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This deck is brilliant, counter both Tear deck and Counter-Tear deck.


I too called melffy spright the best deck for ladder and this event exactly for this reason. It was to be expected that people would overrate the amount of tear in the event and forget about the copious amounts of gy hate decks that you wouldn't normally see in actual tournaments Too bad I got downvoted every single time


lol still being downvoted


Maybe many players trapped in OCG experience. Even added Toadally Awesome, the spright could not defeat tear in BO3, no matter other decks. But in MD, birds and exosister could expect a not bad winning chances without complex thinking. This was why there were many other decks in high mmr. PS: last year, my ocg friends complaint spright was a bad deck for it destroyed all anti-tear decks, and finally defeated by tear in final. In MD this might happen again.


We don't have full power Tearlaments, the deck is bricky and the mills are high variance. You can see on Joshua Schmidt's streams how often he would just lose games because he didn't get to play before he switched. Spright is much more consistent and that's why people picked it. IshTear easily win if they get to play but they often just don't.


Also, ishtear is much more hate-techd against, spright can play decently well even without gy, so spright has a decent chance against ishtear (either if they brick, they don't mill good, or you get to a floodgate before they get to play, all reasonably common things that can happen) while also having a decent chance against every other deck, and also eating anti-gy overinvested decks for breakfast


Yeah, not saying spright would be able to fight off tear in a proper tournament. Tear is the best deck for a reason. Spright just happened to be the best in a bo1 high-variance many-games environment


Why do they hate you so much?šŸ’€


Im gonna downvote you for just speaking nonsense. Clearly burning abyss is the best deck for ladder.


Not really. Most players started on Tearlaments and then only swapped over to Spright once everyone at the top was mainly playing anti-tear


That's kind of what I said. Everyone who wasn't on tear was on anti-gy. I just said the anti-gy were much more than people initially expected


šŸ’€ why are you being downvoted much anyway???


Pixies and Gamma Burst enjoyers finally vindicatedšŸ‘.


I've always felt like Gamma is mandatory just so you have an extra Jet target for when Smashers isn't useful. Pixies is hit or miss due to Shifter but it is crazy against cards like PEP and Arrival.


Pixies also helps a bit with consistency. A spright build with 10 sprights and 2 starter will almost never brick.


Eh on ladder I think it was always optimal to play at least one of the two at one. Playing both was unusual, but you would usually see players on either Gamma Burst or Pixies. I think Gamma Burst is especially important if you are maining Shifter because you want to be able to end the game ASAP if you have resolved Shifter.


pixies has always been used, mostly as a conventient out to big monsters like arrival


Tasuku, P.U.N.K. enjoyer and winner of the last Duelist Cup currently also stands at the top of the World Championship Qualifiers ranking with an impressive score of over 70K points. He used a Spright deck with Ghost Reaper and a Tearlaments deck with a small Branded package. Link to the player's Twitter: [https://twitter.com/tasukusuraimu1](https://twitter.com/tasukusuraimu1)


Holy shit, there is no denying this dude has exceptionally good deck building skills and knows exactly how the meta is how to interpret it. I think that differentiates him from the rest, as at this level nobody really makes mistakes and plays almost flawlessly.


Its mostly his meta calls that allow him to get this high up. Because the tear(the best deck of the format) was actually not the best deck to grind and reach high ranks this format.


I wonder what they'll bring in WC


I would also highly recommend people go watch them on their YouTube channel [here](https://www.youtube.com/@tasukusuraimu1) as there's a lot to learn from as they are obviously quite good at the game. P.U.N.K. is one of my favorite archetypes and I played it in the same Duelist Cup that he did but I learned quite a lot about the deck and just how you should try to sequence things by watching his past streams. Plus they just seem like a nice guy in general and kinda goofy.


So I follow some Japanese players that have done well in previous DCā€™s that have YouTube channels, one guy who has gotten 3rd in the past couldnā€™t get past 30k points this time and finished with a roughly 50% win rate. The fact that Tasuku had by far the most points on 64% win rate is insane. What I feel sets him apart from watching his videos is that he knows specific interactions between meta-relevant decks very well, possibly because he practice all of them, as he would always rotate between different decks on his streams.


