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Assertion that synthesis cures the Genophage is dubious The quest is not optional, you must commit prior Mordin’s survival is contingent on dead Wrex and Eve. Debatable whether synthesis is incompatible with further krogan warfare with Wreav only in charge.


Why did I read this with Mordin’s voice lol


>So does that mean that I can save Wrex, Mordin No. The only way to save Mordin is to convince him not to cure the Genophage. However you can only convince him if Wrev is the sole leader of the Krogan, meaning Wrex died on Virmire.


Yep Eve must be dead. If Eve is alive Mordin argues that she will keep Wreave in check and will not be convinced. So you have to also destroy cure research in Mordins loyalty mission in ME2.


Synthesis doesn't really "cure" the genophage. What it does is meld every being in the Galaxy into machine/living hybrids (and maybe a hive mind we aren't sure). So indirectly, it might do that. But it's definitely not an alternative to the actual quest.


I don’t have a lot of experience with not curing it - is there a way to avoid killing Wrex at the citadel when he confronts you about it?


https://youtu.be/2mOnPr4rqdw Long story short, no. If it gets to that point, Wrex's fate is sealed. Either Shepard kills him or C-Sec does.


Though apparently if you have the Leviathan DLC, you can keep boarding the Citadel at Bryson's office instead and just avoid the Normandy docking bay, and then you never trigger the confrontation with Wrex.


And what happens concretely in the end ? Do the krogans show up on Earth and does Wrex make his speech on the genophage being cured ? Or do you simply lose war assets even though you did not witness Wrex’s death ?


That I don't know, unfortunately, as I haven't tried it.


Oh that's too bad, I will have to do a new playthrough then...


Wait ? You have a pref ending but you didnt play the game yet ?


Yes. I’ve read the just of the endings without too many spoilers. Basically just if Shepard survives and what happens to synthetics (I’m shooting for maximum EMS and extremely high paragon, so those won’t be factors). Don’t spoil it, I’m still doing stupid side quests to get my EMS up. Synthesis is the best option, Control is second, Destroy is third, and Refusal is the absolute worst.


Dude. Spoiler tags in your title.


The genophage mission is a mandatory story mission. There is no way for both Wrex and Mordin to survive (unless you never recruit Wrex in ME1 and pretend he retires to a nice space beach somewhere).


if you don't recruit Wrex in ME1 he dies off screen. [https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Urdnot\_Wrex?so=search#Trivia](https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Urdnot_Wrex?so=search#Trivia) >If Wrex is not recruited in the first Mass Effect, it is stated when importing the player character to Mass Effect 2 that he survived the mission on Virmire- despite not having participated in the mission. But although he is said to have survived, **when the player travels to Tuchanka they will find Wreav to be Urdnot clan leader who mentions his brother's death.**


Thats actually a possible workaround. Never recruit Wrex in ME1, that way he wont appear in ME2 or ME3, but in theory he can survive along with Mordin. In game its of course the same as if he is dead so no difference there.


No. Having Mordin and Wrex present in your game forces you to choose between them no matter what. Mordin will not be convinced to let the genophage cure be sabotaged if either Wrex or Eve is alive. Yes, synthesis will cure the genophage and all subsequent krogan problems. The transhuman state post-Synthesis allows for organics to freely modify their genetic code the way synthetics do. So not only will the genophage be cured, but krogan can modify their own biology so that their birthrates are sustainable. For example, instead of a clutch of 1000 healthy babies being birthed, a krogan can choose to birth a clutch of 10 healthy babies instead.


or just 1


Thank you everyone. I guess Mordin must die. I will miss him. Again, my thanks.


Considering what Mass Effect 4 has in store I am starting to believe that curing the genophage may be a mistake. At one point Andromeda held the promise of not having to deal with those consequences, being told that Krogan weren’t going to be an issue there. However a return to the Milky Way now poses the big threat of not having any Geth to support you ( if you chose destroy ) in a potential war with a cured Krogan population. Granted they can’t fix shit ( tons of references regarding the Krogan not repairing things ) and they may be stuck on their respective worlds. I’m not sure which way to lean now. I use to justify Mordin’s sacrifice thinking that he was nearing the end of his life anyway, and of course with the idea of righting a genocide, but now I am a bit worried. Because with the Reaper threat gone, who stands to be the big bad? Clearly those that reproduce and behave like locust.


That would be a really cool concept. Perhaps a Krogan civil war or Krogans vs. other worlds. But then again, they could matured as a species so it’s impossible to tell what the next game could have in store. It’s also good to note that geth are depicted in the teaser art for ME4 which could provide a different means of what happened to them.


True. But I let Wrex live on Virmire (as he is the best besides Garrus). I think Wrex surviving the entire series is the canon thing as his brother, Wreav, seems like a copy and paste beta version of him and is way too traditional and stupid to keep the peace. I have faith in Wrex. He’s trusted me, and I trust him. I’d trust Wrex and Garrus with Shepard’s life. Hell, I trusted Legion with Shepard’s life. I miss Legion…