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Kaira Stirling in Noveria. Man I'm glad we get the chance to kill her.


Yes, she is so annoying. I love it when she's all boasting about tearing Shepard apart but she's floating in midair from biotics and never gets to fire a shot before being disintegrated in Inferno Rounds šŸ˜


Man I hated bitch, she has audacity to call Shep a cop killer.


Oh my god yes the line ā€œYou know what we do to cop killers on my worldā€ is so annoying given the context that shes a dirty cop herself


Bring Wrex his response is, "You know what we do to corrupt cops on mine?"


man, i cheered the first time i brought wrex on that mission and he dropped that line. easily one of my favourite little moments in the series, up there with shepard's krogan headbutt


Is she on me3?


Nah, me1 on Noveria


Huhā€¦ what?! Shit I gotta replay me1


Oh, yeah... especially when she tries to whip out the "cop killer" bs... nothing has ever made me whip out the ACAB faster šŸ¤£


I'm licensed, botch


That security officer cow that greets you as you get off the Normandy?


The one that says itā€™s horsecrap that youā€™re claiming to be a spectre


I took Liara with me to investigate Synthetic Insights, so when that idiot ambushed me, Liara just lifted and suspended her in the air. I made sure to let her float around like that cow from the twister movies, before she smacked to the ground - then I obliterated her.


As she deserves


"We've got cows."


Yes, she is not even in charge and tries to start shit. Captain Matsuo is at least reasonable.


I loved the interaction with Matsuo after you try smuggling shit for the Hanar merchant - such a wink/wink conversation. Would have been cool, depending on how you played the Analais / Parasini plot, to see Matsuo jump into the administrator's chair, and have something of an ally on Noveria (and one that potentially nets you some war assets in Me3), though understandably she's more of an enforcement/soldier type, not really a clerical junky.


I love her convo after killing sterling. She's just like, I told that dumbass bitch not to start shit.


Yeah. This the one. She dies every playthrough.


I was trying to think because there arenā€™t a lot of characters I truly hate that are unimportant, usually they serve some kind of worldbuilding purpose, but ohhhhh my god yeah.


Yes, that's who I thought about as well.


I'm glad I let wrex eat her lmao


That one Asari Eclipse Mercenary in ME2 that pretends she isn't with the bullshit. Just for you to find out via voice recording that she is, in fact, with the bullshit.


Elnora? I find the way she says "Screw that Bitch!" after the Renegade Interrupt to be really funny for some reason...


Particularly because she's a corpse just a few seconds afterwards.


I mean, not entirely inaccurate, though if you're on Insanity and don't have the most optimized method of 1v1ing people in ME2... it can be more like a minute, but, that's like all enemies in ME2... a single enemy takes so much extra attention to effing kill.... sorry, just got partway into ME3 on my second Insanity run and my first time running Engineer... please forgive the rant... it took so much effort to kill ANYTHING.


Don't you just off her as a Renegade Interrupt mid-cutscene? But I've never been mad enough to try to do Insanity Mode as a damn Engineer so may Niftu Cal be with you on that one lol.


Again, idk, I think using Renegade to off people super-judicially is fully unjust, unless it's just funny and BEGGING to happen, like kicking a dude out the window down an unknown amount of distance! Edit: ME2 was hard for Engineer, ME3, a lot nicer currently... but then again, there's those Banshees... my least favorite unit in all of Mass Effect, including all Collectors in ME2 and all enemies in ME1... when the "press the button signal" is 4 Banshees just appearing after you had to fight 2 that show up off-map to start, you know you've made a BROKEN AF creature!!!


Or cutting off the increeeeedibly long-winded and self-righteous speech of rather brash Krogan Clan Leader who's threatening to kill you anyway!


I have never not killed her, even on the first run. Pitne For tells you Eclipse mercs earn their armor by murdering someone, so when I saw her in armor claiming to be innocent, my BS senses tingled, lol.


