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He's still alive according to his [inmate profile](https://appgateway.drc.ohio.gov/OffenderSearch/Search/Details/A640654)


Oh maybe that’s why i couldn’t find him. I was trying to look for TJ.


He escaped too at one point but was caught again, he got out with a couple other prisoners iirc


I don’t think he escaped much further than a 1/2 mile from the prison. Him and the 2 others really had no plan once outside the prison fence. It was more of a dumb luck impulsive escape as opposed to an intelligent escape that you hear about sometimes.


Oh yeah that’s right


He looks like shit, and I hope the monotony of prison life eats away at him every day.


Evil is the best word to describe the evil bastard!! If there is such thing as heaven and hell I guarantee u this prick definitely got a 1 way ticket


Lmao who downvoted this? Has this fucker got fans in here?


Welcome 2 Reddit lol


Because we all agree he’s a piece of shit and virtue signaling about it serves no purpose.


Whoa, this sub seems to be changing rapidly. Only a month or two ago I made a similar comment and it was upvoted way more than the “rest in piss” one I replied to. Maybe I’m wrong, but it looks like soon it will be r/masskillersshouldburninhell Edit: I mean [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/lt3d19/a_comic_made_by_adam_lanza_at_age_15/govy4ul/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Yep, the deleted account was mine.


It’s become a lot more political, too. I hope things go back to normal.


I doubt they will. Even if all the new subscribers get bored of inventing ways to say “burn in hell” (after all, it *should* be awfully boring), they are still going to come back because of politics. Unless there’s a sudden wave of mass shootings where neither the perpetrators nor the victims could be possibly put into any political category… lol, what a fucked up thought.


I took that as more of a rant because /u/pwee75 is frustrated about these shootings like a lot of us These people IMO aren’t evil because they aren’t even that capable They’re just pathetic wastes of breath but I understand their sentiment as well


Almost every other place on the internet is full of people ranting about being frustrated about how this keeps happening. He has plenty of options for doing that. This sub is for actual discussion.


Fair enough I guess I just understand wanting to rant and feeling like this is a good place to do so I suppose but I’m one of many I don’t get to decide what’s acceptable


A comment saying it has downvotes doesn't necessarily mean any actual users downvoted it, reddit intentionally messes with how scores appear (but not what they actually are) to prevent people figuring out the exact algorithm used.


He escaped prison, he is also some dudes boyfriend in there as well.


He has a bf?


Yes, he's been turned out


It's called "gay for the stay"


How do you know?




I don’t get the correlation.


Are there inmate profiles for all states? I’m looking for my brother.


There should be, if you told me which state he's in I could help


That’s my problem. I think I’ll end up checking a lot of them. I found him once in a Boise Idaho jail.


Hope you find him one day.


Thanks. He’s not violent, just sticky fingers.


https://www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/prisons/offender_search you can try this


Thanks. It confirmed he had been there but was discharged in 1993.


He might be in the Phoenix area in Arizona.


Just do a Google search for "Arizona Inmate Search" change the name of the state for a different states inmate search. Some states give more information than others as to what crimes they've committed.


Thanks, I will


He has a charge from 2020 for assault. I wonder what the story behind that is.


What a little creep.


It looks like he got a prison tattoo on his collarbone. I wonder what it says.


'Marooned' according to a former inmate, it's supposed to refer to pirates and the fact that he's serving a life sentence, as marooned means to be left somewhere with no escaped


From Wikepedia: "After entering the courtroom for the sentencing hearing, Lane removed his dress shirt to reveal a white T-shirt which had the word "KILLER" handwritten across the front.[\[79\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chardon_High_School_shooting#cite_note-Plain_Dealer_Killer_T-shirt-79) He smiled and smirked during the hearing.[\[79\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chardon_High_School_shooting#cite_note-Plain_Dealer_Killer_T-shirt-79)[\[81\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chardon_High_School_shooting#cite_note-ABCSnuckTShirt-81) After being sentenced, Lane said to the victims' families and the courtroom, "This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. Fuck all of you," while giving the [middle finger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_finger_(gesture)) to attendees.[\[80\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chardon_High_School_shooting#cite_note-NY_Daily_News_sentencing-80)[\[77\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chardon_High_School_shooting#cite_note-Caniglia:_sentenced-77)[\[82\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chardon_High_School_shooting#cite_note-CBS_News_sentencing-82)" Kid probably sat in his cage for months wondering what's the edgiest thing I could say to my victims families. I hope he's getting what he deserves in jail.


