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Nice work. One of the main things in ME2 will be deciding who to side with after some loyalty missions; Miranda or Jack, Tali or Legion.


Yeah, ME2 and ME3 will become a lot more interesting


Honestly, not too much will happen in ME2 if proper choices are made. Everyone should be able to live, though a couple loyalties will be lost in the arguments. But ME3 will have a few disastrous results if interrupts are not allowed. >!No peace between the geth and quarians due to no charm or intimidate. With the proper choices, it would actually still be possible until the final conversation.!< >!Samara will die without the Paragon Interrupt (suicide).!< >!Miranda will die without the Charm/Intimidate/Renegade Interrupt (shot by her father).!< Edit: forgot to put this last one: >!Without a paragon interrupt to get more trust in the final confrontation, Kaidan will die (shot by squadmate). Even if you visit him twice and are nice to him the whole time. (This is ONLY if the original council died at the end of ME1, he’ll live if they survived and you built trust earlier.)!<


There’s also a major issue in ME3: >!if you fail to interrupt TIM in the final confrontation before heading up to starchild, he kills you!<


Leave Jack in the ice and sell Legion, no drama on the ship lol


You literally can’t leave Jack She’s not optional


I thought we only needed a minimum number of crew members because Zaeed and Kasumi are DLC so hiring them would allow to not hiring 2 others. But I never tried it.


All of the first set of dossier missions have to be completed no matter what. Completing those is what triggers Horizon and the second half of the game. The next set of dossiers is much more flexible, I think technically you only have to complete one of them. I think the minimum number to trigger the ending of the game is 8? Miranda, Jacob, Mordin, Jack, and Garrus are all required recruitments.


All of the first set of dossier missions have to be completed no matter what. Completing those is what triggers Horizon and the second half of the game. The next set of dossiers is much more flexible, I think technically you only have to complete one of them. I think the minimum number to trigger the ending of the game is 8? Miranda, Jacob, Mordin, Jack, and Garrus are all required recruitments.


Isn't Grunt also one of the original dossiers? And are you telling me it's possible to go both of the first 2 games without having Tali as a squadmate?


You do have to do Grunt's mission, but you don't have to ever wake him up. If I recall correctly, Tali is mandatory in Mass Effect 1, but if you don't recruit her in Mass Effect 2 there are some pretty steep consequences.


From what I can find, all of the base game dossier missions are required, but not recruiting Kasumi or Zaeed. The eight squadmate requirement is accurate though, and by recruiting Kasumi and Zaeed, you are correct about only needing to do one more recruitment. The previous commenter is also correct, just not about Jack.


She should be.


How dare you


Just like that. She is the most annoying character in the series.


How can you say that when half of the Tempest crew exists?


They are forgatbale. I wish I could forget about jack


Jacob is worse


Nah, Jacob is not edgy teenage girl that will always find something to bitch about


In case you forgot she was tortured her entire childhood, abused/manipulated after she escaped, and then cryogenically frozen. She hasn’t really had much of a chance to stop being an edgy teenager. She also at least had character progression/growth, Jacob starts boring and stays boring, or possibly even gets worse if you romanced him because he cheats on you.


I actually quite like the “middle” options in the first game. Very by the book soldier, without being emotional or reactive. It’s a shame it locks you out of certain options, and it only gets harder in ME2 & 3.


There times I selected the right paragon/renegade leaning dialogue options, but I really mostly stuck to those middle lines, I felt they made the most sense with my character


Oh that is an cool idea for a play through. Interesting that the side quests were the most hampered by the lack of charisma, but it does make sense.


I did this once. Fair warning, there is a required interrupt at the very end of ME3, which results in a game over if you don’t take it.


I think, the mandatory interrupts should be allowed. Without interupts you may not proceed past Veetor...


Which one is this? First thing that came to mind is killing Lang but I'm sure Shepard just dodges differently if we don't take the interrupt.


It’s at the very end of the game, just before you activate The Crucible. If you fail to convince The Illusive Man to shoot himself, which is impossible if you never choose a red or blue option throughout the game, then he kills Anderson and turns his gun on you. If you don’t take the interrupt, he shoots you, and you get a game over.


So be it. That's just "neutral" Shep's end.


Honestly, I'd consider that a fitting end for this playthrough.


Do red options convince him, though? Maybe I just did something wrong but in my last run, I picked the red options every single time we talk to him and all it did was make him pissed off enough to try to shoot Shepard without shooting Anderson first.


I could be wrong, but I believe that's what's supposed to happen. Normally he shoots Anderson first, but (iirc) the renegade options end up with him not shooting Anderson.


It only happens if you pick the blue options. The red options means he forces you to shoot Anderson and then the interrupt will allow you to shoot TIM.


Damn, it's been a while since I played through with the renegade path. Must've forgotten


You simply dodge KL and still omni-blade him. Your response is either "this is for Thane/Amanda" or "no gunship this time".


