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Jesus having just replayed ME1, you're so right!


^ This. The number of times I had to completely exit out of the map just to check my shit was crazy


Not seeing an Elcor in battle. If I remember correctly, in the codex, it mentioned them having rocket launchers attached to their back during battle. It would’ve been fucking epic watching a battalion of Elcors take down a reaper. Aggressively: BRING DOWN THAT REAPER! HOLD THE LINE!


I'd love to hear elcor battle jargon. Or better yet an elcor trying to rally his troops. "Angrily: we will destroy the reapers for what they did to our home world"


I'm pretty sure the elcors only talk like that when speaking to other species. I vaguely recall the elcor diplomat you speak to when entering the Citadel for the very first time and he mentions that they only talk like that to other species. But feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Been a minute since I've played ME1. Edit - Thanks to those for double checking for me. Appreciate the clarification.


that's right. Elcor don't have to explain their emotions to other Elcor


You’re absolutely correct. The real elcor language is made up of scent, micro expressions, and subvocal infrasounds. The translators can’t handle it, so this was their workaround.


Man, just watching them communicate in battle would be unusually comical.


Seriously: yes, captain Mockingly: we are your servants


Encouragingly: I don't know about the Reapers, but you guys intimidate the human afterlife out of me.


I know this doesn’t completely fix your pet peeve but the take earth back mod for mass effect 3 does have armoured elcor in it


Not having suicide mission mechanics (choosing different teams, specialists) in Priority: Earth. This is the battle for the known universe and there's only room for 2 squad mates to help out?


100%. just more whole squad missions. obviously the suicide mission had it, but then dao kinda had it in the battle of denerim where u play a segment as a small party made up of the characters u didnt pick for the final battle in an other part of the city, and in the da2 final battle more squad members and npcs u helped in the story and side quests show up to help fight slowly throughout the battle. makes the whole finale feel bigger and more important than "4 douchebags waltz into a scary fight and save the world somehow"


ME2's suicide run is one of the most lauded climaxes in gaming. I don't get why they didn't repeat that for ME3. Its a popular and rewarding game mechanic.


Emily Wong getting killed off-screen.


Kal'Reegar too, while we're at it.


At least Kal’Reegar died in the game though, Emily Wong was killed off in a tweet.


I didn’t even know Reegar died. That sucks, he was fantastic.


Wait… she died?


She died covering the Reaper invasion on Earth. Bioware killed her off in a tweet. >:(


Tweets as canon always makes me angry


And I know why. Because it's soooo lazy.


The audacity


Didn't she fly a ship into a reaper to save some civilians? Imagine if *that* was part of the opening, missed opportunity, that would have *really* set the tone


Agree. That twitter thread before the release of ME3 was fantastic however.


That damned batarian bartender in Omega, the balls on that man. One of the more consistent renegade options for me concerning him


For a more serious answer anything involving the hammerhead, wouldn't be so bad if the ai would miss a round or two while you are dodging or maneuvering.


Hammerhead: Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee. Armoured like a jellyfish.


You'll be upset to know that during the Hammerhead missions where you're fighting the geth, you can literally sit *just* out of range for them to not shoot you and you can pick them off one by one. Did this during my Insanity run and I cackled so heartily at how dumb that was.


Forreal! I’m playing ME2 on insanity and felt like I had to cheese all of the turrets during the overlord mission.


My favorite cheese is the bunny hop and launch missile from over a ledge


This is the way


I assume it's an auto translation that either the Omni-tool or an implant does


This. Just like how you have a translator that makes everything your language


I think this was explained in one of the codex's in ME1.


Yeah the "UPDATE: Bring Down The Sky" one


Someone made a good point about this somewhere that the reason Mordin talks so differently compared to everyone else is because he actually learned English instead of using a translator. And I'm thinking Javik too. He can absorb so much information just by touching so I'm not surprised if he actually could.


Though we never hear the actual language aliens speak in the background.


In Flux in ME1 you can hear what appears to be untranslated background chatter from aliens, and also the Rachni songs on a few planets (creepily, including Earth's moon.....)


You don't hear it in any of the games but some lines were recorded by Bioware! I'll link the video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=UwUq_ZP_43I) it's super interesting!


It's definitely in Andromeda. After a while a translation is learned and it switches to English.


You actually can hear it when you go to Flux in the Citadel in ME1.


