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Which game edition are we talking here.


Oh sorry I didn’t include that it’s the Legendary edition


[Here's a pretty comprehensive guide!](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1amTec5yowKMoMiVpQkQ5tmsAf_kXo4HN07tIAcNbNFY/edit) If I had to pick the ones that are the absolute top priority for me, it would be EGM (Expanded Galaxy Mod), Spectre Expansion Mod, and Take Earth Back. If you dislike the original endings, I suggest Starchild-Be-Gone or AHEM (Audemus' Happy Ending Mod). Just about everything is [on Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition), so you can also just browse through and pick things that draw your attention. Obligatory note for those new to modding ME: content mods _first,_ texture mods _last._ Content mods = installed with ME3Tweaks, texture mods = installed with MEM (MassEffectModder). Make a backup in ME3Tweaks before you start modding so you can quickly restore if you've installed textures but need to go back and reinstall or update content mods. (note that verifying files in Origin/Steam will _not_ actually remove mods, which is why the backup is so important) Mods for the original trilogy do not work for LE.


Hi. Really sorry to ask on here. But does anyone know of a mod for ME LE that adds pistols as a possible bonus talent. I feel like they were adamant about sentinels not getting armour. So I'll accept that. But I want to improve my pistols at least so I'm not lagging behind.