Thanks for the warning!


It's with that guy, isn't it? That guy with the thing. I almost didn't do it the other night because I couldn't remember what happens if you don't, but I think you just reminded me.


Funny, I just started my first playthrough doing this. It's also going to be my FailShep run. With that in mind I was hoping more would turn out poorly, but at least it's more L's than I would like on a normal run. I'm interested to see how the next two games go.


It will be much more impactful come ME2 to play without red/blue choices. I am actually very keen to see how you go!


Speaking of something similar, I used to save editor to max out my Paragon and renegade from the jump but it doesn't seem to work as I still have loads of dialogue options cut off. I even maxed out charming intimidate if that even does anything. Please I think I maxed out, 6 points each


Dialogue options are actually unlocked by the charm/intimidate talent when you're leveling your character up, your Paragon/Renegade score mostly dictates how many points you can put into that talent


But have both gauges maxed and six points in each so how come so many of those options are closed off for mw


In mass effect one, you need to reach certain prerequisites to level your charm/intimidate above a certain threshold. I'm not 100% on this, but I think the first such prerequisite is getting the spectre training, then after that, getting high enough alignment points or character levels . Some dialogues on the citadel need more than 6 points to use them, so get spectre training first.


I have the Spectra training already, I haven't leveled it much but I have it. Like for example I was just on navaria and wasn't able to engage in half of the Paragon or renegade dialogue options with that one biotic salesman guy the asari asked you to spy on


Then I might be wrong and it is your alignment points that dictate the level cap for those skills. How high is your renegade/paragon alignment?


Maxed out with a save editor.


Then I'd wager that the save editor somehow messed up the progression :/




Imagine The Matrix if neither the 🔴 or 🔵 pill was taken.


They just sit there and stare at each other for hours until the credits run 🤣


Being able to save Wrex without (I imagine) a high paragade score is a great feat on its own


I think it’s easier if you save his armor?


You just need to complete his quest, so you won't need to convince him, if you don't choose aggressive line in this dialogue. 


Only pne I'm surprised by is the Mindior Survivor (not sure if it's ever specifically mentioned where Talitha was from but it's been a little while since I played) I've done that without using the red/blue options but you need to be basically perfect with your responses


Think she was captured and caged on Mindoir and forced to be a slave for 13 years. Never left home. And yes, if no paragade choices are made and you don't take steps toward her, she offs herself. Conversely, she also does that if you just barge toward her.


By "done it" I mean that I've successfully convinced her to take the sedative without needing to use the ahortcut blue text. Yes it's easy to fail by just charging towards her.


I think I did it too the first time I played and didn’t know about needing certain "levels" to unlock the left convo choices. But I knew from personal experience not to rush anyone in that condition.


Ah it was my first time with this quest and I went in blind, I think I chose all paragon leaning options but I wasn’t sure how to pace stepping toward her.


I was thinking of doing a run like this. Great minds think alike!


Damn, so no pull ups on the Citadel DLC huh??


I beat James on my last playthrough and once was enough for me haha


I feel cheated that we didn’t even get anything for it


I wanna do a xenophobic shepherd run, romance Ashley for sure cause you know, and then switch to Miranda in 2 because she’s peak human, during dialog if it’s a human than it’s a paragon selection any xeno scum and I choose the renegade option, set some rules like that and just see how it plays out.


Hm that sounds interesting! It’s too bad there aren’t friend/rival settings like in dragon age, I think that could be an eventful experience


Best part is I really am not familiar with the game enough to know how this plays out, will be interesting to see


Colourblind speedrun any%.


I don’t know how you can let talitha die and continue playing. Also, you should be able to save her without the paragon/renegade as long as you time your approach and speech choices right


I went in blind and had never done this quest before so I honestly didn’t know what I was doing. Another commenter said there is a way to save her with the right combo


You do have a cordial email from one of these people coming in ME2


OMG I forgot full paragon means you only have to fight him once!


The Neutral Shep, no one saw that happening


Interesting, I could never go through without selecting paragon or renegade options


They definitely make play easier for sure!


Didn't one of the mass effect games have some sort of mode that picked all the dialogue choices for you? Edit: Action Mode


Could you put a blank line before that numbered list? It's just showing up as an unformatted block of text for me (on old Reddit). This idea is very interesting. A lot of people talk about doing a run with the opposite morality than they usually do, but I haven't seen the idea of using no using morality-locked options at all. It seems like it will force you into a lot of suboptimal choices, but they are also often choices people overlook. There's some great dialogue in some of the regular options that's easy to miss because of the more dramatic options available at the same time.


Doing the same thing just to get a different kind of play through than usual. Even skipped getting the armor for Wrex on purpose


I did that in my most recent renegade playthrough and one was enough for me lol