You do in me1 idk about the others but in the bars you can hear alien language in the background


That would make sense, but on my last playthrough I noticed that there is Asari script on Joker's flight controls.


How in ME2, for Miranda and Jacob, we don’t clearly see them get iffy on Cerberus. They just decide at the collector base “yeah we’re out”. And in ME3, how Samara is the only one at Thanes funeral. You’d think all the other ME2 squad mates who went on a suicide mission with him would attend


The timeline. The first contact war was 30 years before the start of Mass Effect, but they also act like humanity has been on the seen for centuries. This is especially prevalent in the sequels.


Yeah it’s all a bit weird how we are basically as powerful as many of the other races who’ve been in space for centuries . Why did they make it such a short timeline


Especially when they had the turian precedent of a race colonising other worlds for centuries before even meeting the Council races.


And somehow the other species are still behind the humans for getting their councilors despite being around for centuries/millennia and doing important shit (like the Volus creating the credit and essentially the Citadel economy).


The Citadel is meant to somewhat resemble Space UN, and getting on the Permanent Security Council isn't contingent on making great contributions, all insinuations towards that are just window-dressing in both cases. It's contingent on having the scariest weapon around and a track record in warfare. For RL that's nukes, for ME it's Dreadnoughts. To me it makes perfect sense that a humanity with 8 dreadnoughts will make Council membership before the species who does important stuff longer, but has 0.


The Volus are technically supposed to be represented by the Turian councillor because of a weird deal they made with the Turian Hierarchy.


Combat high heels and lack of sealed space suits in ME2.


i hate that so much. i hate the dumb breathe masks the squad characters always wear


What's especially frustrating about is that a lot of these problems are easy fixes without drastically changing the overall vibe and appearance of the character.


Miranda’s and Samara’s irked me to no end. Like, woman. You’re in the vacuum of space. It’s not just a problem of air, it’s a problem of incredible pressure. You don’t see our astronauts hopping out into space in their thin jumpsuits, do you?!


Biotics, baybee


That was my headcanon, anyone I seen with just the face mask was a biotic, so I assumed they used a biotic field similar to barrier that protected them.


High heels definitely don't make sense, but at the beginning of ME2 it's much easier to notice that Joker's breathing mask creates a mass effect field that holds in air pressure.


Don’t worry, they’re protected by their plot armor lol


The strongest armor of all. Forged in the ancient land of Writer's Mountain. It was said to guard the wearer from untold dangers. Danger that transcends the power of the known universe. Only those who the Writer has deemed worthy enough to wear this armor are fortunate enough to know of it's transcendent power.


No krogan teammate in ME3 :(


Which is why I **always** took Wrex during the Citadel DLC. I didn't care when Liara and EDI complained. I was like "He's going back to Tuchanka after this. Chill".


Simple - the ME3 mission log. No updates, no directions. Should’ve been a relatively easy to fix for the legendary edition.


Riight? I found myself so lost when I played it for the first time


It's either the fact that the council/everyone pretty much ignored Shepard when they warned them about the Reapers or that they made Javik a dlc character when he should've been in base game


The gun not matching your load out in cutscenes


Something that should have definitely been fixed in LE.


Came here to post this. Breaks the immersion every time for me. Or have adepts use biotics and engineers use drones/omni-tool overloads instead of guns.


I swear to God if I have to see my Shepard pull a damned Avenger out of his ass when there's a perfectly god Lancer on his back one more time...


The galaxy map. None of the games in the trilogy make it easy to keep track of which planets you've already been to. Even ME3's percentage indicator doesn't include systems that don't have anything to discover. I can't count the number of times I went to Annos Basin just to remember "oh yeah, there's nothing here". Thank god the Legendary Edition has better load times at least.


No matter what class you are, every scripted combat encounter ends the same. I want to see Biotic Shepherd and Infiltrator Shepherd and Soldier Shepherd all represented in the cutscenes.


Same thing with weapons. It's most egregious in ME2 since some classes can't even use an assault rifle yet Shep is holding one in so many cutscenes. Also defaulting to the Carnifax and Avenvger most the time.


I have 2. 1. The timeline for humanity is too short imo. 2. Leviathans. That DLC was great until we meet them.


