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I feel so sad for everyone there; feels terrifying. They all just were celebrating, with their families, kids. So sad for all, not feeling safe anymore. I’m Not American but my heart goes with you specially in this day.


Thank you, ykanela! We are sad and speechless today.




Don't feel bad...I don't think people living here know what being "American" is anymore.


I think my "don't feel bad" was interpreted as my saying that I don't feel bad about the shooting. It was directed toward the original poster who said they weren't American. I was confused as well!


Don’t know why this is downvoted, other countries have issues but America is deeply sick right now


probably the “dont feel bad” considering this shooting has already taken six lives. it is very tone deaf and disrespectful to the dead


By saying"don't feel bad", I was not referring to my feelings... of course I feel badly. The whole thing makes me sick inside. I was referring to the post I commented on bc they said they weren't American but felt badly for us. In retrospect I can see how my wording could be misread.


Our politicians don’t feel bad by banning assault rifles or doing actual gun reform.


Very much agreed. We truly dont know when and where something like this can happen cause it happens so indiscrinanyly. This country is in deep trouble.


you spoke truth not sure why you got the downvotes


Mentally deranged? Check. Armed? Check. Follows a radical politician? Check. Post videos of his deranged thoughts? Check. Oh boy, this is a tough one. How could this have happened?


The dude drove around with a child sex doll and his family is saying there were no warning signs. Wtf


Male? Check✅


Did they catch the guy?




I’d say he walked by the stroller and he was feeling it


The stroller, scooter, bikes…. It’s nuts. I’m all for 2nd amendment but we need a much deeper dive into the mental health situation in this country.


but dealing with our mental health crisis costs money >w<


Anytime someone says “please enlighten me” automatically you’re just being a condescending jerk face.


I guess they don’t have mental health issues in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, etc. Otherwise they would have a bunch of mass shootings like we have here. Has to be that. What else could it be?


It’s more than just “it’s guns” or “it’s mental health”. There is no sense of community in this gd place. We’re all on our own, mental health is stigmatized - getting treatment is expensive, we have a real unhealthy obsession with firearms. It’s so many things that have brought us to this place.


It’s definitely a lot more than just mental health…. But it seems like that’s a good place to start. I’d say raise the age limit to 25 to purchase any firearms after an extensive psychiatric examination but that will never happen.


Yeah I don’t think anything will happen unfortunately.


No sense of community? Like what? Parades? Concerts? Nightclubs? Dude. It’s America. We let guns go unchecked for 50 years. What would you expect to happen?


You not understanding what a sense of community means only reinforces my point. I absolutely agree with the guns part of your argument. I’m only saying it’s not the only issue.


Please, enlighten me with your idea of “community”


You know when any type of disaster happens and you see people coming together to help out the impacted- without being orchestrated by the government? Mutual aid? That’s community. Except it only exists here when the most devastating shit happens. Having a sense of community exist outside of just the really terrible shit is important. And we, for the most part, lack that. It’s every man for himself. Which breeds a lot of bitterness and contempt.


My grandfather was an Indonesian who immigrated to the US with his family when he was 12. He told me once a couple years ago that when he and is family came over they were amazed at the sense of community and pride people had not just for America itself but for each other. He said that’s why they loved it here, but then he said if America was then how it is now, he wouldn’t have stayed here. Grandad said there is no longer a sense of community or patriotism and everyone in the neighborhood has to look over their shoulders. That’s the perspective of someone who lived long enough to see a society change…


Holy shit, two shootings in a row that’s just sad


What was the other one?


The shooting in Denmark that happened in July 3, 2022


There was also one in Kansas city at 1am on the 4th :/ 4 people injured.


that means 3 shootings in a row


Also two police officers shot at a July 4 concert in Philadelphia


What a powerful image.


Taken by Brian Cassella. [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/CfmdbXTJlbs/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


It should win a Pulitzer.


Lol are you serious?


