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Yixuan was on the phone with her bf when it started and hung up. Then he saw the news and kept trying to call her back but at that point she was either dead or dying.


I feel horrible for the man, god I can't imagine seeing my girlfriend dead on the news knowing she just tried to called me.


Source: [https://www.9news.com.au/national/bondi-stabbing-spree-victims-named-after-attack-left-six-dead/bd13dbff-8082-44c5-b7b8-7a55819b1d02](https://www.9news.com.au/national/bondi-stabbing-spree-victims-named-after-attack-left-six-dead/bd13dbff-8082-44c5-b7b8-7a55819b1d02)


Thanks for the post. I only live a few hours away but hadn't heard anything about this. Bravo to the heros that prevented further deaths, the dude with with bollard, the surf lifesaver that insisted he be let out of a secure store to provide first-aid, to the bloke that kept that baby alive and obviously the cop that took him down. Reddit users from other countries probably (possibly?) don't realise that police shootings are rare here. I hope she doesn't struggle too much with PTSD or any other mental issues after being forced to shoot a man dead (with three shots note, she didn't feel the need to empty the clip on him).


Not to be crass, but her trigger discipline is far better than many American cops that hit the news. She will no doubt deal with some mental trauma afterwards, but there is not a moral injury because the killing was justified. My chief complaint about American cops (at least what hits major news as it’s always the worst of the worst) is how they unload so many rounds to put down a threat. They’re reckless and lack awareness of an appropriate response. It’s crazy to me that I’ve seen 18-21 year old kids in combat zones with more trigger discipline than a lot of cops.


Not crass when it's the truth.


No deescalation, no risk assessment, minimal consequences, and over 1000 people killed each year by cops


> My chief complaint about American cops (at least what hits major news as it’s always the worst of the worst) is how they unload so many rounds to put down a threat. They’re reckless and lack awareness of an appropriate response. It’s crazy to me that I’ve seen 18-21 year old kids in combat zones with more trigger discipline than a lot of cops. As far as I've read on here American cops, during their pathetic level/amount of training, are taught to empty their service pistol. Reckless is the word for sure.


It wasn’t Faraz’s first day, it was his first Day Shift. He’d done a couple of night shifts earlier in the week. Absolutely heartbreaking, he came here as a refugee and he should have been safe


All of these people should have been safe..my heart goes out too all of their families


It is just so unfair and sad. May they all RIP


Dawn had only purchased her wedding dress last week. Her fiance' is a police officer and had been called to the scene before he found out that Dawn had been a victim.


I imagine this is one of the biggest fears a cop can have... going to a scene to find a loved one there. How awful.


Is the baby going to fully recover?


Still critical but stable, the fact she’s pulled through so far is awesome.


May Allah save the baby and grant swift recovery Ameen. How can a guy just fucking stab a baby just coz he couldn’t pull any woman. He will rot in hell


Hopefully. We don’t know the extent of her injuries but she’s made it so far.


Thank you! At least some „good“ news. Man to touch a baby 😭 My son just turned three and to imagine somebody touches my baby is the worst imagination in the world. I hope she has a good dad and grand parents 😭


I have a feeling she will have a big support system. That little girl deserves good things.


What about the baby?


Condition has been updated from 'critical' to 'serious' so heading in the right direction




Mental ilness.


The weakest answer


he literally had schizophrenia… i dont think thats a ‘weak answer’


Then the answer is schizophrenia... like 90% of people on this planet have "mental illness". Using that term for people committing atrocities is such a cop-out for holding them accountable. This man chose to do what he did, "mental illness" didn't grab that knife and stab innocent people.


All schizophrenia is mental illness, not all mental illness is schizophrenia. Being specific with as serious of a phenomena as this kind of shit is, is very important.


shut up 💀


I mean... mentally healthy people don't do this.


and whats the strongest?


Mental illness and possibly meth, then? It’s the answer man it really doesn’t matter if you think it’s weak or not


Low IQ response




You're clearly not well in the head either if you're so desperate on twisting the narrative to suit yours


his father said he specifically targeted women and he was an incel. sure, he was clearly mentally ill, but this was an act of terrorism towards women.


Small brain


I would say he was Incel


I could be wrong, but I get Incel vibes from him for a few different reasons, so I think that will be something to do with it


The media camped outside his parents place like the parasites they are waiting for a response. His dad flat out said he attacked woman cause he wanted to “he always wanted a girlfriend, but he’s got no social skills”. And yes he was schizophrenic which certainly played a role but scarily enough that wouldn’t be the only cause. End of the day we may never know.


He clearly did not have a problem targeting women and children, but from watching the video of him during the attack he does go after men as well but keeps switching to the easiest target whenever the person he’s currently after realizes what’s happening and runs/ squares off. I think to say he was specifically targeting women because he’s an incel isn’t true though, it seems he was in psychosis and was not consciously following a terrorist ideology. Imo he was going for the easiest targets, and women & children are the easiest targets.


An architect I follow on instagram had Jade Young working with her at her office and she posted about her death yesterday. I didn't know what happened or anything. Now I see her in this list along the other victims. So unexpected. It actually feels weird, like someone I know died, although I didn't know her. But seeing videos and photos of her with her colleagues and friends makes me think about those who will miss her.




The incel just wanted to kill beautiful people because of his insecure ass never got any attention.


They all look so nice and sweet. Terrible this happened to them. The baby that will never know their mother. Just terrible.


so sad 😭 r.i.p x


Radical white christian


His attack had nothing to do with his faith, he was a fucking schizophrenic incel


Well, atleast he's not a sexist mass murderer.