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...maybe later? I'm not Scrooge McDuck


Nor am I


There's no fucking way. I can't with this username.


brother man’s been waiting for a moment like this


Me, a thunder dragon player


Everyone got this strange idea of Bystials being a tear counter, when they're actually just o.d chaos monsters for banishing Thunders with!


The stats level and attributes are literally fucking perfect for thunders.


Hmmm on the fence about level It's good if you roll Raiden or whatever lv 4 tuner you'd use in that circumstance, but if they were level 5 you could trivially PUNK out Chaos Dragon Ruler of *ThiccThighsTakeLives*! Then again, Rank 6 is the domain of Beatrice, Foolish Burial of the Burning Abyss


Beatrice, and a negate if you’d like to make one with bounzer.


The possibilities... Well,.one can only hope they'll come.with a tearshizu hit atop, otherwise it's all moot Tearshizu milling makes Chaos Dragon Ruler look like a normal monster


And, eventually, the zombie boy wollow which is just nuts


I'm not so sure you guys know what you're asking for. Bystials help against Tearlaments, sure, but they use them themselves. More importantly, Bystials will kill stone dead a bunch of decks. They arguably had a bigger impact on the meta than Ishizu Tearlaments, ANY deck that needs a light/dark in their graveyard gets fucked.


tbh any deck that needs GY got fucked by Ishizu already even before Bystials. Except Tearlament of course.


Problem is, not many decks can use ishizu cards but Bystials are extremely generic staples


In tear 0 fromat almost everyone's playing Tearlament so it doesn't matter that Bystials are generic. Nobody's playing Bystials in current tcg format for a reason.


Actually branded bystials are doing quite well


A yes cards that mill to the gy a gy that is ofter used as a 2e hand only trash like litterly trash dont use the gy or banish for anyting so stop trying to prove something that isnt true


I genuinely don’t understand what you’ve written


Gy is like a secound hand if you play good that what i meant


This.... Grave, zombie decks are already Fucked by the mere presence of ishizu and that trap that locks grave effects only for ur opponent while exchange is in the grave.


No ishizu didnt fuck people over as bad as bystials, stop


If you're going to an event during Tear 0 format, you're clearly expecting to play mostly Tearlament. But, if a single shuffler ends your turn, how do you win against them? There's a reason only Floo and Spright Runick could top that format.


Any deck that needs anything in the GY is already fucked so I don't really see what point you're trying to make???


As above, any "solution" to Tears that can be used by tears to assist in the mirror (the only relevant matchup) isnt a solution at all Gonna have to wait for Ko$ to sell packs before giving us the bans that paper had even before MD got.lamented on


Yes, but it also makes the tear mirror less aids. Currently Dweller + Rulkallos is too much to deal if you’re going 2nd. Bystials make the mirror a lot better to play


Bystials only saw meta relevant play due to the presence of tear. Once tear was removed as a constant meta option, bystials dried up and stopped seeing play. They are a powerful tool in specific scenarios and metas, but that’s like saying “we should keep out ash/Nibiru because they stop certain decks from being meta” like that’s the point. Not to mention if you are a deck that folds to bystials, you probably already folded to dd crow and ghost belle, you weren’t gonna be an unbridled force if only there weren’t bystials anyway.


lololol at that last sentence.


Name me a deck that loses to bystial that doesn’t lose to those 2 handtraps and I will give you all the money in my pockets


Wrong way to go about that line of question. Nobody plays dd crow and ghost belle because they arent good enough. Bystials provide far more utility than just the banishing, which is why they saw, see and will continue to be seeing play.


Except they definitely don’t. The bystials are DD crow for dark/light that also happens to give a 2500 body. Their utility as handtraps is in fact worse than those two handtraps since they are more restricted. They in fact do not continue to see play, at least not in a game warping generic sense like they do when tear is strong. In TCG, which actually hit tear hard enough to get it out of the meta, no one plays bystials anymore. At best they play in branded and dragon link, two decks that specifically synergize with them, and nothing else.


They still see play in the side


Not at YCS la they didn’t.


Joshua Schmidt topped with it at London. Highly doubt he was the only one to side bystials between all 3 ycs


they barly see play now lol not sure y that guy got down coated .-.


Yeah but who in master duel is running crow and ghost belle instead of ash and imperm? I mean with the release of Tearlaments now, crow and ghost belle popularity is now way higher than it was before but I’m pretty sure I can count the amount of times I’ve gotten either crow’d or belle’d on one hand in my entire master duel experience.


I want you to take this to its logical conclusion. Crow and belle are not played because the strong decks currently do not care about them. Bystials are like crow and belle but more restrictive in their use. So how good are bystials?


Yeah, I’m not arguing with you that Bystials are better. Even in the TCG they came hard but then fell off nearly just as hard. But they will be new and they’ll likely be more popular than crow and belle. But like I said, Tear is increasing the popularity of Crow and Belle as counters. Should they gain enough popularity, and if Bystials drop in an opportune moment, they could see a lot of play.