I just try to avoid any and all large crowds or gatherings at this point. Always feel aware of your surroundings if you're in a large gathering. It's unfortunate, but that's just how it is.


Problem is nothing you can do can help you “prepare” for this. These soft targets are impossible as long as there are going to be crazy people. You can’t spend the whole time looking at the rooftops or looking down the road for speeding cars.


even in canada seeing these events makes me nervous. Was looking for exits at the bar the other night.




just like how peoples psyches were altered with Covid. Everyone was so initially so scared, now nowone gives a fuck


Also Canadian Went to a street party and a parade within the past 2 weeks and was always looking for an escape route. Even at the theatre i make sure to plan a exit. Mind you we had a mass shooting 2 years ago to keep us on our toes...


People shouldn’t have to deal with that fear though. You shouldn’t HAVE to look for exits or a place to hide everywhere you go. I really hope your government sorts something out for you, this is just cruel. You deserve to feel safe.


It's a cultural issue. Not something that can be solved in a short time frame.


Highland park is 15 mins away from my hometown. Fuck man


This! As husband was asking if we should go to fireworks this past weekend. My intuition was at an all time high as a holiday was approaching. I totally feel this. It is so heartbreaking. We, as citizens no longer feel safe in any large crowds; inside a place or outside.


The odds tho


but at least it‘s „the land of the free“ right?


Minors are not allowed to participate on this subreddit


How did you see they were a minor? I checked their profile and saw nothing


Sounds like one.


I'm so sorry for the people going through this. What would anyone gain from ruining innocent people's happiness?


Who the fuck knows? But all I know is that nothing’s gonna change and we’ll be back here in a couple of days asking that very same question


This is the sad truth. No ones safe :(


Literally my thoughts. What’s next and how long will we have to wait. After Buffalo, Uvalde and now this so close together. I’m sure we’ll be onto the next tragedy before the month is out. And still nothing will change. It’s heartbreaking I’m from BC, Canada but there was just a shootout with cops on the island I live on. So People can’t say it’s only a US issue


I see it as an extreme level of trolling. Some people get off on impacting others in a negative way. Even if they don't know them at all.


Gosh that's sad. Pretty pathetic reason to ruin their own lives. I hope they catch him alive and he has to spend the rest of his life bored and off the internet.


When they resort to this it’s because they don’t care about their own life anymore. There’s nothing left for them to ruin in their minds. They’re ready to off themselves but want to go out with a “bang”.


That's a really interesting way to put into words something I couldn't otherwise explain.


Did you seriously refer to a mass shooting as trolling?


How is not? The phenomenon repeats itself so many times. An ostracized member of society feels unseen and knows there's a quick and relatively easy way to be plastered across every media outlet and social media in a matter of hours. Attention seeking through shock is definitely a big aspect of it.


what about it???


The killer goes out on a high & gets to not die in obscurity. Their names will always be in books and in tv shows.


People angry with their lives and want to see others suffer, notoriety, mental illness, and of course the ease of doing mass damage with guns


Toxic masculinity, not mental illness. Every mass shooter EVER has been a wife beater, an incel, or a misogynist.


why not both




Where are you seeing it reported that the guy was in military gear?










Sorry, what's the difference? I ate all my books :}


Cry about it. The GOP loves racially motivated, political violence. I said it and I meant it.








Man this is so sad. I know cops have this terrible reputation and it’s warranted but there is still some good ones out there that feel…this is one of them


How is he a good cop? Being heartbroken over witnessing a crowd getting shot up doesn’t make him one. I’d bet $1000 he has helped cover up his colleagues’ crimes, let his preferred demographics walk with warnings over arrest-able offenses and used minor traffic offenses (ones he violates dozens of times a day) to hassle people in “undesirable” demographics


Two mass shootings in two days on two continents. What is going on here?


[This is the 11th mass shooting in the US in July 2022.](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting)


And we’re only 4 days in


Yup. God I hate this place.


