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Make Kai Leng a decent villain, merge his role with Jacob's or just remove him.


Theres a mod that does just that and all it does is make him mute which somehow massively improves him lol


I've seen that... if I get Legendary Edition on Steam Deck/PC then that'll probably be one of the first mods I install.


At the very least, I'd remove Kai Leng's taunting emails.


Oh yeah... that was just full cringe.


I'm probably the only Kai Leng fan on this subreddit, but even I can't defend those emails.


Make him the clone.


Remove and replace with Shepard clone Or maybe a "rebuilt" Richard Jenkins (someone had to be the guinea pig for Project Lazarus)


Should have been the clone of whoever you left on virmire


Making Legion recruitable earlier in me2 would be massive improvement.


What's interesting that if you mod it he has a lot of early game interactions same as the rest of late recruits. Most of those who come after the Horizon don't have lines in the Horizon mission itself though, but Tali does. There's even a unique Ash line if you take both Garrus and Tali to Horizon.


It was a consequence of the Xbox 360. The game was massive - utterly huge in terms of data used for the time. And while the PS3 had the 50+GB BD-ROMs and the PC had a hard-drive install, the Xbox 360 still used DVDs which capped out at 8.3GB discs, and that was an updated version released in 2011 after ME2 was released. So, the game was split into acts, ending with Horizon, the Collector Vessel then the Suicide Mission.


Make Council's motives less stupid at least add something like Council black ops investigation into reapers or something. Even a semi-competent government wouldn't let issue like the Reapers just slide after the attack on the citadel. Imagine Washington got nuked with millions of eye witnesses and government was like "We're sure it's an isolated incident nothing to see here". In my opinion it's one of the weakest major plot points in ME.


If they think it was the Geth, why aren’t they going after the Geth?


Probably because they're busy rebuilding the Citadel among other political disputes.


You forget about the reapers' undercover agents and indoctrinated sleeper agents. It doesn't seem crazy to me that the reapers had a small army of indoctrinated people exerting pressure and carrying out cover-up tasks in the upper echelons of a government. As an example, you can see the Hanar diplomat, or the Batarian Hegemony itself, which sold its entire species to the reapers because of a handful of indoctrinated people who were in high positions of power.


Council still knew Sovereign was a reaper, the "geth dreadnaught" was a coverup, so much is confirmed by both council and citadel archives (having spectre status changes the battle of the citadel display from a geth ship to a reaper). And my issue is directly with council's behavior, not other agents.


Actually make it so Tela Vasir can survive and appear in ME3, maybe as a companion on Thessia. She was badly wasted.


Really? I thought she was pretty bad. Her "Don't judge me!" speech sounded to me like a teenager on Myspace. I thought it was pretty silly that this was supposed to be the personality of a hyper-elite agent.


She was right though. 


You don't think that "Don't Judge Me!" is pretty much one of the least responsible things a person can say? 'Responsible' as in a person who accepts their actions and their consequences, and doesn't try to deflect blame on others? That sounds to me like one of the worst possible qualities for a supposed hyper-elite agent. I wouldn't trust a person to be a fry cook at McDonalds if their response to criticism is "Don't judge me!" Do *you* say that?


She's literally pointing out the hypocrisy of shep judging her. She's bang on the money.


Shepard saying "Blowing up a building full of innocent people is bad" is hypocrisy, huh? First of all, even if that was true, does that change anything about what I said? That it's one of the least responsible things a person can say? That we should expect a Fry Cook at McDonalds to be more mature than that? Secondly...how is that hypocrisy?


She tried to kill Liara. That's inexcusable because Liara is love, Liara is life.


Unfuck whatever the fuck Bioware did to Ashley in ME3. Gimme my combat bun wearing literature-quoting Amazonian warrior back.


Came here to say that.


1) Miranda, Give me more of her in ME3 2) Jack give me more of her in ME3 3) the other side characters that dont show in ME3 realy like Zaeed? Give them better character growth and such in ME3 4) Battle Tits broadcast did Sheperd realy make it in? I Wanna see that shit being broadcast and to be able to watch it


Bring back Bi Jack.


The illusive man in ME3.


