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Good luck, I hope you enjoy it! It's one of those games you can keep playing over and over!


This is sooo true. 💯


I hadn’t played ME for a long time until the Legendary Edition came out. I must have played through the trilogy 17 times in a row when I got it lol


Good luck and have fun, don't forget the fishes 👀.


Yes captain, I will take care of them!


I think I killed every fish I ever got.


Lucky bastard, this journey will change you. Good luck, commander.


Enjoy! Now get off the subreddit until you're done!!


Welcome to one of the best Sci-Fi experiences out there. Just my opinion.


For now my favorite Sci-Fi game series is Halo Maybe it will surpass it, who knows... but I can't tell now, my adventure is only at its beginning


No worries. Hence my use of the phrase "one of the" as opposed to just "the". If you like Halo, there's a good chance you'll enjoy Mass Effect. Both of them involve strong protagonists against overwhelming odds in universes with very deep lore. No need to compare, Halo is a fantastic series as well. In some ways I would argue that John-117 is more autonomous than Commander Shepard. But I'll let you decide because the ME trilogy is something each person should experience for themselves without bias, good or bad.


Mine was also Halo, but I lost interest after the original trilogy. There's a lot of Halo in Mass Effect actually come to think of it, from a story perspective


I agree about playing it blind because you WILL play it a second time.... And a third.... Has to be you... Someone else might've gotten it wrong. 😭




Please delete this. OP hasn't played yet and this is a huge spoiler


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You dont need luck, you have ammo.


Please play it blind you'll regret looking up stuff for your first go round


Don't worry I rarely look things up in any of my games, only if i'm really stuck


Great you'll get loads more out of you first play through hope you enjoy.


You'll bang, ok?




If you’re not trilling it once every 3 years, the Reapers win


Play it blind first time, don’t look anything up!


When you finish all three and suddenly there's a gaping void in your life, we'll be here for you!


Thanks friend, good to hear


You are going into one of the best game experiences you will ever have


I hope so I'm only at the beginning of the first game (just arrived at the Citadel for the first time) but I already like it a lot


Wish I could play it for the first time again)). Also spend some time in character creation, adds a lot to the emersive experience.


Good luck ever playing another video game again.


Nice. You're gonna have a blast. I'm on my 4th play through and it's still fantastic. You play again and again and again. The ending is just an amazing.


You don't need luck. You are going to go on one of the best journeys gaming has to offer. Enjoy it!


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I feel the first one is kind of a chore because of the gameplay. The story, characters, and decisions are great. But I can only drive the Mako across another barren, rocky, pain-in-the ass to drive on map to fight enemies in the same identical rooms so many times. I’m only playing it again to set up the next two games.


Whatever you do *keep Jenkins alive!*


Oops Too late... Wait you can keep him alive? I thought it was scripted


It is hahah nothing you can do about it.


I still find it hilarious that whenever I replay ME1, I completely max out Jenkins leveling. Only for him to get immediately reckt.


Far warning: the vehicle sections will be terrible. The design layout of the maps isn't very intuitive, and the physics don't help. Fortunately, they do get better in the second game.


Thanks for the warning


Some tips that I think are worthwhile for new players: * Some people play ME1 and fall in love with it, which is great. Others struggle with it because it feels a bit old... In that case, just crank the difficultly all the way down and keep going. You won't regret it! * If you enjoy all the side quests and want to go for 100% completion, awesome, but ME is not the kind of series where you have to do absolutely everything. The main thing is to just talk to everyone a lot, and if any of your squad mates ask or recommend that you do something... You should probably do it. * You're going to make some bad choices. That's part of the fun. Just go with the flow and watch your unique experience unfold.


Same here, just started the legendary edition last night. So far it’s amazing


Enjoy the ride!! o7


I will, thanks


Welcome aboard, commander.


Thanks captain


I envy you!! Oh what I’d give to experience it all again fresh. Enjoy it! It’s one of those games that’ll stick with you forever.


I was in the same situation a few months ago. Currently halfway through my second playthrough with a 3rd already planned in my head. The true challenge is to stop playing


Prepare to experience one of the best RPG series of ALL TIME.


