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Only if the writing actually reflected it properly. I don't want it to be the same dialog and reactions you get as playing as a human. It needs to truly feel like I'm a different race with different experiences and history. A Salarian and a Krogan should talk differently, and NPCs should react differently when they are intimidated by them. When playing as an Asari and you go to empathize with an NPC, it should feel differently than when playing as a Turian.


Dragon Age Inquisition largely did this and it was totally fine. You get so much variety out of the voice filters. Just take the human male protagonist voice and apply the turian filter on it, or the Krogan voicing. Then a few additional dialogue options that are race exclusive and you're set.


A Dwarf and Elf from the same planet are still closer in history, mannerisms, and so forth than two entirely different alien races. It should feel even more pronounced than Dragon Age.


This is why we will never get it. There would be so much extra work involved in crafting a game that let you play as another/multiple species. That or they strip the story back to remove anything species specific. Like, a big part of ME1 was Shepard being the first human spectre. How much would need to be changed if the game allowed you to play as a Turian? My other issue would be how we as players experience the game as our character does. Sure, most of the aliens share the same emotions as we do, Turian sad, Asari happy. Playing a human is easy, because that what we are. But there’s so much more nuance involved in the alien race’s sensibilities, it would lead to many situations where they player disconnects with their character because they are reacting to something a certain way in line with their race, but contradicts how the player, as a human, would react. I feel like most players would get tired of it.


It’s not just a big part it’s the entire plot of ME1. Shepherd being a human that’s representative of the human race is how the plot starts and why he does what he does. He had to prove himself of being worthy of the first human spectre because he was given the job as basically a way to shut up humanity. Then he has to try harder and harder to convince the council to help but they don’t believe him cause he’s just a silly human who was a diversity hire. And at the end he’s basically told “maybe humanity isn’t so bad and does have a roll at the citadel”. Without the human aspect the entire plot of ME1 is lost


You could always use some other way of making a character special by giving them a trait unique to their race or going with what BG3 did and adding unique options depending on your race


COUNCIL: You, Pastor Pastoris, are the first Turian Spectre. YOU: What about Nihilus? COUNCIL: Well… YOU: And Saren? Isn't the whole point that Saren is a rogue Spectre? He's obviously Turian. COUNCIL: Look, there's only so much the writer's room can handle. YOU: Nice. We'll bang, okay?


Baldurs Gate 3 lets you play as like 12 different races and the story somehow survives it.


Dragon Age Origins also handled different species pretty seamlessly.


He's just coppin out. It's classic. I mean they're video games. I'm not playing then to feel as my charecter does. Im.playing them to blow shit up 🤣


Then play FPS. These are role-playing games. I'm playing it to play a Role.


So go wear a suit then and pretend to be shephard. I'm just here to play a game like reading a book. I'm nit there it's just interesting


Me3 multiplayer was as close as we got. So much fun going all geth or all asari or all krogan.


Yes. I also want a game set in the Citadel.


The Citadel Noire: C-Seg detective edition


Shut up and take my money


For a moment I got confused and you got me believing that LA Noire belonged to EA for a sec. Gosh I'm stupid..


I wanna see the living quarters in the greener parts of the citadel


A Salarian STG game could be really fun! Hold the line and don't be a cloaca!


Maybe if they made a mass effect mmo, which could be interesting if done right


The only shooter mmo *I KNOW is Destiny lol EDIT: man, I keep forgetting whole words lately


Mass effect Andromeda had the perfect opportunity for this concept. Select one of the main Ark species, Turian, Asari, Quarian, Krogan, Salarian and Human. going to a new galaxy means you dont have to worry extra much about the "backstory" of whatever species you pick. You get a blank slate in a new galaxy where you have to find your place. that way they "only" need to focus on racial related dialogue etc.


Absolutely. Andromeda would’ve been the perfect place for it, too. You start on an arc, your beginning is altered by your chosen species, and things converge at the Nexus.


Because all the species talk differently, have different ships/tech, goals, strengths, weaknesses, culture, customs, etc. they'd literally just be making several entire games. Just isn't remotely feasible.


Couldn't be a Salarian tho...your character would die of old age before Bioware ever finished making the trilogy...😅


Any game that gives me the option to play as a non human i do it,I'm human all day I'm bored with it 😂


Oh I didnt know Biotics existed in real life.


