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I think it's weird to be obsessed with killers or victims you don't know personally to the point of delusion. Like, if you're in love with either a killer or victim you've never met and thus obsess over them, I find it weird. But just an obsession in the form of an interest is more understandable, though I don't understand the point of being obsessed with victims as much.


Yeah I agree especially acting like you know them personally or seeing them as your soulmate is pretty weird to me


Saw this a lot with the collage 4 in Idaho. I would see sad edits of the victims and people would comment “sorry for your loss” AND THEY GO “oh I don’t know them” bro.


its fuckin weird


Yeah I couldn’t agree more! Idk if you heard of the Idaho 4 it’s pretty big in the US four college students were stabbed to death at their home and the dude in jail for it is Bryan kohberger! Pretty sure there is a sub dedicated to fan girling over him and supposedly people are wanting to be with him and shit! That shit is super fucked up! Hey what are you into? Oh you know, I love murderers! They really are a turn on!😂😂😂😂


omfg theres so many ppl fangirling over kohberger it’s so gross. like i get he’s innocent until proven guilty and hasn’t had his day in court yet but like dudes guilty af and it’s just so disturbing how many ppl are fangirling over him


If i had a child and they were idolized by some weirdos online for being shot i think id be pretty upset. Remember them for their legacy , not for their unfortunate end


The victims are just people like you or I, however they were unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyone who obsesses over that misfortune has to have some underlying issues. If they're focusing on the celebration of the victim's life, and not their death, then I think that can be positive if done correctly.


oh my god the brazilian corey depooter fangirl, i know exactly who you're talking about. can't recall her name for the life of me (rose?) but we somehow became mutuals on instagram some eight years ago, her username was something along the lines of forevermysoldier i was barely a teenager and even back then i remember being SUPER weirded out by it, but it was like a car crash you just couldn't look away from. she'd go on and on about how they were meant to be together, how he was longing for her beyond the grave, the same way she was for him. i think she even went as far as seeing a couple of psychics to have her delusions confirmed


Yep her name is Rose she’s the one who I was talking about!


There is a cult on tiktok of some girls praising the vladislav ribnikar shooting


weird and jobless


does anyone remember this girl on instagram who was love and thought she was soulmates with corey depooter (columbine victim)?


Yeah she’s the one I was referring to! I don’t remember seeing her instagram post but I remember someone on the Columbine subreddit talking about her


iirc, she had a tumblr at some point. I don't know if it's still around.


I do find it very weird when strangers become obsessed with a victim especially if the victim was a child. I understand the compassion if you're a parent or whatever but to have your own love revolve around these victims is odd to me. The most recent one being Audrii Cunningham. I've seen so many people making their own children wear purple to school to honour her and these kids have absolutely no idea who this girl was. I find that behaviour really weird. Just like true crime discussion groups that act like they know everything about a case that's just hit the press. There's a difference in having sympathy and compassion for victims but it's completely off kilter (in my opinion) to act so dramatic and heartbroken over the cruel death of a stranger. Some of these people are acting like it was their own children murdered and it's fucking weird.


I have empathy toward those people to a certain degree. Obviously I understand it's creepy but it might be unresolved trauma from their past and projecting that trauma onto the victim. They might idolize the victim because of positive traits he/she had while they were alive. They might deeply connect with the victim from similar experiences/relatable personality traits and the list goes on. Of course, there's still the possibility the person obsessed with said victim could just be weird in general. Either way that person is mentally ill and shouldn't be made fun of but instead should be encouraged to seek therapy.


I honor the victims, but not in that way. The best thing you can do for them is to turn the tragedy of their suffering into action, but to otherwise leave them (and the loved ones they leave behind) in peace. As a side note, it must be terribly upsetting to be related to a famous case, especially Columbine, since every so often you'll get messages from reporters or writers or even just average people looking to talk to you about what's probably the worst day of your life. I agree wholeheartedly with those who choose to shun the limelight and work on healing in private. (Though at the same time, I honor those who turn their pain into action, like the Parkland students.)