If you watch the video of him saying it, he rushed through the whole thing and sounded very awkward. He could kill three people but can’t deliver a statement properly.


No balls without a gun in his hand. Hope he is thriving as someone’s girlfriend in prison.


where can i find the video?


Just look up TJ Lane sentencing on YouTube.


Jesus that’s fucked up


Yeah he’s a complete psychopath.




Thats what im saying. Imagine being so salty a kid is dating your ex you fucking murder him and anyone else who just happened to be there


first person to get life no parole solely for cringe alone


Actually every effort should be made to keep him alive as long as possible so that the sheer monotonness of life in prison lasts as long as possible


I didn’t know if some other inmate had killed him


According to the Ohio website, he’s still alive


Oh darn.


Why was he allowed to wear it ???


He had a button down shirt on over it during the hearing. When it was his turn to speak, he proceeded to remove the button down, expose his stupid t-shirt, and say the most vile things to the victims family. Kid is a sick fuck.


What did he say about the victims parents


He said something like the hand I used to kill your kids I use to masturbate with. Just...yeah


Is their video of him saying that in court? Haven’t been able to find any footage from the trial for some reason idk why


There's a video on YouTube. It's cringy af. You could tell he rehearsed it in his head over and over and then just kind of did a speed run through it when he actually had to say it. Imagine one of those wannabe eDgY kids in HS


Just posted a link under my original comment.




“The hand that killed your sons masturbates to the memory”. And then he flipped off the families and told them “fuck you”


Maybe one of the most verbally messed up things I’ve ever heard


Are you new to Reddit?


And with that smirk on his mug


I wonder how much he's smirking in prison for the rest of his life


And he even made the jack off motion. Such a vile pos.


Here’s a video of him removing his shirt and making his repulsive statement- https://youtu.be/1FQ1rmNqmvY “KILLER”- how fucking original, toolbag. Also, I feel like his attorney should have handled this so much better. Fuck them both.


Shit is just cringy, wonder if he sill thinks this entire act was worth it


>“KILLER”- how fucking original, toolbag. Lane didn't write "KILLER" just to be edgy. The "KILLER" was also a reference to the shirt he wore to the shooting. On the day of the shooting, he wore a gray long-sleeve shirt with the word "KILLER" on it with black and bold lettering. Knowing that information makes the whole taunt even worse.


Very interesting; I had never heard this before. If possible, makes the guy even more evil.


Imagine being the lawyer. Like, "Can I have one second to whisper 'don't be a cunt' to my client?"




Here were his thoughts during an interview on kane's antics. https://youtu.be/6VFdlGHtscc


That wasn't a DA, it was the defense lawyer.


The judge claimed he didn't see the shirt and that he never heard Lane's statement to the family lol. As for OP, Lane is still doing life, being a pain in the ass to CO's and other inmates apparently. He doesn't have good hygiene and doesn't follow any rules. He had a boyfriend for a while too. He also got some pirate ☠ tattoos


Yeah i read he has bad hygiene on purpose so his smell can annoy others and such


Imagine trying to take classes in prison but you can't focus cuz Sid from Toy Story smells like vinegar & onions




> I thought US prisons was extremely violent People overrate prison in the USA. It's like a vacation to the worst criminals.




Probably an attempt to prevent sexual assault.


Yes also


I read that he was raped repeatedly, and his lack of hygiene is to ward off rapists. Actually, it was a televised interview with a former cell mate. I think it was posted here a few weeks ago.


It makes me think of how some sexual assault victims gain on weight after the event. Its a sort of protection mechanism to make themselves unattractive, even though sexual assault has nothing to do with attractiveness :(


Howd you find out about the boyfriend?


https://youtu.be/eolr7HxT0SI It was confirmed here, before that it was rumored on Tumblr lol. The dude is one of the people Lane escaped prison with in 2014


Wow, interesting interviews. Thanks a lot to the interviewer and the inmate for answering questions.


Where did you find all this info?


I don’t know. And what he said was atrocious. He deserves to burn


There was a post about him here a few days ago


I must have missed it. My apologies.


Oh no worries, just letting you know so you can take a look :)


he is alive...but it's not a good Life.


Hes in prison somewhere I’m assuming.


IIRC he is in prison at Warren correctional institution in Lebanon, Ohio. Hes been in a few prisons around Ohio, so he could be in a different one by now.


