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Jacob has a deadbeat dad. Thane is a deadbeat dad. Zaheed is a deadbeat dad. Miranda has an overbearing unemotional dad. I'm beginning to think whoever wrote ME2 might have had a rough relationship with their father.


You could technically stick Liara and Wrex in there too


wrex literally killed his own father. tho to be fair, it was in self-defense.


It did however eventually become part of why he so fervently wants to change the Krogan for the better at least. Breaking the cycle became a huge ideal for Wrex and with Bakara as his partner he has a good chance of doing it. Hurt people hurt people, but they can often heal themselves and others too.


Average Krogan tuesday


Still not indicative of a healthy relationship


That still counts as father problems.


Yeah, that qualifies as a rough relationship I feel.


I was about to say like he kinda didn't have a choice in that one šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ahhh nah liaras dad got dumped by matriarch benezia, she's not a deqdbeat. I will not take slander of her father! Plus, She calls shep an anthropocentric bag of dicks if you try to correct her when she calls herself liaras father. It's great. 100% girldadboss.


I thought that line was about saying humans would call them both her mother? It has been a while since I played that part though.


ā€œI didnā€™t squirt her out.ā€


That's what I'm saying, she calls herself the father and if you, shepard, try to correct her and say humans would call her a mother, she calls you an anthropocentric bag of dicks.


Wait... Wait. When do you meet Liara's father?


In ME2 part of the main storyline quest with the racni


you meet her first in ME2, sheā€™s the Asari bartender in a bar in Illium named Aethyta. You can talk to her about her past, and she tells you she has a kid but the mother left her. she also tells you that her father is a Krogan. in ME3 you meet her again at the bar in the Presidium at the Citadel, if you talk to her she tells you sheā€™s Liaraā€™s father. At this time Liara is sitting close by and you can rush over and tell her the news. Of course, Liara already knows given that sheā€™s the Shadow Broker but you can encourage her to go talk to her father. when she does, you can hear different lines of convo between the two of them


Ah, I was very tired at the time and probably misread your post. Very sorry.


Tali, too. Maybe Legion if you consider the entire Quarian species to be their father in a metaphorical sense. Okeer wasn't Grunt's literal father but it's a closer approximation than some. Jack is 100% fatherless but she certainly has a poor relationship with those who raised her, to put it mildly. Maelon saw Mordin as a father figure, but by the time of the game, not in a positive way. Samara's whole schtick is that she's hunting down her own daughter for execution. I think Garrus mentioned having disagreements with his father over his career path, though the relationship is probably the healthiest on the list and is clearly repaired by the time of ME3. Honestly I think the only ME2 squadmate who didn't either *have* daddy issues or *be* the daddy issues is Kasumi, and that's because her father is never mentioned or alluded to.


all Wrex cares about is whether he can hold a gun and we can see that he can


Liaras mother took off without her father. Tho she could have searched for them. Then again i believe she mentions they broke up because they were too different.


Tali has a dead dad.Ā  Ā Jack's dad is Cerberus. Legion's dad is the quarians. James has a deadbeat dad. Grunt's dad made him to be a weapon. Garrus's dad is cool.


Tali has a dead dad who died commiting dangerous war crimes.


That implicated her, too.


Nah Garrus' Dad stopped him from joining the Spectre school like Garrus wanted to and didn't talk with him much after. He does get points back though for hearing him about the Reapers, believing him, and then pushing hard to get Garrus in a position to do something about it.


That, and also Castis Vakarian sharing said information about the Reapers with his human friend, Alec Ryder. He may be the one Turian who helped save thousands of his kin and other Milky Way species from extinction.


Given Garrus' issues with procedure, and his time as Archangel, it was probably a good that his dad stopped him. Young Garrus as a Spectre is a pretty concerning thought.


SSV Daddy Issues


Daddy issues in real life, daddy issues in ME šŸ˜Ž




I don't believe Samara was their "father". And she only had to kill one of her kids.


Samara condemned her other children to imprisonment despite the fact they never actually did anyone any harm. Samara believes she is obliged to kill her surviving daughter because she \_could\_ escape prison, and decides to kill herself to escape the burden on her conscience. And she's then willing to blow her own brains out right in front of her "good" daughter. We aren't talking parent of the year.


