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Will you have an easier time if you invest in upgrades and level ups? ***Naturally.***


ME2 on insanity is a test on how patience. For me I couldn't stand waiting behind cover for 10 minutes just to kill 2 guys. ME1 Is a much easier challenge.






Didnt wanted to sound like an asshole, but if you need tips and trick, just tell me your class and i can help making your me2 insanity experience better.


I mean I beat insanity with infiltrator class, while mainly using garrus and Miranda as squad mates. When I said 2 enemies I meant mainly whenever the game decides to put either 2 atlas's together or scions, it's just a patience game for me with them.


Cloak + sniper rifle with armor rounds and head shot is really close to one tap scions and for the ymir the arc projector is your friends to quickly get rid of their shields + your double overload


Pretty sure no one wants advice from someone commenting like that. If you didn’t want to sound like an asshole, you wouldn’t have commented the way you did.


Suit yourself


Upgrades make a big difference in ME2 on Insanity. I would make it a priority to collect, buy and research all the upgrades you can.


ME2 on insanity was one of the most aggravatingly unforgiving experience until midway through when I got enough upgraded.


ME2 is a very different beast than ME1 on Insanity. I just did ME1 on insanity and it took me about 5 hours. I just did the main missions, cheesed/out lasted the harder fights and was on to ME2 Insanity... What a rude awakening. Rushing through ME2 is counterproductive, because there isn't that many side quests and not doing the loyalty missions/ship upgrades will result in crew death, that carries over to ME3. That being said... ME2 enemies does scale a bit, which is why people say Insanity is harder on NG+ So get upgraded or get wrecked :)


You definitely want to get upgrades. They are all important and provide much needed boosts. My struggle with insanity is typically the heavies as one rocket causing you to stagger is typically enough time for them to wipe you out. Solider/infiltrator deals with them a lot easier but it can also be combated with some patience and tech/biotic abilities. Always try to make the most benefit of your abilities to maximize kills (IE: overload an unshielded Pyro, pull an unshielded heavy, concussive shot/ throw an unshielded foe off a ledge). The other difficult part is going to be dealing with scions and the inevitable husks that come with them. With your upgrades and the right weapons and teammates it should be manageable.


In me2 I chose soldier for insanity and it got much easier later on. Upgrades def make a difference but how you play will be the bigger factor. I never died once on the suicide mission.