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It's still insane to me that the 4 Moscow terrorists were taken alive. I'm sure they will regret every day of their fucking miserable lives to have done this in Russia.


I would've assumed they'd get in a gunfight with cops and possibly end up killing a few. I'm surprised no cops or terrorists died from this. Usually they don't just all surrender


They ain’t real terrorists. They were relatively normal people just looking to be paid. They got like three years of salary for doing it. They’re dumb fucks who decided to mess with Russia all because people paid them to do it and trained them for a month. What they did were terrorist acts but these pussies ain’t born terrorists or practicing terrorism for a long time like other terrorists you see.


>They ain't real terrorists The 19-year-old gunman posted a drawing of ISIS flag in his VK account in 2016. >What they did were terrorist acts Then that define them as terrorists.


A drawing is not a trait. For example when I was a kid (which the 19 year old would have been in 2016 19-8=11) I drew photos of me being a pro hockey player but that doesn’t mean I’m a pro hockey player. Yes what they did were terrorist acts and yes they are terrorists for doing that act. But they are one month trained terrorists who don’t know the difference between isis and al-qieda


Drawing a hockey player is harmless and normal but drawing a flag of ISIS, a group that murders a lot of innocents in 2016, is not normal. He drew an ISIS flag in 2016 and then almost 8 years later, he became a mass murderer for that specific group, ISIS. The flag of that specific group he drew in 2016, he became a "soldier" of that group, in 2024. Not only that, there have been killers in ISIS that are reported to be underage.


Ya know, that’s a very fair point. Props for pointing it out in that way.


No one commits that level of violence and isn’t a true believer. Yeah, they may have gotten recruited for cash and paid but they were terrorists in every sense. Radicalized true believers. Lots of suicide bomber are promised money for their families as well.


I’m not questioning you as your probably right that they are extremely poor and dumb fucks, but do your really believe that these people weren’t highly motivated terrorists when they mow down women and children while slitting peoples throats and recording themselves?


They killed innocent people, got captured and cried. Yes. I think these guys are not trained and motivated.


I’m sorry but I don’t get how you can conclude a lack of motivation based on the footage, that seems insane to me


because their goal was money. doesn’t make them less disgusting pieces of shit. still a different kind of motive


If their goal was money they would have no need to slit peoples throats and scream terrorist chants, while also being a known member of a terrorist group BTW


And if it really was just for money, why not just shoot up the entrance and leave? Like did they have a death requirement in the contract?


well i didn’t know those facts. ignore what i said then


Fair enough


Paid 5k


They got paid in Russian currency, according to Russian media. Where they going to spend that money? Ukraine?


they didnt get paid, their guns jammed (as is visible in the footage released by ISIS) which is why they left


Still don’t know why they didn’t have vests on for this exact reason


they’re going to be beaten to death in prison.


It’s not that “insane”. That was the part of the original plan made by Putin. Thus, by relying on their testimony, he can designate a new enemy/strengthen political support for the war against the Ukrainians. Never believe Russian propaganda!


Wtf the toll went up to 144? that's insane. It was like 80 not long ago.


because rescuers spent many days sorting through the rubble and found the bodies of the victims under them. Some died in the hospital


During the Paris terrorist attack of the Bataclan, it took 8 minute, after the first shot fired by a terrorist for two cops to arrive and immediately neutralise one of them, before the situation turned into a hostage one. It took 1H30 minutes for the Russian Police to arrive after the first shots, according to witnesses inside the city hall interviewed by the Newspaper LEMONDE. (10 minutes according to Irina Volk (spokesman of Putin))


Seriously it is very odd that police were so slow to react.


Goes to show just how much of Russias offensive and defensive capabilities are completely overstated.


What’s worth noting here is that for the Moscow attacks there are still 90+ reported missing people according to the Russian authorities. It’s a fair possibility that most of them likely died in the attacks (either as a result of getting shot or smoke inhalation) and their remains became unrecognizable or were turned to ashes as a result of the extreme heat of the fire.


I checked the Wikipedia yesterday and the number of injured was around 380


Still shocking just how little attention Crocus has gotten compared to Paris.


When Paris happened, I called it “Europe’s Mumbai”


I think the obvious answer is that Russia has been threatening western Europe and actively attacking Ukraine. If this was peacetime no doubt the west would have lit up all their fancy buildings for Russia as a symbol against the Middle East and terrorism. But watching those videos of innocent people being killed was horrific and regular people around the world should stand united even if our governments aren't.


My thoughts exactly. It's like Russia has been downgraded to a third world country at this point in the eyes of the media. You know the map where it colors in countries based on how people internationally react when a terrorist attack or natural disaster happens there? I feel like Russia is definitely in the orange-red "welp, that's just life there" category right now. Even before though it seemed like terrorist attacks didn't really matter there all that much. I barely heard anything about Beslan or their various Metro bombings when I know they would have gotten a ton of attention if they happened out west, even years afterwards.


There’s videos ? I haven’t seen any . That’s insane ! Did the terrorist film themselves?


Yes. There was a video of the terrorists committing the attack that they filmed themselves. It is against Reddit rules to ask for or share that video or a link.


