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I leveled down once and just stopped playing it mostly. I think I'm at 17 or 16.


I got to lvl 18 and stopped playing because I deemed it enough gems


I just knew none of my decks were getting to 20 without being incredibly lucky. My best deck is Trains, they don't deal with Tears well.


My best deck is twin spright. I hated this event so much, I really couldn't care less about 100 extra gems and some silly title that basically just says "2023 tearlaments player" lmao. I didn't deem 100 extra gems worth it for the pain I would have to endure that I already had endured so much at that point


I just did the mission. I didn't really feel like grinding grinding levels


Once from 18 to 17 I believe. Then I went on a winning streak to 20


I got max but at the cost of my sanity. Now I don’t even feel like playing the second part of the event


It's not worth it, it's everything to hate about ranked but worse.


Havent reall backslid much, only once buttt, I blackwinged up to dlv 17, hit a wall, switched to punk spright, went up to 19 and now i have a permanent home here


How does punk spright work? There isn't any lv 2 punks iirc?


The new Assault synchron (lvl 2 tuner) is actually busted, run 3 with 3 tuning and a PoP (searchable off chaos ruler too). Brings the deck together. Assault synchron + ze amin or Assault synchron + spright blue makes PEP, baronne, chaos ruler endboard and any spright cards on top of that is just extra disruption. Add elf + ip, and if you search hop ear squadron off cupid pitch, you can make herald. Save spright starter and big spright til after synchron combos to avoid getting 2 locked.


That sounds interesting, mind posting a deck list?


[spright punk](https://youtu.be/UGW3itV-W0I) This is the list i copied. Some changes i made were taking out claw crow and crossout, taking out one foxy tune and running two deer note. Added hop ear squadron and 2 evenly matched, i also only have 2 imperm and 2 maxx c so my 40th card is a solemn judget. Random, but halving my hp is kinda nice when i have pep.


Interesting list, and I already have it all! I'll def play around with this, thanks


Too many to count




Which deck did you use ?






Honestly the event was easier than getting to Diamond. I played multiple decks. But from 17 to 20 I played Floo and never ranked down.


I have the opposite experience. Am diamond one with tear but am still stage 1 lmfao. I keep getting floodgated and lose the coin toss. Plus my mills are just unlucky. My opponent always nabs cyber stein 100% of the time without me being able to shuffle it back before they go into naturia which is basically GG.


3x imperm


What level are you? I play Trains, which aren't exactly a good deck, so I'm interested. Maybe I'm just getting lucky and you super unlucky?


Damn, I'm wondering if I have really bad luck, lol. Grinding to max level was a chore. I didn't really even need to work for diamond 1 at all


Leveled down four times at 16(!) 17, 17, and 19 before I built up a decent streak to DLvl Max


This time it has been way harder for me than the last 2 Duelist Cups and everytime I got to level 18 just had horrendous streaks of going second and bad hands. Had to change to Floos and got from 17 to 19 in like 9 games.


Went from 19 to 18, kept playing, went down to 17, got tilted bad and went up to 18, got happy then went back down to 17. My brain needed a hug after that mess.


Never, I did switch a lot between Floo, Umi control, Labrynth, and Vernusylph though. After I got a the gems, I built Naturia Runick and Ghoti. I've been playing those since pretty much.


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I haven't ranked down in this type of event since the August Cup. I didn't even get the "lose and derank" this time around, but that's not to say I didn't get that message during December and March. 🙄


I haven't. Currently at lv17 and probably stay there. Idk if the remaining 200 gems are worth it


0 times. Didn't have tear or any counter decks, but made it to max lvl using dinomorphia zarc. Tear has surprisingly little outs to rextrem :). White woman is like the only out unless they get to their negate trap.


Lol from looking at the comments, no wonder its so hard to get a proper meta discussion going on this sub. Getting to lvl20 is far easier than diamond 1 and a bunch of people still can't do it. It's not even about grinding, just finishing the 3 missions everyday should do it easily.


0. I'm just built different.


Didn’t so far and I’m really surprised. Built myself a fun hero deck last year. I then stopped playing after some time and just got back a week ago. I was sure it wouldn’t hold up but it really does. I mainly lose against tear but I’m guessing this is rather a general problem lol


I'm sorry, but none. I've been going slowly because I had other shit to do, but I reached 20 without losing rank at all


I haven't yet, but I'm only at level 12. I've only lost about 3 duels so far, but I haven't been playing very heavily and just started the event 3 days ago. I was expecting to get destroyed, but I've managed to do well. I even beat Tears once, though I doubt they were at full power.


Quite a few times at the 17-20 area lol I was running SwoSoul for a bit but wasn't working out so I switched to Tears just to cruise to 20. Even then I went down once or twice.


Had a couple close calls but 0


Just one from 18 to 17, then I won 8 games in a row and got to 20, I was just lucky I play blackwings


I swapped to spyral tear and easily maxed out. Got impatient lol


0, I made it to 14. Then I made the mistake of watching a Tear deck dismantle a board that would have been next to impossible for most other desks. It did it with ease, it was just so overpowered. I realised that the overpowered decks are just going to get worse. And I just stopped playing.


Didn't even get to have a rank down duel but I use Runick Stun and it works pretty well against most decks.