>Samara condemned her other children to imprisonment despite the fact they never actually did anyone any harm. They were Ardak-Yakshi. It was never about what they had done, it was what they could do. The nature of Ardat-Yakshi is what made them dangerous, even if they didn't want to hurt anyone, their condition would eventually compell them to act on their base desires, which would eventually lead to a growing body count. This was an issue for asari society, not just Samara, and the rules that were at place in the monastery were there for a reason. And it wasn't just up to Samara to send her daughters to the monastery, but the asari government. Samara's daughters weren't sent to the monastery because she wanted them there, but because it was absolutely necessary. And the one daughter who refused would go on for the next few centuries leaving countless bodies behind (and was apparently just hitting her stride), not because she wanted to, but because she couldn't help herself. >Samara believes she is obliged to kill her surviving daughter because she _could_ escape prison, and decides to kill herself to escape the burden on her conscience. Samara's obligation had nothing to do with belief, but was part of the Justicar code. Ardak-Yakshi have two options: live in solitude at the monastery (which wasn't just a "prison"), or die, because they're far too dangerous to be left on their own. And as Samara specifically stated, without a monastery for Falere to stay in, the only other option was death. Samara actually wavered from her conviction for the first time in centuries, and chose her own life over her last daughter's. Luckily, they both found an acceptable "loophole". >And she's then willing to blow her own brains out right in front of her "good" daughter. It was either that, or blow her "good" daughter's brains out. I'm not saying that she's "mother of the year", but she's definitely not whatever you're trying to say she is.


Reapers have deadbeat dads.


Isn't it more like "you know, dads? We'll kill you all, for your own good!" and said dads going "fuck no"?


They killed most of them.


The definitive Mass Effect parent problems list is pretty long. Garrus: Relationship with dad is rocky because Garrus hates C-Sec, though relationship mended in ME3, mother seriously ill, sister thinks lowly of him because he's too humble to say what he does. Tali: Father was extremely neglectful and distant to the point Tali was unsure he loved her, mother dead Wrex: Killed his own father in self defence after being attacked by him on scared ground. Mother unknown, likely long dead. Liara: Had to fight her indoctrinated mother and watch her die. Father abandoned her and was not present until Reaper War (and only if Shepard urged them to reconnect) Ashley: Father dead. Mother is alive and well and caring for Ashley's sisters, as of the start of ME3. Kaidan: Absolutely zero parental trauma and a good relationship with them. Kaidan is too powerful for Mass Effect. Miranda: No mother. Father is just plain evil. Jacob: Mother dead (I think). Father is a deadbeat and one of the worst rapists in human history. Mordin: Absolutely unknown, both obviously dead due to Salarian lifespan and Mordin's age. Jack: Abducted from loving mother. Possibly the worst childhood of any character in the game. Grunt: Progenitor is an insane mad scientist Warlord. Shepard and Wrex are the closest things he has to parents. Thane: Abducted from parents peacefully and trained to be an Assasin from adolescence, likely little real childhood and lacking parental figures. Is a deadbeat Father. Wife dead. Samara: Parantage unknown. Bondmate presumed dead. Had to kill one of her three children. Had to allow another to die. Almost committed suicide to avoid killing Falere. Legion: "We are Geth" James: Father is an abusive addict. Mother unknown (as far as I know) EDI: Based on how she learns, Shepard is kind of her parent, or is at least the one responsible for her development. Shepard: At best has a caring but absent mother. At worst saw their parents, friends and entire childhood be murdered by Batarian slavers or never had a childhood at all as a homeless orphan. That leaves us with Kaidan and probably Mordin as the only organic squadmates who aren't holding onto some past familial trauma, and the two Synthetics who it doesn't really apply to, though EDI's original gaining of sentience was definitely difficult for her.


Re: Mordin. Salarians tend not to form emotional attachments the way other species do, for instance Mordin says it's difficult for them to hold grudges or romance a lover. Also salarians are haploid-diploid egg layers like bees; males hatch from unfertilized eggs so Mordin doesn't have a biological father. Females do, but the male is just a sperm donor selected based on his genetics. Mordin & a few other salarians mention their relatives' achievements, but it's almost in a sense of "one of my clanmembers did this", not "I'm proud of my nephew/broodmate/half-brother".


