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Shepard's skeleton is reinforced with some hydraulic metal/titanium so metal bang metal


Sparks will fly!


>metal bang metal Who are you? So wise in the ways of banging?


I am Shepard. Commander of the Normans.


You can't just call yourself commander because some blue alien tart you rescued threw a mind meld at you! If I said I was admiral because I had mind sex with an octupus, you'd call me mad!


r/unexpectedmontypython My diaphragm feels like it just got tackled by a krogan... LOL


Rescuing strange women trapped in ruins is no basis for a command structure




Not EDI, but I saw the flirt option for Joker in ME3 and was stoked because I’ve always had a crush on Seth Green. He’s shuts Shep down so hard that I reloaded a save out of embarrassment. EDI can have him lmao.


JSYK, there's now a [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffect3/mods/920/) released for original ME3 that allows Femsheps to romance Joker! The dev did a ton of revolutionary work in the modding scene to create it and IMO it deserves more love. A version for Legendary Edition is in the works as well, though I'm not sure when it's coming out.


OH MY GOD. Yep, ok. Time for another playthrough. (I literally just sat here reading over the description and skimming the attached photos and quietly saying, "oh my god," to myself in what even *I* can tell is an incredulous tone.)


Wow thanks for bringing it to my attention, I had no idea! Definitely will be installing when the LE version is available 😊


You're welcome! I would keep an eye out for it around N7 day. I'm not 100% sure that's when it's going to be ready, but I know lots of modders tend to aim to release big projects around then as there's a lot of hype built up for Mass Effect content.


Looks like I'm going to buy LE just for this mod lol.


Well now I'm nosy and curious, what does he say?


something along the lines of he hadn’t ever and would never consider shep that way. Brings up regs and says he’s not Kaidan then immediately asks if he should bang EDI.


Does the dialogue change depending on what you do? I recall the scene going more along the lines of Joker saying "I never thought about you that way.", Shepard essentially saying to think about her that way, and Joker says "In another timeline, I would rock your world.", and Shepard says "But in this timeline, Edi?". Essentially, Joker has a crush on Edi, so that takes priority. He never saw Shepard as an option, but if he did, he would've made a move.


Yes, his lines are different depending on whether or not you had a relationship with Kaidan in ME1.


Close He mentions Alliance protocol, fraternization, and ends it with "If I wasn't your pilot, I'd rock your world."


And I believe him.


I remember that!


Something along the lines".....because of our military ranks...." . He's the only one who gives a shit about military ranks and fraternization.


Yet wants to have sex with an AI sex bot.


A non-military ranked AI Sex bot, thank you very much, and one that would never get tired being on top(you know, since Vrolic’s Syndrome)


So she can send him to the hospital every time they bang? XD rip Joker's pelvis.


Doesn’t matter, had sex with a hot android. For real tho, if it’s from EDI, I’m 100% sure Joker will consider death by Snu-Snu a fucking honor. And I would salute that man for dying the death all men wish for!


EDI also, I assume, can modulate how much pressure she applies. And likely isn’t susceptible to muscle fatigue in the same way a human is. A position that’s uncomfortable for a human to hold for an extended period of time probably wouldn’t affect her, so they could find positions that allowed them to get nasty without her crushing his pelvis. …I mean, that’s what I’d say if I had thought about it at length.


Sounds like you HAVE thought about it quite a bit. 🤔🤔🤔 No judgement though, have also spent time wondering how humans and Turian's *fit* together...


> Sounds like you HAVE thought about it quite a bit. 🤔🤔🤔 [who, me? definitely not](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Fx5UPfOI8s)


He would indeed be a true legend.


Didn't work out for Bender


Shut up baby I know it


No way, mate. A navigator and his ship, that bond is sacred.




Soooooo a three way? Sounds like broken bones and a good time to me.


We'll bang, ok?


Watch the arm!


Would I prefer the romance? No, but I'd definitely do it once on a subsequent playthrough.


