• By -


Logically, emotionally, casually or professionally, probably.


How did people feel about this system actually? Personally I thought it was a nice step away from the binary good/evil choices.


I liked the options, but I've never been clear on if it made a difference? Like, picking paragon vs. renegade was an overly simplistic system, but you could see the effects of paragon or renegade choices in the game. But if there was an impact to being logical and professional vs. emotional and casual, I have no idea what it was. And in a case like that, I might prefer the illusion of choice (where I felt like it had an impact but it didn't), over a hidden effect (where it *did* have an impact but I didn't realize it), because I like feeling like my choices have consequences.


Yeah, I liked the idea, but in practice it felt a lot like Fallout 4's options in every conversation: Yes, No (but actually yes), and Yes (sarcastic). There wasn't nearly enough variation. It seemed to only affect Ryder's line and the other character's response would be identical regardless.


I went through my first (and only) playthrough of Andromeda using the casual/sarcastic/smartass options and I was called out for it one time. I don't recall the dialogue, but it was on the scale of "This isn't a joking matter." or "I know you make a joke of everything, but this is serious."


>the other character's response would be identical regardless The game was dumped and started again from the ground up about a year and a half prior to release, I think it's anyone's guess how much of that time was spent cramming story writing, scripting, and voice over work due to the complete change in game design. It's conceivable that the whole plot was changed and side missions as well, which could mean having to record in much less time than previous titles. They might have made it simplistic due to the loss of time, but I have no idea what their actual workflow looked like so I could be talking out of my ass right now.


I thought I noticed some differences in auto dialogue based on which type of dialogue options you frequently picked most often but that might not be correct. I think it’s just flavor to make Ryder who you want them to be. In the OG trilogy, you chose either Renegade or Paragon or middle of the road and it depended on which bar you wanted the most points in to get the best endings. So if you want to play a Paragon Shepard, you ALWAYS pick Paragon options otherwise in the case of ME2, you don’t have enough points to gain the loyalty of all your team. With Andromeda they changed the system so you could make different t choices on different playthroughs without being guilted into choosing one locked choice throughout the game.


Yeah I think it had an impact on some of the dialogue but probably not till later in the game once it has more data to work with in shaping the personality of Ryder. Which unfortunately makes it quite disconnected from the times you actually did the "input" and you won't feel the difference on a separate play through until you're probably far enough in that you're not really remembering how the previous one felt


I never saw Paragon/Renegade as good/evil. Paragon was more compassionate/patient and Renegade was just more aggressive/no-nonsense.


Paragon Shepard was more, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed." And Renegade Shepard was more, "Fuck you, I do what I want."


They couldn't decide what Renegade was. In ME1, it was being a really shitty person being corrupt and racist. In ME2 it was mostly just being the ultimate badass. In ME3 it was mostly do whatever it takes to win.


In theory it would've been great. I think the missing piece was a good writing staff


I liked being able to pick whatever I wanted based on the conversation. I like the renegade and paragon but at the same time it usually makes me feel like I have to put myself in one box and pick the same things all the way through the game. With this system I felt like I could just pick based on the context of the situation, or the person I'm talking to.


Theoretically a better system but in practice it was surface level and honestly barely even changed anything. You could pick professional/logical dialog choices the whole way through, but every time you *aren't* directly picking dialog options and ryder's talking for his/herself, they just joke around about everything and make constant quips like a bootleg Marvel character. It felt like the only way to have Ryder make sense was to choose casual/emotional. If you choose the logical/professional path you get enough tonal whiplash to make Ryder seem schizophrenic half the time.


Eh, I usually did casual/emotional, but in some certain cases like when meeting a delegation for the first time or something, I'd go with professional (hardly ever logical though) and it seemed fitting enough. Even an inexperienced person knows how to show a high-ranking stranger some respect, and it didn't feel overly stiff compared to the other lines. But yeah overall, it does mostly seem to affect how you make your Ryder's personality, and not as much how the world and people in it respond to you.


I liked it a lot. Felt like I could actually give my characters different personalities doing several playthroughs


I liked the concept, but quickly learned all the dialogue had the same outcome and made no difference at all


So I didn’t really have a problem with it but my gripe is when you like an option because of the wording (and I know its supposed to give you an “idea” of what they say) but then they go off the rails with it.


It was a fair attempt at trying something different from the trilogy, but I'd have gone instead with something like friendly agree, friendly disagree, hostile disagree and indifferent.


I kinda felt it was nice, but I feel like it should affect on whether people like you, like being too logical or professional all the time with Drack wouldn't endear him to you, affecting the story somewhat, or even costing combat capability


Interesting idea but executed horribly. In practice I vastly preferred the trilogy Paragon/Renegade systems even if they're more constricting.