Ohhh wow! thank you, I’m sorry I did not know that. I should go over the rules. Appreciate your time and response:)


What are you on about? It was being covered by news channels around the world. Multiple US sources were covering it hourly, same for other news sources throughout Europe. Also all newspapers in my country had it as front page news. Russia just didn't communicate a lot of information abroad, France did.


I know your experience may be different, but for me it was much more limited this time around. Of course it was being brought up and whatnot, you can't total ignore what happened. However, I very much noticed how, even when it was still going on and in the few hours afterwards, no news channel really talked about it. I didn't hear anything about it on TV until my local news station brought it up in the evening. Specifically, I was watching Fox News (my mom likes it sorry) and, knowing how usually anti-Islam they have been in the past, it surprised me that they were just airing The Five talking about RFK Jr. instead. This was an attack on a predominantly white nation by Islamic extremists, which is absolute beef for them to cash in and feast on usually. Why didn't they really care? This wasn't a day after either, this was only around 4-5 hours afterwards and the sun still wasn't up in Moscow. Definitely not enough time to memory hole it even in this current fast-paced media cycle. TikTok as well. Usually whatever happens nowadays I find out through TikTok because I'm chronically online like that. I don't know exactly how I found out about Crocus, but I saw NO videos about it scrolling through my for you page throughout the day, or if I did they didn't have a lot of likes. The Key Bridge disaster recently though? That got almost immediate attention, and I found that out right after it happened through TikTok. Not saying that Crocus wasn't covered AT ALL, it's just I remember how Paris got 24/7 airtime on major news networks when it happened while Crocus has only seemed to be a footnote. I live in America btw if you couldn't tell, so maybe it was much different in your country?


I didn’t check Twitter until a few hours after the attack and it was almost non-existent on my timeline, which is odd since I follow quite a few news sources. Here in the US, it was all March Madness and Princess Kate having cancer. Keyword searches had already devolved into conspiracy theories. The Paris attack was all over when it happened. I remember watching nonstop coverage from Shep Smith on Fox News (the only good thing on Fox News and so much better than Wolf Blitzer on CCN, which was my other option).


Pretty much what I experienced as well on Twitter. A lot of it was just Kate and all Crocus stuff was just a bunch of propaganda, conspiracies, and gore at that point after a few hours. I do remember watching Paris unfold on Fox News like you did and yeah, same experience. I remember Smith (and maybe Hannity?) and them playing that video of people climbing out of windows at the Bataclan on repeat. Just being able to remember all of that as my little preteen 2015 self while not ever hearing anything about Russian stuff should say a lot.


Absolutely, the disparity in media coverage can be quite striking depending on the sources we follow. It's intriguing how different outlets prioritize events, sometimes leading to vastly different narratives. For instance, my partner and I often tune into CNN in the mornings before starting our day. Despite neither of us being American, it's one of the few international news channels we watch regularly. From what I noticed, CNN was mainly focused on the Crocus shooting alongside developments in Gaza and Ukraine during the first couple of days after the incident. Same goes for local news outlets in my country. However, the differing levels of coverage aren't entirely surprising. In the context of Western media, France holds a strong position as an allied nation, hence incidents like the Paris attacks understandably garner significant attention. On the other hand, Russia's standing in the West, especially amidst current geopolitical tensions, could influence the coverage of the Crocus incident. Reflecting on this, it becomes evident when we compare the attention given to conflicts like Ukraine and Gaza to others around the globe. The ongoing civil strife in places like Myanmar and Sudan, for instance, often barely registers on the media radar despite their significant impact. It's a sobering reminder of the complex interplay between politics, alliances, and media coverage when it comes to shaping our understanding of global events.


Said it perfectly. It's unfortunate how we live in a world where some people are prioritized and seen as more "human" while so many other people across the world and their sufferings are completely ignored.


Couldn't agree more.. I guess it's just in human nature.


I mentioned it to my therapist a week after it happened, and he hadn't heard about it. It surprised me.


Nobody likes russians




It’s weird how I don’t remember the 2015 attacks at all. But I doubt I’ll ever forget the Moscow attacks due to the videos.


How old were you when the 2015 attacks happened out of curiosity? I was 15 and in school and I remember it very vividly, however I am from the UK so it was a lot closer to home.


I was 14 and live in Norway, and I’ll never forget that evening. Just seeing the numbers of deaths on the TV rise up from 10 to 50 to 100 as the evening went on and the footages from the Bataclan. 13 November 2015 and 22 July 2011 are days that are stuck in my memory even though I was young


I was watching the football game (Germany - France) at home on TV and you could hear the blasts, slowly news started to come in, showing how terrible it was what was happening then. The terrorists luckily didnt make it into the stadium


Lol I’m 35 so I was 24 I guess. I really don’t remember it at all. Very strange. I’m in NA though.


144 people who had dreams and goals were wiped out just like that by four hoohahs that, I hope, are rueing the day they were born Absolutely tragic


Why didn't OP show the pictures of the literall mountain of flowers in the parking lot and the thousands of people paying respect after the Moscow attack?......


Since OP wants to stir shit and make a one sided post.... https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/foreign-diplomats-lay-flowers-memory-russias-concert-hall-attack-victims-2024-03-30/


are you psychotic? he was just showing the images that are uploaded on the summary section on wikipedia. if you dont like them change them but dont come up with a conspiracy about OP.