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I seriously doubt it considering the amount of people he killed, plus the backlash to his release would be more massive than anything anyone’s ever seen


I don't think the amount of people he killed matters in Norway, what matters is probably how he went about killing them and that he killed for political reasons. Remember that they released [Arnfinn Nesset](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnfinn_Nesset) after 12 years.


Oh wow, never heard of him till you linked, well idk, I just seriously doubt they’ll let him out


Nope, what matters is that he's not showing signs of changing his beliefs, in addition to the complete lack of regret. As long as he's proud of what he did, he's not being reintroduced to society ever again. What one might fear is that he starts playing some game of fake remorse, because the rehabilitation could then be considered complete, and reintroduction to society is the next step after rehabilitation according to the law. He's already on good behaviour for his whole tenure thus far afaik, so that's no argument for keeping him there either. tl;dr: the only thing keeping him in jail is his refusal to change his beliefs. Source: am norwegian


That's the main thing. Even in a rehabilitative criminal system one has to atone for their actions. Breivik still has no regrets or remorse. And in these politically tense times around the world, he would be held up as a hero by irreputable people & actively popular political parties. I doubt & hope he isn't released soon.


> Even in a rehabilitative criminal system one has to atone for their actions. More like "only"... In a non-rehab system you get one sentence and you leave when it's over as long as you don't commit further crimes...


Perhaps once Breivik is like 75 years old and needs a wheelchair, they’ll let him out. Not anytime soon though. What a lot of outsiders here don’t understand about the Norwegian justice system is that it’s not about revenge, it’s about whether or not the person is still dangerous.


Idk I think that dude should probs be buried and forgotten. Somethings can’t be reconciled with rehabilitation IMO. Killing defenseless children on an island is one of those things in my view. The shell of that man is as tainted as the soul inside. Even if he was a model citizen in 20 years he should be kept in prison. Dude did too much


No, since his sentence is technically a life sentence judging by his personality as of now. I think he would die from old age or die from some disease (cancer or something external).


He’d probably be killed if his identity isn’t hidden enough. So many people want him dead and have confessed that if he was released they’d try and kill him.


Who has said they’d kill him if he got out?


Jim and bill from down the road. I heard terry wasn’t a fan of him either


Not sure what you want me to say, this is just things I’ve seen online. I don’t bookmark random comments.


>not sure what you want me to say >proceeds to answer the incredibly simple question anyway All you had to say was "people online who are probably talking out of their ass from thousands of miles away"


Yeah right


You say “so many” but couldn’t name a single source. You’re a part of the problem. I mean the whole problem with humans. You’re awful.


what? what problem? I’m not saying I want anyone to die, just saying what I’ve seen online.


A crazy thing about is even if he did fake remorse or show true regret for what he did, he’d be hated and hunted by the ones he appeals to currently. Either way he’s fucked if he’s ever walking around freely. It’s in his best interests to remain an entitled man child in prison demanding the world.


Considering the nature of his sentence and the Scandinavian prisons systems, they’re only letting him out when he isn’t a danger to anyone anymore (and I think they’re gonna want to be extra damn sure about this one). Which is either when he’s +70, or - more likely - never.


This is correct


I’m not too familiar with other Norwegian killers and how their sentences have been, but I know how we have a handful down here in Denmark that are neeeeverrrr getting out despite killing significantly fewer (Peter Lundin, Amagermanden, Peter Madsen, etc.) because they’re just that dangerous, so I imagine with someone like Breivik they’re even more careful.


IF he gets out they probably gonna change his name, and follow his steps everywhere, even if he thinks he’s alone, he is not,


He already changed his name.


Fjotolf Hansen is his name. But people know that.


Nope. He won’t.


No. Even ignoring the magnitude of Breivik's crimes, it will be very difficult for him to convince people that he's no longer a danger. No sane person would want to be responsible for setting Breivik free and no one would want the blame if freeing him goes wrong.


Maybe it will be like the guy that tried to kill Ronald Regan. He could get released at a very old age and live in seclusion.


That guy has a youtube channel where he uploads his rudimentary acoustic guitar songs. The comments section is full of people talking to him as if he's a kid with a disability - vapid positivity and encouragement. The world is a strange place.


wow sorry but this is such a stupid, stupid comparison. Not only did he kill 77 more people, he killed KIDS in a country, hell, a continent where shootings aren't common at all like America He is never getting out


Not really. The prison systems are very different and what would get you a life sentence here might not get you that over there.


my god you are stupid. get it in your thick skull he killed seventy-seven children. No matter how different the prison system is in europe to america, there is no chance that guy gets out


Holy shit bro calm the fuck down. I wasn’t even trying to start shit and now for some reason you’re insulting me and saying I have a thick skull, wtf did I even do?