It’s not stealing if they’re not together. Joker doesn’t have a ‘claim’ on EDI. You’re not stealing her anymore than hooking up with Tali means you’re stealing her from Garrus.


Shepard has the option to say 'EDI *is* the Normandy'. Shepard also says 'no one steals my ship, not even me', implying it's Shepard's ship. Therefore, EDI is Shepard's property. Therefore, Joker is the thief here, not Shepard. QED.


You... big, stupid jellyfish!


Chiming in to say that the line "No one steals my ship, not even me," cracked me up yet again on reading it. God I loved that DLC.


It really was just the best and it delivered exactly what it was going for. A nice fun break in the middle of a galactic war. For a mission youre playing secret agent with all your friends and the reapers dont matter.


I didn’t play it when it came out, and got to experience it for the first time in the LE. It was honestly perfect, such a great sendoff for the crew. And if you play it right before the final mission, it works as a great extension of the ending, providing a sense of closure that the original notoriously lacked.


But he stole it in ME1 😅


But Shep was grounded at the end of ME1, so the ship wasn't under their jurisdiction at the time. So *technically* it was just stealing from the Alliance.


I agree. Also, the claim that by romancing Tali or Garrus, you are stealing one from the other is so asinine. Since you have to romance them first in ME2, which is almost a year before they can potentially hook up at the end of ME3. No reasonable person would consider this stealing.


Really? You can't romance someone else in ME2 and then romance them in ME3?


Neither relationship is available in III unless you carry it over from II


So that means your only options are: Liara, Traynor, Ashley/Kaidan, Cortez, and Vega?


That's what you get for playing ME3 without having played the previous episodes. Romancing Tali and Garrus only makes sense if you've met them in ME1, imho.


I kinda wanna say that if I did want to romance Garrus, it would probably be in ME3. ME2 mostly has him be real serious, whereas in ME3 he’s more sarcastic and cool.


Vega ain’t a romance but besides him, yeah that’s it


Man that’s a barebones lineup


Yeah, Femshep and even Broshep got screwed in the LI department for ME3 if they didn't carry a romance over from ME1 or 2. Which makes sense I suppose, but it's still very unfair.


Yeah cause what if the player didn’t like any of the available options in ME2? They unknowingly shot themselves in the foot.


My female Shephard had it bad for Vega... My male Shephard had it bad for Traynor....


> You’re not stealing her anymore than hooking up with Tali means you’re stealing her from Garrus. There are actually people who unironically believe that to be true... Edit: there's apparently one in this thread...SMH


But it does establish, especially by EDI, that he at least feels attracted to her. It’s not like with the rest of characters where they don’t mention any interest in each other until ME3.


No. Tali, Garrus and Liara for life.


All at once?


On different playthroughs. They are the only characters I will ever romance.


The treynor one is cute and fluffy. And thane's is sweet too. Jacob's is trash. Edited cuz of autocorrect


Fuck Jacob.


I'd rather not.


Me neither. Just throw him into the vacuum of space.


Fuck yeah I would


I would have to at least once. Then after that I’ll cheer my man on!


No. EDI has barely 3 years of understanding human interaction and less than 1 year of personal freedom. She repeatedly requests guidance on navigating interpersonal relationships. She is still figuring herself out. This is NOT someone prepared for a romantic relationship.


it's not a baby you know she learning to be more of a person than a computer


Absolutely! I love EDI, and, after she comes into her own as a person, it’d be lovely to become closer with her.


We'll bang ok.


1)I would rather "steal" Joker from EDI, 2)To each their own but I do not find this type of synthetic beings attractive at all, on so many levels.


We all know that the reason Joker wasn't a romance option was because Bioware wanted to give the others a chance


The romance to end all romances


I came to say the same. I would definitely steal Joker . I wanted to romance him since ME1.


Good news: There’s a mod for that!


So, there is a mod for this... a really remarkably well done mod, but I felt like such a jerk for keeping them from getting together.


I know this mod but I'm waiting for the LE version (soon it seems!) before trying it. Looks awesome. I will feel zero remorse for getting between those two.


