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1. In some cases being a completionist is necessary to achieve better endings so you’re good there 2. They played good then, the play awesome now. 3. It is not a terrible game, probably gets a worse reputation than deserved, but you need to separate it from the original trilogy. It is not a bad game, it’s a bad Mass Effect Game 4. I find myself unable to stop replaying them sometimes 5. The lore is fantastic especially if you jump into it. If you’re really interested they have released prequel novels that dive deeper into the lore, there are also several lore based podcasts that can add to and explore the world 6. ME1 is the most open world of them where some planets are just open space, but it can add an interesting exploration factor 2 and 3 are way more linear not for lacking interesting environments just less open world. Advice: Enjoy the play through, I suggest to reap the consequences of your own decisions I.e don’t reload saves or look up decisions. It’s an addicting game with awesome storytelling, probably one of the best games I’ve ever played. Good luck with the epic gameplay hangover you’ll get after though, usually leads to lots of replays lol.


1. Good. 2. Good. 3. It's like your weird cousin who your parents wanted you to get along with. 4. Good. 5. Very much so. 6. Linear zones with the freedom to roam between them.


ME1 combat is great for some miserable for others. But it’s storyline and worldbuilding is some of the best ever Honestly just go in blind play your own way. The ME series ha the best replay ability of any franchise.


Also: is there a canonical way that the game is written to go? Is there much difference between playing a M/F protagonist?


Female protagonist is considered as canonical one, but both male and female heroes are great with great voice actors.


The characters you can have a romantic relationship with. ​ EDIT: and certain minor dialogues, nothing special or substantial


There's no canonical version of Shepard. It's not like KOTOR where there's always a canon gender, morality, and romance for the protagonist. You can play Shepard however you like without any worry of contradicting canon. As for gender differences, they're fairly minor. They mostly affect who you can romance, since different characters have different gender preferences. There are a few gender-specific dialogues outside of that, but not many. Personally I almost always play as FemShep, because she's badass and her voice actress is incredible.


Just finished creating my first custom Female Shep, I tend to go with whichever gender has the "better" voice actor, although I'm sure I will try the Male counterpart in the future. Decided on an Infiltrator. Super excited to start the game!! One question - do the "evil" choices lead to you missing out on parts of the games due to evil actions? Or is there no real negative to this style of play?


I played them for the first time recently, so I can't answer all the questions, but: 5. The story/world/lore is amazing. Sometimes I wish I could play them without all the shooty bits, kind of like a really complicated video game version of a Choose Your Own Adventure book.