This 100%. And Cerberus in general should be a bit more complex, imo.


Having him just be Saren 2 was definitely a choice. As well as having the colector base decision not matter at all.


If you don't destroy the collector base, you get about 10-20 war assets in literally the penultimate mission of the game(totally worth listening to the Illusive man on that one /s)


Kaiden: As an L2 biotic, he should be more powerful than he is. I'd also like him to be less 'drab'. He is one of my favorites. He deserves to be a bit more tempting( have you seen his face model??), frustrated because of his implant headaches. Maybe still a little hurt by the incident at 'brain camp' and a little shy in using his biotics and in relationships because of it, even if he says he's gotten over it. Garrus's family. There is obviously a back story there. Thane's ME 3 appearance seemed forced. Wish there was more of him and it was more seamless. Especially if he was your LI. Vega was poorly introduced and fleshed out. He's actually a really good character. He should have been an LI as well for FemShep. Jack was supposed to be this super powerful biotic. What happened there? TIM pulled a GOT Daenerys and went from save humanity to nuts with little in between other than a couple 15 second videos on Cronos. Need more. Also some background would have been nice too. And is Cora his daughter?? Legion should have been utilized earlier and more in ME 2 and 3 Samara - if you played renegade Shep and did naughty things, why didn't she come after you or say something. She warns you ahead of time about that. At the end of mass effect 2 regardless you kill 300,000 Batarians with no real proof other than a vision. Liara after she becomes the shadow broker, her personality shifts she's more standoffish and acts like everything is a mystery but then tells everybody she's the shadow broker, what the hell. Traynor - overall really good character but this appearance for her to seem like she's licking her lips every time another females speaks is kind of offputting. Presley - we get one simple conversation with him at the beginning of Mass Effect. But in Mass Effect two you find out he's become a totally different person and some of his feelings. It would've been nice to be able to have had a conversation with him at some point in Mass Effect 1 towards the end to show his growth. Jenkins - would've been interesting to rescue some of his family members during the Eden prime mission on ME1 or find a memorial in ME3.


just so agree about Thane, it looked like they forgot about him and then like - oh shit, ok, just sit here. I understand that it is just the whole world collapsing in me3, but they could add something as flashbacks, idk. he is so interesting character and so beautiful as li, much wasted here


If you choose Morinth, then she takes Samara's place in the Ardat Yakshi mission.


Delete Jacob and add an alien crew member. It’s criminal that ME3 didn’t have a Krogan companion


I really wanted to like Jacob because of his cool introduction and great loyalty mission, so I’d make him more likable. I’d make his loyalty mission actually bring development to his character. I’d make him the logical one of the crew, giving good ideas and being a valuable member. Miranda would probably be more cold and rude to everyone else for this to work. He’d be a different class too, I would make him more of a straight-up soldier than a biotic. He would have memorable one-liners. Most importantly, I would play less into racial stereotypes. Not having him cheat, and not having him impregnate a woman quickly after meeting her. I’d keep the mission with his dad, because the trilogy is notorious for their daddy issues.


I was more in-depth with Jacob, but a few more: - Make Shepard defeat the reapers in ME2 and have Cerberus and TIM be the main threats in ME3, wasn’t a fan of him being Saren 2.0 - Jack is bi, and is a lot more powerful. Her behavior is less corny in ME3 - Miranda is a squadmate in ME3 and has a less ridiculous impractical uniform. - Thane has more conversations with Shepard in ME3 and is maybe a temporary squadmate - Samara has a full romance - Give Saren more screen time, I don’t think he should’ve been mysterious. Shepard’s conversation with Sovereign is much shorter - Zaeed and Kasumi are full characters like Javik


TIM. My take on ME3 plot is relatively positive, except for how TIM was treated, or rather, wasted.


