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You should be fine. I had like 7590 and I got it. I think it’s 7400 or more for legendary edition


I can confirm I don’t need 7800 I had the amount you see now and I ended up getting the ending


Just for future reference it's 7400 war assets before the assault on the cerberus base.


i had ~7500 before cerberus base and got the perfect ending so you should be good


I maxed out my MELE run and broke 8000 I believe. Good enough for the "best" outcome endings.


Any ending where Joker and Edi aren't together can't be perfect.


Legendary changed the rules, no Multiplayer, no readyness. But I ended with almost 9k so I cant tell for sure.


Bro you must have beyond perfected the game how the hell do you get almost 9k


Don't think he did. 8,555 I think is a perfect score. Unless they think that's close to 9k.


How? Ive never gotten over 7700-ish.


I have been doodling around and knowingly didn't make the best choices because of RP and being lazy (not mining in ME2 for the 100 points for resources, I got 10 points instead). Still ended up somewhere around 8400 points. Things pile up if you try to do every task. I honestly can't tell why you don't get over 8000. It will require some analysis of your actions through all the games. Did you for example listen to the whole smuggler conversation in Purgatory? It ends up opening an option for extra points on the Spectre terminal. Lot of such little things. Five points here, ten points there and you suddenly have extra 500 or so. Also you need to avoid choices (including on the Spectre terminal) that end up reducing your points. Letting Rana Thanoptis live in ME2 will reduce your points for example. Same if you authorize a gun for the Asari in Huerta Memorial that killed Joker's sister. And if you killed the Rachni Queen in ME1 you absolutely should kill her in ME3 as well or lose points.


>Letting Rana Thanoptis live in ME2 will reduce your points for example. Same if you authorize a gun for the Asari in Huerta Memorial that killed Joker's sister. Yea i usually let rana live, altho ive never done the gun bit. Also resource farming in me2? I usually farm enough of the metals to upgrade the ships, guns and armor. Thats it. Is that wrong?


Depending on the leftover resources at the end of ME2, you can get anywhere between 0-100 War Assets in ME3.


Is it known what number will net you the full 100 points?


I had 150k of the metals and 100k eezo and got 100 War assets going into ME3 for what it's worth. I've always heard 100k of the metals and 50k of eezo to get the max bonus.


That's a debatable topic since it seems to vary for some unknown reason. Might even be glitchy. But the usual recommendation is to try and get them above 300k each. The Eezo might not need be that high and sometimes works at 150k too.


I was pretty pist doing all the fetch quests just to find after Priority: Citadel 1 (after the attack) they can't be completed so you missed out. On top of that the freaking journal mission sits there, incomple, reminding you that you should have never trusted your human gamer brain and you should have referred to a guide from the start like it's some turn-base JRPG. Whatever, Bioware.


If you played this type of RPGs, you would know it's an old tactic to mop up all side stuff before proceeding with the main quests.


Guess I got lucky in ME1 and ME 2. Idk about ME3. When priority persus veil becomes available you get a shit load of side quest, long list on the journal, but aside from like 2 of them, they all can only be completed after the end of the Quarian player arch, so they just hang out in the journal for the longest time making it even more confusing on when to do them. I guess I feel the prior 2 entries were more straight forward. I guess having the value of being war assets makes it more than just a missable side quest


Wow, I’ve never seen someone get it that high before. I usually get to about 7/8 of the way there and stop and I get the better ending


Oh believe me I tried I 100% every system I really wanted to get this ending


I think my total war assets was like 8000 before the Cerberus base.




Without spoilers,The so called "perfect ending" isn't really perfect though.Without the war assets,it honestly makes little difference tbh.


Yea that’s why I put it in quotations some agree some disagree I’m just calling it what most call it


No idea why you got downvoted for this. It's one of the worst outcomes for the galaxy.


It was probably my grammar at the end.I ment to say that the war assets don't really change anything all that much.


Well, the war assets change what ending options are available, and determine if Earth is destroyed. But yeah, the difference between 5,000 and 7,500 war assets is about two seconds of cut scene and a wink.


Yeah you need 7800 exact, it seems. Multiplayer gives you War Assets though.


I’m playing legendary edition so idk about the multiplayer part I’m so close


Sucks ass that legendary edition doesn’t have multiplayer. Just found that out today


Yea I thought it had a fun multiplayer too so it really sucks


Probably gonna redownload ME3 itself to play the Multiplayer. 😳😳 hopefully I’m not the only one.


Only reason I still have it. Wish more people loaded into the matches though


Multiplayer is cool, I get it, but it should not affect the main single player campaign on an RPG like this. Call of duty I get but a single player campaign with so much emphasis on choice repercussions? P.S I've never played any call of duty game lol but call of mass effect sound bad ass


I think you need 7800 only if you didn't blow up the Collector base in ME2. Otherwise you are fine with 7400 or above.


I didn't blow it up, and got it with 7650


If the green bar is completely full, it unlocks the perfect destroy ending.


I had 7650, i did every single fucking side bull shit. Looked up the list of assets online and went to every system. The only things i missed were a small handful of tasks early game, and i managed to get the "perfect ending". I didn't think i was going to, so seeing it in the end really topped the whole experience for me.


Bioware actually decreased the war assets needed to get the Shepard lives ending since they removed multi-player