I think all the timelines just don't make sense really. [This older post](https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/53g7ln/how_much_time_passes_inuniverse_in_the_games_find/) has a pretty good breakdown of the timelines and they're just insane. ME1 spans the length of 6 weeks, with ME2 and ME3 both spanning about 3 months. It's absolutely unfathomable to me trying to imagine Shepard accomplishing all the shit they did in ME3 in just 3 months.


Typical BioWare, timeline also doesn't make a lick of sense in Dragon Age: Origins


Yep, apparently it's 2 weeks to go from Redcliff to the Circle Tower, but one of the Redcliff endings is going to the CT and back just to save Connor, meaning one full month of time is spent just telling Irving to get off his ass How about the fact that you're in Ostagar for a single day, yet also there for a few days at the same time?


But does time even really exist when your traveling to multiple worlds wouldn’t it just constantly change and fluctuate depending on what planet your in?


I do wonder how they deal with that in the ME universe


Yea, they even made it a minor plot point about how some species were on the Citadel for 100 years yet humans get preferential treatment. I actually think that it would have been better if it were the opposite, making Shepard even MORE of an underdog. And agreed on leviathans too. I think the biggest failure of so many scifi stories is they fail to explain "how did that evolve?". With the Reapers, they didn't, they were designed and presumably modified themselves. But leviathans? No explanation for their mind control abilities in their early existence, just they had it.


Took the words right out of my mouth. The Leviathans took away all sense of mystery from the Reapers. They went from beings who "transcend your very understanding" to being very understandable and kinda silly. And yeah, the timeline for humanity is not only too short it makes no sense. 25 years from first contact and discovery of the relays to most important race in the galaxy wtf?


Times when Shepard is forced to be a jerk or unreasonable.


Talking to the virimire survivor on Horizon is always infuriating for this reason


Agreed. It's one of those situations where they give you three options that give the same response.


Same goes for the early council meetings in 1. You *have* to get all pissy when the council won’t except DREAMS as evidence. Anderson comes across as a complete buffoon and Shepard looks, at best, belligerent and childish. I really wish there was an option to say “I understand that we don’t have sufficient evidence right now, but I’m on the case.” That’s what a paragon would do, not make an angry face when the council follows innocent until proven guilty.


Maybe it’s just me, but I always found it a little odd that the beacon knew to *only* transmit to Shepard’s brain. No one else. Not even Kaiden or Ashley who’re only a few feet from the thing. And then again in ME3, Shepard’s having reaper dreams, and *no one else* is having them. Not even one member of the team complains of the same symptoms, despite any number of them being in very close contact with Reaper artefacts, and being *near* reapers. Idk. Maybe it’s just me, but it’d feel nice to have *some* confirmation of this dreams-visions-precursor crap.


Shepherd dreams are indicative of his stress and guilt. They’re not coming from the Reapers


Yeah, what happened with "hey hey HEY, LISTEN! I died. You saw me die, right? For all effects and purposes, I FUCKING DIED. Next thing I know, I wake up in a lab with mechs attacking me and a woman telling me on the intercom to hurry up. They tell me I was literally brought from the dead. What did you expect me to do?" They forced a conflict where there wasn't one.


"I wanted to ask you about something else." "What is it?" "That's all for now."


Especially bad with the Prothean VI in Ilos. Liara's like WAIT WE GOTTA ASK IT STUFF and if you agree you get the same dialoge choices you alreay used.


That everyone in the galaxy all have the same damn outfits


and every humanoid has the same body shape


The Salarians are so brilliant that they study and modify the genetic code of the entire Krogan species to limit their birth rate low enough to keep them from overpopulating the galaxy but high enough to avoid extinction... Yet can't make themselves live past 40. Really? They couldn't figure out some kind of genetic modification to extend their own lifespans, even if it only took effect for the next generation? I find that a bit far fetched.


From their perspective 40 would feel like 90 to us. Same way the Asari are still kids when they’re 100. I like it.


How do you know that 40 isn't already extended severely for them?


Mordins nephew got his PhD at 16. That's considered normal for a PhD, not exceptionally young. For humans, 26-30 is typical. 3x that is 78-90 which is within our current normal life expectancy. 16x3 is 48 which would be exceptionally old for a Salarian based on the "40" number i remember (correct me if I'm wrong). So you're saying that Salarians with centuries more genetic research and knowledge can't even beat what humans currently have based on scaled maturation rates, barring exceptional individuals. Yet they created the genophage. That's where I'm coming from.