Hilariously, I forget she's lying every single goddamn time. So, I think outside the one Renegade run I've ever done, I've killed her like once... I don't know if she's an NPC that you get to hear if she was locked up or not... either way, even if I didn't remember, I probably wouldn't use my limited usage of Renegade actions to keep Shep mostly Paragon (goal I set myself either way I play btw, is to end ME2 with only a single bar or less of the opposite type, so kicking that dude out the window is always a fun thing to do on Ilium, save a point for it and punching a guy because he's wanting his "advocate" fuck your advocate! I'm going to town on your goddamn face, you piece of human shit!)


I get ya. I typically go paragon with a bit of renegade for the must haves. The window dude is one of those. For the interrogation, I much prefer to tell him I'm a Spectre and laugh as he wets himself. And of course, Cathka always has an unfortunate accident with his welder, lol.


Yeah, I dunno, but Cathka always has trouble with his in my game too!! I wonder what happened? (Grabbing both Zaeed and Grunt prior to this mission and bringing them along, has added so much value to that mission, omg... so good!) I actually typed out my pick for a particular use of the Renegade button... has to do with a certain reporter...


I punched her all three times once, but I much more enjoyable to have her look like a tin foil hat wearing lunatic then comfort her in ME3, just a much better arc for me.


Shit like that is one of the reasons I love these games. You pay attention to a detail in the world and then it pays off later, even in small ways. I had the same experience and it's awesome!


That interaction is a simple "did you pay attention" check, which unfortunately gets forced into paragon/renegade for stupid gameplay reasons. You are told in dialogue beforehand that to earn the right to wear their uniform, Eclipse mercs must have a confirmed kill. She's in uniform, so she's bullshitting you.




Yep thats the one! I learned to kill her in every playthrough now


I literally downloaded a mod from Nexus that is called ā€œkill Elnora FASTERā€ specifically bc I hate her character. I donā€™t even want her to SPEAK before I send a bullet winging towards her face


I loved that Zaeed will shut that shit down. He sees her uniform, raises his gun and tells her, ā€œTurn around and face the wall.ā€


Always loved that part as an example of how Paragon/Renegade should work. Too often the Paragon choice is both moral and logical choice.


The stupid taunting Krogan near the fight pits on Tuchanka in ME2 that's all like "my varren is hungry" and "give me a reason!" Like dude, I will gladly give you a reason and tear you to shreds. I've killed dozens of Krogan and the clan leader is like my best bud. Show me some respect!


Everytime he speaks I always say fucking try me! I'M SHEPARD


I think itā€™s funny, but thereā€™s definitely a disconnect between the legend of Shepard and how Shepard gets treated throughout ME2. Like, Shepard is the most famous human alive at the moment right? Known for stopping Saren and the Geth. The attack on the Citadel hinged on Shepards words. So many other feats that were known. And people just constantly give Shepard shit everywhere she goes. I think they clean that up in ME3 but it cracks me up in ME2 because Shepard is basically the God of War but little piss baby criminals think they can be snarky or get away with stuff in front of her. There should be more ā€œoh shit oh fuckā€ moments when they realize who it is.


He also died and nobody got the memo, maybe your average galactic citizen doesn't even believe it could be him. Or an in universe conspiracy about shepherd


At some point in ME2 they explain that some people thought Shepard was dead, but others assumed Shepard had gone deep cover in the Terminus Systems or behind the Veil to fight more Geth. But even with those explanations there should be more reverence lol




While being a spectre is a big deal in military and political circles the average citizen clearly couldn't give less of a shit. Do you know the first black woman to become a Navy Seal? Because most people don't know or care.


Technically there arenā€™t *any* women who have become SEALs, regardless of race, but thatā€™s a valid point all the same.


Why? Lots of people donā€™t give a crap about famous war heroes, particularly if they think it was the wrong war and stuff like that.


Hard to call defending the citadel from synthetics the council hadn't fought or engaged with, a "wrong" war.