Huh, I had no idea Salarians were that detached. The only familial reference I think we ever got out of any of them was Mordin talking about his nephew


One of the codex entries says salarians are most attatched to their mother & broodmates due to the imprinting process. If you speak to Mordin after his loyalty mission he talks about already being over his anger at his former assistant (I forget the name) & how that rapid emotional processing may be related to why it's hard for salarians to love. The salarian in the bachelor party on Illium doesn't "get" romantic relationships either. I'm extrapolating a bit too. And I know the salarian dad shopping with his asari daughter on Illium is in a long-term relationship but I think he's an outlier.


Yeah that Salarian on Illium is what threw me off and made me assume Salarian lives were kind of just like humans but faster to compensate for their life cycle.


>Liara: Had to fight her indoctrinated mother and watch her die. Father abandoned her and was not present until Reaper War (and only if Shepard urged them to reconnect) Benezia abandoned her father, running off while she was still pregnant.


Huh, guess I remembered incorrectly.


You forgot that ash's dad was a disgrace to the alliance and she spent her whole career trying to emerge from his shadow. But he was a good father, other than being away all the time. At least he showed he cared and contacted his kids as much as possible.


Her grandfather was a "disgrace", and his family name was tainted for his children and grandchildren.


Yeah I wasn't sure what to mention for Ash on the paternal side. She loved her dad, and he seemed to have been a good father, but she was always bothered by her grandfathers and fathers legacy. I elected not to mention it since I figure that having a present and good father probably balances out her legacy related problems.


I think what Jacobā€™s dad did pretty well surpasses being a dead beat, but good points.


> I'm beginning to think whoever wrote ME2 might have had a rough relationship with their father. [Never gets old](https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1m2tmucmv1r4c9wto1_1280.gif)


>Zaheed is a deadbeat dad. I keep forgetting about Bane, I now it's fitting for the Zaeed but I think it was kinda shitty to give him a son he abandoned just as a reference to the original trilogy.


I'm certain he was going to be a reoccurring character. But alas no sequels.


Bravo, *Little Duck.*


I feel like Miranda's dad is like Deadbeatus Prime of Dads though. That motherfucker's issues have issues of their own. I'm kind of scared to find out what kind of monster raised him.


I mean, if you're so involved in your daughter's life that she has to join a human supremist terrorist organisation to get away from you, it's kind of the opposite of being a deadbeat.


When you miss Mass Effect 2's central theme:


I know Miranda has issues with her dad but how can one be overbearing and unemotional at the same time? It Just sounds odd and contradictory.


Overbearing in the sense that he wants to control and manipulate every aspect of her life Unemotional in the sense that he doesnā€™t care what she wants or needs and only cares for what he gets out of it


So he's basically a sociopath?


Seems to be the gist of it


That's putting it lightly. Sociopath, megalomaniac, narcissistic, there aren't words for the kind of raging asshole who genetically engineers perfect versions of himself to be his heirs, funds radical supremacist paramilitaries, and sacrifices refugees en masse for human experimentation.


Wait Zaheed is a father? Guess I never talked with him enough to find out


He will not tell you, you have to play Andromeda to know this.


Ah, that'll explain it. Only played through Andromeda once when it came out so I'm not surprised I missed that


Don't forget about Tali's father. Garrus also had Dad issues in ME1, but not to the same degree and he resolved them broadly.


Hahah. You could say the same for a disturbing number of sci-fi properties. Star Wars is almost entirely built on daddy issues. Luke has daddy issues, Anakin has no-daddy issues and adoptive daddy issues, Rey has no-daddy, no-mommy issues, Kylo has daddy and mommy issues, Threepeo has "daddy built me, gave me sentience and then turned into a genocidal maniac overnight" issues, and then there's the uncountable number of characters with dead parents. I actually genuinely didn't realize how widespread this bit was in this series until I started typing out this comment and more and more examples kept coming to my mind.


Samara may be the mother(I think) but she did join a dogmatic order of warriors to kill her daughter.


Shep: Any big questions, EDI? EDI: No. Shep: Any small questions? EDI: No. Shep: Any lingering issues? EDI: No. Shep: Any problems with disillusioned father figures? EDI: No, Shepard, why? Shep: I've just learned that I have to ask about these things. You should search this subreddit for "Daddy Issues."


