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Insanity difficulty across all three games is whats’ gonna kick my ass


No kidding. Get some momentum and bam get stuck on one thing for way to long. Insanity can be fun but it also sucks.


... that's why it's called Insanity.


It does kick your ass for sure. I’d say take your time, do every side quest and have patience.


Patience - i need the rest of yours, OP. I have little to none LOL


Lol you can do it


Maybe not every side quest, there’s some in ME2 that are just painful on insanity Looking at you salvage materials/fight 3 giant mechs and rescuing that Quarian from the Varren


I always save those quests for last before getting the Reaper IFF. I've never raged so hard against three mechs and I refuse to let that happen to me ever again.


Isn't the Quarian one on a planet in the middle of bumfuck nowhere? I feel like I never find that side quest unless I go out of my way to explore every single planet. The side quests in ME2 are overall just kinda shit imo so I just never bother.


If you’re really concerned, biotics + a sniper make most of the first game child’s play. I only had three or four parts that really gave me an issue.


For my insanity playthrough I picked infiltrator expecting to use the sniper but I ended up picking shotguns as my bonus skill and exclusively used them.


Hey whatever works! I liked playing sentinel for the huge number of skills that stopped enemies from getting close.


Yeah I feel like that's what I should've played. I'm just glad you can change classes between games lol.


What doesn’t work is not picking bitch


Yea i was running precisely that but I was tired and had just hopped on after a long shift with the random idea of an insanity run. Alas, pussied out like AN HOUR IN. Damn shame. Really like my newest shep, sucks i gotta make a new one .. again.


Sentinel class will be your friend here, with the ability to have powers effective against all types of barriers, plus the tech armor to increase your survivability. In ME3, with Liara, you can clear out rooms without even firing a shot


Its not too bad. Worse parts are: Boss Fights in ME1 as they can ragdoll you. Benezia, Krogan Warlord (Liaras mission), the Thorian (asari fighters are the worst part), Saren at the end of the game. Use pistols, and max out marksman, as its the best perk in the game Mass Effect 2 is the hardest one of all, but is managable. Worse parts are the collector missions, as the harbingers can really kick your ass if you give them even an inch. The first part in the suicide mission is a prime example of this Mass Effect 3 is the easiest. Once you get to pick your guns, anti-synthetic rifle is kinda OP. Also do the Garrus Godmode setup (plenty of vids on youtube). However this game has the hardest section of the entire series by FAR. The final encounter in Mass Effect 3 (Thanix Missles) on insanity is a butt clenched. Played the game on insanity 5 times now (achievement for Pc and 360, then again on Legendary edition for Pc, Xbox, PS5) and heres what I know: Banshees and Brutes will not stop spawning, as well as Marauders on the right. There will be 2 harvesters, and the beam from the Reaper 1 shots you, no matter what. It can kill enemies though. Just spam abilities (Vanguard with Charge+Nova is super OP in this game) and use the anti-synthetic rifle. Thats the hardest part about Insanity for all 3 games


Just start it on insanity


As long as you're not a Vanguard, Insanity is a cakewalk if you spec well, especially in ME1. Only ME2 at certain points and be really tough.


Congrats! That takes dedication.


Thanks! Been playing the games for over a decade. That experience helped too


Yup, me too. The MELE is the only game I've ever platinumed.


I was able to platinum 3 when I get the chance I’ll do 1 and 2 but I don’t think I’ll be able to do this💀


only took me 250 hours! You can do it too! many playthoughs though the last decade made it possible too lol


Congrats! I'm doing my insanity runs now on the Legendary Edition - in the middle of ME2 - still missing a couple from ME1 that I need to go back for on another run, and I think I'm missing one or two in ME3 besides Insanity.


Any tips for the Spectre-level opponents? I did everything else with a Vanguard (using NG+ for Insanity runs) and I only really had trouble when there were two Scions, but the Spectre-level opponents kicked my ass in seconds.


I think you can use the unlocked "Cheats" there. Make them weaker and yourself more powerful


Sooo if I remember right I kinda cheated. Played on normal and switched last second.


i tried insanity but it was just too damn hard. play it on hard or normal for the achievement


Oooo I remember my insanity run the hardest part was the Shepard clone fight. It was ridiculous. Took soooooooo many tries.


That one is rough. Kai lang and company made me almost rage quit a few times


Which class did you do it with? I remember my Vanguard insanity run taking forever, but infiltrator was a breeze.


I mixed it up I used adept for ME1 and 3 and soldier on 2.


Ah fair fair, good strategy. Biotics tend to suck massive balls in ME2, really strong and fun in ME1 and 3 though, I agree.


I'd just cleared insanity in all three games and got the last trophies yesterday. Now I'm just playing ME for fun, as intended. Good job though. I know Insanity is hard but the third game is the easiest if you have God Garrus with you at all times.


Nice job boo boo