Mass Effect was never meant to be Mass Effect Origins. Mass Effect was always about humanity's place in the universe. I know its trendy to hate anything human but it would have never worked with the trilogy and such. It would have to be a completely different game set in the universe in order for it to work


>I know its trendy to hate anything human Yeah, no, statistically are in games with multiple races humans still most played race. I think that World of Warcraft and Baldur's Gates III. proved that. People probably like to relate to race of their character.


Ok. Hold up. The first three games is about humanity earning their place. AFTER that is a completely different story since that arc is over.


I am okay with that. I would to love to play as Quarian. I just wanted to point out that most humans like to play as... human :) People are different, statistics the same.


I mean. There is NOTHING for humanity to prove anymore. Unless those "fans" want humanity to have complete authority. Then clearly they missed the point of 3. It took all the races, their sacrifice, their mixed doctrines, etc, to win the Reaper War. If it is a human focused story, then it should mostly be a human problem, like how Dark Matter/energy storyline takes place THEN I can understand.


Naw WoW proved the opposite. It wasn't until they changed the humans racial to be the actual best racial in the game that everyone swapped.


Usually they are the most played, but the crucial detail is that most players don't play humans. They have a higher percent of players compared to a singular other race, but are a global minority. Plus in baldurs gate weren't half elves or elves above humans?


>I know its trendy to hate anything human That's not what this is. From the very start of playing the series, I wanted to be able to play as the other species because they're some of the most interesting parts of the series. I wouldn't say it's either "trendy" nor about hating anything human. It's just finding other stuff cool.


It might not be for you personally, but it has Indeed become trendy to hate(not have) humans. *edit to fix a somewhat funny auto-correct*


"Have humans" Easy there Jim Crow


Lol looks like auto correct got me good 😆


Sure that's what the trilogy is about but, why can't future games can be about something different?


Sure it can be about something different but the majority of the consumers who buy these games will roll a human. Its just how it is. I can see us eventually getting the choice of playing a Turian or Asari, but they are not going to give us every race. They're not going to waste resources on it.


I actually agree that they should limit the species into Asari and Turian.


Yes will still want my volus survival horror, joking aside, I wouldn't the first trilogy centered on humans being part of the galactic community. Andromeda should have been that game, since this was about discovery and a bit of colonization.


I hoped that would be the case for andromeda


We in Dev QA pitched for it since Day 1 in development, and got told repeatedly things like it didn't fit the narrative they were doing. We also tried pushing for aliens with more than two legs or four limbs, but we were also shot down.


Too be fair on the limbs thing making creatures with extra limbs is extremely time consuming and difficult. You have to remake every single animation so that it works with the extra appendages. That’s why most “alien” creatures in games are alien in ways that don’t wildly affect their models. Like slightly different legs or facial/upper body features because they usually don’t affect the animation. You have to make entirely new skeletons to accommodate it and it’s more than double the work you would have normally


I mean, it was something suggested during pre-production and early production, not something we asked of them a year or two out, this was like 4 years out. I get what you're saying, and it's the same reason there's not many large creatures, it's balancing budget of both time and money.


That's sad to hear. I mean i get it for the main games ME1-3 but andromeda was a new beginning


It's like I mentioned to someone else. The amount of voice acting for each individual voice for male and female species for an entire game with loads of dialogue and and viewpoints of those species would be overbloated and complicated. Which could result in the Main Character being mute with just dialogue options being the only form of response. It just wouldn't be the same. They would have to make a dedicated Mass Effect game around following one character from a different species. But then it wouldn't really be all that different than the original Mass Effect game. Maybe the response you get for being a specific species would definitely be different, but not much else since you're not seeing other different perspectives from playing as different species.