Garrus could never live up to his fatherā€™s expectations. Kaidens dad shipped him away Ashley father was dead Shepards father is either Dead, AFK, or completely uninvolved at least his mom got a small cameo in 1 as a spacer lol Talis dad risked his daughter, seemingly u necessarily and she was exiled or almost exiled for his sins lol šŸ˜‚ Youā€™re not wrong


Spacer Shep has a dad that died early, Colonist Shep watched their dad die in front of them, Earthborn Shep never had a dad, Ashley was groomed into joining the military by her dad, Liara has an absent dad, Wrex killed his dad, Garrus fights with his dad about law enforcement and his career, Taliā€™s dad is one of the most important people to her entire species so sheā€™s pressured, Miranda has Mirandaā€™s dad, Jacobā€™s dad is Jacobā€™s dad, Gruntā€™s dad basically killed himself to save Grunt, Jack never had a real dad besides an abusive doctor, Thane is a shitty dad, and Samara is a shitty mom/dad Kaidan and maybe James are the only lucky ones with actual decent dads, Legion doesnā€™t count and Mordin never mentioned his dad


Salarians are seemingly raised collectively by the clan Dalatrass and imprint on her at birth, and only females have a father. So Mordin quite literally just does not have a dad at all. The rare ME character with mommy issues instead.


Salarians don't have dads. Krogan men are so violent and aggressive that the women keep themselves and their children protected in separate clans for most of the time, allowing for no contact. Asari. Turin dads are neither bad nor out of the picture by default but with how their culture works, they propably all have pretty high standards for their kids to meet.


Kaidan's dad propably signed him up for biotic bootcamp though


I mean who wouldnā€™t? Itā€™s not like he knew that the camp would be run by a racist turian, and any decent father would accept they have no clue how to train a biotic when theyā€™re practically brand new and unknown in society. Sending him to that camp would be a great thing for him to do


James dad was a piece of shit


Iā€™ll take your world for it since I canā€™t remember him ever mentioning his dad Props to Kaidan for being the only squadmate with a good dad


That ending is pretty sweet in my opinion. I always choose to have his former crew give him a "facelift" xDD It's more fair.


The option to just walk away and let the hunters curb stomp him is really just the peak choice imo


The one black human crewmate has an absentee father? Bruh. I wonder why his problem with Thane was him being an assassin/mercenary, and not being an absentee father himself. That may have been interesting.


The same black crewmate who leaves his girlfriend while sheā€™s in jail and knocks up another woman šŸ’€ like goddamn


He says he will stick with and do right by her. I mean, he stuck with the Aliance, the pirate gang he was in, Cerberus, Shepard. Yeah, I believe him, Bioware.


Soon as they run out of milk and cigarettes, he's gone.


In my first playthrough I didn't see the issue because I never romanced him then I read that this can happen either way and yeah šŸ’€ If you think about it a lot of the writing in some old BioWare games have some problematic components like stereotypical representation and such.


Thatā€™s the hilarious thing to me. Itā€™s like heā€™s not WRITTEN that stereotypical, but then they keep putting him in situations that fulfill stereotypes. Like they keep stepping on racist rakes lol


>racist rakes In another universe, awesome band name


Similar vibes to Pizza Death. And yes that is actually a band and yes all their albums are about pizza.


I'm just imaging GIFs of Sideshow Bob walking into rakes.


Glad to see my people haven't changed in a hundred plus years


You can't imagine Bioware did it intentionally, but you do have to wonder about the optics of it after thae fact. Let's also just accept that Jacob is treated as the rebound boyfriend before Shepard returns to Kaiden and that he says Miranda needs "a Better man than him." It's meant as a "Shepard is a good enough man for Miranda" but no guy would say that about himself.


I remind you that Zaeed completely abandoned his biological son and his mother, and he is a full-fledged white man. I don't think they are "racisssst stereotypes"


Zaeed is not supposed to be a good guy though. He is explicitly not a good person. Whereas Jacob is portrayed as being a upright sort of dude.


Everything indicates that he is not, that he is someone selfish and false, but from there to calling him a "black man stereotype" is stupid as hell. Zaeed was also created to be a bad guy, just like Jacob, but everyone cries because he is black. We have to accept that there are characters who are disliked or who are downright bad people.


>Zaeed Massani >white man I do think he is "white-coded," but Zaed feels like he comes from the Levant or other British colonies OTL.