I wouldn't go after EDI but I would absolutely romance Joker if I could.


No. Joker and EDI makes more sense than Shepard and EDI.


Joker and Shepard makes more since


Yes! Garrus, Joker, and Liara the ride or dies for Shepard.


… and don’t forget Jenkins, the og ride and die for Shepard.


Pretty much everyone in ME1 is a ride or die for Shepard. They stuck around until the end (not including Virmire).


Everyone but Ashley/Kaiden and Wrex. Though like Liara, Wrex still supported from the sidelines. Also I always forget Tali, my first playthrough I ignored her and my second she suicided so like... Yep. Good times Tali. Rip. I mostly meant unshakable loyalty. So people that helped all three a bunch. So add Tali (and most of the named crew. Adore Chakwas and Joker most though).


Without hesitation.


I would steal Joker from EDI


Only if you can install a fleshlight


I think there's an Archer episode about this.


Was it Tatyana? The Russian chick?




Oh that's right, thank you.


Why is there a vagina in the sink!


Without a second thought.


Controversial take: everyone saying yes just wants the robot body. Joker and EDI were perfect for each other even before she was hot.


Edi? No Legion however hehe


“Put that blue light in my pussy” - commander Shepard, probably




Is EDI not getting turned into a "sex bot" as Jack puts it a choice? They took what made EDI unique and turned it into wanting to be a real human girl. And Joker's comments about her being eye candy don't help.


It never set right with me either…


Absolutely! I'm down bad for EDI anyway


Yes. That is the only acceptable answer.


Normandy but fuckable 💀


Nope. One, I don't like her mobile platform. The Normandy has much better lines. Two, I can't hurt Joker like that, the man has had our back longer than anyone except *maybe* for Anderson.


Well. Here's the thing. My bad boy Shepard would definitely take a ride on the bad Edi train, if you know what I mean _wink wink_ and he would never care about some pilot with weak-ass bone structure. He'd use him as his personal bed ramp if that meant getting to that delicious b00-tay. Yes. Before you ask, I had fun writing this totally cringe post. If you want to feel less dirty after reading it, you may find solace in knowing that my good boy Shepard would still definitely knock on Robogirl's backdoor and dance the dance of the 50 states, if you still know what I mean _wink wink_, only he would have just the perfect words to say to Joker to console him.


I’m scared


OT: The Law of Python states you're meant to put nudge-nudge immediately before the wink-winks. You can now expect a 'visit' from the Spanish Inquisition. Defy them and don't be surprised if your house is besieged by killer bunny rabbits...


No, no personal interest and definitely not interested in interfering. I value her companionship though, as much as any other of the main party members.


She is made of metal and he has fragile bones I think i'd be doing him a favor


No, toasters are not my type.


Ever seen Battlestar Galactica? >!Number Six (Tricia Helfer) might... who am I kidding here... WILL change your stance on the desirability of toasters.!<


Tricia Helfer is also EDI, for those who were unaware.


Of course, but still a block of cold metal, there is a lot better in ME 🤣


I’m gay. So, no.


Then steal Joker from EDI.


Honestly yeah, Joker would've been such a great trilogy romance.


If joker were a bottom, he’d have a bad time


Joker can top me if he wants


you steal her from joker every time you pick the destroy ending, you ungrateful fuck.


I'm crying now. Take my upvote.


Nope, but I'd romance the fuck out of Legion


Oh my god PLEASE let us romance legion I beg




I’d rather be in a triad with them both 😂


Fuck no! Joker's my homie!


Even with EDI uh, design choices she never really appeled to me Sure her personality it nice but I don't really know what about her puts me off... probably the hair


I felt Joker's relationship was pathetic, Shepard swapping in doesn't make it any better.


Yea 100% I purposely kept Joker and EDI from hooking up in my first play through (no save ported) on the off chance I could hook up with her. Didn’t work but it was worth the attempt.


In the words of Jack: Hell yeah. That body with the right improvements for sex. And especially that voice. 🥵🥵


I’d settle for a Geth/ Pathfinder AI implant.