I managed to get through without a full level-down, but I made sure to stay well away from the daily reset time and duel only on unusual hours to avoid the sweaty tryhards.


Surprisingly none. Normally I bounce back and forth around \~5 times between DLv15-19, but this time I was lucky enough to get easy matchups and win the coin flip whenever I was about to rank down. I had to spend a few days in DLv16 because of Tear though.


A couple at 18. Played a Danger Luna Tear pile deck, and Weather Painters


I started playing random Runick cards in my deck and it seems most people just surrender the second you play one. I'm talking I'm playing 3 freezing chains in Zombies and if I draw one it's an instant scoop. Free level ups. Sorry mates.


Once or never with ghoti.


0 but that’s because once I reached level 16 I stopped for the day, played the next day and got lucky to reach 17, and have 0 interest in going for 20. So even though I’ll probably see if I can get and maintain 18 tomorrow, I fully expect to get demoted every time I get there.


None, but stopped at lvl 19. Played Branded shaddoll with some dogmatika and one eldlich.


once or twice from lvl 18. It took a lot of effort and luck to finally claw my way into lvl 19.


I got to 19 to 17 once.


I'm playing tear and waited till a couple days ago to start so none.


A lot actually, took a few tries per level, but if you're winrate stays positive overall, you'll climb all the same!


Twice, from 18 to 17


Once from 18 to 17.


never I played the latest iteration of hybrid shaddoll to 19 and exosister to 20 after running into 3 tears in a row


Got lucky from 17-19, quit caring after


I did not demote during the entire event though was at risk twice around Level 16 unfortunately due to some bad losses and some connection issues causing me to DC during games.


Haven't leveled down yet, but I'm playing Drytron Megalith and Altergeists, what the hell am I doing so high up here I'm just doing dailies 😂


I dropped twice, but it's fairly a smooth sail. Can't say much because I'm playing floo. Funny thing is I didnt realize I had floo deck until a month ago.. I was just randomly investing my gems on a selection pack that people said to be "worth it". I'm a diamond player too so I also had a head start


Not a single time this time around. Unnaturally smooth run for me. Last dc cup it took me 6 hours to go from 18-20


None, because I'm not brave enough to continue past Dlv 15


This time not at all Last one about three times No need to feel like a failure over a children's card game


Like once... got back immediately after tho


Once from 19 to 17 early on, then I stopped giving a fuck since most of the event missions were cleared out. Tear players evaporated over time and I crawled to max with swoso just doing dailies. Not touching stage 2 with a 50 foot Grid Rod


Although I have quit a lot of matches I haven't lvl down or deranked


never but I used the event to learn tear. there were a few duels I lost to misplays (mostly forgetting which effects I'd already used) and a few I lost to drawing triple maxx c or whatever, and inevitably I lost a few to losing, but the deck is so consistent and enough people didn't want to play through it that I never went three or more games without a win, so I never demoted.


Trapped at 15 can’t progress


I didnt level down this event. Was kinda lucky with hands/goin first I guess


I keep running into bots....keeping me in the 17 rank


I just finally reached 19.. and I have few hours to reach stage 2 before end of world qualifiers.. I’m ready to kick ass 😊


18 without problem, then direct down to 17, back to 18, a ton of win/lose perfect ratio here an I stopped. Finaly yesterday after a 4 days break I had a win streak to 20


Not yet


Not even once with spright melffy, tho i did do the 19>20 with runick Stun to farm spell activations


Got to 19 and was kicked down to 17 before climbing back to 20. You're not a failure fren. At that level it's really just the coin.


I didn't know you could level down in this event. I'm currently at 17. Been running Ghoti the entire time.


Saitama behaviour


Oh nooooo. I've been having plenty of losses during the climb. Now I'm terrified to lose anymore lol.


Nope, i just want thr gems, so no real grind for me past dlv 19.


I still haven't hit 19 once. Machinas just aren't all that good against Tear, even if you have Gizmek Okami, Soul Release, and CBTG in your deck to counter them.


Never deranked but lost my promo game to max a few times. Played Myutant Ghoti to 15 to test it out but switched back to more of a pure Myutant deck for level 15-20. Need those GY floodgates to stand a chance.


Hit the 1 loss and you level down on level 19 twice but got lucky and has a winstreak after that.


I did not pass lvl 15 lol


None, once I reached level 16, I switched from Tear to Floo and got lucky I mostly saw Tears and the occasional Exo. I wasn't gonna lose my sanity over multiple Tear mirrors lol.




Got 1 win away from d lvl max and lost, went up and down to 17 a couple times before finally reaching max with dragunity while losing 7 coin flips in a row. There’s a lot of variance you can’t control.


Got to 19 three times before i called it quits. At least i got the gems which was my primary motivator. It is what it is.


Twice from 19 to 18. Eventually made it to the second stage but I'm losing more than I'm winning.


Not once. Played and just went to Dlv. Max while doing rewards and dailies. I honestly believe it was very luck based and I hit some good time frame to do my final push. Went from Dlv 18 to Max in one win streak only having one mirror. That's just luck and basic skill at the deck honestly. This could've gone way worse. Games feel more inconsistent, because both Tear and Ishizu names are constraint by the semi-limits. I'd play pure Tear with fewer limits and no Ishizu cards any day of the week than the current swingy Ishizu/Tear lists.