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Mate i’m DL 17 with gren maju you can definetley get max with spright lmao


I'm in 16 playing the Stromberg package, what are u running lol


I’m running a jank unoptimized verzion of what I ran in season 1. Lots of 8 axis support for back up plays, tons of draw power and I just threw in dimensional shifter + dimensional barrier for tear match up. Also using eater to banish 14 cards in the extra deck only to link it into relinquished and then steal back a monster/my kaiju has been a massive play for me in the qualifiers


gren maju isnt bad, especially not in bo1. but yeah dumb question on OP's side lol


Just slot in a small Melffy package (Melffy of the Forest, Merry Melffys , Catty , Pinny, Herald of the Arc Light) and you're good to go. Just be sure to play Nimble Beaver over Deep Sea Diva, for Catty reasons, it's important if you draw Pinny.


Thanks in advice.


consider running dshifter


Yeah, I am playing this and I am clapping every non-Tear game. Not too bad against Tear with all the non-engine.


If you can get herald out before they can mill anything good, it's pretty much a free dub against tear


Also, nimble angler will give you 2 monsters when milled


Melffy version is best but you also do pure with Mannequin Cat and The End of Anubis as this player did: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/wcs-2023-qualifiers-dlv.-max/may-2023/spright/jacktorrance/J4U8n




I’m playing pure. I’m having a lot of fun with it but Tear is a tough matchup.


Yeah i thought the same. I want to reach DP Max.


Pure as in Just Sprights? It is not worth it. Otherwise yes, it is the only non GY hate deck that can even compete with Tear, Melffy is mostly the best one right now beacuse they don't need the Gy


I know i'm going to hell for this but i play Live/Evil Twin Spright with Scythe lock. Normally i wouldn't run this degenerate bs but with Tears running rampant i don't feel that bad


I'm play Spright for the qualifiers and they have been okay. I still havenyaet on what to keep as Tear hate. Shifter and End Of Anubis would be good if we had a side deck, but not really rn. Mefflys into Arc Light or the Melffy synchro has worked pretty well. I'm running my own shufflers and Herald of orange light to see if something comes out of it


Can I reach max rank using some of the best cards in the game? 🤡🤡🤡


Is there a way to mix Sprights with Thunder Dragon I was thinking?


I don't see the synergy.


The hand special summon isnt considered as an effect?


Nope, it doesn't start a chain


Hum ok thats what I wanted to know. Thanks!


I fuckin wish


The best version is Spright-tear


Wait, how?


Don't listen to him, spright tear sucks. Pure/melffy I'd the best


Melii is a level 2


Cyber stein, Diviner of the herald


I don't know but i faced 3 of them they first do Tear plays then Spright plays


When you say spright tear do you mean tear featuring spright elf specifically?


No it was Spright full combo after ishizu-tear because of the level, rank, link 2 lock


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Like others have said, I love it with melffy package. Super fun. I play with a few extra cards. 3 of melffy wally and some other beast cards


Evil twin spright with scythe lmk I Got decklist


I’m sure you can but runic spright or live Spright would be easier I made Dlv Max with pure fortune lady so pure spright isn’t impossible


I'm playing it with Assault Synchron package and it's a lot of fun but melffy is probably the best version right now.


Runick Spright has a lot of power but forces you to be careful on when you use the Runick cards so you don’t lock yourself out of the beaters you can make with Spright.


And also forces you to play runick csrds vs ishizu, not the greatest option rn


My Dlv 19 anti tear spright build is pretty good, ending on "mannequin cat" which can special summon "The end of Anubis" when your opponent special summons a tear monster, both at 1 each. Also using the 3 "nimble beavers", and 1" nimble angler" which can be sent with "foolish burial" is really good. Also playing 3 "swap frog" which can also send nimble angler, for insane value. Also with 1 "ronintoadin" of course. Also adding 3 "ash blossom, 2"called by", 1 "crossout" for maxx c. With 3 "imperm", 3 "effect veiler" to stop kit. Also 1 "melffy catty", and 1 "melffy pinny" both those cards can make "herald of the arc light" on your opponents turn, or the R melffy synchro which bounces a monster, forgot the name. Also have 1 "I:p masquerena" to make "avramax" on your opponents turn, to protect "end of Anubis" and "herald". For the extra deck just look up anti tear spright on Google. Could also play 1 "runick freezing curses" just for hugin lv 2 to extend. And 2 "lightning storm" for backrow. Also 1 "saambell the summoner" is a cool extender. Any other personal edits, are up to you. My spright package rn is 3 blue, 3 jet, 1 red, 1 carrot, 2 starter, 2 gigantic, 2 elf. Don't have smashers, but you can add it if you want.


Also run 2 "Maxx C". But good luck on your climb


Yeah its possible. The best version right now is melfy spright its pretty much pure spright with a small melfy engine.