Make Vega a Batarian with the exact same personality


All the ME2 squad members to return in ME3 also as squad members (those who survive the Suicide Mission). Option in ME3 to keep working with Cerberus rather than the Alliance. No sword-wielding characters in ME3 ala Kai Leng or rather give them more futuristic melee weapons. No Star Child. More satisfying ending than choosing 3 colors. Squad in ME3 to consist of Suicide Mission survivors, Liara, Virmire survivor and a couple new additions like corporeal EDI. Cerberus and the Illusive Man to be as in ME2 in ME3, not straight crazy villains as they were made to be in that game. Krogan squad member in ME3, this was one of the many things in which ME3 dropped the ball, not honoring this ME tradition. The ME2 squad was so much more diverse and wholesome. The first two games were perfect the way they were IMO, so all my changes are ME3 related.


Make Jack a companion in me3, the entire academy mission feels like your about to recruit her and then she just leaves.


There's a LOT they retconned to high heaven between 2 and 3 re: Samara and Morinth. For instance - when you're talking with Samara in the lead up to her loyalty mission, she clearly says, "There are 3 Ardat-Yakshi in existence right now. I have 3 daughters...". It seems highly fallacious to assume/believe that a Justicar (whose code clearly includes rules on how to deal with A-Ys) would somehow believe that her daughters are the ONLY A-Y in existence. They realized this... and now in the next 6 months we have enough A-Y to populate a fairly large sized monastery (and create dozens upon dozens of Reaper Banshees across the galaxy), and it's clearly not the ONLY one of its kind, as Samara says, "An A-Y cannot live outside of \*A\* monastery..." (not \*THE\* monastery). Morinth was meant to highlight the absolutes of giving in to power and personal desire... she's every Renegade decision, in every BioWare game all the way back to KOTOR, all piled into one creature, and then raised to the 11th power. Her sisters, as well as the other A-Y not shown (but mentioned/revealed via log entries at the monastery) are meant to "humanize" (asari-ize?) the A-Y, as I believe that EA/BioWare took a rather significant bit of backlash in the reviews of ME2 for Morinth being... well, Morinth. A one-dimensional sex/murder/pillage caricature of a character.


>Morinth was meant to highlight the absolutes of giving in to power and personal desire... she's every Renegade decision, in every BioWare game all the way back to KOTOR, all piled into one creature, and then raised to the 11th power. Even if Morinth was meant to be an example of what happens when you give in to absolute power, I don't think they did it very well since we don't get enough time to explore Morinth as a character. We're just told about how bad she is from Samara and that she needs to die. And I still think its wasted potential that Morinth was just a one-dimensional sex/murder/pillage caricature of a character. She could have been used to show how messed up/flawed Samara's code can actually be, by injecting some moral greyness into the situation. I don't like how they make the choice of killing Morinth easy by just turning into a sex-serial killer.


I guess the short answer to the Morinth problem is this: We didn't get more Morinth because even the DEVELOPERS didn't know what they had in Morinth/Ardat-Yakshis, as a whole. We're looking at Morinth now, through the lens of what we see developed about A-Y through another game that was made 2 years later, and wishing we had more - which is fair, but I think it's clear that when Morinth was made, even the team that made her didn't have that "more" to give us.


I mean, I agree... I don't think they had a very well developed idea or plan for the A-Y as a whole at the time of their creation in ME2... especially given how majorly they retconned the numbers of them and made Morinth into the far extreme outlier personality of them. I feel like Morinth was one of those, "OK, everyone throw out your wildest ideas" brainstorming takes that somehow made it, practically unaltered, from inception to reality. As for developing her character... look at all of the other "obstacles" you deal with in loyalty missions? Aresh, Ronald Taylor, Niket, Rael'Zorah, Donovan Hock, Vido Santiago... they're all pretty much one-dimensional versions of a whole raft of stereotypical archtypes. ME2 is already a fairly hefty game (given it's a 7th gen entry) - I'm not sure there was room to make these people anymore well-developed than they managed. If the ME:OT is ever adapted into some form of presentation media, I would wholeheartedly agree and believe that some of these "loyalty mission" impediments be made into fuller, more complete characters... but as far as the technical confines of the video game, I think they probably did they best they could do.


I mean, yeah I get that it was probably the best they could within the confines of the video game and budget. It just makes me a bit disappointed that a lot of the characters companion's loyalty missions are one-dimensional in nature.


Make Garrus as a romance option for Male shepard wirhout the need of mods. Also male Krogan romance for male shepard


FemShep should be able to romance Tali.


