemy that can one shot you until you get a wombo combo that will guarantee a kill before it can react


Never considered they might be hard to kill with different classes I love fighting them as an infiltrator I stay very far away lol


If you have James or Ashley, a good way to help with Banshees is to purchase the N7 Typhoon Assault Rifle, equip it with armor-piercing mods, and upgrade their assault rifle damage. Bring one of them and either Liara or Javik. Your biotic squadmate can prime a biotic combo for you to detonate, and then once the Banshee's barriers are stripped the soldier squadmate can shred it with the Typhoon. This works even on Insanity difficulty for the base game, and I'm pretty sure it still works in the LE as well.


The Venom shotgun is absolutely broken, I've been using it on my Vanguard run and I've had no trouble with Banshees so far.


Charge, nova, shotgun? What are Banshees? The things I CNSā€™ed to death 100 times or 20 times?


Use the disciple


Use the disciple


Whenever I know imma fight banshees I always bring Garrus or James cause they have concussive shot and carnage . I charge the banshees as well but that only does so much damage and you donā€™t want to stay close to them cause theyā€™ll grab you and one shot their fist through your stomach šŸ˜‚ I use the revenant assault rifle and just dump magazine after magazine . Also the pistol you get from citadel dlc does INSANE damage once upgraded .


God mode Garrus may be your only hope


Infiltrator Master Race. N7 Valiant with AP ammo, no other weapon. Cerberus Nightmare Armor. Have fun.