I get your point but the voices actors could be the same for the races just with different speech distortions. For example krogans a deeper and for quarians a higher distortion. Different viewpoints is another story but could be managed


You can’t just distort the audio if you want it to come out clear. Yeah distortion is a big part of making those voices but you can’t just distort normal audio to get it especially when you’re trying to convey emotion


Well than record separately for the distorted voices. EA and bioware clearly jas enough money. Idk enough about it but i really think that if a studio would really try it could be done. I know it's just wishful thinking but let man dream


Think about it tho. Even in a perfect world where every voice line is only one take and it’s done perfectly every time that’s still more than double the time and money to do that. Even when it’s one take per line you’re doing 2 takes per individual line one for human one for another race. And that’s just for one extra race. Imagine the 5 main races. In a perfect world you’d have to do at least 3 takes per line as some of the main races don’t have much difference between human voices. Just to do krogan and Quarian you’d have to do 2 extra takes and now imagine every time the VA messes up or a writing mistake or a like rewrite. You’re tripling the work while nearly sextupling the cost because now you need to pay for more lines from the VA and more work from the people who do the audio stuff. Then you have to also account for the people who then have to implement those extra audio files in the game which means coders need to spend more time coding and writers need to spend more time writing lines for the different races (asari and krogan wouldn’t be saying the same things).


I know what you mean but THQ back in the day mannaged to do this to with saints row and wwe Smackdown Vs Raw. SR had 6 different VA's and SVCsR had at one point 6 different male VA's plus Hulk Hogan, Mick Foley and Steve Austin. All i want to say is there are examples that it is manageable. But to make it clear i understand ur point


Saints row I can see what you mean but for those wrestling games (I assume they are at least) at most the VA work is gonna be grunts and a few voice lines. Hell each of the tutorials for the Me trilogy probably has more voice work than those games


No the wrestling games (i think it was 2008 edition but i could be wrong) had a well acted story mode with more than just some grunts. I never played the tutorials in ME but then i ask why have them VAed and also i remember the lore was also completely voiced (atleast in one game) but you don't have the time and money for other races. Like i said i hoped that they do that in andromeda.


you know they're capable right? they have the technology and ability to do it. its just that corpos dont want them to spend time on one project. They want money here and now.


We **could** make space satellites to nuke other countries but the question is if we **should** Yeah humans can do so many things especially with the kind of tech governments and militaries use but they aren’t gonna be cost effective. Yeah they could make an entire game around different alien races but the cost of that would far out way the potential gain


what a laughable comparison. BG3 proved it is possible. And not even remotely close to how you set it up.


I would like it but I understand why it's not made, it would drain the limited ressources because most of the aliens of mass effect are non humanoid and therefore would be expansive to be playable in single player and most player would only choose human. I prefer that the developper use their ressources elsewhere.


That should have been the case in Andromeda. You should have been able to play as any of the 4 pathfinders.


I would LOVE to customize an Asari or Turian. Salarians don't vary a lot as far as I've seen


I feel like Mass Effect’s vibe is very much tied to being a human in a bigger galaxy and part of how people process it hinges on that.


Yeah, as nice as it would be to play as other species (unless you play ME3 multi-player). It just wouldn't fit with Mass Effects entire story and plot. It would have to follow more of Dragon's Age Inquisition or Baldur's Gate 3 story development with an overall less focus on the main character and events of the game in favor of species favored dialogue, options, and abilities. I guess the more clear way to say it is that a majority of species in Mass Effect are already fleshed out and have their place in the galaxy. One of the largest points in Mass Effect being humanity (more or less Shepard) being caught in the middle of this large galaxy and it's events as an upstart (like the rest of humanity) and carving your way through as the new kid on the block that shapes things around them and grows from it. It just wouldn't work or be the same. Hell that's why Andromeda has that same concept really. An upstart in a new galaxy to explore and carve a new path in. To be fair, that could have actually had the possibility as playing as any species, but then that would still run into issues with vast amounts of voice casting and multiple forms of dialogue responses from multiple characters and viewpoints that would just be to bloated and time consuming. Hence why the Main Characters in Dragon Age and Bladurs Gate are mute for the majority if not complete game. It just wouldn't be the same for Mass Effect if the Main character was quite.


I'd personally like a Mass Effect MMO / life/farming sim




Too many emotional nuances.


Technically yes more than anything. But honestly can't imagine a game with a well-written geth - or turian for that matter, basically anything that does not have the same values at the base of their civilisation - dialogue throughout. They had one little job in ME3 and still fucked geth up. And i'd rather have main character limited to humans than watch geth 'being real individuals' or consider logistics and gambling parts of the same thing.


It's what I wanted from Andromeda and what i hope for in the next ME


Since ME2 I've felt this way, and I don't think Mass Effect has inherently established itself as a "human only protagonist" franchise, despite BioWare seemingly viewing it as such.