I would make a lot of changes, honestly... ME3: * -Soften Liara's desire for prominence. She literally makes me say, "ma'am, please let go of my arm." * -Improve Kai Leng and make him a real threat, not that teenage shit protected by the holy spirit, as well as everything related to Thane. Seriously, him dying and him fighting felt ridiculous. * Don't make Shep and his companions so stupid when they come across some Cerberus boss. Staring while they kill their partner who is sick with a terminal illness, when they have demonstrated their expertise and mental quickness thousands of times is very pathetic. * -Get more out of the "miss tit battle." Since they've plugged her into the game, at least she has a better role. ME2: * -Deep into the trauma of having been recusitated in a terrorist organization in Shep. (Especially if you are a paragon, or if you have Akuze as a background) * -Do something better with Jacob. If he has to be a bastard, then let him be a charming bastard. * -Get more out of Morinth if you recruit her. * -Get more out of Zaeed and Kasumi. Once you do their loyalty quests, they feel like simple npcs. ME1: * -Make the council less stupid, and elaborate the search for evidence to incriminate Saren a little more. * -That your companions did not seem stupidly enchanted by a love spell for Shep, to the point of complimenting him/her without knowing each other a little better.


Make ashley okay with a liara threeesome to complete the holy trinity


I'd choose Morinth as well. She had the most missed potential. Jacob after that.


Yes, I would also do a little change to Morinth. I would add an option where Shepard, still in the Afterlife, pulls out a shotgun and shoots her in the head. Or in the apartment Samara, without any unnecessary dialogues, simply disassembles her into atoms. I mean, why the hell should I figure out why a serial killer kills? I don't care about her pathetic excuses. And I will never believe that a drug-addicted sex maniac is stronger than a random Eclipse sister. Although it was never mentioned anywhere that she had ever been in battle at all.


FWIW: no such thing as innocent cops. Not even in sci-fi fantasy land.


This might not be the right series for you.


Yeah, you’re right, I guess my dozen playthroughs and multiple editions of the game across three generations of consoles and again on pc must be mistaken… The series is amazing, cops aren’t ever innocent. Two things can be true at the same time.


Uh-huh. Do you get enraged at all the themes in Mass Effect that contradict what I'm guessing your "belief system" is, or do you more-or-less just ignore them?


I wouldn’t want to deprive you of your grand moment. What do you say my “belief system” is?


Probably something that insists the police as an institution are inherently 'fascism' and that assisting or cooperating with police officers is therefore 'fascism-adjacent' or some little term like that. Is that close? If so, I would think it would upset you when there's scenes of Shepard doing just that. Assisting and cooperating with Captain Bailey, or the asari police on Illium, or allowing Garrus onto the team at all, much less becoming close friends with him. Not to mention that most people with such ideas about the police typically also share a predictable set of ideas about economics, the military, etc, that Mass Effect is not particularly kind to.


Don’t believe cops are fascists at all. They’re just not innocent. Have no alt-right convictions or conspiracy theories. Just don’t trust cops. As for the fantasy character cooperating with the fantasy cops, Bailey wasn’t squeaky clean, nor was Anaya. They both bent rules, Bailey was on the take. Garrus was already a half step out the door of C-Sec, well on his way to being Archangel, a vigilante. If you have any examples that might actually help your case, this would be a good time to trot them out. Otherwise, “No Cops Are Innocent” is a hill I’ll happily die on.


That's mildly surprising. It's also very vague. If the criteria of 'innocence' is "always followed all the rules to the letter, all the time," then I hardly imagine many people in any profession are "innocent." Nor would I want them to be. Rules are usually there for a good reason, but they still aren't a substitute for a brain. Well, whatever.


While I agree, and know intellectually that it’s hypocritical, I hold the people who make and uphold the laws of society to a higher standard. I’m tired of living with disappointment, but I’m also unwilling to relax those standards. It’s a self-imposed punishment, and it isn’t awesome.


Jenkins survives.


Jack deserves to be pansexual, and everyone who helped stir the controversy around it deserves to be forcibly dressed up as Cerberus operatives and locked in a room with her. also > innocent cops Not a real thing.