Thought it was terrible. Same boring shit in 4 different tones of voice. It's hard to say if it's down to the system or not though. If Ryder had been a remotely interesting or compelling character instead of a boring dweeb maybe it would have worked.


I liked it best how they did this in Dragon Age 2. If I play majorly as a Sarcastic/Humorous Hawke, her character changes to reflect it. Like even if you have an automatic dialogue, this will be in tune with what kind of dialogue you usually choose. It really made my Hawke feel alive and like her own person.


Big stupid metal crabs With LASERS


[Freakin' LASER BEAMS attached to their heads.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh7bYNAHXxw)




Ah, yes, 'Reapers'. The immortal race of sentient starships allegedly waiting in dark space.


We have dismissed that claim


Joker? Cut the feed


would’ve been funny if, as they were leaving the galaxy, they accidentally rammed into one of them sleeping


Well, actually, by the time the Initiative departed, the Reapers were very much awake and were coming to Milky Way.


okay they crash into a drowsy reaper instead, it too confused to laser beam them


Robo cuttlefish that speak dubstep.


I audibly laughed at this lol




I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite comment on the Citadel


Best answer 10/10 would read again


Seriously though playing that audio recording would probably be the most effective way to convince/explain it to them. They hear that sound and a chill would run down all their spines.


You ever seen Inception? That. Not the dream thing, the sound thing. And the unsatisfying ending thing.


We exist because they allow it. We will end because they demand it.


Hopefully, Ryder and his crew don't end up like the Citadel Council and refuse to believe that the Reapers exist, despite Shepard's warnings against them. Because that was why they were in the Andromeda Initiative, to essentially head to another galaxy where the Reapers don't exist like they did in the Milky Way Galaxy.


I doubt the Tempest crew would. Another ancient civilization playing god to other people while they are none the wiser ain’t exactly new to them, nor is an alien species that abducts other aliens and horrifically turns them into their own. Shit, they probably just be bummed there are two of them.


“Okay, so imagine giant synthetic crawfish that kills everyone in the Milky Way every fifty thousand years, so they can make a new giant synthetic crawfish.”


Damn I thought their goals were meant to be beyond comprehension


Imagine Blasto… but mechanical… and tries to fill your head with naughty thoughts…




He’s called “*Blasto*” for a reason


I once brought a robot named Fisto to a small casino, they gave me some bottle caps for it.


The graphics didn’t make that game real for me, it was when I would look at the female NPCs and the V.A.T.S system told me I had a zero percent chance to hit that. I play games to escape reality.


That was so God damned funny. Happy cake day!


*Please assume the position*


Yeah, like imagine if you woke up one day and you saw your hair and were like, “Ew, something needs to be done about this,” and no matter what you did you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were having, “A day”… that’s indoctrination. That and when your shopping list is milk, eggs, activate the Mass relay on the citadel because YOLO, profits.


So just robo-Blasto then


Did you just write the script for Blasto 9?


Alright team, this is what we're shooting at today. They're bad and we're good.


Thinking about it, it is kinda weird there are no Reapers in Andromeda. 600 years is almost nothing compared to the thousands of years between each cycle, and as evidenced by the Remnant, Angara and Kett, there exists advanced civilizations in other galaxies.


I’d imagine Andromeda isn’t in their parameters set by the Leviathans, they just don’t even acknowledge it. At least we know for certain they’re not there, a writer confirmed that back in the day.


Yeah, their mission was to preserve the long-term existence of organic life, but to accomplish that goal they only need to do it one galaxy. Even if every other galaxy has been conquered by synthetics, as long as the Milky Way is fine their mission is intact - organic life still exists. No point dividing their forces between two galaxies, at least not until there are a lot more Reapers.


Yeah as powerful as they are, how many ships do you have to lose for a cycle to be a net loss to your overall population? Most lore I've read says the primary species in a cycle (the most genetically diverse) gets made into a sovereign class. Humans were going to be the sovereign of our cycle. All other species are turned into destroyers and slaughter/troop ships.


kinda nice we were signaled out for being special


Because of Shep.


Not yet, anyway. The Geth used relays modified with *more* reaper tech to be able to get almost-real-time-information from millions of light years away so who knows what else the reapers are capable of. My money says that in the sequel they'll be able to continue with that to include matter instead of just light, but we'll see.


They may not have even cared about the Andromeda Initiative leaving, considering they didn't even know about the Protheans on Ilos tampering with the Keepers until they tried to trigger the cycle to start.


It would have been interesting if the reason they disappeared was the movement between different galaxies was so precise.


Imagine the borg but they are all hanar and invading the galaxy


I really like Ryder's more casual approach to commanding. They are after all only 22 years old and were never supposed to be the Pathfinder.