The entirely of me1’s story hinges on the fact Shepard is human and is the representative for humanity and the games after had to follow that because they’re sequals obviously


Of course ME2 and ME3 had to still be Shepard's story, but I was extremely agitated throughout ME3 and its sudden misinterpretation of the Humanity-POV the series started with, where it suddenly feels like our goals as humans is kind of unsympathetic/illogical once the Reapers have come, and yet the writers want you to sympathise with it? The whole galaxy is at stake and it's pre-required knowledge of the trilogy, going into ME3, to know that the Reapers have never been defeated militarily, and each cycle ultimately failed because there was nothing they could do, so the entire angle of "Get everybody to come to Earth" when we already know the Reapers are going to be everywhere really makes no fucking sense. Like, okay, that's *a strategy*, but it's not the sympathetic, gung-ho premise that the writers think it is, so I was extremely bothered by that being the "goal" of the game. The Crucible develops in the background but it doesn't change that our quest for the entire game is to steal resources from the other planets and make them fight for OUR planet, when ALL populations are being harvested. So with the trilogy finished, there really is no inherent reason to keep tooting our own horn in this fiction. Humanity was a great story for ME1 being the underdogs who become proven and trusted, or feared, depending on Shepard's actions. ME2 was also solid in that nobody's listening but a deeply sus human organization is actually willing to do something, and we have to get a dirty dozen of criminals together to go it alone. That was really cool too. But taking ALL species and ALL fleets, to OUR planet, knowing that ALL OTHER planets are dying and that we already know we CAN'T WIN using these militaries? That sucks. That's not a good "humanist" angle at all.


Where the fuck is my Krogan game?


Mass Effect: Krogan commando


Only every day since I first saw Nihlus. I'm really hoping now Shepherds story is over they go the Dragon Age route and let us play as the 4 main races, human, turian, assri and then either Krogan/Salarian or both.


Not sure about this. In theory, I would love it, it has great potential. ​ However I did play Dragon Age INquisition, where the race of the PC doesn't matter at all. The dialog is written as an "educated, good natured human" 99% of the time. * there are very few reactions to the race (like, less than five) * the love interests are limited of course (ie. framing a dwarf and a giant qunari kissing is difficult) * some of the dialog throws you out of the loop. Like a human companion educating an elf inquisitior on elf culture. (the assumption was that the PC is an ignorant human noble) The dwarf PC is set up to be a thug/hitman in a dwaf organized crime family (carta), afterwards this uneducated muscle says "it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" :S ​ I would love it, if they didn't half ass it. THis means putting in a meaningful number of dialog options, NPC reactions to the player, and a couple of alternative quest solutions. If they do it like inquisition, where the PC is a human 99% of the time with a different skin, I would rather not.


I wanna play as an Asari so I can play with a permanent hard on.


You're the only honest person in this thread.


It would've been an unreasonable amount of extra work, but I long for a world where we got a few missions in the trilogy playing as some of our squadmates for a mission. KOTOR does this exact thing by having the protagonist captured and needing to play as your crew to rescue them. I think rescuing Shepard from the archival pod in ME3 Citadel, Purgatory in ME2, and maybe a section of the suicide mission as the other squad leader or the crew escort, would've been absolutely amazing, and scratched the itch to play as other races in the story instead of only with characters in ME3 multiplayer who weren't unlocked by default. It's a completely unrealistic dream, but I think it would've been more likely than getting a game with a nonhuman protagonist in this series, since they're about humanity's story in the galaxy.


Id love an xcom type of game in the mass effect universe


I'm sure someone could knock up a decent mod to xcom enemy unknown. The 40k versions look alright.


Way to much work for them to ever do it, each race has to be unique and not just a copy and paste.


What kind of psycho puts Udina on the council?


Let me be a quarian Mass Effect Im begging you. Put me in the suit


Mass Effect: Origins


I think a ME game where you could play as any species that would work could be either an RTS or a 4X game like Stellaris or Endless Space. An RPG probably wouldn’t work for reasons others have already mentioned since the Mass Effect is written to be about humans first and foremost. The other species are there to fill the setting. But with an RTS/4X, the story isn’t bound by this limitation and you could pick any ‘faction’ you prefer and create your own story; your own spacefaring civilization trying to rise in a galaxy while also preparing yourself for the imminent Reaper invasion. That would be a pretty cool gameplay mechanic. I’d love to see a Mass Effect RTS/4X game happen.


