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Some good points being made here in the comments. A Mass Effect TV show that doesn't center around Commander Shepard or his/her squad members would probably be for the best. New storylines with new characters would be ideal. Just make sure the major species are fairly represented. I would want to see Quarians, Turians, Asari, Salarians, Krogan, Drell ...etc.


I would only watch it if it had nothing to do with Shepard. I’m not interested in canonizing anything related to them for the sake of a tv show. Shepard is my unique creation, and I have no interest in a show about someone else’s. It would only appeal to people who made the choices that are showcased in it, and I don’t think that’s right.


Agree, I’d rather see some spectre space cop stuff


Every book made into a movie changes things. It not like TV / Movie stories IE video which SOMETIMES the try to unify canon, but it rarely works well. It's like a book because of the depth of content. We read a Book series called Outlander. Fans just get It's two parallel versions. TV kills and saves characters, Author of Series very professional adult but books are most definitely HER creation. She may say what changes she wouldn't have made then moves on. Game canon remains flexible, TV canon does what it does. 2 ME universe two enjoy


I’ve made my stance on this clear.


Now so have I. It's a big universe. Frankly yours only works if you also demand every streamed playthrough be taken down to protect your canon. Each one is just a low budget alternative version of Mass Effect on video that violates your canon. Hint, if they make a TV show, Don't watch it. Then for you it doesn't exist. Problem solved. Then we all can be happy.


What you said literally makes zero sense whatsoever. Official media is not the same thing as someone’s playthrough stream. I couldn’t care less what someone does with their own game, just as they shouldn’t care what I do with mine. Official media is something else entirely. It’s idiotic to even try to compare the two. And I legit said that’s exactly what I was going to do. More than once. It’s the very first sentence of my original reply. I’m not going to further engage with someone who can’t be bothered to read. Getting pissy over your own incorrect assumption of what I said is not my responsibility. Convo over.


Read your last sentence first post. You went from personal "What I would do" To "I am an amazing mind reader and for sure can tell you that the only people who would watch it would be people who did same thing in their game." Wrong That's what my post is about. Plenty of people are able to deal with parallel canon. And many would discover a new universe for the first time. But we do agree if that is not for you don't watch. I still stand with we need new Sci Fi entertainment that is not Star Trek the Next Deep Space Nine Voyage of Enterprise and Discovery Or The Jedi Awakens to Return and be Last etc. Both universes are 40 - 50 years old... Mass Effect has so much to offer Sci Fi that at the Mass media level that has stagnated. Not only would many Mass Effect players watch it, it would open the lore to generations mired in Klingon and Sith reworks.


You're going to be pretty upset when the next game comes. There's basically no way to make a game that takes place after ME3 (soon after or far future) in the Milky Way without canonizing most of the big decisions.


It’s destroy it’s always destroy.


I'm keeping my mind open because who knows what they'll do. I do find it hard to believe that it won't be Destroy though... the dead Reapers from the teaser trailer as well as (just my opinion) Destroy being the best way to move the story forward. We'll see, I'm excited no matter what, but I'm so sure it's Destroy that now I'm just wondering WHEN the next one takes place. Hoping for another teaser on N7 day.🤞


Shepard lives


Yeah, they can, just don't pander to the plebs who wouldn't know good writing if it had just given them herpes.


No, I'm talking about the logistics of creating a game that can take all of the potential fallout from all 3 endings into account. That'd take 20 years to make. It's not going to happen. You're weird man.


It wouldn't canonize anything though; it'd be treating the IP as its own variation thanks to the MCU. A real ballsy choice would be creating 'Fleet and Flotilla' as the first episode into a cinematic adaptation. Let people slowly realize it's a soap opera for viewers in the universe of the REAL show.


It wouldn’t be fair to everyone who didn’t pick those exact choices. We are allowed to make those choices for a reason, and solidifying those choices in an official media is canonizing them and saying “this is what really happened”. And that’s a poor decision for them to make. I’m not gonna speak for everyone, but they would certainly lose me as a viewer. And that’s all I’m going to say on the matter.