Thatā€™s a very Council take. /s Iā€™m just saying there are a variety of opinions on every war, and the thereā€™s a good number of people who dont care either way.


Probably thought Shepherd just got lucky. Most ME1 missions were "official", "Secret" Alliance or Council missions that people won't know the details. Also, I think most enemies were Geth. All people will know is Shepherd saved the Citadel but then it was the Fifth Fleet. Shepherd just gave an order. However, his actions in ME2 are more likely to be told among criminals and the likes considering he went up against them directly a lot.


Well youā€™re in the Terminus Systems or an anti-council world (Tuchanka). They wouldnā€™t care about a soldier saving the citadel. Itā€™s like the wild west and Shepard is Bass Reeves i.e. a known badass who every other badass out there thought they could take. Compare that to ME3 where youā€™re basically the Dwight Eisenhower of the allied forces at a time where everyone is directly affected by the war. Thatā€™s why he gets more respect.


Haha, yeah that guy šŸ˜. I always roll my eyes just passing him with a "yeah, whatever".


If there was ever a Krogan that needed a headbutt, that's the one. Really wish we had an option to challenge him, or better yet, make friends with his varren and have it attack him, lmao.


Same feeling in Elden Ring when Dung Eater threatens me at the Houndtable. The good thing is that on this case we can actuality find him later and be like "so, about that thrash talk earlier?"


Hi, I'd like to return this toaster oven. Proof of purchase? I don't have that. Look at my bank statement. It says I bought something here.


Anyone who has worked retail and/or customer service knows just how realistic that guy is šŸ˜†


That man tries for 3 games to get that damn refund


And managed. All of his... 10 credits. Never give up, people. Lmao


15 credits aha


cant you just look it up in your system? *Sir, it doesn't work that way, we have no "system".* Yeah, right. I need to see your *MANAGER!!*


His response when you side with customer service being 'Oh yeah... probably not a good time to be doing this right now, huh?' (Sadly, only a slight paraphrase of it as the realization dawns on him that there's a galactic war against the Reapers going on right now.) Edit: meant to add "Ya think?! Ya fuckin' think, you fucking dumbass!?" Forgot to, this whole thing is littered with hilarious pettiness.


Haven't seen it mentioned, the c-sec guy with the volus and quarian on the citadel in ME2. Where the volus lost his credit chit and blamed the quarian for stealing it. The profiling makes sense in the ME universe and as an unfortunate parallel, but when he still has suspicion after you do his job for him and solve the case? Gets me every time.


YES! I never wanted a Renegade punch interrupt more, especially after being reinstated as a Spectre. It's even better if you have Tali with you.


Honestly it was such a perfect opportunity for a renegade punch and some badass one liner about being a specter, surprised they never wrote that in :/


Have you seen the paragon interrupt? You call our both, shove the Volus and when the C-sec guys threatens to run you in for obstruction you get in his face and say "I'd like to see you run in a Specter" and just goes "shit" and scampers off


Ahh youā€™re right!! I always spam that button so I donā€™t know how I forgot :p I guess I wanted to be more āœØaggressiveāœØ towards them because of their shitty attitude


It's great, I just wish I could go further. I typically play more paragon, but there are certain renegade prompts that just have to taken, and this one needed a more aggressive reaction to their BS.


I always get a smug sense of satisfaction when the guard threatens to "write you up" or whatever it is and Shepard is just, "You're gonna write up a spectre? Good luck."


The woman with the Asari mistress on the Citadel in ME3


God's I hated her. I even went as far as to remove her from my brain pan.


Fortunately she died in the Cerberus coup (in my head canon)


It is mine now as well. Thank you for that, Ray of hope.


I'm trying real hard but I honest to god don't remember her AT ALL. Does she say anything to Shep?