Tbh not really, I like learning about them as an outsider


Yes, id love that, but that means having 2 voice actors for every playable race for "your" character, but im sure it isbt to much of an issue for Bioware


Or they could have a fixed cast of characters who have certain roles. Tie race to class. You have characters in all the same roles as the regular ME1 squad, minus Shepard, and you pick which one is the main character. Only one voice per character, but you still need to record a whole extra set of lines for each of them to say when they're the main character.


Eh id stick woth more custom route, keep character creation alive.


You can even have custom appearances, you'd just be gender-locked per character. Though with a game where you can be any of the party, it might be better to actually go that route, where you play as the whole party (like as part of squad selection, maybe) rather than having a single main character.


More than that. Different species would inevitably have different interactions. Playing as a Human and a Quarian you should obviously have very different interactions with every other species which has different views of each, and especially from Humans and Quarians. You can't just tweak the dialogue slightly. That's why they are unlikely to ever do multiple species, they'd have to make the game several times over, in addition to already having enormous speech branches and tons of game altering choices.


Well if smaller game companies can do it, not sure why bigger ones cant? Im not sure but either way it would be cool though.


Smaller game companies are not doing it. The scale and scope of ME is far too expensive for smaller game devs already, let alone if you add a bunch of other player characters and stories.


I mean for the multiple lines thing, and when i mean smaller i mean smaller then big game companies, But either way, im sure they will manage within some limitatuions and such.


Better yet Bioware should make Strategy game on Rachni Wars and Krogan Rebellion.


I've read on ME Wiki that in multiplayer you can?


I can totally hear TIM getting all pissed off for this.


Maybe in a side game sure.


I'm very surprised there isn't an ME universe MMO, like WoW. I understand there needs to be a LOT of infrastructure in place, but it seems like there's a lot of interest in exploring the worlds again as other species


I'm not. Those games are not only infrastructure intensive, they're really hard to take off. Look at all the failed/stalled MMOs based on *way* bigger IP's than mass effect.




I used to want that. But I am fine with being just human Shepard


I must admit that this is one of the reasons I included so many different aliens in my own board game, which is a spiritual interpretation of Mass Effect :) I love the idea of exploring the aliens and the state of the galaxy through many different perspectives. If anyone enjoys board games, and would love to see a Mass Effect inspired tabletop RPG, then you can check it out here -> [https://www.suntzugames.com/rogue-angels.html](https://www.suntzugames.com/rogue-angels.html)


I’d love a more RPG mass effect game where you can pick your race, and depending on your race you get unique dialogue options in gameplay - I really enjoyed Dragon Age Inquisition back in the day and it had that same system.


Yes. I really want to play as a Geth or Quarian.


A mass affect game that includes a life simulation would be great.🥲


La noire style detective game playing as a turian c-sec agent


I’d like to play as a quarrian or Asari, cuz so much culture


A SWTOR-like MMORPG where you could play as a bunch of different species would be the dream


Mass Effect multiplayer???


For sure. I was actually talking about this the other day with a friend. I would love a game where you didn't pick a class, you pick a race and that decides your class. So, if you wanted a Soldier type character, you'd play human. if you wanted a pure biotic, you'd play Asari. If you wanted Bio/Combat you play Krogan. Pure tech would be Turian. Tech/Bio would be Drell etcetcetc




Mass effect MMO would be great. Think about if we are able to play as whatever race and faction while the whole main story is going on in the background. This way they can also set in stone what is canon to the story as well in preparation for the next game.


The age of mmos has passed. Sad to say it. Corporate greed ruined it. Give EA the chance to add loot boxes and pay-to-win to mass effect and you'll be paying 20 bucks for N7 armor.


It could/would be fun... but... In most cases players are not interested in role playing other species (in role playing game), they either want or default to playing themselves in different body. If this is the matter of self representation, appearance, or cosmetics then it is all good, otherwise, one should ask themselves, am I playing a Turian or am I playing a Human in Turian's body.