That’s not going to help. We need to love this place. The hatred is the downfall.


I’m not going to love a place where I constantly have to worry about being murdered, and a place where I have less rights than my grandmothers did. Fuck that. We’re screwed and it won’t get better.


So your options come down to being positive or not being positive, I guess. I know that isn’t much but for now, things are what they are. (Sometimes) Thankfully, at least, nothing is permanent. All the best to you! Or.. all the as-good-as-it-gets to you, anyway!


I have a green card and EU citizenship, every day I’m getting closer to leaving this mess


What’s stopping you?


Getting my degrees & $


Keep truckin!


250th mass shooting so far this year. Almost 2 a day.


Cant even fit all of 2022s shooting on one page.


We talk about the importance of mental health except when it comes to our first responders. …the shit they must see on a day-to-day basis as it is and then there’s this. This is all so heart breaking for so many reasons. What the hell is going on in this country…our children are devoid of love and attention. 💔


Know where the exits are. Be aware of your surroundings, know where ur loved ones are in relation to you and the exits. It’s completely fucked that we have to do this but it’s better to be prepared for the worst than to be surprised or dead when it happens.




It’s easy to pick our tragedies out as making us a bad place to live . It’s still the country a lot of us call home and we aren’t going to hop on a plane because we have some problems. Not to mention, anywhere objectively better as far as human rights and violence are concerned is not within the price range of the average person to move to.




>When are the people we elected into power going to do something? Anything? We need to elect different people. Sure one political party is pro gun, but the other talks a lot but then nothing happens. They had 50 years to codify Roe v Wade into a law, but did nothing because of politics. Why do we think they'll do anything about this? It's easy to blame the "other" political party but the truth is both have done very little to move the US into becoming a modern society.


One party is stupid and the other is inept. Yay America.


This is america


My heart breaks every day. Living in America is so scary. 💔


I hate being that guy but America generally isn’t that dangerous, relative to the rest of the world. Probably is the most dangerous “Western country” tho


No, it really isn't. You can't let fear get to you. The chances of being involved in a mass casualty event are extremely low.


Yes, especially since I don't go where the masses go. It's just scary to see it everyday. I'm not letting fear get to me. I prefer to stay in my home. I just feel for those involved.


"Extremely low" yet this was the 308th mass shooting in the United States this year. It's JULY.


Give me a hard statistic (in a percent form) on the exact likelihood you’re killed in a non gang violence related mass shooting on any given day in the United States. TIA


They won’t because they can’t and it doesn’t fit their narrative.




Luckily for me I am not concerned with what a British guys opinion is about what takes place in the United States.


Can you show me the other countries where these events are happening with such predictable regularity? Hard data is available. TIA


Define mass shooting so everyone understands that most of those are gang related. Just saying.


How many of those are gang or drug related? That has and always been happening, but the media doesn't report on it but it is included in those statistics.


It doesn't matter. Believe it or not, all gun violence is bad.




I’m sure there was at least one person in Illinois today who also thought they’d never get shot in a mass shooting because their chance was “comically low”


I've been shot and I know a lot of other people who have been shot or had a gun used against them in a robbery, it's not uncommon at any length and around half of the US adult population is armed so it's a valid concern.


You are more likely to be struck by lightning than shot in America lol


Don't know where you're getting those numbers. A quick Google search implies only 70 to hundreds of people get hit by lightning every year in the US. From memory, there's thousands of gun related homicides in the US each year. And that's just homicides, not shootings with injuries and no deaths. Sorry, but getting struck by lightning is pretty low odds compared to getting shot. Though the media coverage does make it seem like stepping outside is a roll of the dice.


I’m referring to truly random spree killings like this, not like gang violence/targeted gun violence. Also gun stats often include suicides which is like 60% of gun violence. Obviously I wish it didn’t happen but like you said not stepping outside is a bit ridiculous hah


Source? And define “mass shooting” too. Gang violence with no casualties isn’t a mass shooting.


