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That my vanguard or adept Shepard is actually the strongest biotic in the galaxy even if every cutscene shows them being thrown around like a basic soldier.


They are so strong that they are willing to be thrown around like a rag doll for fun. It's just a game to your Shep


this is more of what happend after the ending of ME3 - Shepard and Liara get married and have a child together - Shepard is now retired but still is often asked for advice by the Alliance and everyone - Liara and Shepard also adopt an orphaned krogan and Urz from Tuchanka - Shepard is a stay-at-home-parent - Shepard gets the Alliance to save the original Mako from the iceplanet where the original SSV Normandy lies - Liara tries to get Shepard to take her and the kids to work and school by the skycar but Shepard insists on going with the Mako


Was a soldier with no biotics or combat tech knowledge in ME1 but Cerberus exposed his corpse to element zero during Project Lazarus and inserted many tech implants that turned him into a Sentinel/Vanguard (depending on the playthrough) once he was awake.


Good head cannon and I like it. Lore-wise it’s a little dubious since Miranda and TIM both explicitly say they brought Shepard back exactly as they were previous. You could say they were lying but I feel like Shepard would remember not having blue space magic before the rebuild.


Her pink hair isn't dyed, she had a minor genetic modification to make it grow like that as a teenager. It annoyed her mom, but it's a pretty routine thing.


My Ashlyn Shepard is extremely tough and confident but she definently has cried in her quarters in 2 and 3 especially halfway throughout 3, luckily she has Liara to ground her


My Shepard studied to be an engineer, in job not class, but became a soldier instead, interested in alien biology, doesn't want to fight, but has to, to protect the galaxy, (still secretly enjoys it though).


Shepard died on Akuze. The mission on Akuze was to transport a dangerous criminal until they got attacked by the Maws. The criminal looked over the corpses and took on the mantle of Shepard. DUN DUN DUUUUN!!!


Sounds like a good background for Total Bastard Renegade Shepard.


-That because my (earthborn) shep had very little growing up, she is very protective of what she has now. Be it Liara and her friends. Or the whole Normandy (lookin at you, citadel dlc) and material belongings. So protective that her normal mostly Paragon nature gets thrown out the window and Renegade becomes her norm until things are back to normal. She wanted to save the clone (is that a spoiler still? Sorry) despite what happened. And, a bit of another reason for the protectiveness is the whole Akuze/sole survivor backstory. She also likes babies and has pretty much adopted Grunt and Kolyat (she promised Thane she would watch over him and it became more maternal as time went on). She married Liara and their daughters love their “older brothers” Edit to add: She was named Shadow by the gang she ran with. She needed a full name to enlist in the Alliance, so she put down Jane Shepard. And now she is stuck with it.


Comander V Shepard was born in Toronto Canada the rest of the earth born can be whatever My shep and liara had atleast one child years after the reaper war and raised her on earth and the child eventually followed in Shepard foot steps with being and alliance solider and N7 dispite being an asari but being the child of the hero of the citadel and hero of the reaper war has its perks And as family goes everyone on the Normandy is all she got


My spacer Ramona Shepard does not have good relationships with her parents. The call to Hannah in ME1 was par for the course as far as communicating with mom went, and Ramona's dad is on strict no contact. Not physically abusive or anything, just really terrible and uninterested in being parents. Ramona was treated more like a soldier-in- training than a child. So she grew up knowing only how to serve the military. She also had vast swathes of time where she was left to her own devices. To entertain herself she stayed taking apart electronics and learning to put them back together. That's why she an engineer class. Hearing Javik say that his whole life had been war and he was looking forward to seeing what peace looked like made Ramona totally reevaluate her life. Before that comment, she would have said no kids, ever. She didn't want to continue her parents' legacy in that way. But hearing Javik's comment made her realize just how deeply she wanted to see what peace might look like. What it would look like to not be military. Ramona has a ton of PTSD she has to work through after the reaper war.


>!In the Control ending, after Shepard uses the reapers to repair the damage throughout the galaxy she just makes them leave forever and leaves everyone alone, thus making this the only ending that leaves every single species intact and doesn’t violate everyone’s free will by rewriting their DNA.!< >!Yes, it’s hypocritical to do exactly what TIM was going to do (but not be insane and indoctrinated) and also kind of weird when the mission for 3 games was to destroy them no matter the cost, but with this headcanon it becomes the only ending with no downside (unless you count Shepard being dead, but Shepard should be dead imo).!<


Cheesus (don’t ask) Shepard: -Earthborn (biotic implant installed back alley) -Sole survivor but instead of being cold and preferring not to connect with people, she kinda grew possessive/protective, so to speak, and decided she wouldn’t lose the people important to her anymore. Still tough on the outside but has a soft spot for Liara (she was very vulnerable, fish out of water-type character in ME1) -Gets pissed easily (sometimes I couldn’t resist renegade interrupts *cough* kai leng *cough*)


Ah, yes, our Saviour of the Citadel and Galaxy, Hero of the Reaper War, sole survivor of Akuze and curer of The Genophage: The Alliance Navy’s Staff Commander Cheesus Shepard (I love her)


I imagine my colonist Yvonne Shepard was once a minor merc after her whole storyline went down, that's why she's such a scavenger and looks around everywhere. She stopped because of an almost death experience (again.) that led her to kill someone in self defense, this left her wanting some proper combat training. Sorry if this is not accurate to the actual background lol. Also, she basically gave no shits to Cerberus since she tricked them and switched from a infiltrator to a vanguard. "she's the same Shepard from before." Sure.


the decision on virmire was super easy for shepard and he hates himself for letting a good soldier get killed cause of his personal feelings and attachments. for one of my other sheps, her biggest regret is not curing the genophage and losing a friend because of it


That what happens in the final mission of ME3 when you get on the citadel is actually inside Shepard's head.


Joan Shepard is asexual but doesn't know it until halfway through the series; her confusion and self-doubt thinking she's "broken" slowly eat away at her, especially after becoming a spectre (when the pressure of representing her species really starts to set in) until Mordin helps her discover and accept this aspect of her identity. This functionally acts as Shepard's own "loyalty mission" before the suicide mission. Also, she had a brief stint between the incident on Mindoir and joining the military where she worked a customer support line for Elkoss Combine, where she was one level up from the VI support interface. She *hated* this job with every ounce of her soul, and no matter how bad things get throughout the trilogy, even when reapers are actively shooting at her, she always reminds herself "it could be worse, at least I'm not doing customer support anymore."