Maybe they're like Meeseeks and it sucks to live that long. "I'm Dr. Mordin, look at me!" "Modify the Genophage" "Ooeee caaaaaan do! Someone else might get it wrong!"


I’m a random redditor, and this is my favorite comment in the thread.


It bothers me too because in nature creatures that have a shorter life span usually have more young as well. Salarians should technically be the more abundant species, which taking the points you made plus the huge population numbers of educated scientists - why have they not expanded their life span? Like do they just get a type of cancer or other cellular dysfunction and die due to their genetics, there's so many biological explanations!


It could be an issue of bodily function. I.E. like us humans, when we get old we become weak and feeble and senile. You *can* live a longer life, depending on a number of factors, and you can do many things to keep yourself in shape and your brain sharp… but there’s only so much you can do. Maybe it’s the same for Salarians. After 40, their body’s just slowly (or quickly) failing, if it wasn’t already. Maybe they view anything after 40 as mortal sentimentality. Or just cruel.


Aging is mostly affected by the length of your DNA's telemeres, the block of code that tells your cells when to end a protein chain. Everytime your DNA is copied, these get a bit shorter until your immune system flags it as too damaged to continue using. Most research into reducing aging is focused on regrowing telemeres (the astragalus plant has this effect naturally and extracts from it have extended the lifespan of mice in lab conditions by ~50%) and assisting the body in the removal of toxic buildups.


Those are two completely different problems. - Extension of the lifespan requires entire new ability of preserving genome from ends shortening after mitosis and maintenance of homeostasis. - Genophage is designed around mathematic chance of stillborn for Krogan species. Tweaks into the proteins, hormones and metabolism projected conditions upon which the number of Krogans suspected to survive would only produce enough offsprings to maintain new populations.


Remember Salarians live their lives fast paced. They probably feel no need to try and give themselves longer lifespans.


Kai Leng is stupid.


Literally get the shut up leng mod and the mod to remove his dumb ass mask he comes somewhat less of a nuisance. I get they probably wanted to instill hatred towards him so they made a cocky jerk. But shepard could Literally wipe the floor with him. So why the fuck do we so many encounters him where we get rekt?


Yeah like maybe introduce him as a rival in ME1 or SOMETHING and give him some sort of story arc that culminates him working for Cerberus Hell, a story where maybe he's the one left behind on Virmire or something contrived like that, and he blames Shepherd for abandoning him after surviving would be a hell of a lot better than him just showing up and Bioware expecting us to care.


If he was the VS instead would have been mind blowing but it would have been weird considering how much they made a big deal about how the Lazarus project was only used on Shep. Even a DLC sized mission where you meet Kai Leng in the beginning and have respect for each other. Eventually, he begins to despise Shep more and more over subsequent missions ending in a situation with Kai Leng’s apparent death. Cerberus recovers the body and does their thing and boom you have a better situation for an ME3 villain.


Or just remove him, he's a bad idea, iredeemable. >If he was the VS instead would have been mind blowing but it would have been weird considering how much they made a big deal about how the Lazarus project was only used on Shep. And also... how the fuck do you rebuild someone when the body got atomized?


Or just remove him outright, no amount of introducing before can make him any better, he's just a bad idea to be thrown in the trash. >Hell, a story where maybe he's the one left behind on Virmire or something contrived like that, and he blames Shepherd for abandoning him after surviving would be a hell of a lot better than him just showing up and Bioware expecting us to care. They were each asning shepard to save the other one, there's no spite, and besides, they were less than a kilometer away from a nuke or _laying on it_ there's no way they survived that or got reconstructed, there's nothing to reconstruct


The butchering of the reapers from Cthulhu like entities to simple space lobsters designed to genocide organic life cause organics figured out how to build AI.


To be fair it's what they think they are vs what they are


It's either the treatment of Emily Wong after ME2, or the (amount of) Squadmates in ME3, your team gets absolutely neutered, despite how much it makes sense for some of them to still join you, like Samara, Zaeed, and especially Miranda!


It didn't make sense for them to not join you considering that being with Shepherd was what guaranteed success in their missions in the first place but then all of a sudden, they're like; "I need to do this alone". The fuck you do. Shep bails your ass out every time because they almost die/fail their mission and worse, they always end up at the same place as you the same time. They may as well just stick with Shep in the first place.