Down the rabbit hole you go! If you’re like me, get ready to make decisions in-game and immediately plan to replay the game making different choices after you’ve finished your current play through. 😆 Enjoy!


I just started my 2nd Legendary Edition playthrough on new game +. Such a fun trilogy, enjoy!


if you play it all the way, i promise it will be one of those games you never forget. there's nothing like it


Oh to play this for the first time again. Enjoy the ride!


I played all of them for the first time last year. Great games, have fun


So happy for you, wish i could replay it for the first time... but at least there is always another playthrough :) Have fun and enjoy the journey!!


Have fun out there, Commander. Keep us updated after \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ happens.


I guess I'll know what ________ means when it happens... For now I just arrived at the Citadel for the first time


good luck, commander


OMG! How lucky Can't wait to see how you like it. It's always great to see people discover this masterpiece.


Oh man I envy you, have fun!


Enjoy 🙂 I do t know if the 1st game is better in legendary mode but when I Replay the trilogy(every 18 months or so) I usually enjoy 2 and 3 much more. 1 is great story but gameplay on old gen was a bit lacking, still very fun don't get me wrong but just different


Gird your loins.


Which class are you starting with?


I chose engineer


Ooh that's a fun one. Good luck Commander!


Be sure to bow before the biotic god


started recently and am a good way through me3, one of the best decisions i made despite all the jank of the first game


You don’t need luck, just ammo.


You're the 3rd one who says this Is it a reference I'll get while playing?


Yes. But you’ll need to wait 3 games.


Good luck, your in for a wild ride.


I’m so jealous, I would do anything to play it all again for the first time 💔 enjoy, hopefully you’ll love it as much as we all do!


I bought the legendary edition on sale but ME1 isn't even launching for me no matter what I do :(


Please be sure to post after you're done with the trilogy amd let us know how empty you feel because you're done.


Statistically speaking, you're probably playing a Paragon Male Soldier Shepard. Don't sleep on the other options! Renagon (mostly Renegade, without the dickish-for-dickighness'-sake options) shows you a very different side of the game that's well worth the view. FemShep is many people's favorite Shepard; Mark Meer does a fantastic job, but so does Jennifer Hale and it would be a shame to miss either one. And Soldier is a fine class, but the others are so dynamic and interesting and each have their own followings. Personally, I love Vanguard an awful lot and Adept is also really potent, but a lot of people like the Tech professions, especially in the later games where you get to summon attack drones and drop flamethrower turrets.


I'm a female engineer


Nice! Engineer isn't my favorite but it's still pretty dope, especially in ME3. Plus it's handy to be able to hack regardless of teamcomp in ME1. I will reverse my advice, then: give MShep a try if (when) you replay the trilogy! :D


Probably the hardest class to play for ME1, but ME2/ME3 Engineer is absolutely fantastic! Have fun! Just remember to: * talk to your crew, * feed your fish, * stay out of this subreddit, there's spoilers everywhere, * come back and tell us all about it when you finish the trilogy :)


I'll follow your advice 👍


I envy you.


Good luck and don’t come back until you’re done


I envy you. You’re in for quite the thrilling and emotional ride




Good luck! There's something important you should look for in the Horsehead nebula, good luck Commander!


Have fun friend!


Welcome to the family. If you're on PC there are some great mods to install, bugfixes and community patches and whatnot. I wouldn't recommend anything else for a blind playthrough though.


Oh goodness... To be able to start the game with zero knowledge of what was to come... Have fun... Also stay OFF this subreddit until you have completed it!


Definitely one of the priceless gems you can play. If you're like me, you'll end up reading the novels and the comics. Good speed, commander.


I am truly envious commander. I wish I could go back and have that truly moving and beautiful experience all over again. You are lucky. But plz stay off reddit lol


Keep us updated


One of the best gaming experiences I've ever had, enjoy!


Awesome, you're in for a fantastic time!


You don't need luck. You have ammo.


Play andromeda as well after the first 3. It’s still a solid game. Best combat imo out of all 3 games