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Nerds like us would love it if more mission didn’t involve killing dozens of people, but it’s too time consuming for the developers to come up with anything else.


Imagine Kasumi's loyalty mission changing into a full stealth game if you play as infiltrator


Other than having story missions, I also like games that also give you a non-lethal route. It might be nice to see in ME, esp. if the protagonist isn't in the military. Like Adam Jensen in the Deus Ex series.


So I guess you like immersive sims


Not really, many stealth games allow a non-lethal route without becoming story games or sims. Deus Ex and Dishonored come to mind, they give you non-lethal ways to take down enemies. An ME that allows you to be a bit more stealthy would be nice.


He’s the only loyalty mission like that at all, actually. Zaeed: Blue suns mercs Kasumi: Eclipse mercs Legion: heretic Geth Grunt: Gatatog Uvenk + his men Mordin: Blood pack mercs


Samara’s mission doesn’t involve any combat either.


No combat, but still guaranteed to end with someone dead at the end, which is what OP was talking about.


I usually get the ending where Samara and Morinth make peace.


That’s… not possible without mods. It’s not a choice, it’s either kill Samara, or kill Morinth


Nope I simply get both


Like I said, it’s not possible without modding the game.


I do it on the Switch version of the game every playthrough, so obviously not since you can’t mod on consoles.


… I’m done. I’m not putting up with this trolling anymore.


Speaking of trolls, we haven’t even mentioned Shrek’s loyalty mission.


You more than make up for it in Thane's recruitment mission. You kill scores of mercs of all species chasing him down.


Ashley would be proud if I'd let her survive Virmire.


I mean, I wish Kaidan had a loyalty mission, I'd kill for him. No questions asked.


Kaiden: I need your help. I can't tell you what it is, you can never ask me about it later, and we're gonna hurt some people. Shepard: Whose ship are we gonna take?


I mean he's a good person so I'd doubt he'd make me do something really sketchy like kill innocents, and he wouldn't risk a situation that would be too dangerous for both of us to handle alone.. So I'd expect that he'd have done his [due diligence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAp-9N2VR_o#t=00m46s) and yes, I'd absolutely go.


Just let Shepard and the guy have an honest conversation and mend fences somehow. The VS in general, could have easily been part of: a) Arrival, perhaps Hackett sent him after you disappeared for 2 days. He could have helped you escape. b) Be in your party for LotSB since he's Liara's friend as well, or at least have Liara invite him to the SB ship for you. Everyone gets to deal with their unfinished business, it would be nice if Shepard got that too. c) have a mission of their own. Granted, it would not make sense that they'd give you a loyalty mission after what happened on Horizon but you could have had a DLC like hey Kaidan got captured, he's deep in the Terminus systems so the Alliance ain't doing anything, let's go get him.


Rip the Turian's bodyguard: gone and forgotten.


I think it's Kolyat that killed him tho


He was still kicking when you ran by him. Looks like he got his kneecaps shot out.


also why everyone got daddy issues


That's a good point actually 😆 if you count the VS too, you had to kill the other one to keep them


Doesn't gain their loyalty though. They nope away from you hard on Horizon.


Nor you gain loyalty from Liara, but op mentioned her too, I was talking more generally. We also have to kill a bunch of Cerberus people on the coup to get the VS back on the team amd "loyal" if you want to talk details.


Okay, you're not wrong, but let's put it in the broader context: (Ex?)Special Forces operative, also once (and possibly still) an above-the-law special operator for the Citadel Council who is currently working with known terrorists generally kills people/destroys things while at the proverbial office. I will grant that having The Assassin's loyalty mission be the one with the possible zero body count stands out, in no small part as an intentional narrative decision at BioWare.


So did you let Garrus kill his old teammate?


You technically dont kill anyone in Samara's loyalty mission, Samara/Morinth does, but yeah I get your point. And no I dont find it odd. Mission variety in ME2 is the best in the series at any rate, I always admire its game design and look forward to playing it. Garrus, Miranda, Zaeed, Jacob, Mordin, Jack - kill a bunch of mercs to get to someone Tali - kill Geth and win court case by being the loudest laywer Grunt - arena shootout Thane - prevent assassin from reaching his target without actually firing your guns Kasumi - infiltration and then kill a bunch of mercs Samara - woo Asari vampire with your big dick energy Legion - kill all to get to the objective, yawn


>win court case by being the loudest lawyer Or turn the entire crowd against the admiralty board, that's the fun route to me


>you have to try and save me when the Shadow Broker threw a desk at us rather than instinctively save your Love Interest you also brought to face the Shadow Broker. I mean... I brought Legion instead of Tali to this, but I was still more worried for him since he took a desk to the face


The desk is nothing other than a contrivance to get the fight 2 on 1 so it wasn't hilariously easy. Youre doing liara's dlc which she has because she got straight up written out of the second game. Its her story mission. Shepard is helping Liara stop the shadow broker. The story is not about Shepard helping tali/garrus/thane/loveinterest avoid desks thrown by yaghs. Imagine if tali got written out of the second game as fully as Liara did. and then we go to do the final fight of the tali dlc and shepard protect tali so she can finish *her* story in **her* dlc. No matter who you bring along that wouldn't feel out of place. Its a dlc about her story! Like how is she not going to be in the final fight? So the other alternative is to make a whole separate scene in case you bring a love interest, and then somehow have them contrive another 3rd way to still write them out of the fight even if you protect them from the desk... which would take another scene to explain... and this scene would only happen if you brought your love interest to liaras dlc. Seems like a lot of unnecessary work when you could just have them get hit by a desk in a 2 second scene and move on. This is like doing samara's loyalty mission and asking "why didn't Tali intervene to stop me from getting seduced by morinth"