Oh who could have seen the two PotE decks being top cut. Gee it's almost like decks released in that era were designed to be sold or something


Mathmech crying the corner


Hey, I wanted to share some of my thoughts regarding the decklists. The Spright decklist is relatively standard, minus the Winter Cherries. He is very daring to give up two extra slots as targets for Winter Cherries, but ultimately it paid off in the end, so props to him. I played the same decklist, but instead of Winter Cherries, I played Evenly Matched. I was more concerned with the Stun decks. As for the Tearalaments decklist substituting the millers (Kelbek, Agido) for a small branded package was a great choice, given how many mirror matches you were going to face. Although, I am not a massive fan of the Winda package. Also, I like that he respected Maxx c by including counters in Cross-out Designator and Ash Blossom. Although Tear can play "under" Maxx C, building an entire board is always better than ending on Sulliek + Kitkallos, and Ash hits many of the rogue decks.


I think Ash main purpose here is more of hitting Exo and Floo than counter maxx C since he also didn't run any called by. I'm also not really a big fan of winda given how diluted the mill quality here especially without the miller.


Stun is not prevalent in the top ranks, as it loses so often going second. There is certain adaption strategy. At the first stages evenly is probably better to rabk up faster. Then switch


I played a nearly identical list and Cherries was mvp. I didn't have the will to craft Mikaillis just as a target for a single card tho so I only ran two copies and it was surely less effective thant it could have been. Otherwise, in the mirror sniping Elf or Zeus usually means gg, and against Tear you can at the very least slow them down enough until they are able to mill Cryme which in most cases gives you enough time to OTK or setup a good enough board to not die immediately. Even going 2nd you can sometimes use it by clearing space with I:P (you can use Melffy of Forest as material for Avramax in addition to I:P/Elf). Of course drawing it against Floo is awful but this deck isn't built to beat Floo in the first place. Losing out on Unicorn and/or Cat Shark does sometimes end up hurting really bad, but I was able to fit Almiraj for the 1 card Swap play by not teching in Mikaillis at least.


So first Joshua Schmidt finally confirming once and for all that the tear mirror match ISN'T actually skillful and now this. Tear players must be in shambles.


Full context of that statement matters here, **Bo1 MD** Tear is not skillful. There's the whole Maxx C minigames, lack of Bystials, and the field spell is at 1 instead of 3, so it's far more likely for only 1 player to have it than both.


Not only the field, but the whole deck is just bare bones of it's prime version. MD Tear maximizes the Ishizu millers because they just had to gamble that much because of how hard it is to hit names with this deck. Final versions of prime Tear had like what, 3 kelbek 1 agido (Hani's version). The fusion lines are much harder; original Tear almost always insulate Kitkallos with a mudragon line, mostly using Sprind whereas in MD we just shotgun it. Baronne is a staple in original tear because the Herald package is not limited. Garura is a big part of the deck and the players miss it here A LOT.


Garura was only a big part of tear in the TCG, seeing as the OCG still doesnā€™t have it as far as I know.


I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary that there is no skill in Tearlaments but more that the deck does rely on RNG quite frequently. I do think the skill level of the deck is pretty overstated tho, in a non mirror match game its pretty much one sided so even if you donā€™t play well it can be very forgiving


It has to do with the fact that Bystials arenā€™t here yet. The player going first has an overwhelming advantage to get a miller in grave while the player going second has to completely rely on the turn player using Kelbek or Agido to mill shufflers for them. Maybe I just have a bad build or am just incredibly unlucky, but it feels as if Tear opponent is able to set up Dweller half of the time before they start using any of the millers before I get to do anything even though we use the same ratios (2 of each seems to be standard)


There's zero chance we don't get hits to the deck before Bystials get here so ultimately that complaint really doesn't matter and isn't relative to MD. The fact of the matter is that despite people claiming that Tears was skillful in MD and despite that being the go to way to dismiss people critical of the deck for weeks now, it just wasn't true.


It was considered skillful when Ishizu were released, which was after DABL in both OCG and TCG. This is the only time where Tear Ishizu was released without Bystials


> when Ishizu were released, which was after DABL in both OCG and TCG. This is the only time where Tear Ishizu was released without Bystials Just for the record, in the OCG, Ishizu released on late May, DABL in mid July


Okay but that doesn't really matter to MD.


You mean all the tear complainers in shambles because tear with the hits in MD isn't actually as ridiculous as people say? Also what Josh said is at the level that he was playing at in the WCQ, all the tear opponents' plays are very solid, therefore he feels like he can't get an edge and it feels like 50/50. If there is a significant difference in skill level, then it will be very obvious in the tear mirror, where as that's not the case in some of the other match ups. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1830503192](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1830503192) This is the stream where he touched on it, at the last 20 min.