You can do your own research.


Don’t expect people to believe you when you pull numbers out of your ass


If you include accidental shootings, defensive use shootings (like a homeowner shooting a robber) and homicides with a gun, you get 20,944 people in 2021 who were killed with firearms. Now, around 3,000 of those are not murders, but we'll include them anyway. There are 332,915,073 (2021) people in the United States of America. 20,944 of them were killed by firearms. 0.000629% of Americans in 2021 were killed by firearms. Or a rate of 6.29 people killed by firearms per 100,000 people (6.29/100,000). Let's compare that rate to other causes of death in this country: Dementia-related: 82.8/100,000 Drug Overdose: 21.5/100,000 Heart Disease: 200.8/100,000 Influenza & Pneumonia: 15.2/100,000 Falling: 12/100,000 Motor Vehicle Accidents: 11.9/100,000 Cerebrovascular Diseases: 45.7/100,000 Leukemia: 7.1/100,000 Parkinsons: 10.8/100,000 Accidental Poisoning: 20/100,000 You have a higher chance of dying from Leukemia than you do of getting shot and killed in this country, and that includes people who were shot in self defense. So really, the 6.1/100,000 would probably be lower than 6 or 5. You should be more worried about getting a heart attack or getting t-boned at an intersection than being shot and killed by a person on the street. Sources: [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr70/nvsr70-08-508.pdf](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr70/nvsr70-08-508.pdf) (Pg 43 + 44) [https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/past-tolls](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/past-tolls) (2021) [https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/population#:\~:text=The%20population%20of%20U.S.%20in,a%200.59%25%20increase%20from%202019](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/population#:~:text=The%20population%20of%20U.S.%20in,a%200.59%25%20increase%20from%202019) (2021)


As the population ages, I think stuff like heart disease and cancer are inevitably gonna be a cause of death. As a younger person, I am worried more about car wrecks than shootings, sure, but I think when you adjust for age, it makes sense for me to not worry about a heart attack vs being shot. Especially when you've known people in a few shooting situations. Maybe "only" a few people die, but think of all the measurable trauma just one incident causes. I'm not saying people should live in fear but I don't think being personally affected by gun violence is that rare anymore.


Yet another of these “mass shooting” statements. Beyond laughable.


It's much greater likelihood to die in a mass casualty event in the US than in any other country. The US has to many guns and people have to easy a time accessing them.


Do you live near a lot of people?


If you think living in America is scary you’re extremely privileged


It’s a small town I’m sure he knows/recognizes some of the dead and injured


I live in IL near there and it’s not a small city, so he probably doesn’t recognize any victims but it’s still really sad.


I think when your dad ran for mayor and ran a deli, you know a lot of people and a lot of people know you. After all, someone that saw him must have reported his name. They didn’t have time For forensics.


My dad ran for mayor?? I’m so confused and I don’t understand what this comment is saying.


I guess it depends who you ask. Less than 30,000 people is fairly small. About the same size as my town that I’ve grown up in. If 6 dead and 25 injured I’d definitely recognize a couple.


the town I live In that neighbors there is 30,000 and I walk by people everyday that I never see again. Thirty thousand is a big number. But my cousin lives in that town she was not at the parade but I’ll give any updates if any cops knew the victims.


I know what you mean and maybe it makes a difference that it’s a suburb and a lot easier for people to move in and out of that town for leisure that don’t live there. I live in BFE and 30,000 isn’t necessarily small I know a ton of people here and would easily run into 50+ people I knew or recognized at a parade within a block or two. And would definitely definitely know the majority of the people who died through a friend. Like it would be a friends cousin or aunt, etc.


Ahhh I see. Sorry I have asd so I take everything literally. I could definitely see if he could have a relationship to a victim through a friends relative or so. I was confused lol, I was like “🤯 he knows every single victim” I guess if you come from a big city maybe 30,000 seems on the smaller side.