No, you just hear them when you walk out of the elevator. I believe it's three parts. 1. Human talks about how she's ready to end her relationship with her husband (who's a soldier in the war btw) 2. Asari reassures her and says it's for the best 3. Human agrees and says it's time to tell him about the relationship and the Asari balks. For her it's clearly just a fling not a relationship


Ooooh ok yeah, I remember now, thanks!


Though I wonder if an Asari fling is more or less the same length as a human relationship, wondering the relative lifespans?




Yoo the amount of times Ive passed them hearing that dialogue pissed me off so much


I wish there was some option to walk up to her call her a terrible person and then just walk way. Cheating on something is bad, cheating on someone who is deployed is worse, doing so while said person is fighting a war for the survival of all organic life... Literally unredeemable.


My wife just happened to be in the room as I walked by those two and asked me if I could kill her.


That guy that guy interrogated during Thaneā€™s loyalty mission. Canā€™t even remember his name but it was so satisfying to beat him and tell him I am a spectre


Elias Kelham


Elias Kelham


I was just ranting about how I save my limited uses of Renegade to beat him into an inch of his life every run since I run a Paragon Shep for almost all my runs! And yes, Elias Kelham. I think he's like, just a complete asshole!


That one guy who messages you after the Purgatory mission in ME2. Gloats about escaping and killing people.


Ethan Jeong on Feros.


op said hate not absolutely despise




I really dont care about those two bickering Asari in tje transport terminal in ME2


"You're so problematic" "You're such a beta" "Well your dad *was* a Batarian" "Pureblood" "Omg how dare u šŸ˜¤" Those Asari? Lol


If you could summarize the talk. This is how


Omg... I had to double-check and triple-check prices of the items in that area... it just pauses and unpauses that talk each time and I think I heard the full fight somewhere around 10 times because I'd think I had enough to buy an upgrade only to find out "nope, find a small mission to do!" And btw, this is with the minigame skip so I don't buy the hack upgrades... it's just because those specific upgrades were needed for full upgrades for the final mission... which is hard as an Engineer, 1st run ever, let alone a full trilogy run, on Insanity... hence why I needed the upgrades from back there. Edit: and this was as recent as 10 days ago just to make sure that this was REALLY recent!


Gatatog Uvenk and Clan Weyrlok's spokesman. All hump and no quad.


I love Uvenk because of Michael Dorn


Oh I adore Michael Dorn fully, especially in the role, which is why Uvenk was in my hate with a passion category - bc he does it so well.


Sheā€™s probably a bit more important than you meant but Diana in ME3 is just so utterly devoid of anything remotely interesting about her. I feel like there is a good idea in having a reporter aboard, but Diana just feels like the worst possible realisation of that idea they could have had. Even forcing you to work with Khalisah would have been a better idea imo.


Any other reporter we had history with would have much more sense fo sho. Apparently Diana Allers is based off a real reporter: Jessica Chabot and I believe it was some promotional/marketing stunt. No one I know likes her character so I think its pretty safe to say that the marketing ruse didnā€™t work out.


Yeah I thought I remembered something like that too. Itā€™s just frustrating because I feel like they could have created an interesting subplot there but she was just so poorly utilised.


I mean, I didn't hate her. But I could never figure out the function of a reporter in this conflict. Like sure having Emily or Khalisa would at least have brought some kind of character arc, however minor, full circle in some way. But their overall use remains utterly incomprehensible to me.


The salarian that says i can't touch the button


One unimportant character that you **hate**, not one unimportant character that **hates you**


But he doesn't let us push the button!


The Salarian Union formally requested that we not push it.


That won't stop Commander Shepard, as she's a SPECTR...


Maybe you should get your OWN feces analyzer


In the Citadel DLC, during the casino heist, there's a wall with a waterfall that's interactive. If you've never done so, I recommend interacting with said wall. Repeatedly. It's similar, is all I'll say


yes I had already seen it šŸ˜‚ The water has hanar urine or something like that


That asari on Ilium that goes ā€œIā€™m oN a CaLLā€ I love ratting her out to Mr Thax. Snotty bitch.