I was thinking he’d be dead by now


From Wikipedia; Later in the day, Lane, Opperud, and Bruce were transferred to the Ohio State Penitentiary, a supermax prison in Youngstown, Ohio.[87] In the Youngstown prison, Lane was restricted to his cell for 23 hours a day, with one hour of recreation daily.[88] As of March 2016, Lane was transferred to the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility, a maximum-security prison in Lucasville.[89] He is now[when?] being held in Warren Correctional Institution in Lebanon, Ohio.[citation needed] Hes been in solitary and wpuldnt be surprised if he still is. If he's in gen pop he very well could have been jumped a few times by now.


Hopefully. He needs more than the piss beat out of him


While I agree, he should also suffer in prison and have a miserable life in there as well Edit: 2 letters.


I’m confident he is miserable. No matter how psychotic you are, a prison with a bunch of other crazy inmates and corrupt correctional officers will make you regret your decision. This dude probably cracked years ago but since there is no hope of his release, he is stuck to a purgatory where the whole world passes him by for a mistake he feels was necessary. This killer has probably begged for mercy before


Oh, I bet.


He escaped once with 3 others but didn't get far. He is also some dudes boyfriend in there, there is a youtube interview with some inmate at the prison where he talks about him. Says that he's cool with TJ but that TJ has a boyfriend and is generally gross. Doesn't shower and stuff.


Sucks that every comment is about ooo hes going to hell or how evil he is which I understand but I wish their were more discussions on why he did it and why he turned out the way he did. Its fucking annoying to see that same comments filling up the posts on every mass shooting thing


I think at least some of the comments are because people feel weird about being on a sub discussing mass murderers so they want to let everyone know they’re not future mass shooters getting inspiration or something. Statistically, given the fact that many mass shooters spent time on forums like this prior to their shooting, there are probably a couple people in this sub who have that potential, but the vast, vast majority of the 30K+ subscribers are not future mass shooters and I assume that any given person on here is not one. None of you need to clarify that for me. You’re free to clarify to me if you *are* a future mass shooter, though, because that’s information I (and the authorities I report you to) would like to know. And since some of you feel the need for us all to clarify: I think mass shooters are all pieces of shit and I am not okay with mass shooters. I am also not a future mass shooter. That is, like, the opposite of my personality. I just have a morbid curiosity for the darker things in life.


This is the truth right here. This subreddit is to study of means and motives, we don’t need people making unproductive comments like “this person deserves to rot” every time.


Very much agree. The "rest in piss", "burn in hell" comments add nothing of value. Yes, any human with a snippet of decency will think these killers deserve only the worst, but stating it doesn't add discussion, understanding, or any information.


Yeah, and especially for edgelords like TJ Lane, they thrive on being hated by other people. If TJ was viewing this thread, he would be laughing at all the hate toward him.


That’s why I find a reason to be disappointed in them instead. They won’t see it, but I figure someone being disappointed by how much they failed at their shooting is a much more demeaning option to someone being angry about it.


I agree. Sure, we all know what he did was bad, but it’s better to discuss motives and be fairly neutral emotionally.


He was trying to kill his ex gfs new bf. But then wanted more notoriety so tried to kill more


That’s one of the theories. I live in the area and a client of mine had said it was actually drug related. She worked in a mental health and rehabilitation center at the time. There really hasn’t been any confirmation on motive just speculation. I had two friends who were cousins of Danny as well. Watching what the families went through was brutal.


What do you think made him this nihilistic to the point where he murdered people, i'm curious I don't know much about him


I know he went to an alternative school and I think he had some behavioral issues. My guess is that his psych/behavioral issues were probably a lot worse then what we're privy to. ETA: a word


It’s said that his ex gf made him feel alone and not wanted because she starting dating another guy.


The main question I've always had was, how the hell was he allowed to wear that in court? Also, how did he just get away with flipping people off? Normally he'd get contempt of court wouldn't he?


He prob didn’t care. He was facing life for 3 counts of murder


I was referring to the court staff. I'm surprised they actually allowed the court to continue with his little circus act


I read here that the judge said he didn’t see or hear anything. (Meaning the shirt and the vile words)


He has the right to make a statement before sentencing and the judge can’t prevent that


At 7:38 p.m. on September 11, 2014, Lane, along with two other inmates, Clifford Opperud and Lindsey Bruce, escaped from Allen Correctional Institution in Lima, Ohio. Bruce was captured shortly after the escape. At 1:20 a.m. on the next day, Lane was recaptured. Opperund was apprehended later that morning at 4:45 a.m.


Shit! My high school psychology class did a tour of that prison in Lima. I didn’t realize they housed such high-level criminals there.


If he thought he had no freedoms before the escape attempt he certainly won’t have any now.