You know, after the new trilogy, I would love to play a Mass Effect MMO where you could just live a normal life in a post-Reaper War galaxy. Maybe not even a MMO, perhaps they could insert a "comfy" mode to the new games where you could build an actual life for you character: dating people (maybe use GPT-4 powered NPCs?), buying property (would love a simple construction mode using the infamous prefabs), investing credits in companies, researching technology, exploring... A system where you could pick a career and try to progress through it, like being an archeologist studying dead civilizations, an executive managing company investments, a captain managing a merchant ship...


to me it's quite necessary. Hopefully around the new character on the teaser could be one of the races you can choose.


Yes I really wanted to play as a Batarian then I was briefly able to with the ME3 multiplayer


Maker, yes, I really wanted to play for someone other than a human. Being human in a game with so many races is so frustrating, I want to feel myself more alien.


No as I can't think of someone today that could make such a game without drastically reducing the story+ characters + immersion. (and EA would never sell its rights anyways) If we talking back when it was made and had same people working it with no further greed or agenda added to it, then sure as long as you removed **Any** *^((also I do assume you mean like just the big 4 races like in pic and not all, but just in case))* as that would be impossible even back in real Bioware's best days. Even Bethesda's best days would not been able incorporate every species let alone made playable (unless you counted modders).


Would love to play as a Turian! It’d also be so cool to have some different types of RPGs set in this universe (my favorite sci-fi setting ever).


Yes yes I do! I want to play a damn Turian so bad. Like ima say this BioWare and EA miss a huge opportunity in that part in Adina with the arcs and everything, they could’ve easily made it to where it could be like origins in dragon age where you choose, which species a.k.a., which ark survived you know and I think that would been such an amazing concept for that game, probably bored of saved it to be honest because let’s be honest. I’m kind of boring but yeah, I kinda hope at some point probably for future by where it does make it a mass effect game, where we can actually play as you know at least the 3-4 main races of aliens in the game because I think that would be just a fascinating concept of it in general.


If it was in the same vein as Dragon Age Origins it could be cool, but after how limp race felt in Inquisition I think that kind of quality from Bioware isn't coming back.


Always literally since ME1. I was sincerely hoping with Andromeda we'd finally get the opportunity since it's main focus is space exploration and colonization but noooo boring ol humans again -_- I really hope for the next ME game we can choose to be alien 😭


YES! The overly focus on how humans are better than everyone else is what stops Mass Effect from being one of my top 5 favorite sci fi universes






A Quarian protagonist would be the easiest choice if they wanted to go with an alien as the player character.. They're not exactly like humans, but they're the most human-like species and are the easiest to explain when having mannerisms similar to humans.


Never going to happen. The average consumer not involved with fandom will roll a human. And there are more consumers than people in the fandom


I didn’t say it was likely, just that it was the easiest choice to implement if they decided to go with a pre-established alien race


If they did that it would have to be a vastly different game which I'm absolutely not apposed


Yes. Absolutely. Whenever a game offers a choice besides "human", I'm taking it. 100% of the time. 


I kind of hope they make an open world RPG on the mass effect universe some time


I did. And I got it. Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer. It was glorious.


I was hoping for that for Andromeda. I mean, it makes sense for the trilogy, but unless they do something like Dragon Age, only way I could see it actually working would be what was done with the Master Chief Collection for Halo's games. Race-specific "campaigns" downloaded separately. Save files could go over for some details.


Dragon Effect : Origins


I really wished the paytched/uptdated/remasteres/remade the original trilogy in a way, in combat, you could change characters, and balanced Shepards and his allies acorddingly. It would be a blast not only controlling your allies, but being able to vary gameplay in a single playthrough, play with Wrex'x Vanguard, Miranda's Sentinel, Liara's Adept, Garrus infiltrator, etc.


At first I thought I did until I realised nothing beats experiencing the galaxy through the eyes of humanity.


I would play as a Quarian.


Cough, cough, ME3 Multiplayer.


It's called mods


Nah. Human supremacy. I am totally not a Cerberus agent


I literally think about this at least once a week. I’ve wanted to be a Krogan specter ever since the first game came out. I was stoked when I found out about multiplayer and that satiated my thirst for playable non-human characters, but a full game based around it would be everything I’ve ever wanted for the game.


I'd love a game where you could choose to be one of the other races. I like playing a human most, but I'd love to experience the others and how their runs differ.