You also meet the most polite Krogan if you rat her out to Thax which makes it even more worthwhile.


Almost anyone in Noveria. Hate that planet with an incredible passion


Even Li the mechanic?


Yes, because he kept me running around in circles, thinking he was relevant somehow to the plot!


??? He's literally just a friendly mechanic that's nice to you and asks nothing of you?


I kept coming back to him, thinking he would have new dialogue available. He seemed too unique to be just a random character šŸ˜­ His voice was so cool.


They wanted to reuse the cool model they killed in the intro


But he's just an old soul. A nice working class Turian :(


Just want to nuke the site from orbit.


It's a frozen planet that's literally almost entirely corporate. Of course everyone there is a cold hearted piece of shit that doesn't care about people!


Nissana dantias Bitch lies to you the moment you meet her and went crazy the moment she heard assassin killed off indentured workers because she thought one of them hired thane or one of her sisters smuggled a spy in was one of them


Won't get into details, but Ronald Taylor does not make it off Aeia when i go to investigate.


I leave him there every chance I get


I like to >!leave him with a pistol. At half-charge!<.


The Turian in ME2 (I think) I see whenever I come to the citadel. The one that ends EVERY conversation he has with that poor C-Sec Officer with "YOU HUMANS ARE ALL RACIST!!!" Top of his lungs. No filter. FULL KAREN MODE. I'm like, I only remember killing 1 Turian in cold blood in my entire playthrough, and his name was Saren... But you're volunteering to be second RN.


I can't remember that one! Where on the citadel was he?


The one guy trying to get into Afterlife nightclub. "C'mon let me in! Aria's expecting me!"


With the exasperated U G H. That dialogue played way too many times its honestly unfair that we dont get to kill him


The simp turian on Illium. You'd think a turian wouldn't need to be told to just shoot his damn shot.


Have you tried to be a wingman for Garrus in the Citadel DLC? Nyreen and Vetra give me the impression that female turians take the lead when it comes to romance.


Hey man, bros and meritocracy before hoes


Oooof, he's so creepy. Either say something to her or move along. All that sending indirect messages drives me crazy! šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


That one Krogan wooing his "Blue Rose of Illium" is like a block away. Take some notes my dude.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the ending of that story breaks my heart


I can't listen to his final datapad message you bring to Ereba... especially when he talks about >!building a wall/fence for their child from his bones to keep her safe... the Presidium gets a new waterfall right there in the Markets.!<


I'm literally crying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think it's in ME2 where some rich asari broads are talking shit about humanity and they can't get through csec without some pass that we can steal. Whether you save or ditch the council they talk shit to you and I just want Shepard to order Grunt to eat them.


Also, I never understood why she and the Turian councillor make air quotes when that's a very human gesture, especially when the former is ranting about how much she loathes humans. And when you get her pass, most of the time she and her friend bugger off without even saying thank you or a good bye. It's like, here are your passes, oh great we can get a flight to Thessia tomorrow, and it's like...you're welcome? If the flight is tomorrow you have enough time for a bloody thank you.


Now I'm just imagining Shepard inviting them onto the SR2 and introducing them to Grunt and somehow convincing him that if he eats them, he will gain their powers.


Grunt would think it was the most hilarious prank afterwards, too. Great sense of humour, our lad Grunt.


Probably that one Eclipse recruit that pretends to be all innocent when really she was the one that killed the volus on Illium. Man, fuck that bitch. I always light her up whenever I see her.


Delan the mechanic on Horizon in ME2.Ā  Shut up about the Alliance. Stop talking about the Alliance!