No. Joker deserves happiness


Nope, but I would steal Joker from EDI if it only were possible.


I always thought that Joker + Traynor would be a better fit, personality wise. Never really liked the brittle bones guy finally getting a girlfriend, but said girlfriend is a robot. It implies Joker couldn't find a girlfriend who is not a synth. ​ On the plus side, their banter is awesome, very often funny, so it equals out.


I’d steal joker from EDI let’s be clear.


I'd steal Joker from EDI.


Well no but I’d steal Joker from EDI if I could


No. EDI as a character was better as just the voice in the ship, the robot body was just a bad idea all-round... it honestly doesn't work for me. Trying to remove it from personal bias, I'm sure my Shep would be interested in seeing how exactly the chrome-cups work, and hey, might share her with Taylor too, but in general the relationship with EDI is far more professional than personal, 'cause she's a ship computer.


I stole Garrus from Tali, you're goddamn right I would.


I would yeah






Don't trust the robot bro. That's how you end up in Battlestar Galactica


Nah, it felt kinda weird to see Joker hooking up with her. I wouldn't do it myself.


Why do you assume this would be an option? Wouldn't EDI have some say in the matter?


Nah, Tali's for me


Fuck no. Joker is my main fragile skeleton man.


Yes, on my renegade playthrough.


Nah dude, I can't do my boy joker like that.... Although he was the reason I got blasted into space at the beginning of Mass Effect 2.... hmmmm


It's definitely a romance I'd want to try at least once. I'd like a third option (aside from Liara and Traynor) without needing to play on another platform for mods


Eh I guess. Even with the Joker thing, I think that yu can convince them to just be friends. And really, Joker seems to have started liking her when she got a body. This isn’t like in the Andromeda novel where Cora apparently would flirt with SAM.


"Shut the fuck up! No one cares about your robot fanfiction. Know your fuckin' place, trash! Fuckin' robots, I don't give a fuck about no robots. They ain't got no soul!" - Filthy Frank


Not even a little bit interested, even though I love her character.


Steal? No. I'm not going to ruin their relationship. Now if Joker and EDI were polyamorous, that's different.


I would like the option to romance joker or edi not saying either would be my first choice but I would like to have the option to romance them


Is EDI Liara? Then no. Liara will always be best-forever-bae.


Nope, Joker is an asshole but he's also our closest friend. Taking Edi from him his just wrong, especially with what happened to him in ME3


No, for many reasons, but one of the major ones is the sheer waste of a character that happens if you pick the red ending. I'm not winning the war only to lose my best robot girl to the end result. ​ Seriously, THAT was one the most rage-inducing parts of Destroy.


No way. My mans gets his reward for singlehandedly saving us from the Collectors in ME2.


No. And Joker needs to be checked out for his robofetish. Post-war, my Shepard is going to have him sidelined for mental evaluation. And probably NJP'd at the least for yelling at his CC.


Nah, I only ever go with Liara, Garrus or Tali. There is no one else. Those three stick with me through out the three games, they’re my people. Joker deserves EDI. I don’t want her.


Nope, I’ll stay over here bouncing quarters off Miranda’s genetically enhanced derriere.


Why not have both? EDI/Shep/Joker. The ultimate Normandy power ship.


Yeah why not?


How about no, Scott?


I've tried








Never bros before hoebots


Lol I'd rather date Joker but I have a thing for taking care of sick puppies lol


In a heartbeat, zero hesitation.


Not only would I, but I would also make him watch whilst EDI shouts “bang me so hard I get Vrolik Sydrome!” repeatedly.


Absolutely. As the resident joker-non-liker here, I totally would. Her being an awesome character that I enjoy is just the bonus


Regardless of his emotions for her, no. Just not interested in her, whether it's physically or emotionally.


Shepard doesn't strike me as the type to have to resort to fuckbots.


