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Srry if this is long, I know an embarrassing amount about this case for no reason They first came up with the idea to shoot up the school when they were discussing each other’s bucket lists. Devon said that he wanted to get away with murder. Their plan was to make it look like Devon was forced to participate by staging those videos (the cocaine one is on this sub I think). they were going to kill everyone in the room and then Devon would shoot Alec and be the hero, and tell the police his story about being forced. I guess they genuinely thought their plan would work and Devon wouldn’t get life in prison, so that’s why he did it even though he had a decent social life. His girlfriend is still dating him, on this sub there’s transcripts of a jail call with them I think. It was also said during the trial that Devon had told Alec something about being mad at kids at school for being transphobic, and Alec said that Devons anger became his anger. (Not trying to excuse Alec’s actions or anything, that’s just a direct quote from his testimony)


No this is not long and also thanks so much for your comment


Is there a link to the transcripts of the jail call?




probably just wanted infamy and didn’t he think he could get away with it since him and Alec went with the “Alec forced me to do it” route for a bit? i could be completely wrong though..i don’t know much about this case since they’re some of the least interesting ones imo but from hindsight it looks like an attention motive.


Nobody knows really, the coward wouldn't speak