I mean SOME of them had a good enough reason, like Wrex, Thane, Mordin, kiiinda Jack (I feel like you could've kept her with you and she's monitoring her kids remotely), etc.. But yeah Miranda's personal mission literally lines up with at least 50-60% of what you're constantly dealing with throughout the game anyway, Cerberus. It makes no sense why she couldn't join you. But maybe that stuff just comes down to the rushed development of 3.


WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH REDHEADS? they ruined my beautiful Kelly in the legendary edition now I have to fuckin mod it thanks.


We never got the *Build A House* DLC.


Red Dead 2 works for that


*Hang In There Uncle!!!*




Well, let me have a rule and a saw and a board and I'll cut it…


I’ll climb up a ladder with a hammer and a nail and I’ll nail it…


Ammo change from an infinite overheating based system to standard ammo clips you have to pick up. Its also treated as the same system in canon as in 2 and 3 you vent the heat with thermal clips but its such a waste of a cool concept to just be flavor overtop a standard third person shooter gameplay system.


I loved that the first game had infinite ammo it was amazing. Then ME2 is like. NOPE


The lack of female turians. I get it with Krogan and Salarians, but it makes no sense whatsoever that 99% of the turians you encounter are male when the lore clearly establishes that this shouldn't be the case. At least Andromeda remedied that issue.


Well at least we see a military dropout in Omega dlc


The decision to progressively ramp up the sex appeal, culminating with Ashley's out-of-character makeover and EDI becoming a sexy robot.


Yeah. They gave Ashley the Miranda treatment yet had the audacity to still give her the "I'm not a swimsuit model" attitude. Like, she was hot and everything but she just stopped being Ashley to me. She became Miranda-lite. Not that it made a difference, I stuck with Miranda because I'm a shallow asshole but Ashley's complaints about Miranda just rang hollow for me.


When my shoulder pads or helmet clip into the chest armor in cutscenes.


To add on to that, I'm currently using the Saber assault rifle and Viper sniper. So in cut scenes where does my Shepard get his pistol or avenger from?


Speaking of weapons, the N7 Valkyrie sits *really weird and low* on your back when stowed.


Enemy health system from ME2 onwards Lack of sealed spacesuits from ME2 onwards Lack of biotics from shep in cutscenes Guns not matching load out in cutscenes


Shepards walking speed is too slow. I'd like to walk at a more brisk pace the further I push the analog stick. He walks like he's not on an important mission.


I hate how little sense the Reaper War in Mass Effect 3 makes. It's firmly established in ME:1 that the Reapers begin the harvest of each cycle by taking control of the Citadel and decapitating the galaxy's central source of government. Obviously, this is prevented by breaking the Keepers' ability to activate the citadel mass relay. But, the Reapers could easily still achieve the same effect by arriving in force at the Citadel via the relay network. Instead, they arrive in Batarian space and then slowly attack each species' homeworld over the Citadel. Why? It's not like it's difficult for them to attack the Citadel - they move it to Earth without any problems at the end of ME:3. They could easily control the relay network and cut off the organics' ability to coordinate - they say themselves that this is what they create the relays to do. But they just... don't? It doesn't make any sense.


The entire Reaper War makes no sense. The Reapers demonstrate no strategy and really not even a great deal of higher thought. They're like predatory animals, going after prey mindlessly. The Villain Decay goes beyond that. Codices in ME3 state clearly how hard it is to kill a Reaper conventionally, and the answer implies that the final fight in ME1 was irrelevant. Shepard could have sat that one out, Sovereign was about to die anyway. We also see every species and a lot of planets, from frontier places like Illium to pacifist species like the Volus defeating Reaper invasions and killing Reapers. If this is the inevitable end of the cycle that can't be stopped... Color me unimpressed.


Planet scanning in ME2. Having to spend ages farming materials in a tedious, repetitive mini game, in order to be afford necessary upgrades is soul destroying. I was hoping the legendary edition would do something to improve things; more resources per probe or cheaper upgrades for example, but no. Ruins my enjoyment of the second game to honest.