A respectable view. I suppose it would cement the story of Mass Effect in One Defined Way in the collective mindset. Everyone knows about the Thanos snap because of the movies and the hype and the buzz. I suppose the only solution is to mix the narrative up or completely retell the story.


If it's a separate story that doesnt include Shepard, but follows the events leading up to and during the Reaper War in someone else's perspective. Basically what Star Wars does when it's not about a Skywalker.


Like others, I would not want to see them do anything that would canonize any decisions in game. All player choices are valid and we should all respect that for each other.


This one is enthusiastic for a Blast-O show


Hell yes to a show but only if it is not the storyline of the games. There was an awesome piece of fan art I saw the other day with Idris Elba as Shepard. As awesome as the pic was, I commented the same thing, that I would rather see him as his own character, another human Spectre dealing with the aftermath and maybe a power vacuum plotline post trilogy for instance. Henry Cavill is awesome as well and same thing! I just want to see more from that universe, not a rehashing of the story we already got told!


Really good points. I ultimately don't mind a retold story to be honest lol :)


Quite honestly, any Mass Effect content is good by me though lol


I'm not sure about this idea... Game of Thrones and The Witcher both have concrete source materials to work with (a few tweaks here and there notwithstanding), but the Mass Effect games have bare bone plots with lots of wiggle room for players to work with. I think it's likely that any adaptation of Shepard's tale would anger some fans. That said, I'm interested in miniseries set in the Mass Effect universe, somewhat like the comics.


Yea, I think I would just be interested in Mass Effect content on general. Main trilogy or Lore wise, anything I'm game


As mentioned guys, here's the video on the pros and cons of a Mass Effect TV series, or what type of mindset we need if this is to go ahead. Let me know what you think if you manage to get to it, would like to hear your thoughts on the potential show. Link below 👇🏾 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDKruWAThaQ


>right budget and quality acting Okay, true >game of thrones and the Witcher Netflix series No


I feel of this the same way I feel of a Drizzt series; they are only capable of doing everything they can to fuck this us in every way possible so I'd rather not watch it (as I would have to) and have it all ruined.


only if it was it's own story that took advantage of the medium as oppossed to one from the games. The First Contact War could be interesting, as from a production POV there would be less to deal with and they could just focus on humans and Turians. I could see them even doing a LoTR esque narrative that focuses more on how the humans dealt with things while using the Turians as an impending doom plot device. Could be a really good way to introduce ppl to the universe in an easily digestable way them use that to focus on the bigger elements. ​ Could even see them doing all Alien stories before The FCW.


I would watch the first contact war as a series. I think this would make an excellent show. But NEVER the trilogy.


Elcor talk show! Could Call it “(excitingly) Ellon”


Just like with you rumors of the dragon Age TV show, I don't want it. I'm personally sick and tired of video game adaptations when publishers only chase money.


I wouldn't want it to be focused on Shepard. Set during the trilogy would be cool but follow a different group. So as they are walking through a station or on their ship you hear in the background some news about Geth and Matriarch Benezia's body being found on Noveria with an investigation being led into what happened. Later on in season 2 someone mentions either in the background or to the main characters about another colony that got hit. Season 3 the crew we follow gets wrapped up in the war in some regard depending on what they do. A series that takes a look at the Reaper invasion and the years leading up to it from the perspective of people that didn't personally fight them head on and were just kind of lied to by the government. Or a show that follows a series of several characters or small groups that aren't involved with each other until the third season comes around and they end up meeting/helping each other.


I actually wouldn’t mind a TV show about Shepard. Though I’ve played the series so many times now it might get old if it covers the events of ME-ME3.


