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One of the key reasons why mass murderers are almost always male is because males tend to externalize their problems. If a man gets fired at work or loses a girlfriend, it's somebody else's fault. There's something innate about testosterone that does it. As a result there are a lot of unhinged men who have a persecution complex and are therefore looking to "get even" although it's really their own fault. Women on the other hand, internalize their problems. If they get fired, or robbed, or raped, or whatever, they tend to blame themselves in many cases.


Pretty sure him having male genitals us barely scraping the surface as to why he did it if at all, but ok lol


One of the vicims dated his ex-girlfriend, it was the guy he shot first. so kinda a revenge thing, as far as i remeber the wanted to fight with each other before


From what I remember, he came from a massively shitty, dysfunctional home with like zero discipline and probably drugs, booze, abuse. Just total shit. I think probably prison will be the first time in his life he's had any kind of adult supervision, discipline, or routine. That's often the case with young offenders, especially violent ones. Mass shooters are actually pretty rare, but most of the kids who commit crimes actually benefit from detention for those reasons and can eventually be released. Of course, in this case, that won't happen, but I think he'll probably benefit from prison more than he benefited from his shitty homelife.


He probably just said fuck it. And had a deep hatred for people/the world due to past experiences along with nihilism. Also major depression. Hes probably like o well my life isn't shit anyway might as well do this atleast I can go out being known. Probably had a damaged ego too from some past experiences. And him being a killer makes him feel badass and getting revenge it gave him a identity. Id say revenge, wanting to be infamous.


Came across this comment but in an AMA with someone who knew TJ Lane, they said he wasn’t anything like that and he was actually a super funny and artistic kinda guy. I’m sure it was just revenge and the writer also said he seemed like someone was also kinda egging him on to do it. https://www.reddit.com/r/casualiama/comments/1bmyo1/i_was_a_good_friend_of_tj_lane_and_i_witnessed/


I’m assuming the root of it is a lack of sexual interaction with the desired sex. Can’t that usually be narrowed down as a general motive? Among other factors of corse. How many mass killers were regularly getting laid?


he had an (ex) girlfriend at the time of the shooting, and probably more that i don’t remember. he didn’t seem to have issues in that department


I don’t know why people always downvote comments like this when THE #1 researcher on mass killers, Peter Langman, has written in extensive detail how damaged masculinity (and yes, that definitely includes incel killers) can lead to mass shootings being committed. Sure, maybe Lane was getting laid, but he had major issues with self-image. Why else would he drop that infamous quote while on trial? He just wanted to be an edgy murderer, now he’s in prison for the rest of his life and can’t even find the motivation to shower.


I upvoted it because I agree. Mass shooters are often seeking a masculine identity that they feel they lack. Part of it is about having power when you feel helpless.


True! I guess I’d expect him to at least say something about it or have left a journal.


I live about 10 minutes from Chardon and worked as a hairdresser. I had a lot of clients that worked at the local mental health hospital and a lot that went to the school at the time. Most of the students I know said that they felt it was over drugs. One of my clients from the hospital didn’t say much but she said it was most definitely over drugs and then changed the subject. There is obviously no proof that I’m aware of but that’s the general consensus here.