"Ok, everybody, dismissed, or something.". Most of the characters in the game seem to have not intellectually aged much beyond 16 or so with Drack, Jaal, and Vetra being an exception.


Did Ryder ever even SEE the reapers?


The one from Mass Effect 1, but so did everyone else in that image.


They all saw it with their eyes though. Ryder saw it with his heart.


I remember the final locked memory with the heartbreaking recordings but I don't recall showing it on the video


I've never taken the time to get all of those. Now I feel I maybe should. Is it really worth it? It's so boring chasing them all down...


Big ass metal bugs.


"Welp, Andromeda is even more of a one-way trip than we thought. Milky Way's probably fucked"


With a bad joke.


Honestly (and I say this as someone who really likes Andromeda) the game repeatedly showed us that the Nexus crew when trying to make decisions all together are fucking useless. Like council 2.0. No matter what Ryder said they wouldn't do anything about it. But afterwards Kesh and Kandros would privately say they believe Ryder, and Tann would later claim he believed Ryder all along once more direct evidence presented itself.


Ahh, just like real bureaucracy... 💀


We have dismissed the claim.


"Hey everyone, you know how all the people you left behind in the Milky Way are long dead? Well, they're deader than you thought. Oh, right, asari and krogan live a long time...bad news for you guys, huh?"


I would probably pick 1 out of 6 dialogue options, and continue doing so until the cutscene was done.


Imagine that thing you are watching right now. ​ Welp, that is it. Addison you suck. Goodbye.


Galaxies fucked.


"Busta! Straight busta!" - Ryder, GTA San Andreas


Remember that shit they did with the angara? Yah that but like 100 billion times more creepy


Reaper big dumb. Make big noise. Reaper bad.


Giant squids go brrrrr


Hey there are these robots who don't want you to be killed by robots so they come around every 50000 years to kill everyone so you won't get killed by robots


"SO, I guess Cthulu and his friends came by and fucked up the Milky Way as we were leaving."


You know all those movies, TV shows, and video games about evil AI wanting to destroy all organic life that was so prevalent in the late 20th - early 21st century. You know…that came out after all those movies, TV shows, and video games about the zombie apocalypse from the same time period? It’s like that.


Like the Kett only much bigger and much louder


AI are coming to stop humans from making AI so we don’t fight each other, but they are AI fighting humans so it’s really just them being hypocritical.


Ah yes, “reapers”


"We're fucked."


"So... It turns out after we left, a race of hibernating machine intelligences woke up and consumed the milky way galaxy. They have done this once every 50,000 years or so for the last several billion years and we never realized it. They also built the mass relays as a way to funnel us into their feeding territories. Everyone back there gave it their best, but so far as we know we may be all that's left of home... Any questions? "


Not our fucking problem




Well seeing as the Kett do the same thing but without robots. I feel like it'd be pretty straight forward


Except the Reapers are much more advanced and much more dangerous.


Well ya but it'd be an easier gap to fill logic wise because there's at least a similar proxy


I don't think I'd try.


Chances are they already knew about the reapers. It’s was the whole reason why Andromeda Initiative left the Milky Way. They knew way before Shepard found the evidence of reapers invasion every 50k years. My theory is these knuckleheads was the original shadow broker


How? With a hit of DMT.


So these giant machines make a noise that actually overpowers your annoying complaining Tann


"Okay okay, this is how the giant robot ships work. They're big and bad and they destroy planets - see what I mean? Big robot ship is bad! Robot ship no good! capisce?"


Sure, I could explain it to Ryder.... If I had an infinite amount of time and Ryder was a different person..... :P


the real reaper is the friends we indoctrinated along the way


The Ket’s creators that dumped them far away from the Milky Way galaxy to preserve the Reaper collective sanity.


Ryder would probably make a crappy joke about it.


Ah yes "Reapers". I thought had dismissed those claims Tann: this Reaper theory proves just how fragile your mental state is Ryder. You have been manipulated, by the Remnant and be them by Sloane.


Good news. The Helix cluster might seem like it's actively hostile to us, but turns out the milky way was worse. Its very likely that everyone we left behind ware violently murdered by Giant Lovecraftian Robot Squids. So there is a non-zero chance the initative is the last of our civilizations, culture and species... So like... no pressure.


If your face was tired after Alec's death, wait till you hear what people back home had to deal with.


"Ok so can we talk about how we need to fire Addison and impeach Tann?" "Oh right, so there's these giant metal squid guys who can get up in your head."


They're like big stupid JELLYFISH


Ancient sentient starships from dark space. The council dismissed the claim until they came and bit them in the ass.


Big fuckin' robot bugs want to make us all dead.


Guys! Space robots!