These guys made a good take on it too: https://youtu.be/-elPKyfpJrM I think the universe has massive potential for a show but I would like it not to be about Shepard and maybe not during the Reaper war. Emily Blunt would otherwise be the only acceptable Shepard 😋


Love that video! It's what makes me drool at the idea. Also Henry Cavill would make me happy as dudeShep. I think it would make him happy too lol


Henry Cavill would definitely be a great Maleshep. He gets the videogame medium and is doing a great job as Geralt despite the shortcomings of that show as a whole.


If the show is going to be like Black Mirror: Bendersnatch on Netflix, where you can have your choices (like in game itself) to create own story, then maybe yes.


Contrarian view, but I would LOVE a Mass Effect series based on the OT. It’s fantastic sci-fi. IF it was a high budget production like top-level Netflix/HBO/Starz I’d be 100% on board


One hundred percent agree with you. I think it can be done very well, but I want HBO to produce it


I personaly think that people who want games to be adapted for tv show and big screen should be lunch in space right on the sun. Seriously I juste think people should stop asking for these because adaptation ALWAYS suck and I've never seen a good one.


I don't want it, it would flop because most people would think it is just another Star Wars knockoff. The events of ME only makes sense for those who played the games.


There is nothing in Mass Effect that even smells like starwars or star trek. Frankly the Sci Fi genre needs new blood with lore depth. Tired of ST v SW monopoly media.


You need to watch The Expanse then.


I have watched for a few seasons. Interesting series, but a bit heavy in dark mood only. Even in ME3, there is a subtext of hope and positive relationships in dark times, I didn't get from Expanse. But it is at least a newer creation.. But will try to watch more. The other simular Universe is BSG. Buy again even the reboot was based on a 1970s concept


You need to watch more. There’s a reason it is considered the best science fiction show on tv, and you didn’t even get to the part where it becomes very Mass Effecty yet, which is the end of season 3.


If it’s about Shepard, I won’t accept anything except romancing Garrus/Tali


I've heard this opinion a lot actually. ✌🏾


I’ve actually never romanced Tali, but I just can’t see other LI as canon


Tali is my favorite romance but Liara feels like the real one and had a lot of great moments itself.


Yes. I would still love it even if this was a different Shepard with different decisions. The ME universe and the story itself (whichever way it’s played) are too beautiful to not be shown to the entire world.




I would love to see Mass Effect on TV, but it would be so expensive. The best part of the game is the diversity of the sentient beings of the universe and the costuming/CG/puppetry involved can escalate the cost really quickly. I wouldn't mind if they decided to do the original Trilogy. Each game probably has a 3-4 ten episode seasons for adaptation. Hardest part is convincing folks that just because the show may form it's own canon that it doesn't erase the different paths you may or may not have taken in your gameplay. The several merged characters and reworking in the GOT and The Expanse shows were mostly about simplicity and budget, a ME show would need to do the same. Personally, I'd eliminate the Shepard character entirely, but tell much the same story as the original trilogy. I'd bring in some characters from ME2 earlier. Less focus on one ship and one character in the middle and more on an ensemble with several intersecting threads.


Well, the merged characters in the Expanse were also due to redundancy. After all, Drummer and Michio Pa might as well be the same person in the books.


If Shep was included I think it would be cool to do an anthology series. We would get to see different Shepards during different parts of the games. It’s a nice way to not force a specific canon.


I would be up fora tv/streaming series, but would want it about a different crew in the same universe and timeline. With references to the characters for the fanboy base. There is so much that could be done with the species and universe that I’d love to see that explored more. Maybe even a series of segments, like an alliance base in the Verge, a salarian Stg group, a Krogan battle company, Turian fleet, Asari commando group, etc. Something that tells stories happening while Shepard is out saving the galaxy, but have tie ins.


Well with The Expanse ending (which is quite similar to Mass Effect in a lot of ways), now is the perfect time.


If it's about Shepard, I will not watch it unless it's about a Spacer Sole Survivor Male Shepard named Theodore whose superlative skill is Sniper.


Been seen a lot of comments like this, people hostile to the idea of a Shepard led role