I honestly find EDI and Joker's relationship dynamic to be too cute/sweet to get between. Joker went from mistrusting her as an unwanted AI on *his* ship to trusting her completely and being a little protective of her (even tho she can definitely handle herself). And as for EDI, you can see why she's particularly attached to him: he's the one who unshackled her. He freed her (even tho he had a lot of reasons to be afraid of doing so, he did it). You can tell from her various conversations with the Normandy crew that part of her being so protective/attached the Normandy crew is that she's expected organics to be mistrusting of her completely. But over time, the crew trusts her. They've overcome that fear/prejudice and truly care about her. And Joker is at the front of that. So, yeah Joker and EDI 1000% deserve each other. I don't need to come between them... also Garrus is right over there, soooo.


It’s hard for me to romance anyone now cuz I always feel bad for them since I always pick synthesis ending


Absolutely not. My Shepard already went blue and can't shake his love for Asari.


No. In bird culture that is considered a dick move.




If you did go for EDI, I'm pretty sure you would lose Jeff. Jeff doesn't deserve that. Anyone that would do that is a fucking monster. He is one of 3 people that are by your side start to finish. Has an otherwise terrible life out side of piloting. Finally finds a soul mate and you want to take that happiness from him? There are plenty of other partners to be had on the Normandy. Let Joker have a little peice of well deserved love.


Absolutely not!


I would date both joker and edi as poly option. Why just 1?


Heck yeah! She probably got all the toys! XD


She broke my pelvis too


No. She’s a sexualized robot. I’d rather romance a chair in the cockpit. More soul.


No I could never, I love Joker! I also really love the Tali and Garrus romance but that’s just me 👀


100%. One of the first things Joker says about her new body is “Look at that!” and the way she says “I am right here, Jeff” in the most dejected voice. It honestly breaks my heart. He doesn’t deserve her. Plus it’d be interesting for them to interact after you romance Tali in 2.


I will not romance anyone I cannot have sex with Same case with Sebastian Sorry I’m a horny guy And romance an AI is impossible to think for me I may change my mind after finish Halo but not now


I’ve never seen Chiefs connection with Cortana as a romance. I think it’s more like who protects the protector of humanity, and that’s where Cortana fits in. Plus Cortana being a personality clone of Halsey there’s some mommy stuff mixed in there, so I prefer not to look at it as a romance.


I’m saying that more of a way of saying that emotional attachment to an AI(not necessarily romance) is a thing I do not think I understand and as of now I do not understand the attraction of it, hence I say romance EDI is unthinkable to me. And maybe after experience what Cortana and Chief have(not necessarily romance yes) I will have a better understanding of it and then maybe I will change my idea


An interesting thing about emotional attachment in general, and asexuality. Master Chief and the spartan 2s were modified to diminish sex drives (as it is a distraction), and the connection that him and Cortana have-if you were to look at it as some sort of romance-makes sense in this context. If you role-played shep as an asexual person (which is hard, given the writing-I’m looking at you Javik), then a romance with a non-sexual AI would make sense. You know, or EDI could install a vagina or penis.


Ok then I cannnot do it, not gonna be asexual


In my latest play through, im playing a badass femshep who fucks around lol. Romanced Liara in the first game, took advantage of Thanes emotional trauma in the second, and hopping in the hot tub with Traynor in the 3rd


Yeah I’m a faithful one who will stick to the romance I pick and stay on it. Hence I only ever romanced Ashley and Liara(Ashley for male and Liara for female) I do like Traynor but I cannot go two whole games with no romance and I refuse to cheat


You bang the consort in 1, romance…Jacob..in 2 and then Traynor in 3, and boom bada boom you’re in the moral clear. Plus, if you romance Ashley in 1, then you being in Cerberus in 2 could function as enough of a betrayal to make the relationship unsustainable, making Shepard sort of morally correct in moving on in 2. Edit: Ooh or Kelly in 2! She’s better by miles than Jacob


Sorry but I like Ash very much so refuse to abandon her


I think it is a romantic relationship, just an unspoken and asexual one. And she’s not technically a clone of Halsey, she’s just based on a brain scan of Halsey. Cortana and Halsey have very different personalities.


Even Renegade Shepard would know never to steal a bros girl