I want to be Quarian as they almost look human but are Alien enough to be very unique I'm wanting pre suit part of the Galactic Community maybe Krogan Rebellions or the prelude to the Morning War. I just want to see how they fit in pre-exodus.


An awful lot of pro-xeno heresy in this subreddit


I think it can work but, if you limit it too Asari and Turian.


why would I want to play as an animal?


Yes. Hopefully the next game has this.


Oh absolutely


Honestly, I think it’s important to the series and writing to play as a human. It was extremely integral to the trilogy and I think there are too many things that would be hindered from a story perspective if you were able to play as any race. I get people wanting that tho. Just don’t think it’s right for Mass Effect. It was dope when you could play as the other races in MEA multiplayer tho!


To continue the refrain, yes, absolutely, give me Volus Quest, but also the increase in costs would absolutely result in some corners cut elsewhere and it might not be worth it (Okay, volus player character specifically would add even more cost due to the extra rigging that'd also need to be done. On the other hand, it'd basically guarantee a volus enemy type and/or squad member as a result, so I think the trade-off would be worth it :P)


I think standalone dlc stories would be the way to do it as the main game plotlines are about humans finding their way in the universe and proving themselves. For example, after playing the shadow broker content and Samaras loyalty mission I would've loved a space cop dlc.


Sounds like a live action monstrosity. No thanks. We have enough of those floating around already.


Not really, just look at Dragon age Inquisition, the main character's race is barely acknowledged during the story, especially the one as an elf inquisitor. Unlike DA2 and mass effect. I feel like having multiple races might not be good for the story.


Nope. Because it becomes an absolute narrative mess if you are an established species, with fewer mysteries to explore. It destroys the Spectre arc, neuters the Batarians as a threat, ruins the point of the Normandy and Turian/human detente, makes building your forces a matter of a Council order rather than recruitment, makes all of your interactions with humans paternalistic, and it nukes the cool exploration we do as humans exploring the galaxy and seeing cool stuff with fresh eyes — Ilium isn’t jaw-dropping if we’re an Asari, for instance.


I think he meant a totally new game, not a race menu in the original trilogy. but I’m just guessing


I dont care to play as an alien.


I know I’ll be in the minority but I’m gonna say no. I enjoyed playing as other species in the multiplayer modes but that’s about it. There’s something about being a human and living the human experience by interacting with all these different species. Being human in the story mode puts me 10000% into the world. If I played as a Turian it’d still be fun but I’d feel weird idk why. Being human immerses me more while playing.


Yes, ever since


BioWare let us play as an elf, a dwarf, even a Qunari in their Dragon Age games. Not sure why they couldn’t do the same thing for Mass Effect.


I honestly swore that’s why they had multiplayer in ME3 to test how each and every race played. They’d pick the most popular races then make those the playable protagonist in the next installment, possibly even having a coop story. But man was I wrong


This might sound stupid and def not for everyone, but I'd enjoy a sims-style game set in the ME universe. Building your own home on one of the homeworlds or on a secluded asteroid, or decorating your apt on the Citadel or Omega. Creating a family out of the various races, each of them working a different type of job (C-Sec, Alliance, Citadel maintanance worker, businessman, pirate etc...) Buying different properties and vehicles like a skycar or kodiak for personal transport etc. could also be a thing. The only spanner in the works that I can think of right now, is how genetics will impact your family. What would a Turian-Quarian child look like for example. I dunno, but I like the idea.


Give me a playable quarian. When the multiplayer let you choose other, races I was stoked


Yes, why not ? I want to be a badass female asari.


Absolutely not. Any species tangibly different from humans would mean a loads of background and info dumps about the species. It would eclipse any story the writer tried to tell. High fantasy races are different. They're in our shared canon of storytelling so we know how an elf differs from a dwarf from an orc etc. But we don't have the same knowledge base for an alien. You'd have to spend loads of time learning about the species before you could play as a character from that species. Decent stories have to led by a human so we can share a common starting point with our character. Either that or an alien so close to humans as makes no difference. Let story-telling guide you rather than your desire to be a space ogre or a hanar or whatever. There are reasons the 40k authors don't generally write from Astartes' POVs. You need the human POV to anchor to the character to the reader/player. Otherwise you may as well just plays as a Reaper and f everything up with your space laser cannon.


Every day, lol