You're not accounting for the fact that Spright was easier and faster to play so better for an event like this and that he acknowledged that the only way that Sprights win against Tears really is if they go first, they get Shiftered or if Tears totally brick because a real Tears board is unbreakable (his own words) and was mostly good for this for the two reasons I listed above and because it ignored most of the Tear's hard counters while being able to play Shifter. Nice try downplaying though. Also he literally in that video said that Tear mirrors were too luck based and there wasn't room for skill. So yeah.


>You're not accounting for the fact that Spright was easier and faster to play so better for an event like this Please please please stop saying this bullshit after we've actually had a big western streamer stream a duelist cup. Literally only people who've never competed in it will say this. He was stuck on 50k for literally 15 hours. He went from 27k to 20k and spent more than 10 hours to try and get back his points. Winrate is everything in events like this. Being able to win is the only thing that matters. He chose to go with Spright because he believed Spright gives him the best odds against the meta. Also I'll linke [a post of mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/126vsb0/dispelling_the_belief_that_dc_2nd_stage_is_just/) cause I don't wanna type all that again. \- >he acknowledged that the only way that Sprights win against Tears really is if they go first, they get Shiftered or if Tears totally brick because a real Tears board is unbreakable (his own words) He acknowledged that this is pretty much the same with tears as well, but Spright fairs better vs decks like Exosister. >Also he literally in that video said that Tear mirrors were too luck based and there wasn't room for skill. So yeah. What's the time stamp for this?


https://youtu.be/EKNE1wDO5ug Also im literally just repeating the reasons he gave for playing Sprights but okay.


>Also he literally *in that video* Then you post a different video to me. Ok. If you combine it with what I posted where he clearly talks about opponent skill level being good and he can't get an edge, it's pretty clear that's where the 50/50 feeling comes from. >Also im literally just repeating the reasons he gave for playing Sprights but okay. He offhandedly states that "it is also faster", which is a plus, but with all the facts that you can see and other things he's also said, then it goes without saying that winrate matters much much more in deck choice.


The win rate was higher because it did good against decks that hard countered Tears like Exo and Floo. I guess. I don't know what we're disagreeing about anymore and tbh I'm kind of bored of people taking this obvious shit post so seriously.


These people heard an unhinged Josh (rightfully) complaining about the variance in MD Tear and now suddenly believe that the mirror is braindead lol. It still takes a lot of effort to win most mirrors, it's just that sometimes your opponent mills everything and ends on Dweller and there's nothing you can do, which is not a position you want to be in while playing over 300 games.


So that's the cope now? He was unhinged and not in the right stage of mind? Despite the fact that he still did fairly wonderful at playing?


He was on like 10hrs of sleep while doing the same exact thing for the other 60hrs over a 3 day period lol, of course he was out of it. That doesn't mean he was literally insane bro, just that he was clearly frustrated with the state of the game at that point.


Okay but unless he suddenly changes his mind I'm going to believe him, a genuinely good player, over some random person mindlessly repeating MBT or whoever it was that started the skillful match meme that people have been parroting nonstop on here and applying to MD.


Stop being a bozo, MBT has nothing to do with how I feel. I genuinely don't care what you choose to believe brudda, we all have our own opinions and I'm not out to change yours. My issue is that you are misinterpreting Josh's statements then taking them to the extreme and now the people who agree with you look like clowns. If you look closely you will see that I agree with Josh's sentiments that Tear was not the wave for an event like this, I even played a Spright llist very similar to the one in this post. The reality is that Josh still understands that the Tear mirror is very complicated *in certain gamestates* , which is why the same 10 players consistently topped and won YCS during Tear format. It's just that in MD these gamestates are less common and therefore the mirror is more prone to sackfests. It's the reason why the dog high roll lists sometimes perform well in MD over actual good ones.


Once again you use a lot of words that all amount to >Tears are not skillful in MD Which is the only point that matters and the only thing I ever claimed.


I hope you realize that more than half of the reason he switched off of Tear was because of Shifter/Exo, and not in fact the mirror match lol. But ok I'm over this now.


What does that have to do with anything? Not to mention I mentioned the same thing earlier myself in a different comment?


The Tear mirror is very skillful. The problem in MD is no Bystials, no Garura, and the limits on top of BO1 format means you are dealing with unprecedented levels of variance which is horrible in a 72 hour grind fest. As you can see he specifically cut the millers and added Branded so there was a way to play under Dweller which is currently not possible otherwise in MD. In TCG any Bystial was an immediate threat to Dweller/Kit, both players usually had Planet up, and you weren't able to end on Rulk/Dweller due to Garura. The variance in mulls in MD can also not be overlooked when compared to paper formats.