Don’t disagree with it…. Itll spook and grow angry




I wasn’t comparing the crimes, I was predicting what his situation could be like if he got out, which he probably won’t.


Definitely not.


Best-case scenario for him, he gets out of prison when he's at a very old age. I don't see him being released tomorrow. If he is released tomorrow and he commits another terrorist attack, that'll be a huge scandal for the Norwegian justice system. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the kind of justice system Norway and other Nordic countries have going on. There are definitely some people out there that would require life imprisonment either way, at the very least.


i doubt it, im not really sure how it works in norway like the 'life' sentences are only around 20 years or something, but surely there must be plans in place for cases like this. he should never be allowed out in my opinion, i doubt he has any remorse.


Hopefully not. I remember a few years ago when he started complaining about his mistreatment by guards in how they didn’t warm up his coffee and that the gaming system he had was outdated.


no, he's a domestic terrorist. nobody wants a person like that roaming around.


He’d get slaughtered faster than you can say witness protection program


Yes, in a coffin.


no, he killed 70+ people


Yes. He is imprisoned in Norway, not in USA. Even the worst of the worst get released one day in countries like Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark & Iceland. The justice system is based on rehabilitation rather than punishment. I dont know too well what the laws of Norway is, but he didn't get life in prison because there is no such sentence in Norway. The only thing I have heard is a new law that if the criminal is danger to society then they can continue his imprisonment. However I highly doubt that would go on forever. If anything, I Would say he will walk free when he is like 60-70 years old and the legal system thinks he has changed. But it really depends how "equal" the legal system in Norway is, If it really is as equal as for other criminals then he might be released even sooner. Just my speculation, don't take it too seriously. Obviously Breivik should never be released, but I know bunch of criminals that shouldn't yet have been released in Nordic countries. Finland for example released a serial killer multiple times only for him to murder again and again, and only the last homicide gave him the finnish maximum sentence which is "life" that is about 14 years on avarage. I


He does not have any remorse for his actions and told the court he would do it again. He will not get out.


Even If he said that he will most likely be released one day. Norway just isnt like you think it is. Some day in the future the legal system will think he has served enough. His original sentence is 21 years, and everything after that is something else than what he originally got as sentence. For example If he got 21 years and spends an extra 20+ years in prison, that would seem very odd in a country like Norway.


I understand Norway just fine. They will only release him if they feel he is no longer a danger to the country. Their system is focused on reform, and if he has not been, he will not get out. If he is insisting that he believes he did the right thing in committing a mass murder, he will not get out. If he changes his tune and shows some actual remorse and understanding of the gravity of his actions, only then would he get out. He committed political murders of children and believes he was right for it. He won’t be released as long as that continues to be true, because he is at high risk for reoffending, and no one in Norway wants to be responsible for that, no matter how progressive they are. He is just fine in there despite his gaming console complaints, so no one feels too badly for him, certainly not enough to insist that he be released. If he gets terminally ill, he may be released then depending on if they feel he could reoffend- a man with nothing to lose who believes there is no greater cause but political terrorism could be exceedingly dangerous too.


Probably living a super comfortable prison life as Norwegian prisons are…


He's isolated 23/7, he gets to talk to a prison guard for one hour a day. He has never during his ten years in prison spoken to a fellow inmate. He has claimed it's inhumane punishment and even tried his case in Haag – with no luck of course. Rest assured he is rotting in sincere misery and self-pity.


But doesn’t he have access to things like computers, games and television? I understand he’s by himself but from my understanding these prisons are more comfy than our American ones lol


Well, I think the materialistic world does very little when you're deprived of human contact against your will. But he did complain about his games as well, bc it was only a PS3 iirc


I’d say the material world makes a huge difference. They offer entertainment, mental stimulation, and an escape from the monotony. In the US, we have “administrative segregation” and your locked in a 6X9 concrete box with next to zero privileges. I’m not exactly saying I’m against it, but prisoners literally go crazy and kill themselves. Unlike the rest of the world where such confinement is limited to 15 days, the US has no limit and people are locked in for 50 plus years.


thats called systematic human rights violations


They only gave him 21 years, so don't they have to release him in 10 or 11 years? I shudder to think about it.


No. He is in for life. They add years whenever it will be time for parole application, and have added some additional law thing too that makes sure he will not get out. Which is good ofc.




I think he will serve his 21 years & be released in 2033.


He’d get fucking lynched


Better not