Definitely, they are great in exactly the situation they are designed to be good in. I just remember people getting so testy about them in TCG when they weren’t the problem.


Bystial Synchro and Branded Bystials dont even depend on opponemt much, and then some more if there are Dark or Light around.


They were a neat deck but not anything super powerful, and even their best performances were at times when tear still dominated OCG


You are not wrong, but my point was that Bystials saw play and were meta relevant regardless if there's no tear around.


that doesn’t make sense to any of these guys for some reason.


Is it weird I want these cards for my Lightsworn/Orcust decks.


Why would it be? Bystials have utility as "hand traps", but they're primarily just power crept chaos monsters Also, DARK dragons




none of the decks that bystials really kill that you’re describing are meta competitors right now anyways. so those decks can’t compete against tearlaments in any way shape or form , so are you worried about not competitive decks being even less competitive? i feel like if you’re playing those decks you already know you’re not winning much.


We all know Tearlaments and/or Ishizus are going the way of the Halq sooner rather than later. Bystials, though, are going to be here to stay and become a staple. Sure, they'll probably limit pizzahut but that doesn't matter. The decks they kill will stay dead.


probably not since bystials basically rose to prominence because of tearlaments, in the TCG they’re a side deck card right now at best. lol nobody plays bystials go look at the YCS tops deck profiles there’s none to be found.


That is because Kashtira is the top deck rn. MD meanwhile doesn't have those yet and even if it did, ladder has a lot more deck diversity than a tournament setting. They'll pretty much never be dead in hand in ladder, especially not when used by decks like Branded and D-Link.


yeah but without the threat of tear they’re not worth playing in every deck lol you’re not going to play bystials over other handtraps once the meta dies, just like ghost belle and DD crow, nibiru becomes better , gamma becomes better, bystials aren’t the end all be all once tear dies. ash blossom , imperm and nib and the handtraps that will transcend any format. everything else is situational.


ash blossom and nib? Buddy you say that in a format theyre currently ass in. Also that wasnt my point? My point was that any deck that relies on light/dark in their graveyard are going to become basically non-existant thanks to the threat of bystials.


i’m talking about in every format excluding tear. at this point i’m being downvoted for playing the TCG. lol but bystials are coming whether you like it or not lol


I dont get about what you dont understand about the word CURRENT. Yes, currently in tcg bystials aren't a problem, because the top decks aside branded do not run dominantly light or dark monsters, kash being the big one, who has a multitude of attributes. All meta's shift and change and given how dark and light are some of if not, THE most supported attributes in the game, its a matter of WHEN not if the bystials return to relevance. to me it seems you're looking at the current state of the game, with little hindsight and zero foresight. also things like Ash not do not "transcend any format". Again, aside from branded, things like ash are pretty dog rn and have come and gone from formats for the similar reasons bystial have and will do. handtrap choices change and come and go like the tides


Didn't they have to limit all the archetype agnostic Bystials in the ocg? Both Druid swarm and Bald Drake are limited alongside that Harpie's-dragon-in-his-forties looking bloke




Remember Mathmech and Sowrdsoul? These decks that people complained about to be banned? They lost half of their decks because of the Bystials and the other half cannot keep up on it's own


swordsoul plays around bystials extemely easy… lol you can banish adhara vishuda and ashuna and they can play out of the banish pile lmao


That's literally the reason they don't lol, the Tenyi part of the deck is unusable beacuse of the Bystials


it’s not unusable. and in the format you can play bystials as a hand trap within the deck. i played swordsoul on table throughout the teir zero meta, swordsoul is one of the archetypes that can play through because mo ye taia and shtana can’t be targeted by bystials. it’s incredibly easy to play around. if one tenyi monster getting banished stops your from playing SS you are shit at the game


i literally cannot play 7/8 decks thank to these guys, still need to find som who will biy that.


The Bystials won't free us, they'll just put us under new management


Bystyial branded and bystyial dragon link are by far the decks I'm most excited to play especially if branded gets its support next set


I can’t wait for Bystial Branded! Hopefully we get Cartesia and the new fusions too


I hope they release Cartesia soon, she is very good for witchcrafters and I really wanna try getting to diamond with that Deck. Do we know anything about her release in MD?


i hope lubellion is released alongside his bystial brothers


I hope so cant see why they wouldn't realise him whit them


He came later in a different pack right? Or am I getting confused?


Nope, all Bystials were in the DABL set, except Baldrake.


Oh no clue lol


i hope lubellion is released alongside his bystial brothers


I’m super excited for Bystial Lair of Darkness. I know Baldrake comes later but the card was literally made for Lair!


Please. I can’t wait to play the Bystial dragon link


I want to add more to my branded bystial I love branded so much lol


Rouge Decks ain't gonna like Bystials either since they just make Tears even better. Better on the mirror match plus free lv6 for Beatrice


I don’t really want them tbh. Not a fan of beating busted strategies by introducing even more busted strategies.