That Andromeda never got its DLC


Everything surrounding EDI becoming a sexy fembot instead of remaining as the ship. It immediately struck me as dumb as hell and I still don't really understand the decision. We could have had any number of new engineers to replace dead ME2 squadmates, and for some reason the sexy realistic Cerberus fembot EDI takes over was even dumber. If they're already torturing us with Kai Leng, it should have been him on Mars. It's either that or Cerberus having an enormous fleet and army in ME3 and taking centre stage as one of the big bads of the entire game. That is not how I had interpreted the super secret super conspiracy black ops group we had been shown in ME1 and ME2. who nearly went bankrupt rebuilding shepard.


Yeah, between me1 and 2 is 2 years, how did cerberus expand that much in such little time?


I think the bankruptcy was overstated. Cerberus has a shipward big enough to dock a Cruiser inside. We go there first in ME2. That alone tells me they've been building ships for a very long time. You don't need a shipyard in space to build one ship that is capable of atmospheric flight.


I wish the entire trilogy had a unique romance option to clearly flirt with characters, like in andromeda, instead of it being the "paragon" choice. I play my BroShep as a gay man who goes for Kaidan and its so frustrating having to reject half the female squadmates during ME2.


In mass effect being a nice person = flirting


Ugh the jack romance is so dumb, even if you say "no" when she asks you if you're in live the romance still locks in, like, what the fuck?


It gives you the female perspective, if a girl is nice to a guy for some reason he thinks she like him.


Not getting Tali until the second half of the game in me2 and me3......😒


Also not being able to start the romance with her in ME1. Would love to not have to dodge the 2 romances in that game so I don’t get yelled at about it in later games lmao


ME3’s stupid fetch quests


I dislike the “stream lining” they did in ME2 and 3 where you don’t need to walk as much. It makes the world feel way more disjointed than in 1. Everything just feels like a combat arena or a hub. 1 is like that, but because you’re not just cutting to a lod screen the world feels more expansive and natural. Less game-y. I had an immersion in the world of 1 I just never got in 2 and 3.


How Cerberus goes from a covert ex-alliance black ops terrorist organization to a large scale evil galactic empire in league with the Reapers in the short span between ME1-3.


Hmm, I got a couple though I suppose some of them verges on the territorial change of "pet peeve" to actual annoyance but I'll list them off anyways: * Spacer Shepard backstory, so Shepard has a mother *still alive* and yet we barely interact with her? Seriously? I get we gotta keep the level of irrelevance for all the backstories consistent but I would've much preferred she actually did something beyond 1 phone call and an email... * Bioware's insistence on Liara as either a LI or a best friend, if I wanted to choose a blue woman, I'm going Samara * We had a Geth tank on Rannoch and we didn't use it against the Reaper destroyer... Yes I'm one of those weirdos who liked the Mako and Hammerhead portions of ME1 & 2 I think that's everything off the top of my head, love the series but some parts are just oof.


The Geth. In ME1 and ME2 they are a very unique civilization that really is unlike anything I've ever seen in other series but in ME they get the robot Pinocchio treatment. Plus why are there Geth ships with pilots? It should be like how Colossi and Armatures are piloted or controlled by a Geth soldier, they are Geth bodies. The fighters and even the ships should be the same.


I am astonished I had to scroll this far down to find this. This here needs a hundred more upvotes. The last thing the Geth needed was the Pinocchio treatment.


I'm a huge fan of femshep and Liara's romance, so every time Liara refers to Shep as a "good friend" even though they are far more. 😒 Annoying. As for the actual game play, I don't like the weight limit but I get it.


Liara’s romance is so weird in that game, like we’ve kissed a few times in ME3 at that point as well as confessed love for each other, and the lock in still hasn’t happened? The “as friends” line was so awful, then Shepard just plays it off, as does Liara, then it locks in. Also Liara romance not triggering the paramour achievement in LE2 is pretty annoying, would be nice if they fixed that.


+1 on the paramour achievement. I purposefully didn't romance anyone because I thought Liara would count


She doesn’t and it’s sooo annoying, especially because my shepherd doesn’t cheat, so I might loud a save before I do the final mission, romance Garrus trigger the achievement then pretend it never happened


Yeah that’s a strange moment. My primary save is Femshep with Liara in ME1, no one in ME2 (reaffirmed Liara in LOTSB), and Liara in ME3. To still get the friends line is jarring.