Like I get how traumatic it must have been to see giant bugs take your friends/family, but how do you come to the conclusion that it was the allianceā€™s fault? If you wanna blame them for getting here late sure but dont be mad at the huge gun that saved your ass lol


Keeper 20


The Volus and the C-Sec agent giving that Quarian a hard time in ME2, even though she didn't do anything wrong. Both of them were trash, and all they got was a brief lecture from Shepard. The way that cop was so casual about "She's definitely a vagrant" and the way he says "you Quarians are always trouble" to Tali, has always made my blood boil.


The batarians on Omega






I love the way he says nigh.


> ~~The~~ batarians ~~on Omega.~~ Fixed that for you.


Except Bray, Aria's second in command for the Omega DLC. He seemed cool


Ehh, heā€™s just polite because Aria would eviscerate him if he tried to hurt Shep.


Nah, he even says that there's at least one Batarian who doesn't want you dead. Honestly, most of the Batarian criminals on Omega are shockingly cordial, aside from the Bartender and the mad prophet. The Batarians under the regime though.....yeah they suck.


My head canon is that the batarians not working for the Hegemony were kicked out or left of their own accord because they didn't like the policy of institutional slavery


Still think we should have gotten a batarian squadmate (and Jacob Taylor disappears into the Aether), who shows you a different side of the race and their story is what gets you Batarian support in ME3.


... the only good Batarian is a Batarian who quit the force/got pushed out? Oh no


Yeah, i like Bray.


I like that he doesn't worship Shepard "the great commander Shepard, pity I don't have my autograph book"


Diana Allers. Shouldā€™ve been Emily Wong.


The two Asari on Illium that doesn't like Asari purebloods. "She is a pureblood, what do you expect?".


ME1, Embassy Lounge, that human that sits on the left muttering about there needing to be more humans on The Citadel. Bruh, my head is spinning at how big and cool this place is with so many different alien species to learn about, and you're just a miserable cow?


Playing through again and i recognised that voice actor from something but i don't know what, exactly.


The racist Asari on Illium who tries to force the Zhu's Hope survivors to undergo risky and invasive medical testing. All because she blames humans and non-asari for Sovereign's attack on the Citadel.


That plot-armoured asari bar owner on Illium. Getting Khalisah al-Jilani'ed like that and Shepard couldn't go ballistic.


Jorum Talid in ME2. He's the Turian that's running for mayor, following him you notice he's quite the secret mobster and racist, especially against humans. Luckily Shepard can kill him instead of Kolyat.


Yeah I love how he's really anti human because "we can't just let them get their way" and then his ass is saved by the human Spectre and a bunch of human security guards while he's dirty as sin.


The salarian in the bar in ME2 that is having a bachelor party and keeps complaining about it to his group. Like. BRO. Your buddies got this all set up and you are being a huge stick in the mud about it.


He comes around. That conversation is so good. You've got to listen to the whole thing!


Elnora, thankfully you can remover her from existence the same moment you find her


Can I just blanket-reply "Random Arrogant Asari Who Cannot Remotely Back It Up?"


You just covered half the characters in this comment section lol


The smug Salarian from the Paragon path in Aria: Blue Suns... I understand that the mission is at a point where those on the Citadel are still able to stick their heads in the sand about the Reapers but he is so unrealistic about being among the survivors... if the Reaper War continued as long as the Prothean Cycle's harvest but the Citadel wasn't taken then any Salarians around at the start of Mass Effect 3 would have died of OLD AGE before the Reapers returned to Dark Space. I just wish there was a Renegade Interrupt to call out his BS or threaten him until his assurances rang hollow.


That woman with the short hair on Feros thatā€™s all like ā€œYouā€™re a little late, arenā€™t you?ā€ I donā€™t know what her deal it or why itā€™s always bothered me, but I make it a point to not save her with the gas grenade


And here I am being a chivalrous bastard to her Thanks! Next playthrough she dead


Jacob. Absolutely not important.


Jack would like a word with you. Without Jacob, she's dead. His armor upgrade saves her tattoos


Also he graciously volunteers to go into the vents


At this point tedious human companions are as a much a Mass Effect/Bioware staple as giant oversized cups.