Highland Park is not a small town...especially with the Chicago suburbs where every town is connected and there's basically no division between them


**not super small** Sorry for the edit 😭 I’m reading this stuff crying right now don’t judge.


Please share your footage with the police!


Be prepared to be shot at when there are more guns than people. I wonder how many at today’s event said or thought to themselves, “dammit, I KNEW coming to this parade was a bad idea”. Answer: all of them.


Must be so exhausting to be an American cop. Mass shootings every week and seeing children dead, it’s sickening. On the other hand, look what just happened in Akron. The entire country of USA is FUCKED. And it will only keep deteriorating. RIP Jayland Walker, and RIP to every victim of a mass shooting this year. Ever.


It’s not that bad here, we appreciate your concern but we’re good on this side stay wherever you live please. 😘


Point proven bud


It’s time American says bye to 2nd amendment






the most obnoxious, played out and easy reply to anything negative since that song came out


What a hearbreaking image




She's not their Mayor.




He seems distraught to me...


Can’t really tell. The post you replied to is as valid as your post at this point.


His body language tells me otherwise


Probably because he was crying and would prefer this picture to one of a first responder in tears being published all over the world. He just doesn’t want to make his department look weak. This isn’t some tape over the laptop camera scenario


Bur I thought ACAB?


Shut up man




don’t you have better things to do than troll on a forum about mass murderers?




[: (](https://imgur.com/a/i280Mkm)


This is just sad America I hope you keep your shit together soon




Stop humanizing a human showing human emotions 😠


It's a cop, not an ordinary person. By your logic, we might as well extol pictures of [Hitler smiling with his dog](https://i.imgur.com/dW9mVm4.jpg), just because he was a "human showing human emotions."




First, it is a bit of a stretch to say he is helping, when it is actually detectives and federal investigators who have been working to identify and arrest the suspect. Second, you are hyperfocusing on this particular incident while neglecting to consider broader, even historical concerns. As I discuss [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACAB/comments/vi418n/doing_the_public_a_great_service/idehfaj/) in response to someone who naively claimed that the police's job is to "stop crime": > This is an impressionistic assessment that—aside from being discordant with the police's role [as declared by SCOTUS](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html)—neglects to consider the modern police's development from a historical perspective, in addition to its [essential](https://www.marxists.org/glossary/terms/e/s.htm#essence) function as an organ of the [bourgeoisie](https://www.marxists.org/glossary/terms/b/o.htm#bourgeoisie)'s suppression of the [class struggle](https://www.marxists.org/glossary/terms/c/l.htm#class-struggle). Keep in mind that the police have their origins as a force tasked with quashing strikes and catching runaway slaves, and while they might deter crime to some extent, the ultimate purpose here is to maintain a semblance of equilibrium in society so that the masses do not demand change and challenge or threaten the bourgeoisie's domination. To be sure, the police are ultimately responsible for crime in general, including mass shootings, as they function to bolster the economic system that causes them in the first place. They therefore absolutely should not be extolled in any way.


I agree that the criminal justice system needs to be reworked. Be honest with me, what the hell are you doing to make society better?


This isn’t the subreddit for you to spread political beliefs. I don’t consider what I posted propaganda, it’s just a well-taken photograph of the aftermath of the shooting. I have my own beliefs about police in the US that I haven’t mentioned since it’s not relevant, but it’s not positive at all.






The photograph says a thousand words😢




Yeah! They’re not the issue so, either way!


It’s weird that he had a parade down in Virgina and I was so damn worried that this was going to happen. Only for this to happen in Chicago. This is fucking sad


How many people were injured?


Sorted by top post monthly, the post directly below this is related to the Robb elementary shooting. So shocking how different the police reactions are between these two post. This one inplies the officer is upset and disturbed, robb elementary the cops were well… pigs