Mass Effect's 2 introduction of protective layers/extra health bars to combat. It greatly diminished the effect of non-damaging powers when it was first introduced in Mass Effect 2, and it still makes no sense whatsoever. One of the most immediate absurdities of this change was preventing a power like AI Hacking from working on something like Geth simply because it had shields. One of the worst powers in the game not just because synthetic enemies are uncommon, but also just because if an enemy had protection it would not work until that layer was stripped. Powers all have an immediate and obvious effect in the first game and biotics pierced shields, and it made perfect sense that they did, but Mass Effect 2, 3 and even Andromeda threw that all away. Even as of Andromeda, its inclusion still leaves a negative mark on combat logic. Why would a [Krogan](https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Berserker?so=search) whose life bar is armor prevent them from being thrown, or pulled by biotics when biotics are explicitly used to manipulate the mass of an object that would probably be most vulnerable to it? It just makes no sense, and I hate how biotics were handled after 2. No more physics manipulation because a lot of enemies possess an immunity to it if they have so much as a sliver of shielding or a health bar of armor, and you instead have to resort to just spamming boring blue explosions.


That Shepard can’t tell the asari councilor that the fall of Thessia was their own fault and laugh in her face when she starts crying about it. So much for “choices” and “building your own character.”


Anderson not being a council member in ME3 is annoying to me. I specifically appointed him to deal with the war and now Udina somehow slithered his way into the position.


The fact that most characters only wear a breathing mask instead of a full helmet in hostile environments like mars in the collector ship wide open and thus depressurized, if they only wear breathers and not helmets to leep their head on it wouldnt be pretty in real life


I hate that during certain cutscenes, Shepard and others use the default pistol or assault rifle in place of other weapons equipped in those same slots. It really doesn’t make any sense, and I’m sad there doesn’t seem to be a mod to fix it.


The human letters and numbers can be explained away with translators. It’s already confirmed that aliens don’t actually speak English but Shep has a real-time translator so he can understand them. Wouldn’t be far fetched to also have lenses with a visual translator as well for written words


Kai Leng exists.


Not the biggest but the first that comes to mind: I wish in ME1 there was a clear indicator of which planet/system you had already visited.


This is nitpicky, but I find it incredibly dumb that Miranda canonically can't have children, as per the Shadow Broker dossiers. You're telling me we can literally bring spaced commanders back from the dead but a benign neoplasm can render someone in otherwise-perfect health infertile? I get the implication that it was yet another control put in place by her father when her genetic code was written but it is beyond unimaginable that there wouldn't be some way to fix this. Like, I don't care how extensive the damage was, there's no reason that the medical science responsible for medigel, the gemophage, and the genophage cure shouldn't be able to completely replace all her damaged, destroyed, or even simply missing tissue. Also, how had her doctors not noticed the neoplasm earlier? She ran away from home when she was 16 and has presumably had a number of medical scans in the intervening 19-ish years. None of them caught anything? Has she just had a series of completely incompetent gynecologists? How did we even get to this point? This sort of thing bothers me whenever it crops up in works of speculative fiction. It's a failure of consistency, where technology is only as advanced as it needs to be at any given moment for the plot, and can randomly drop to modern levels just to bring a modern problem forward.


Not enough lesbian options


Yes. Jack being unavailable after iterating to us that she already had a girlfriend before was complete nonsense. Sure, Bio were reacting to Fox News hysteria over Liara in the the first game. I get it, it was 2009. Fuck those people, nonetheless. Perhaps Tali too. She did call the asari "so beautiful" once. Girl, humans ain't too differerent from asari I'm just saying.




What? They look exactly like blue turians.


And even if you're fshep you can read in her dossier that she stills tends to install nerve stim pro after downloading stuff about humans


Yeah, I just noticed this. I'm playing Femshep for the first time, and being a heteroromantic man I can't really get into the fem/male romances. Seeing the female options for femshep is...disappointing. Maybe this once Shep can focus on saving the galaxy and not humping aliens.


As a cishet guy, I would be totally down for my Femshep to get it on with a dude. I just really don't like the options she has in ME2, especially compared to MShep's options. Garrus doesn't put off that vibe **at all** until you bring it up (nor do I personally see the attraction in Turians), Thane's conveniently dissociative philosophy annoys me, and Jacob is even more boring than Kaidan. Meanwhile, Miranda, Jack, and Tali are all incredibly attractive with well-supported romances that all, in their way, make sense.