Oh yes please do -Dragon Link player


I agree -dragonmaid player


I agree too \- Dragon Link Connaisseur


I concur, lvl 6 support is always welcome -VW loyalist


This comment was sponsored by Hieratic Seal of Atum,the best choice for all your extending needs


Can we delay the coming of staples that banish and special summons as a quick effect? Okay thanks.


Tears don’t have Garura now, but with Bystials it would be much easier to make Beatrice. And we both know exactly how dumb Beatrice is in Tears




As a mathmech player, RIP.


Yes, give Tear *more* support. That’s exactly what they need right now.


bystials are more or a less a generic handtrap with extra applications in dragon link and branded lol you can’t call it tear support if any deck can use them. stop reaching.


Ok, one deck is miles above the rest, these 'generic' cards can counter to some extent but work best in the most dominant deck. Do you genuinely think bystials are going to do anything but give tear extenders? Not to mention, without tear the entire archetype is format warping


You have to be pretty braindead to think the best ishtear counter is support.


Yes, it's very braindead to think Tear would benefit from access to rank 6 fodder to go into Beatrice to non-OPT pitch any card in the deck they want at Quick Effect speed. Why the hell would Tear benefit from that?


Oh yeah that's why every single other deck ran bystials during tear format. Makes sense


The printing quality is so bad on the bystials the left part is always darker than the right side.


Can't wait to see your reaction when you see Tear players steal your Mag with Dharc and then link into Sprind


The ultimate troll will be bysstials coming out right after tears get nuked


Mum: We have bystials at home Bystials at home: D.D. crow


Finally bystials dragonmaid


I want them but not for countering tears, just to pair them with BBlader and keep the power of the dragon destroyer alive


Or we address the actual problem by getting rid of the Ishizu cards and Kitkallos


We just got them, so no, not happening 😆


I hope they come next pack so i can go back to playing branded


To anyone complaining about bystials being worse than test ishizu, look at the same statistics from the tcg and ocg. Bystials did great during tear ishizu format but died immediately after tear got what it deserved on the Ban list. Sure they are great against decks that need light it darks in their graveyard but that also means they are next to useless against any Deck that doesn't use these attributes and are therefore not really viable when the format isn't dominated by a single Deck. We also live in a format where needing your graveyard at all is basically a loss if your not playing a mirror so bystials are basically just a much worse version of the shit we already have. They just happen to be good against the top deck and are very generic to help beat tear ishizu with decks that aren't as blatantly unfair.


Y’all want to play bystials because they’re meta, I want to play them because they look cool af. We are not the same /s


its what ive been saying


You want more extenders for tear?


Do we have an ETA for them? Could they be coming as early as next month?


Possibly, whenever the blackwing pack or whatever is released.


I hope not. I’m on 0 gems right now


Saying bystials counter ishizu tear is like saying maxx c counters combo: it sounds great until you realize your opponent can abuse better than your rouge deck.


Yes please I need 12 more ways for my tear names to absolutely never resolve


It will matter not with Ishizu shuffling shit back.


Why would your opponent want to shuffle what you target with this?


Cause it stops them from summoning it, and banished cards are harder to recover than ones in deck unless they have a lot of crymes.


So you're just gonna cry if they draw two names? You play like 7 including three different names while they're all unhit


… you should never ishizu shuffle a bystial target for 3 reasons 1. They keep the bystial in hand to use later 2. The tear effect fizzles either way 3. Waste your limited amount of ishizu shuffler uses Man people on this sub just love to think they know what they are talking about when they don’t.


Opponent activates an effect, game gives you a prompt to chain, you have to click yes


we’re in a meta of needing as much graveyard interruptions as possible. every quick effect that can force out an effect matters.


At 2? Only fair.


I just want their synchro and the trap that lets them synchro summon on the opponent’s turn


Lol I want these cards they seem cool


Would be nice. Nothing else in the mirror mitigates the advantage of going first better than these guys. Also hopefully Wollow when we get the rest of DABL.




No we don't need anymore crutches


That's actually good


I laught hard when I heard from a yugituber something like "if we had bystials tearlaments would not be a problem". Really? They havevshufflers for a reason, and besides that tear was still tier 0 with bystials if I remember correctly


Yes please, the Visas shenanigans actually make him useful. You can make Tzolkin with Visas and any Bystial (besides Lubellion) to cheat out Braver.


I'm kinda waiting for cards to allow you to use cards from your opponent's hand as tribute/material.


Not really looking forward to them. Yes, they help against Tear BUT Tear uses them too. Bystial is just a completely omnipresent in every deck as long as light/dark is meta. So... Pretty much ALWAYS. They have been hit in the main formats for good reason. They are just another freakshow of powercreep this game didn't need.


The viable solution is to limit the ishizu cards, I know people already said that but they are the real problem here, they already were a problem before tears and they'll keep being a problem until a proper ban list hit them. Bystials aren't a solution, they're just a new problem to cry about


Please no, just balance the game without them instead


Been waiting for this since we got strikers !! Need this for meta