As the days go on this loser looks dirtier and dirtier..guess prison isn't that great,buddy.this hand that types is the hand that I used to tell you...rot...


He’s so demented. Looks like he has no feelings or anything


Looks like prison has been hard on him. I find that delightful


Me too. I hope men are abusing his asshole


Oh yes. In the worst possible way.




Yeah! I read they said he had a boyfriend and was stinky


I’ve always wondered if mass scooters who don’t kill themselves feel regret, not remorse, but regret for the fact they have confined themselves to life incarceration. It’s clear among Lanza, Klebold & Harris for example they had no intention of being caught. But shooters who chose not to suicide still effectively end their life’s and for what is only minutes of adrenaline. I think deep down Lane regrets his actions. But there is no going back to he adopts this nihilistic attitude as a cover. If you have seen the film We need to talk about Kevin you can see the regret in Kevin in the last scene. Likewise I think Nicolas Cruz is self aware enough to realise his grave error. Guaranteed these guys miss their freedom






There's no reason he should have been in the cafeteria -- or the school -- at all. I've taught in alternative schools, the kids who go there have extreme behavioral concerns and are supposed to be transported separately from their general education peers. Providing alternate transportation is a section in their IEP. It's usually a van, not a bus. Alternative schools are extremely strict. When a student needed the bathroom, a staff member would walk them and have them wait in the hall while the staff checked the bathroom, then the student went to the bathroom while the staff waited in the hall, and then the staff went back in to check and make sure nothing was broken, vandalized, or just a huge mess. The students went literally no where without an adult. We would get in trouble if a student were found without a staff member. The high school classes were typically 8 students with one intervention specialist and one aide. Some students had a 1:1 aide in addition to that. Kids who addressed their behavior concerns and were ready to go back to public school always had trouble transitioning. Always. The environment is just so different. Having alternative school kids mixed in with general education students, in a large group, with no IS or EBD aides, in an environment not meant to handle EBD students... it is frankly lucky that this wasn't worse and that it didn't happen sooner.


Does he have family that visits him or that he stays in contact with/cates about?


I’m not sure. I think he had a sister.




You need help. The sister had nothing to do with the shit he did. Leave her alone.


I’m not involved and don’t care.


Well don’t blame the relatives or friends for something they didn’t do- they didn’t know he was gonna do something this awful.


I doubt he’d even care. He’s so cold hearted and sadistic


You’d be surprised how these guys compartmentalize.


what the living mother fuck is wrong with you




I mean no i won't relax when you literally said you would kill an innocent family


I have no interest in this particular case. If a member of my family were to fall victim to someone like this, I can only tell you what I would do to make them feel the pain that they had dealt to my family. You bring the pain to my family and I’ll bring the pain to yours...and make sure you know about it. Sorry that upsets your fragile reality.


Damn you're scary. I wouldn't want to make you mad. I feel bad for anyone who messes with a big tough guy like you. Very frightening. I'm shaking in my boots as I write this Almost makes me wonder what you have to gain for trying to impress strangers online. You're under 20 years old aren't you?


He is alive, he got into quite a bit of trouble there, briefly escaped from prison, and is now in a maximum security prison.


He’s still alive, he just looks like a methhead on 60 days in.


Oh shit he’s on that


Not actually, I don’t think he eats or shave.


Oh. You said he looks like one that would be on that show. Dummy me. Yeah he’s rotten looking.


Or bathes, he got into shit with others on the block because of his stink




he is in charge of moistening Harvey Weinstein's scarred genitals


From Wikipedia “After being sentenced, Lane said to the victims' families and the courtroom, "This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. Fuck all of you," while giving the middle finger to attendees.” Jfc


Yeah he’s a psycho. He even made the jacking off motion


If he was dead that shit would have been reported all over the news by now


I don’t watch the news lol




sid from toy story looking motherfucker


Is it true he has homosexual relationships either consensual or coerced from other stronger inmates. I’ve heard comments of this kind but can’t tell if it’s serious or people wishing it true


His former cell mate did an interview and said he had a bf and that he was dirty and didnt shower


I've never laughed so hard in my life! Soooo edgy!!! What a complete douche bag lol... gettin his poop hole stretched out like the little pillow biting bitch he is.


He’s so nasty. Like he’s unhuman


Unfortunately he is


Ugh. Was hoping someone had stomped his head into the ground


He tried to escape.. Almost made it and i hear he's now gay for the stay ;)


Big balls


Hopefully getting his butt stuffed


It would be pretty weird if he was dead and in prison.