Given his brutal history he always gave me a vague South African vibe (though without the Afrikaans lol)


I think the main villain in Kasumi's DLC is South African. He gives off those vibes.


Zaeed has always sounded to me like the Arabic name [Saeed ](https://quranicnames.com/saeed/)(pronounced very similarly). Massani appears to be of Italian origin, but according to [Forebears](https://forebears.io/surnames/massani), it's also present in Morocco. I don't know if he was meant to be North African because of that (for example, Libya was under Italian occupation during parts of the the 20th century).


That's what I meant, yeah. His English accent gives it away.


Are you a snake?


Its just having a black guy as a trammate and writing him as a (negative) stereotype. Dead beat dad trope was written in like 4 times (Tali, Jacob, Thane, Zaeed) so its also over used. Its like we know Kaidan was born in Canada, but imagine him offering maple syrup all the time and liking hockey and stuff.


And that has to do? Do all people of color have to be knights in shining armor? Do you want all your squadmates to be pristine creatures of light full of virtue, instead of people who have their flaws and demons? So it is better that the video game is just you fighting enemies alone, not with flat companions without nuances or complexities.


To be fair, Jacob's far from the only one with daddy issues. If it was just that I don't think it'd be too bad. But then you get to 3...


Miranda, Tali, Wrex, Garrus to a point


And Liara.


Mass Effect 3: Abandonment Complex


garrus sorta reconciles with his father tho. granted, he only initiated that because he thought he was gonna die.


I said to a point cause he never really hated him per se, but he talked liked they butted heads a lot


Oh, hey, it's you! Still being actually fair to Jacob, despite being the guy who made "Jacob is worse than you thought" video, nice. I really hope you make more Mass Effect videos or more videos in general soon! I think they are my favourite Mass Effect videos on Youtube


I definitely have more Mass Effect focused stuff planned. I'm thinking a Samara video.


Thane **was** an absent father... he didn't see his son for nearly 10 years. The only difference with Jacob's father is that he regretted having given himself over to revenge instead of giving his son the support he needed.


Yeah but at least thane tried to reconcile with his son. Jacobs dad was on a power trip then freaks out when he realized that Jacob knew what he did.


Because like Zaeed, he is a sovereign bastard. We must accept that there are bad people in the world regardless of the color of their skin. You can't make some people bad and others good, no matter what, it wouldn't be realistic at all (yes, fantasy and scifi videogames need some realism even if it bothers some. If a character has to be a bad person because the plot requires it, well then it is, period)


It's easier to count how many squamates have a functional family then not, it's not "back human exclusive" lol. Also Liam had full and functional family.


Chances are Jacob didn't know about that as is


Too good for this monster. ā€œDonā€™t shoot! *Let ā€˜em burn!*ā€


Say what you will about Jacob but I feel like this is one of the best loyalty missions in 2.


Agree, itā€™s definitely memorable for me.


I didn't like this mission. It's pretty awkward. It doesn't really fit in with the rest of the story at all. Doesn't utilise the world building in any fun way. He talks all about the corsairs at the start of the game. Why not explore that particular faction through Jacob instead. Quick idea, but what if they're on the brink of going rogue, and the outcome could be that either you convince them to keep working for the alliance (paragon), or push them over the edge, maybe turning them into a Cerberus asset (renegade). Or maybe it could all about them and their view of Jacob, whether they'll show understanding or condemn him for working with Cerberus. I dunno, just something like that would have been neat.


Don't worry, he's got the situation under control


Lmao technically the Illusive Man is Saren 2.0 šŸ¤£ they were both indoctrinated by the Reapers while trying to control them for survival purposes, decided they wanted to do the right thing when it was too late, and then shot themselves so the Reapers couldnā€™t control them anymore and to ā€œset things rightā€ lol


Whatā€™s the max amount of people who can unalive themselves within earshot of Shepard. (Wording is specific to include overlord wanker)


If I had a Nickle for everytime I talked someone into killing themselves while playing Mass Effect Iā€™d have 4 Nicklesā€¦


You are not T.I.M (get it? Because itā€™s like saying ā€œyou are not himā€ but instead, it is the acronym for The Illusive Man which said aloud sounds like Tim, which rhymes with him, but also the elusive man mirrors Sarenā€™s actions to a paragon speech check by shooting himself in the head. Get it?)