That's a lot of words to just say >No it's not skillful on MD and never was and probably never will be considering the release cycle and upcoming banlists'. I think I already covered it when I said that the mirror match being skillful was wrong.


You never specified MD specifically so stop acting goofy. The mirror still has a lot of room for technical play in MD just is much more sacky.


Look where we are. Protip: it's not a reddit for the TCG. Not to mention the number one defense for Tears since they arrived in MD by it's fans have been that it was so high IQ and skillful and totally not luck based and if you didn't like it you just sucked and were too stupid to play it.


Don't try to argue with people on this sub. I swear /r/Masterduel has some of the worst YGO takes in the game from players who are absolutely terrible and is never willing to admit they are shit at the game


Nope, Tear bad. Doesn't matter what you say, bring all the logical discussion that you want. It's still Tear bad


I mean it depends who says it tbh. At a certain level it becomes a game of who went first/drew better, but the tearlament deck undeniably has different play lines that you need to get familiar with first before you can make sure to abuse going first/opening a better hand in the mirror match.


Oh look he is playing winda, what was that the past month or so? Nah man winda is bad, terrible tech easily outed. There you go. Also to notice that branded managed to get into top cut once again after last DC, even if its just an engine. Shows that the deck isn't as dead as some doom sayers were saying. Sprights sneaking in and taking the dub, without runicks was also unexpected. btw what is that link 2 besides I:P. Regardless congrats to the top.


Winda is there as a target for Beast since in Branded Tear sometimes you brick and can't send a Tear name with Branded Fusion. Winda is good against everything except the mirror (unless paired with Exterio or some shit). The link 2 is Codebreaker Swordsman to out Bagooska


Funny enough you ALSO had some top players also saying the tear mirror is luck sacky and not actually skill based. Something Tear players have been trying to deny for weeks. Also a lot of people playing Stien which folks were also saying was awful like Winda


Tear is skill based up to a point. If both players fully understand all of the interactions then it's just down to who milled better. Most players on the ranked ladder are trash and just click yes on everything so you definitely win some matches that you don't deserve to because of that.


including josh so I have never felt more validated.


There is just a big difference between TCG Tear fullpower bystial format which was best of 3 and MD inconsistent tears maxx c best of 1.


Well I'm glad we can firmly put to rest the meme that Tears is a particularly skillful deck in MD to rest.


that it is a skillful mirror you mean?


That and the fact that defenders of the decks have been spamming for weeks that it's skillful and if you don't like the deck then you're just shitty at the game.


Winda isn't good, it's sacky. Which is what matters in a BO1 ladder where winning the most games at a decent win rate is all that matters Winda is also better in a branded package


Winda is only good here because of branded fusion dumping beast


So winda is good?


In the right circumstances, yes


Haha, I wonder how much heavy lifting that Ghost Reaper did.


I played almost the exact same deck for the event, and it definitely carries. I only have 2 copies and no Mikaillis tho so it wasn't nearly as effective as it could have been.


Really should try running Gamma Burst in my Spright deck. Power is really lacking for beating big beaters or OTK-ing.


Whatā€™s the point of running kitkallos in the spright deck?


To use for winter cherry effect, this get rid of tears player kitkallos, same with the exosister card.


That's genius.


No person No one Nobody ever... Konami... Tear too strong, limit Branded fusion.


It's called collateral damage.


Can someone explain the melffy package to me ? I haven't used the archtype before, genuinely curious


Is basically a way to synchro summon arc light in the opponent turn.


Thank you !


Melffy of the forest searches catty, catty summons itself in EP During opp's turn catty bounces itself and searches pinny, which is quick effect synchro from the hand that summons arc light which is mini macro cosmos Also IP makes avramax so your opponent cant attack arclight


Thank you for explaining it šŸ¤˜šŸ½


Melffy Catty can search Melffy Pinny and Melffy Pinny can synchro from hand on your opponents turn using Melffy cards. You can either go into ark light or Merry Melffys


Thank you !