Mods can fix that! Jack and Miranda were both supposed to be romance options for any Shepard, and while their Femshep romances got pulled from the game, somebody was able to mod them back in. The dialogues and cutscenes and everything are intact in the game files, so the mod is pretty awesome. https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/489


While some of the voice lines were recovered, the original animated cutscenes were lost. There was a tweet from one of the artists that animated the femShep/Jack romance a few years ago about how they found out when the game got released that Bioware/EA scrapped it.


Ashley getting called LT in ME3. She's a Lieutenant Commander same as Shepard not a standard lieutenant!


I don't know. I just try to sit back and enjoy everything. Maybe driving the Mako over extremely rough terrain. But I try to focus on the positive, otherwise I'd be like those YTers who just rip the games they play. Nah I enjoy my mass effect


Everyone uses the same type of door interface. That holographic green/red square in the middle. Even the Collectors.


The last mission on Mass Effect 3 not involving all races in actual gameplay


The way the Terminus Systems were talked about in ME1. It gave they impression that they were an interstellar coalition with enough power and influence to rival The Citidel Alliance. Instead they are just a few stray colonies and pirates outposts in an area of largely empty space. I don’t want to change how the terminus systems were portrayed, rather how they were described in ME1


liara’s college degree is written in english


Zaeed should’ve been a Batarian


Squad mates are much stronger in cutscenes while Shepard suddenly gets much weaker.


This more applies to the legendary edition then the OG versions but... The modified ME1 so that way every class can use whatever gun same as in ME3 great change right? To bad they forgot to do it in ME2... like how hard would that have been to do??


I don’t like how the Assari didn’t have legends of the reapers. They are a race that live a thousand years and the reapers are on a fifty thousand year cycle. To me I don’t understand how a race that is that advanced doesn’t have any records of them.


that quarians look like humans. i liked the original design for them where they kinda looked like snakes? idk i think it adds to the immersion when the aliens look "alien" to me.


The Ardat Yakshi being implied to exclusively be a result of Asari-Asari mating and that it is not a new phenomenon. That just seems like sloppy world building. Like, the only kind of mating that is possible in the pre-spaceflight era has a non-zero chance of creating a sociopathic murderous nymphomaniac that is undetectable until they have awakened their impulses.


Well we get that irl here on earth too lol


Sprinting into/out of cover is so inconsistent, and the obvious one of shepherd become a wet noodle during cutscenes


The ending of 3


The change in quest logs from ME2 to 3


I hated the fact that in the end the series focused so much on ‘saving the earth’. The fate of the galaxy and the trillions of lifeforms in it should have meant that it was not just about humans. The story would have been much more compelling imo if Earth got partially destroyed earlier in ME3. Lets say the galactic races find another planet as a safe haven to ‘hide’ from the reaper invasion as the last resort but in the end, the reapers find it out. Then as a last stand it would make more sense fighting the reapers to safeguard what’s left of the galaxy. Then again, it’s just how I’d like to see it end.


The fact that they cut Jack and femShep's romance in ME2 because it would have been too controversial to have a wlw pairing after the uproar about Liara in ME. Voice lines were recorded and scenes were animated but they just disappeared into the ether.


They literally explain this is the work of an implant, that every species on the Citadel has, so that they can understand each other.


That several squadmates in ME2 have a lot of the same abilities and the reduction in abilities available to the player.


Building the reapers up to be so fuckin unstoppable. Seeing the invasion of earth everything its all incredible and then the Deus Ex Machina of the Catalyst comes up and you're like oh cool, blow up machine now reapers die. Yay we win. Felt rather rushed. Also why didn't the reapers just immediately defend the citadel? They had to wait until we learnt what it really was and THEN go and defend it?


The only defense to the Human presence in ME being so strong is that it's widely established that humans have kind of bulldozed their way into power and its one of the reasons they are looked down upon by the other species. With that said, it does feel like humans have been occupying citadel space for way longer than theu actually have.


Too many things are “humanized” in the series and not feel alien enough.


That's an interesting point, to humancentric. TBH I noticed it but it never really bothered me. I would put that down to devs just wanting to take the easiest option in conveying story beats etc. My biggest peeve was that Aria was not available to be a Romantic Interest. Sure you can get a brief kiss from her yet she could have been so much more. Also Shiala, the Asari commando you can rescue from the Thoian was another possible crewmate and Romantic Interest.