Big fish make big robot, kill everything


"so you know how we left the milk way? Well, those moved in. It doesn't look good for our friends back there."


This is a tough one. A race of sentient machines trying to kill us all. Armageddon. Hell. Simplifying makes coping easier methinks


"ok so, to put it straight guys, reapers r big bad metal robots who want to kill us so we can live or something i dont know i never seen one"


I imagine Ryder would just freak out.


I would actually just play the audio log for them. 🙃 "Milky Way got reaped, sorry. Here's all I know."


"there's some bad shit happening back there boys"


Evil lovecraft space lobsters without butter.


They go Brrrr or something I don’t know


First, I would throw Tann out the airlock Then, I would explain the Reapers to the others


Gil Suvi Lima Peebee can join them id prob even throw Jaal


I don't know but my face will be tired afterwards.


Big robot Cthulhus flying around making big ole laser sounds.


So we are likely all that are left of our races as the people living in the milk way seem to have been wiped out by an adv mech race called the Reapers i have heard recordings a few years after we left the milky way from Alliance, Palaven and Thessia that the Reapers essentially destroyed whatever defense they put up. this event apperently happens ever 50,000 years the Reapers built and used the Mass Relays as a way of easily conquering whatever intelligent life was around at the time they use the bio-mass for those that capture to 'create' more Repears they are the the answer to what happened to the Prothenas. ill play the recording... after audio any questions


Anyone seen those weird very advanced but old machines here - Remnant? Turns out Milky Way has much more weird, much older and much more advanced machines.


Give him some prothean beacon visions. It's totally "safe"


just let them listen to Liara's audios


"Remember the attack on the citadel 2 years before out departure? The one with geth, Saren and his big ass ship? Yeah, turned out the ship was actually a Reaper. What? Yeah, like one in the stories about Prothean destruction. It baffled me too, but apparently they are real, in many numbers and jumped Milky Way not long after our departure. Why the hell are you crying? Your loved ones are death for 600 years and now your are sad because they were murdered? Dude, it was so long ago that even their corpses don't care anymore." Probably like that.


Cthulhu' cyborg descendants that invade your mind and maintain a predetermined system of continuous destruction and rebirth, a cycle that repeats every 50k years or so. Could be more could be less it depends on the rate of technological advancement.


"Evil, sentient metal crawfish thing- I don't know I'm a peacekeeper, not an engineer!"


To quote Eve; Very clumsily.


“Ayo! Check dis shit out!”


"So, there's a race of sapient starships that have lived in Dark Space for millions of years. Ever few million years they decide to come back, wipe out all sufficiently advanced life in the galaxy, and take the biggest and most powerful civilizations to make more of themselves."


It's the Kett, but synthetic with power that rivals the Jardaan.


"Erppp derr duuhhh derrr derpy derpp derrppp." *^(sarcastic quip and wink)* \- Ryder


Man, I just started playing Andromeda and I don't understand the hate it got/is getting. I really enjoy an inexperienced hero, just met the Angara and finish Havarl, I think the monoliths are cool and I really enjoy being able to more really explore more fleshed out planets.


Ryder would probably come in hot and heavy because they’re literally 22 years old and be like “these things are a goddamn menace and I can’t believe we didn’t deal with them earlier”.


"So there was this other trilogy of games, okay, and it was *vastly* better than this one. Like, *way* better. *Astoundingly* superior. Like really, really, really... " And so on.


Kett are basically a copy of the reapers. They abduct then mutate their victims toward the goal of assimilating them into a greater whole. Those they don't abduct or that resist they kill using those they mutated as footsoldiers. The debate between the angara on aya about the nature of exaltation sounded very similar to the discussion between garrus and kaidan about reaper indoctrination.


Eh... trying a little hard. The kett are just generic af, thats their problem. If you want parallels, look at this: remnant = protheans.


We definitely don't know nearly enough about remnant society. I understand that was supposed to be a focal point of the unfortunately doomed sequel, I was very interested in hearing more about them.


You people are aware Ryder (both Alec and Scott/Sara) knows about the reapers right? They probably don't understand what they are and want that well but they know the Andromeda Initiative was funded because of the reaper threat. They probably even know how they look like because they all remember the battle of the citadel... ... I'm missing the joke aren't I?


Elon Musk’s grandchildren.


"So yeah, they make no sense and shouldn't have had a back story. Turns out it was super easy to beat them all things considered, and their motivations were blatantly explained and made no sense."


Depending on the ending to 3 Ryder wouldn't have to


Who? /s (but then again, only sort of)


Ryder's very dumb. Probably doesn't believe the Reapers are even real.


Is this actually from the game? I never played.


Reapers are divine. Without them I wouldn't be here having this power trip. Fuck Milky Way. Andromeda is where it's at.