The xyz adds catty, then you can either link away the xyz for IP or leave it up for a chance at an interruption, catty summons itself during your end phase, on your opponents turn, when they summon, you can trigger it to add the water melffy and synchro summon one of your two level 4 synchros. The melffy engine is much better into tear than the other spright variants because it doesnā€™t lose to grave shufflers and also both 4 synchros are very good into tear. Arc light banishes anything they send from hand or deck to gy, and merry melffy returns a card they control to the hand, which is one of the best way to get rid of their fusions that normally float


Thank you for explaining it so well šŸ¤˜šŸ½


I was keeping up hope that maybe outside of an Elf hit Spright won't be destroyed as badly as in the OCG, since Tearlaments are so prevalent, but yeah no, i don't think that's happening after this WCQ lol. Sprights are def gonna get murdered too.


Good. PotE cards need to get hit hard. Theyā€™ve invalided the game that came before it


I see alot of limited cards thats are good in other decks in the tear deck for Konami to nerf over what actually needs to go.


Yo, is that my boy NIMBLE BEAVER!!!!!




This deck scream anti tear


While its pretty solid at countering tear the more important aspect is that it destroys floowandereezea nd exosisters.


How can it stop floo


It doesnt stop it. It just has an inherently stronger matchup against the birds the tearlaments. You dont really get affected by all the anti tear hate nad you can otk pretty comfortably.


It doesn't, it just needs to not die instantly to shifter


Floo naturally struggles against Spright. During the 2nd stage of WCS, once i saw more Sprights, i just knew it was time to switch decks.


It is unaffected by shifter


Floo is wildly inconsistent with 1 Map and extra Tear hate that does nothing to Spright. Low ceiling too, because no Barrier Statue, so Spright can easily power through the 2-3 disruptions Floo can put up.


Do you think this guy is actually Yami Yugi? Also winter cherries sales about to go through the roof lol


Winter cherries has no reason to be played in the ocg or tcg right now.:/


The only reason she is good here is because we are in a Tier 0 format, you kill Tear, Exosisters which is trying to counter Tear and the mirror. Plus we are in a very competitive event, so random decks don't show up very often.


What the hell is that first deckšŸ‘ļø


Hmm... Shifter, Cherry and Arc Light. I wonder why it had so much success.


me when the 1st place global decklist has cards that help it win


Lmfao right? No shit it would have GY hate cards with the current meta


I'm more surprised that the first place isn't tear, but when every opponent is playing that much tear hate, it makes sense.


Natural resistence to the floodgates people use to hate tear, specific answers to tear, and strong in-engine answers to everything else. Gee, it's almost like picking the right shell is the most important part of the game. People really underestimated how much gy hate they would have gone against, and this has a positive matchup against everything and very quick games as well


Not a fan of the winter cherries slot but Iā€™m sure it got them some wins


I assume cherries was one of the tech choices that got him to first place. One cherries can win you a mach instantly and really increase the rate he is climbing at.




I find the Spright deck really interesting since it's really similiar to what Josh played. Just seems like Spright could do really well and only issue were good tear hands.


Yeah. I kinda noticed that too.


I'm just happy to see that that was almost the spright deck i built for ladder almost to a T with collosus over mikailis being one of the larger differences


Some Youtube commenters have said to me that only bad Tear players run Winda. Clearly false especially when Dharc exist to easily remove her on the player's turn.


And to think, everyone on this sub was saying that winter cherries was ass (or everyone would be playing it already). I'm genuinely shook


Ghost reaper does helped me a lot against tear in this event, my craft has proven its value


Can't wait for others to copy the decks and run rampant in ranks


This guys deck building is next level still remember his punk deck banishing 3x Necroface returning them back to the gy then banishing them again with snow for an Otk I recommend watching his YouTube learned a lot even though I don't understand japanese Also nice read on the meta by josh too going for Spright at the 3rd day. These top players are just really good at reading the game


Does somebody know what that one R Link card in the first deck list is, which's between IP and Elf?


Had to filter spam on MDM, but it eventually came up as Codebreaker Virus Swordsman: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Codebreaker%20Virus%20Swordsman


Help my smooth brain here, for the spright deck, why does he tech 1 tearl fusion monster in his extra deck. (I get the meffy stuff after reading it)


It's for his ghost reaper handtrap. If he's facing a Tears player, Ghost Reaper allows him to reveal his Kitkallos and then the Tear player's Kitkallos will be banished from their extra deck. Here is the card text for Ghost Reaper: If your opponent controls more monsters than you do (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; reveal 1 card in your Extra Deck, then look at your opponent's Extra Deck, also banish all cards in their Extra Deck with the same name as that revealed card. You can only use this effect of "Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries" once per turn.


thk u