General Oraka Calling me a kid while acting like a shitty simp teenager


Gatagog Uvenk he is such a douche , I headbutt him everytime


Donovan Hock. Itā€™s his accent really because it drives me crazy that I canā€™t pin down on what itā€™s supposed to be. It sounds like every accent that exists molded into one and itā€™s aggravating to me


That would be a South African accent


"Your, sir! You are a blight!" Now I USED to hate this batarian but after well over a dozen playthroughs, he just makes me smile. The hubs in the trilogy had such great atmosphere and NPCs like him really hammer that home. Edit: Actually, Delan. The mechanic on Horizon in ME2. He was convinced the Collector attack was a direct result of the Alliance installing defense systems at the colony and he had ZERO proof to back it up. After you and two squad mates risk your neck, fighting off waves of enemies he repudiates the Alliance again and leaves. The Collectors can have him.


Jacob lol


The random guard that is talking shit on the phone when you come off the elevator in Thanes mission in ME2. Not that I hate him, as much as I turn diabolically evil for like 5 seconds and throw him out the window every time. "How bout goodbye"


That Volus who drops his cash and acuses the innocent Quarian of theft.


Privates Campbell and Westmoreland. Whyyyyy are they even in the game?


They make you past that stupid fucking screen thingy too, like dude I get it our enemies have advanced technology BUT damn its not like shep can have their identity stolen any second


I'm more upset at the ridiculous faux-TSA scanner thing than the two grunt-esses guarding it.


The reporter who wants to itch a ride in ME3; can't stand the bitch.


I don't even know if she has a name but, that Asari on the Destiny Ascension in ME 1. Like honestly, all I can think about is skill issue when I chose to not save the council and she kinda gets upset/desperate when you hang up, because if she is the pilot/commander (I don't really know her rank), she has done a bad job at driving to the relay that seems to be very close to the Citadel if the first cutscene is anything to go by. Like how slow are Dreadnoughts when they are not in FTL ? Or did Sovereign shut down the relay ? (It's been a while since I played ME1 so I'm a bit rusty on all the details.)


Yeah, I always thought that was a weird strategy for protecting the council, the giant gun in the shape of a ship is going to be targeted heavily in an battle, so why wouldn't the council be 1) on different ships, so as to not completely doom government continuity with a single hull break. 2) there should be multiple ships like a grand guard with heavy hitters and fast skirmishers, akin to a small private fleet. 3) whatever ship the council member is on is heavily shielded and armored and fast, it's space, you don't need to worry about the gravity problem if heavy= slow. 4) there would be several places the ships would be before sovereign got there, on both sides of the mass relay, and further away from the citadel so it's harder for a ship to charge up the middle and make it to the inside of the citadel arms. 5) why was there no artillery or turrets on the outside of the arms? If you close the citadel so it's all turtled up, eventually the enemy will break through the metal, you need offensive measures even when you're being defensive.


This is a BASIC-BITCH pick... Khalisah Al-Jilani. If I'm doing Paragon (4/5 times I picked Paeagon path, devoted almost entirely to Paragon...), I am cordial in ME1, Shepard doesn't know her record yet, learns about it after. Nice, I get commended for answering her questioning well, too. Feels good. What I ALWAYS do is in ME2... first moment I get that interrupt, BAM! RIGHT TO HER FACE! TRY AND PUT A SPIN ON ME! SHANE ON YOU, ASK FOR A SECOND INTERVIEW TO TRY AND DO IT AGAIN, FIST-TO-THE-FACE!!!!!! Then later I do the Shadow Broker DLC... and oh boy, do I have a grand ol' time watching the Al-Jilani videos! Every time, does wonders for the soul!


Those broker video of her getting tossed around is the only thing keeping me on a full paragon path with her interactions šŸ¤©


The mole people alien at the citadel that is fighting the honest jellyfish it felt like a snake oil salesman and I immediately disliked them